Two Worlds Collide
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"Mei" I call and look at her. She is indeed beautiful. She has black,long,shiny hair. Her eyes are glowing red. No wonder the Wolves and Vampires believe her when she said she's from the Demon clan. And no wonder they fell for her. She's a true beauty.

She looks beautiful,but evil at the same time. You can feel her aura,or is it just me? She flash an evil smile towards me. I can really feel the evilness in her. It makes me shiver,how can they not feel this evil aura? Oh right,she's a witch. Who knows? Maybe she cast an evil spell on them.

Maybe that's why the King told them to not see her again. Maybe that's why they didn't approve their sons' relationship with her,because they know that she's a witch. And maybe that's why she killed the King and Queen,because she's afraid that the people might find out.

But they already did,but why did she cursed the Wolves and Vampires and took away all of their kind feelings?

"You must be Anna. The Heiress" she did a curtsey. She's trying to start a game with me.

"Why?" I ask


"Why did you kill my parents?" I ask through gritted teeth

"Oh,that wasn't me. That was my mother,but sadly she died because your ty father killed her.My mother killed your mother and your father got vicious and killed her,but before my mother died she killed your father first. My mother died slowly. She suffered"

"Well she deserve it" I smirk. She snaps her head towards me

"Well,indeed she does. She was never the perfect mother"

"Why did you kill the King and Queen?" I ask

"I see that you've spent your life on Earth for quite some time. Well,let me tell you a story"

"Long ago,when the King and Queen was still alive,this planet is full of happiness. But at that time

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I am truly sorry for not updating *bows* I'm on a holiday so maybe I'll update next week? Again,sorry!!!


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Chapter 62: Just finished this in one night! Oh who wouldn't want to marry 12 young, hot, handsome guys at once? ♡.♡
Thank you for your hardwork! Love the plot ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 62: I really loved this story... It's so sweet and cute.. And poor Jae.. I can totally understand how confused she is..
vitalimzz #3
Chapter 61: Omg! Hahaha Their Daughter will be confused when she grows up! Hahaha. But nevertheless it's a good story!
Chapter 62: Nice one.....
Kookie_chips #6
Chapter 7: Yes I like block b's very good bec of produce 101 ardor and able's trainees audition
Chapter 2: I just found this story intersting..so far i know one thins she is absolutely abnormal.

Then het biological father might die tu protect her
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 62: Great fic,yay for happy ending ^3^♥
se_xing #9
se_xing #10
Chapter 14: You really like cliffhanger eh :')