Love worth millions


I don't have time to check it now so if you find any mistakes ignore them.





Currently sitting in Jungsu’s office, Heechul cursed his luck. Not only Ji Hyo, suddenly decided that she wanted kids and a family and she chose him to be the one, making him to break up with her and letting him without an income, now he had to find a way to refuse to help his friend. He didn’t want to dance here anymore. Don’t get him wrong. There was nothing wrong with the club. It was probably the best in the country, visited only by the upper society and if he didn’t met Jungsu years ago he would probably be stuck having a lousy job. Thanks to Jungsu offering him a job as dancer here he managed to finish his studies and have something to eat too. This wasn’t a strip club, nor anything along that, like you may be inclined to think when you hear the word dancer. Jungsu’s establishment was extremely classy and selective. The club had shows every night, musicals, dance routines, a live band. He used to be one of the dancers, and sometimes singers. He acted in dozen of musicals and he was sure his fanclub was still active. He was a local star. What he hated was the lewd proposition he received. Despite Jungsu, not allowing people to harass his employees some still escaped his vigilant eye and got to speak with the performers. Heechul received some weird propositions from both men and women, people well known to the public eye, with families at home and pretending to be without stain on Tv. He never accepted, but their approaching gave Heechul the idea to take to advantage of the women stupid enough to believe his lies and willing to support him, as long he showed them a little interest. He hated what he became, but he knew that by being honest and hard working you didn’t get anywhere. You were just good enough for the powerful to step on you. He learned that the hard way, seeing his parents humiliated day after day by the ones that had more power than them and he swore that he was never going to bend to anyone’s will, this leading him to take advantage of those greedy enough to have him.

Sungmin was right. He could always obtain a good job that pays well enough for him to keep leading the same kind of life. But years living this way made him forget that there were other ways too. His friends didn’t approve with what he was doing and they never hid it. Sometimes he disliked it too, especially since the woman that he was currently using was a nice woman, like Ji Hyo. She genuinely loved him, and she didn’t seek him out with the intention of bragging to her girlfriends with the new exquisite acquisition she had on her arm.

“Jungsuu…” he whined. “I can’t.”

Jungsu rolled his eyes “Why not?”

“I don’t have anything ready. It’s been too long since the last time I’ve danced.”

“You can do one of your old performances, I’m sure you remember. Or you can improvise, you’re good at it.” Jungsu dismissed his excuses with flick of a hand.

“I don’t have anything to wear.” Heechul tried again.

“You can take something from your cousin.”

The younger man looked at the older like he lost his mind. “Have you seen my cousin’s ? I’ll look like a dressed poll if I wear something from him.”

Jungsu rolled his eyes. “Your cousin wears jeans 2-3 sizes smaller than he should, I’m sure something will fit. As for a shirt you can find something as well. Come on Heechul, you ran out of excuses. Just say yes.”

Heechul eyed the man behind the desk with distaste. “The things I do for you,” he huffed annoyed.

“Great!” the brown haired man beamed. “Go to your cousin’s cabin. He has the things you can wear ready.”

“Already?” Heechul gave him a suspicious look.

The older man smirked smugly. “I already texted him and told him to find you something to wear since I was sure you were going to say yes.”

“Ugh.” Heechul jumped up and stomped out of Jungsu’s office, slamming the door after him. The older man behind the desk chuckled at his friend outburst.





Heechul stormed into his cousin’s cabin muttering unflattering things about his hyung.

“Hyung!” Donghae jumped and hugged Heechul. “How are you?”

Heechul sighed. “Fine. Disappointed that things turned out like this with Ji Hyo. I was really enjoying our relationship. She was ok.”

“Why don’t you try and have a real relationship for a change?” Donghae asked him.

“We already talked about this Hae. Where are the clothes I’m going to wear?”

Donghae sighed seeing his cousin change the subject. Despite wanting to continue their discussion he knew that it was in vain. “On that chair, over there.” He pointed to a chair at the back of the room. “You’ll find make up on the table too.”

“Ok. Thanks.”

“I’ll leave you to change. I’m going to look for Sungmin hyung.” Hae said and walked out of his cabin.

Heechul sighed and started taking off his clothes. Despite being reluctant at first about performing again, now he was giddy and couldn’t wait to walk on stage again. He loved being on stage, performing, whether it was to sing, act or dance.

He grimaced when he started pulling on his cousin’s jeans. Damn, if he had trouble getting in those pants, how the hell his cousin succeeded pulling them on? He pulled on the shirt his cousin prepared for him, leaving three buttons undone. As for make-up he only applied a bit of eyeliner.

He spent the remaining time until he had to walk up the stage in his cousin’s cabin. The news that Heenim was performing again spread like wildfire between the performers and the guests. Ryeowook, Yesung and Cl, barged into the cabin as soon as they found out. Ryeowook even fed him the meal he originally prepared for the older, making the singer scowl at his roommate. Him and Cl exchanged some snarky comments, her mocking him and comparing him with the princess that had to kiss a frog to find her prince and suggested to start looking for a prince since he couldn’t find a princess, and him saying that he is considering her suggestion and asked her if he could kiss her to see if the story about kissing a frog and the frog turning into royalty was truth. Her answer was a suggestion that was anatomically impossible.

