Chapter 14 - Drunken Nights

Screw This Thing Called Love

After the magical and abrupt disappearing act Changmin pulled, the two were left in an awkward poistion. Despite Kyuhyun's semi-drunken state after drowning one too many martinis, things between him and Victoria were simmering down to a halt for the time being.


"Did you know that I'm the at Starcraft?"

"Uhh..excuse me?"

"Esss-H-IT. Numero uno. Moi." He points drunkily at himself.

Cross that out, Kyuhyun was pretty smashed like good creamy mashed potatoes. He was gone...out of this world.

"It's been a while...where did Changmin go?"

"This way and that way."

Kyuhyun replies swinging his arms left and right until he basically starts twirling around in circles. Pirouetting one might say, like a beautiful ballet dancer up for the prime role in 'The Nutcracker".

"You know he's my brother. My mother is not his mother and his mother not my mother, but stil he's my brother. So my family is his family, but not entirely his family just him...since he's my brother and I am his."


With that, he falls straight onto the floor confidentally as if the hard tiles below are actually made of soft pillows.  

Vicoria sighs at the result of his collapse as she figured the alochol would eventually take its toll on the poor guy. She bends down and gently slaps the guy on the cheek, trying her best to wake him up, but it's no good. She starts to spurt out random Mandarin phrases hoping that maybe the language would cause him to surprisingly regain consciousness, but that too did nothing.

With the sense of defeat and the over bearing glares coming from the party go-ers across the club she tries to pick up the tall fellow to the best of her ability, semi dragging half of his body to the lounging area. As she does the heavy duty, she notices something quickly making it's way to the back. A duo of some sort pushing through the place with impressive speed. That's when she catches the side profiles of the one and only, Shim Changmin and Choi Sooyoung.


Victoria plops the heavy Kyuhyun down onto an available couch and quickly pulls out her cellphone from her clutch bag.


He answers with a straining voice. Despite the fact that it's still quite early, he prefers to wake up right when the first sunray kisses the horizon; hence, the reason why he often sleeps earlier than the norm.

"Can you please pick me up right now? I'm at Club 24/7. Please~"

"Are you alright? You don't sound too well."

"Neh, I'm fine...I just need you to pick me up right now."

"I'll be there in a jiffy."

He jumps out from his bed and heads towards the door in an instant, without a care in the world of the fact that he's dressed from head to toe in his PJs. The sound of her voice didn't sound normal nor did it sound like the story behind it all was a simple matter. But whatever it may be,  he knew that since she needed him, that's where he'd be.

Thanks to several rolling stops and 10km/h over the actaul speed limit, it takes the guy just a couple of mintues before he finally arrives. He catches her on the side of the curb, hair tossled messily with her head down and thumbs twitching. He guides her odd state carefully into his car and drives off.


"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Aniyo. I'd rather not to be honest..."


The drive is completely silent until he pulls up at her dorm.

"Ah, and did I ever say thanks?" She tries to be cheery for a split second, as if trying to hide the fact that she was indeed feeling the opposite.

"I believe not...maybe I should charge you a fare because of that." He plays along with her attempt to be happy.

"Well then,  komapsumnida"

"Neh, jal jja (good night) Vic."

"Jal jja Khun..."



Sooyoung walks past by the shuffle and bustle of the happy go lucky people in the club; freely dancing along to the music blasting through the speakers, while she on the other hand heard nothing...felt nothing. Her world was blank, like a sheet of of paper.

Needing a way to escape the odd feeling of emptiness, she decides to immerse herself back into the random conversations that easily were found with Yunho. Their randomness together she figured was the best way to forget about whatever it was that just occurred...the touch of his firm hand, the feel of his lips upon hers, she wanted desperately to forget it all.


After what seemed to be a decade, the tall girl finds a small available section on the couch. Falling heavily down, she slaps the guy on the shoulder.

"Yunho sunbaenim...please scold me for eating too much, for dancing a little too crazily than the rest, for making such animated facial expressions  during practice, just anything...tell me anything that would give me the same effect as getting drunk."

"I know youuu~"

The slurring voice is defintely not the same as she remembered. Since when was Yunho the type to get lost into a drunken facade? Last time she checked, he had the best tolerance for such, heck, the tall guy even seemed to dislike the taste of alcohol altogether. With such characteristics, one would think that he was even alergic to drinking.

Jung Yunho...truly an interesting fellow and that voice replying back to her was absolutely in no way her sunbae in training.


She turns her head swiftly only to be met with an unknown face starung back at her.

"Mianhaeyo. I thought you were my sunbae, but I guess I was mistaken. Now if you please excuse me..."

Idiot, should have checked before blabbering on.

Sooyoung picks herself off the couch scratching the top of her head messily and begins to trot away in embarassment, but something catches hold of her arm.


"Lehh-tss guh heome."

