Chapter 20 - Just for Clarification

Screw This Thing Called Love

She stared at the outline of his face. Imperfectly perfect, just as how she had remembered years ago during their sweet memories together. His mouth still tensed up while fast asleep as his soft hands found itself in the warm pits of his very own underarms. He was like a child, the very same one that often found himself joining in on Sooyoung's little nap escapades underneath their favorite willow tree of their high school back in the days. He still whistled in his sleep; soft breezes of breath escaping from his ruffled lips. Placing her two fingers, she lightly tapped it upon his mouth for a second and as it had done before in the past, he had soon returned into a silent sleeper.



"His body was collapsed not far from the SM building. I was heading over there to check up on you, when he just happened to be barely hanging on the sidewalk before falling down near the curb of the I brought him here."

"WHY DID'NT YOU TAKE HIM TO THE HOSPITAL?" Her voice cracked out as she wiped another fallen tear away from her eye.

Micky stared at her wide eyed and curious. He watched as she then quickly picked herself off the floor beside the bed and scrambled over to his side. He could have sworn seeing fumes of hot steam boiling out of her head.

“Micky Yoochun why aren’t you answering my question?!?! Why didn’t you bring him to the hospital? Wae…WAE?!”

The delicate small Summer that he always knew quickly drew out her curled fists and began to hit him ruthlessly.

“Wae.” *HIT* “Didn’t you” *HIT* “Bring Him” *HIT* “To a hospital?!” *HIT*

“Summer-YAHHHH, stop it can you just calm down for one second?” He grabs hold of her flailing arms, his grip tight around her thin wrists, but she continues to fight against him despite the obvious difference of strength between the two.

“Summer, just listen okay? He said he didn’t want to.”


“I tried to convince him, but he wouldn’t listen. In the few minutes in which he had even the slightest ability to lift his eyelids open, I pleaded for him to get checked out. Nothing would work.”

“Then you should have forced him to go Micky!!! If you found him fainted on the ground, there’s obviously a problem there. If you saw that he had barely the strength to even open those stupid eyes of his, then there’s a problem. You should have just dragged his scrawny stubborn to the hospital, because THERE’S OBVIOUSLY A PROBLEM!!”

She began hitting him once more across the chest as she shook her head back and forth, her long strands of hair whipping through the air.

“Summer….No, Sooyoung, listen to me. He refused to go. For some strange reason, he didn’t want to so just stop it.” He tried to stop her as he grabs hold of her, squeezing her tight.

“LET GO. I’m taking him to Soojin unnie since you can’t seem to do anything properly.”

“I tried that already. He had agreed to go for the most part since it’s not the hospital, but once we pulled up to Soojin’s place he immediately did a 180 and backed out in an instant. He said it would only cause problems and he didn’t want to be a burden. He couldn’t let that happen.”


“Summer…why do you even care…after everything that he put you through, isn’t he just---.”

“Because…because he’s a stupid fool who acts like a five year old even if he’s a grown adult. Because he’s that stubborn kid who won’t listen to you even if you screamed in his face. Because he’s so delusional that even when he’s beat down sick, he convinces himself that he’s invincible…that he’s 100% healthy. Because he always thinks about others and won’t take one damn second to think about his ing self in these types of situations.”


“because I…I still care. Just for clarication, I think I always did…” She whispers out while her body slowly dies down to a frozen state. She turns her head once more and her eyes fall down at Changmin's long body occupying her bed.

Her heart aches.



Shim Changmin loves baseball—from the smell of the stadium’s peanuts to the sound of the heavy ball hitting the edge of the bat, Shim Changmin loves it all. Ever since he was young, when his four limbs were barely in the stage of growing, he spent countless hours with his face glued to the television, watching matches of any team and every team. Naturally, he grew to love the sport with the pin striped uniforms and fitted caps, to the diamond field graced upon the parks of Seoul.

It was the bottom of the ninth with two outs. The light haired boy winded his wooden bat up and out while his two feet sunk deep into the field with his hazel eyes fixed on the pitcher’s form, trying his best to predict the opponent’s next throw.

Changmin smirked at his opponent, laughing inside his head upon seeing the other’s confident gaze that his team will indeed be winning. The guy obviously didn't know about the continuous praise surrounding him, but competition always fuelled his ability to play even better. Constantly throwing a perfect game with precise aim and professional-like technique, Changmin was sooner or later to fall off the pedestal of perfection…and that game was nothing better than the perfect time. He never would have guessed that the target where his fluke bad throw would end up hitting another person.

Striking the opponent’s left forearm, the other crashes down onto the field, all sense of feelings slowly drifting off to that of cruel tingles. Throbbing hard against his flesh from the tearing of ligaments, he buries his head into the ground groaning from the indescribable sensation taking over him. Briskly, he is taken away into a stretcher, off to the welcoming doors of the nearest hospital.


Shim Chnagmin stares blankly as the scene develops.

The game is called off until further notice, but one thing is for sure, it was the end of baseball for the lonesome figure that remained still on the field that once felt like home, instead now being the constant reminder of his cruelty that unfortunate time. 



