Two Worlds Collide
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White.Everything around me is white. Am I dead? Is this heaven? I look up front,there's nothing. Everything is just white. I look down to my feet. It looks like I'm standing on a route. I turn around only to see that the route I'm standing on is actually longer.

I'm not sure where it leads to,but might as well follow it. I can't think of anything and I don't feel anything.Everything is just blank and calm. After minutes of walking the route finally comes to an end. I am currently standing in front of a house.

I touch the door,but it suddenly opens on it's own. I step inside,at first,it was dark but then I start hearing voices. I slowly follow the voices only to lead me to a room. This house seems oddly familiar to me. The door to the room is opened a bit,I can see that there's a woman and a man talking on the bed,but I can't see their faces clearly.

I can hear that the woman is crying and the man is trying to comfort her. I don't know who they are,but I feel sad for them. This is really strange.

"No! I will not send our daughter away!" the woman yells

"Dear,we have to. It's for her safety." the man comforts her

"No...I want to protect her"

"You know we can't right? Our powers aren't strong enough to fight back"

"Then,where are sending her? Who will take care of her?"

"Earth. It's the safest place,we can trick one of the family on Earth so that they'll think Anna is their daughter" the man said. He said Anna,that caught my attention. I'm not sure if it's me,but I feel like that they're talking about me.

"What if the family abuse her?"

"I am sure they won't and if they do,I will come and get her back" the man says

"What if we're already dead?" the woman asks

"Let's just hope for the best" the man says and he lifts the baby into his arms

"Who would ever thought?

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I am truly sorry for not updating *bows* I'm on a holiday so maybe I'll update next week? Again,sorry!!!


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Chapter 62: Just finished this in one night! Oh who wouldn't want to marry 12 young, hot, handsome guys at once? ♡.♡
Thank you for your hardwork! Love the plot ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 62: I really loved this story... It's so sweet and cute.. And poor Jae.. I can totally understand how confused she is..
vitalimzz #3
Chapter 61: Omg! Hahaha Their Daughter will be confused when she grows up! Hahaha. But nevertheless it's a good story!
Chapter 62: Nice one.....
Kookie_chips #6
Chapter 7: Yes I like block b's very good bec of produce 101 ardor and able's trainees audition
Chapter 2: I just found this story intersting..so far i know one thins she is absolutely abnormal.

Then het biological father might die tu protect her
Lolypop123 #8
Chapter 62: Great fic,yay for happy ending ^3^♥
se_xing #9
se_xing #10
Chapter 14: You really like cliffhanger eh :')