His head then falls slightly onto her forearm, brushing his cheek happily against the soft touch of her hand. It had the same comfortable feeling as that of a mother's, one in which you'd want by your side forever.

For a second Sooyoung wants to slap the drunken fool away from her. The alcohol wreaking through his clothing causes her head to feel light, and the creeper seems to be gaining some sort of sick satisfaction from her hand against his cheek. There's a slight part of her that even fears the thought that maybe any second now the drunken fool just might drool on her, but for some reason she drags her free hand and starts to pat the straight locks upon the top of his head.

She feels this odd sympathy towards the guy. On normal days she wouldn't give a damn. The probability of her coming across a sick drunken bastard at a club was better than 75% with a 100% chance of her shunning them all out, but today was different. It was just absolutely unsettling for her to leave the stranger there.

But was today really that different from the rest of the days? The answer was no, it wasn't.

But the truth was, he reminded her of someone...

Shim Changmin.



"Ah, excuse me...where do you live?"

Sooyoung awkwardly pokes the guy to her side who is draped onto the opposite side of the taxi window.

"Take a left. Then a right. Straight. U-turn at the other light. Past the school. Left. Behind the samgyeopsal restuarant. Right then left. Straight then SHAAAZAAM, there it shay-aalll beee~ for you and me, and me and you. Oh la la and you too mr taxi drive you. You look like my neighbor, he must be your brother that you never met. Like me, I just met my brother who's not my brother a whie ago...he has funny hair. You should see the fluff on that bad boy, expands out like a sponge. DUUDEEE, it's pretty darn someone stealing your Starcraft game scary!!"

She stares at him wide eyed, dumbfounded that for a second or two the guy made some sense. Although grateful that he was able to describe the directions to his place, she's slightly annoyed that during his split second of awareness he didn't decide on saying the address...


"Mianhaeyo..." She appologizes to the driver.

"Aniyo, it's alright. I was trained to pick up on directions quickly, if ever drunk customer would arise. We should be there in no time."


"It must be your first time going to his house then...your boyfriend's..."

"Bwoh?!?! Boyfriend?? ANIYOO ahjussi!!"

She flails her arm protesting his remark.


Boyfriend? She didn't even have one clue as to what his name was. She was getting misjudged...being the girlfriend of the drunken guy beside her. What did she do to deserve such a thing? Getting labeled as the "drunk man's girl"? Was it her fault that she was a kind citizen for tonight, taking the time to think about others? Dammit, she should get an award if anything...she thought.  

Caring for a stranger should definitely earn her some praise, but underneath it all, somewhere burried deep in the corners of her heart, wasn't her actions just about the same as a reflection in one way or another....caring for a guy named Shim Changmin?  

The little thought creeps into her mind, making her feel paralyzed for a second or two.


At the sudden curve to the left, the guy falls straight down onto her lap, his staightened hair falling down across his face. She jumps up from his collapse onto her and oddly hold her hands up in the sky, not knowing what to do with them.

Push him? Slap him?

What was the girl to do at a time like this?

Instead, she decides to do what all female characters would do in the sappy dramas and movies she had seen.

Slowly she places them down on the stranger. She carefully pulls back his hair away from his eyes. Such actions was all that she could think of at that moment and for some reason it didn't feel as awkward as she had thought it would initally be.

The driver sees the little moment from the front mirror and blushes at what seemed to be an intimate moment shared between two young fresh lovers. How good it is to be young and in love, he smiles.


Sooyoung doesn't notice it at all as she is still transfixed as to why her hands are seemingly doing what they are doing at the moment.

Maybe it was because the touch of his cotton dress shirt upon her hands made her float back to that one moment just minutes ago, making her remember Changmin. Her thoughts drift off to him, remembering the way they parted a while ago. Without any real final words, they said their silent farewells.

 Sooyoung remembers her past stubborn teenage love years ago who refused to part on such terms.

There was always a need for saying "saranghaeyo" or "anyeong", before any of them even dared going away from each other.

That time at the back narrow alleyway it was different. Scampering off back into the club, no other words were exchanged after. better not have been standing outside there...




A/N: Just to clear stuff, in case people didn't pick it up from reading...the drunk guy = KYU XP

& Yes, Khun as in Nickhun was just thrown in the mix...bwuaha

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Chapter 27: please update soon
Chapter 27: When will Kyuhyun and victoria know that ChangSoo is the real deal? hahahaha
paige269 #4
Update soon
Chapter 27: Oh no. What will happen to ChangKyu now?? D:
Chapter 26: that message was important you playhead -_-" aish Kyu
Chapter 26: Kyu got Min's phone broken..... Ooooooh.
I also wonder what the message said cause it was obviously from Sooyoung, with her checking her phone. Victoria annoys me in some weird way, her crush on Min almost seems suffocating. Only time will tell when everything's ready to fall apart and everything's TOLD.