Two Worlds Collide
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"I like you" Baekhyun suddenly confess. What should I answer? As soon as he confessed I feel butterflies in my stomach. What if this feeling? Do I like him too?

"Anna,I know it's too early. I mean you just woke up and I suddenly confess. I won't ask you to like me back,I just want you to know how I feel" he starts to mumble

"......I just hope thi-" he stops talking when a laugh escape from my lips

"Why are you laughing?" he asks

"I didn't say anything and you started mumbling things" I laugh again. He looks so cute.

"How is that funny?"

"You must've like me very much that you're starting to mumble things. You look like an idiot" I laugh louder

"Idiot? How dare you" he look at me in disbelief before he grab me and started tickling me

"Baekhyun. Stop it!" I say in between my laughs. After he stopped,I glare at him.

"Awh,is this little princess angry?" he started teasing. He pinch my nose and started teasing me again. He was having fun teasing me when someone cough. Both of us turn to the side only to find Sehun standing there.

"Baekhyun,D.O is looking for you" he says

I smiled at him telling him to go. Sehun watch Baekhyun's figure leaving the garden before sitting next to me. At first,he didn't say anything.

"Do you want to go to the lake?" he asks

"Sure,that'll be nice" he offered his arm and I gladly took it.


After we reached the lake,it was quiet and calming. Every time I come hear it always help to calm me down. I suddenly remember someone. That little creature,Xi. I don't know what happen to Xi. I haven't see her for quite a while. I don't even know where she is now. Did she visit me while I was in coma?

Or did something bad happened to her? Oh,please no. Xi is the only friend I have. I don't want to lose her,please let her be safe. It stayed quiet until I suddenly heard something from the forest. Sehun must've heard it too,because he told me to stay here while he go check it out.

Something tells me that something bad is going to happen,but I don't know how bad it is. I hope that I'm wrong,I don't want anything bad to happen. Please no.

I am starting to feel uneasy when Sehun didn't return. So,in the end I decided to go after him. I heard those growling voices again and slowly follow it. Are the wolves here? I stop walking when I think I'm close enough to th

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I am truly sorry for not updating *bows* I'm on a holiday so maybe I'll update next week? Again,sorry!!!


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Chapter 62: Just finished this in one night! Oh who wouldn't want to marry 12 young, hot, handsome guys at once? ♡.♡
Thank you for your hardwork! Love the plot ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 62: I really loved this story... It's so sweet and cute.. And poor Jae.. I can totally understand how confused she is..
vitalimzz #3
Chapter 61: Omg! Hahaha Their Daughter will be confused when she grows up! Hahaha. But nevertheless it's a good story!
Chapter 62: Nice one.....
Kookie_chips #6
Chapter 7: Yes I like block b's very good bec of produce 101 ardor and able's trainees audition
Chapter 2: I just found this story intersting..so far i know one thins she is absolutely abnormal.

Then het biological father might die tu protect her
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 62: Great fic,yay for happy ending ^3^♥
se_xing #9
se_xing #10
Chapter 14: You really like cliffhanger eh :')