Sitting emotionless on the white cotton sheets of the unoccupied cement-like bed, he stares out at the window. The glistening shine reflecting off the many stars against the black drop of the night sky brings memories back of the game ---the sound of the whimpering of a nameless opponent now receiving surgery rides guilt over Changmin’s conscience. He sees a nurse strolling by with the medicine cart and thoughts of overdose flood his mind, but then he sees something sparkle in the corner of his eyes. A pair of scissors lies coincidentally atop the clean surface of the side table. He reaches for it, his hands trembling as they draw it closer. Spreading the blades apart, he places them near his flesh, the cold steel against his warm skin travels to his brain. He feels the slight prick of sharpness already pressing on him despite the fact that he has yet to push deeper. He takes a deep breath before wanting to lash at himself with the scissors…just a small dashed line would do to ease his worries at the moment, just something to eliminate the guilt; to experience even a fragment of pain that’s comparable to the young boy he sent to the surgery room….just anything.



A female’s voice calls out as footsteps quickly entered into the room.


The sound of her cry shook his nerves, causing him to drop the scissors onto the floor.




“Who are you…”


“I should be asking you that question young fellow.”

She picked up the sharp object off the floor before sitting next to him. She was tall with fair white skin and chocolate long straight hair that hit her forearms. Donning white from head to toe, she filled her nurse uniform perfectly.


“Are you the new patient here?  Mr. Seunghyun is it?”

She asks him while flipping through the document files held tightly in her tiny arms.


He stares at her with blank eyes.


“Are you alright?”

“Is he ok? Is his surgery going smoothly?”

He quietly asks as he turns his head towards the plain white wall in the room.


She looks across at the other emptied bed.

“Oh, you're here regarding Kevin Lee…Well so far, there are no complications whatsoever. You don’t need to do anything to harm yourself because Kevin is in good hands, he’ll be done with surgery in no time. His company are all in the waiting room: floor 7, you can head over there and wait with—“


 “They wouldn’t want to see me.”

“I’m sorry, but can you tell me who exactly you are? Just for clarification…”


“I’m the one who put him on that stretcher,” he answers quietly again before walking out slowly, his figure lifelessly drifting away.


She shouts after him, but when she peeks her head out the room, he’s nowhere to be seen. Left and right, the hallways are clear ---nowhere.



2 hours later, she packs up her belongings and wraps her long hair neatly into a bun. Trying to avoid getting soaked from the rain that night, she quickly scrambles towards her car. Fiddling through her bag searching for the slight jingle of her keys, she sees a shadow for a split second behind her. Interestingly she’s not afraid, but rather concerned. Her mind floods back to the unknown boy just a few years younger than her whom she met a while ago. Immersed in a cloud of heavy thoughts, she sympathized for what seemed to be a confused guy with a fragile heart, ready to crack.


The flash of the bright lightning and the frightening roar of the thunder snapped her out of the trance as she squirmed her wet self inside.

Pulling out of the parking, she turns to the far end curb before spotting the shadow once more. This time, as she focuses her gaze at it longer, it doesn’t disappear into the distance.


There he was.

His pin striped uniform drenched from head to toe, he sits quietly staring with eyes hopelessly lost and hands gripped hard into a fist in his lap.


The amber red automobile pulls up slowly to the side of the curb. Rolling down her window she calls out to him calmly,

“Jeogiyo (excuse me)… Hello? Need a ride?”


He looks up and she gets enraptured in the painful aura emitting off of the guy.

“Aniyo,” he simply replies, his voice depressed, matching that of the gloomy weather.


As a nurse, she understands the complications that may arise from one staying out in the storm and finds that it’s her duty to help people remain healthy. So with that, she gets out of the car and lightly pulls him off the ground, guiding him towards the cozy dry escape in her amber coloured vehicle. As she does so, she can’t help by notice how frail he seems…how tired his eyes look.


She drives in circles around the area, she stares at him from the corner of her eyes every now and then, she tries to ask him questions…

But he responds with nothing---the car completely silent; aside from the droplets of rain hitting the windshield and the harsh sound of the frequent lighting.


It is only when the sound of his cell phone’s ring tone erupts that the silence is broken. He slowly picks it out from his back pocket. Miraculously it still happens to work perfectly. Staring at the screen for a long while, his arm flops down as if instantly going limp.


She takes a peep at the caller id continuously flashing and reads,



As she pulls to a red light, she stops to turn and look at the passenger beside her, his head turned half way facing that of the window. Dripping from head to toe with hair wisped messily in every direction, she sees the small drop falling down.

Neither the flashes of storm nor the red light reflecting down upon her won’t make her mistaken the teardrop that stains his left cheek with that of a raindrop from outside.


Although knowing him for only a brief period, only exchanging a few words, her heart aches at the pain that’s pouring out from the guy. She draws her free hand out and gently covers his cold hand that’s closest to hers.




“Just for clarification…my name is Soojin.”





Yeah, skl is KILLING in up my time and replacing my fanfic thoughts into everything medical...basically, PATIENCE is the key if you plan on sticking through with this. SORRY!

So~ hmm I think I'll start to slowly reveal their history of how they broke up bit by bit. Upon going into the next chapter I'll continue with the flashback scene then transfer back to where it leaves off in present time with the freakin tall dude in Sooyoung's bed LOL ^___^     ...& YES, Soojin = Sooyoung's sis.

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Chapter 27: please update soon
Chapter 27: When will Kyuhyun and victoria know that ChangSoo is the real deal? hahahaha
paige269 #4
Update soon
Chapter 27: Oh no. What will happen to ChangKyu now?? D:
Chapter 26: that message was important you playhead -_-" aish Kyu
Chapter 26: Kyu got Min's phone broken..... Ooooooh.
I also wonder what the message said cause it was obviously from Sooyoung, with her checking her phone. Victoria annoys me in some weird way, her crush on Min almost seems suffocating. Only time will tell when everything's ready to fall apart and everything's TOLD.