“Hyung, it’s time.” Donghae announced when he poked his head into the cabin.

“Ok.” Heechul threw his phone on the table and stood up, following his cousin out of the cabin, through the corridors leading towards the stage.

“Good luck!” his cousin patted his back when Heechul made his way up the stairs and on to the stage.

When the lights went off and the music started he forgot about his problems and let himself flow on the stage. He was performing one of his old routines and he was improvising when he couldn’t remember the moves. His moves were whether sharp and precise or slick and gracious. It didn’t seem like he was following the music, it looked more like the music was playing after the way he was moving.

After his performance ended he made a small bow to the audience which was clapping mesmerized, before walking off the stage.

“That was amazing!” Sungmin hugged him.

“Thanks. You and Donghae finished?” he asked the younger man.

“Yeah. Want to go home?”

“Yes. I’m exhausted.”

“Ok. Go change and I’ll look for your cousin.” Sungmin suggested and went into the crowd looking for a certain male.

Heechul made his way back into the empty corridors. He was really tired and the only thing that he wanted right now was to go home and slid into his comfy bed. He was so into his thoughts that he didn’t spotted the woman that was waiting for him until she grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

“I need to talk with you.” She eyed him from head to toe, a sly smirk on her face.

He rolled his eyes. He already knew what she wanted. A lot of the women that came here and saw the dancers wanted to hire them. They were confusing dancers with es. Just because they had money, they thought that they could buy anything.

“I’m not interested.” He replied coldly.

“You don’t even know what I want to talk with you,” she told him annoyed.

“Amaze me.” He raised an eyebrow at her.

“I have a job for you,” she told him.

“I’m not interested.” He told her once again and tried to walk past her.

“5 million dollars!” she shouted catching his attention.

He turned and looked at her surprised.  “I didn’t know you could be so desperate. You’re pretty enough. Can’t you get a man alone?”

“W-what?” she spluttered “you think I want to hire you to sleep with me?”

“What else?” he raised an eyebrow curious. It wasn’t the first time someone wanted to pay a huge amount of money to spend a night with him.

“I need you to make someone fall in love with you,” she told him

“Huh?” he gave her a confused look. Ok… this was a first. He usually received a lot of weird proposals, from both men and women, but something like this never.

He was intrigued and curious. He raised an eyebrow at her. “Illuminate me. What the hell are you talking about?”

The woman seemed offended by the way he talked with her but decided to swallow her pride and tell him. If she could convince him to take the job, all her problems would be resolved. He was the perfect man for the job, she knew it. He was extremely good looking and experienced enough for what she wanted him to do. She’s seen him around a few times, and every time he was with a different woman. There were rumors saying that he was staying with those women as long as they were supporting him and when they’ve wanted more he was moving to another. A little girl with no experience in life would be a small challenge for a versed man like him. When she saw him tonight on the stage she decided to act.

“The man I’m supposed to marry is seeing another girl, and I want you to make that girl fall in love with you and make her leave him,” she explained.

“If the man is cheating on you, why the hell do you still want to marry him?” he asked curious. He really couldn’t understand rich people.

“Well technically he’s not cheating on me. We’re not engaged yet. Our parents want us to marry but he refuses because of that girl.”

“Mhm… So you want me to make the girl break up with him and leave him heartbroken and then you step in the scene and comfort him.” He chuckled amused. And people told him that he was diabolical.

“So? Are you in?” she asked, a ray of hope sneaking in when she saw Heechul chuckle.

“I don’t know? I need to think and you to tell me more about the girl.”

The woman huffed annoyed and rummaged through her bag taking out a business card. “Here,” she handed the card to Heechul. “Think about it and give me a call when you decide. I’ll have the file about the girl ready. But hurry up or I’ll look for somebody else.” She turned around and left her heels clicking on the floor.

Heechul looked at the card in his hand. Goo Hara. If he was not mistaken she was the heiress of the Goo Corporation, the number one company in the field of cosmetics in Korea. Five million dollars were such a small offer from someone who was probably sleeping on money. If he was going to accept her offer he would make sure to ask for more.





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I'll start working on Another Chance at Love now and I'll update as soon as I finish.



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Chapter 8: I just love it do much!! Please please keep up with this, it's so gooood. SUJU is just LIFE, amd them whith Hyuna is LIFE ×2!!!
Chapter 8: Lmao XD
Really love donghae and sungmin character
so shameless XD
Chapter 8: Ahahahahaha omg I love Sungmin and Donghae here :DD So funny
Update soon~~~
Chapter 8: I was laughing all the way while reading this chapter. OMG. This is so funny.
Chapter 7: Even though Heechul had a mission but yet what he show Hyuna is the real him.
Dragonfly96 #6
Chapter 6: Wow!A kiss on the cheek-so sweet, <3!Love !
Stefani_98 #7
Chapter 6: the end was so cute <3 i love Hyuna so much ^_^
Chapter 5: Like the storyline ^^ Is there also going to be Eunhae or just the Heechul and Hyuna thing?
Update soon~~
Dragonfly96 #9
Chapter 5: You updated!Yay!XD
Rose_SWA #10
Chapter 4: Good story anyway update soon^^