
It's you, Lee Donghae


Siwon’s POV


I felt insecure. I needed Jessica more than anything. She was my everything from the moment I first laid eyes on her. I flipped through the magazine in my hand and came across an advertisement for wedding rings.




I sat at the dinner table with Jessica opposite me.


“Is that Donghae’s stuff over there?” I pointed to the corner. She nodded as she chewed on her food.


I nodded and kept quiet, chewing on my food.


“Why are you so quiet today?” Jessica asked.


“You’re quiet too.”


“Why are we so quiet today?” She asked.


I shrugged my shoulders.




I finished the washing up and caught up with Jessica who was watching TV.


I stood in front of the TV, attracting her negative attention.


“Siwon, move out the way or I will throw this cushion at you.” She threatened while moving her head left and right trying to get glances of the screen.


I turned around and turned it off, turning around I felt a cushion hit my face.


I stared at her, “Ouch. That hurt.” I said sarcastically. Of course that didn’t hurt, if she really wanted to hurt me she would have thrown her bottle of water at me.


She pulled a face and grabbed another cushion to hug.


I pulled out a red handkerchief and performed a short magic trick to her. She picked out the rose I had “magically” put out to her.


She looked in and it finally caught her eye. She pulled out the ring and looked at me.


I was quiet, I was too nervous to speak.


“I’m waiting…”


“For what?” I said without thinking.


She glared at me. “Fine. I’ll do it.”


She straightened up and fixed her hair with the ring in her right palm.


She took in a deep breath.


“Siwon, will you marry me?”


I was meant to ask her that, oh wait – was she waiting for me to say that? Damn! Choi Siwon! What is wrong with you? No wait, stop thinking and respond.


“Y-yes.” I nodded. The biggest smile I ever seen on Jessica’s face appeared; she pulled me in for a tight embrace. I couldn’t control the smile on my face; I was smiling so much my jaw was aching.


I unwillingly pulled away and took the ring out of her hand and put it on her left middle finger.


She was mine now.




Taeyeon’s POV


I woke up and sat up lazily, pulling up the blanket to cover my bare body. I looked to my side only not to see Donghae there. I smiled thinking about what happened yesterday. After he proposed to me we went inside to tell his mum the news and we had dinner that night, she left us alone and it lead to this.


“Stop smiling to yourself and get ready!” Donghae shouted at his popped out in front of me. He was all dressed with his hair fixed as well.


“What time is it?”


He looked at the clock beside me, “8am.”


I jumped out of the bed with the blanket wrapped around me and ran out the room to the bathroom. I’m so late. Changmin is going to kill me.




Donghae stopped the car outside the jewellery shop. Well, he did owe me a ring. He ran towards the car with a gift bag in one hand while checking his watch.


He got into the car and took out the velvet box. He took out the ring and put it onto my left middle ring.


I smiled, “Get driving.” I could feel my cheeks burning up. This was what I was waiting for. I captured his heart, I finally did it.




Jessica’s POV


I got to the office and made my way to where there was a crowd with a smile on my face.


“What’s going on?” I asked while pushing through them. I looked at Donghae and his girlfriend, hand in hand.


“Oh, Jess! You’re here! They’re getting married in 4 months! Finaaalllllllyyyyyyy!” Hyoyeon said.


The smile I had began fading. I looked at them again, and remembered the flashback that was going on yesterday morning.


“Congratulations,” I reluctantly said as I put out my right hand for a congratulating handshake to the both of them one by one.


“Thank you,” they both responded with a happy smile.


“Oh, your stuff from yesterday.” I said while handing over Donghae a bag of his things in.


“Oh!” Yoona exclaimed beside me. “What is this ring I see on your hand, Jessica? It wasn’t here the day before!” She picked up my left hand and showed off my ring. My smile returned to me, “My boyfriend proposed yesterday.” I laughed at the memory, I would have said I proposed but that was weird and embarrassing.


The attention was all on me and Donghae’s girlfriend put her hand out for a handshake. “Congratulations.”


“Thank you,” I said as Hyoyeon got over excited which resulted in getting pulled away by Minho.


“What is this? Why am I excluded?”


We all turned around to Changmin and laughed. “Donghae and Taeyeon are getting married, and so is Jessica!”


Changmin’s face became a frown. “But Taeyeon is mine.” Ah, so that was her name.


“No she’s not, she’s never been yours.” Donghae said as he put his arm around his girlfriend, Taeyeon. “I’ve requested a change in assistants, you have Jessica now – Taeyeon’s all mine. Sorry, er!” He continued before walking off to his office.


I frowned, he swapped me for Taeyeon? Why didn’t I know of this? In fact, when did this happen?


I snapped out of it when Changmin shook me and sat me down on the cold and empty chair in front of his office. “I’m busier than Donghae, but I work mainly overseas – so be prepared not to see your fiancé often. Oh, and you’re pretty up close. Much better eye candy than Taeyeon was.” He said before leaving for his room, I would have been bothered by his last sentence but I was more bothered by seeing Taeyeon in my seat.


I looked at the desk; all my personal belongings were on the desk. I sighed.




Donghae’s POV


I sat down at my desk and spun the chair around to look out the window. I closed my eyes. Was this the end?


I didn’t regret proposing to Taeyeon, but I felt guilty. The love I had for her was out of gratitude and nothing more. I needed Jessica out of my life as much as possible if I was going to continue this way. It was what Taeyeon deserved, and Jessica… she has Siwon. I shouldn’t let her getting married with him affect me.


I promised Taeyeon that I’d stop with my old habits of going out every night to the pub, to stop drinking and to avoid Jessica as much as I could.


But I can’t avoid Jessica from taking up my thoughts or still occupying my heart. But I know that unless I realise what’s good for me right now, I will regret when it’s gone because I know I will regret the day Taeyeon leaves me and being selfish, I don’t want her to go.




Jessica’s POV


I continued typing up the final draft for the new project that was going to take place in Paris. I rubbed my nape as I looked around; it was empty because it was lunch. I tried to peek through to Donghae’s office and saw him sitting there, working hard at his computer.


I sighed.


“Jessica, we have a flight to Paris next week Wednesday so don’t forget. It will be for around 6 or 7 weeks long.” Changmin said before patting my back.


“Why is it so long?”


“I don’t know either, but it’s better because we have more time to think!” He said before putting down a sandwich. “Have it, you haven’t had your lunch yet and there’s only 10 minutes left.”


I nodded before he left. I picked up the sandwich, I was pretty hungry. I stared at what was inside the sandwich.


There were 4 cucumbers laying there on top of the chicken. I groaned. I hate cucumbers. I scrunched my face up and put the sandwich aside. I’ll give it to Hyoyeon instead when she comes back or something.


I got up and took some of the sheets that needed photocopying with me and heading for the printer room.




I sat down on one of the chairs while waiting for the sheets to photocopy. I began thinking back on this morning when I saw Donghae walk in.


I got up from my seat. Moving away from him, I looked back at the photocopier. It had finished everything. I picked up my papers and clipped them in a folder.


It was awkward.


“Uhm, how come I suddenly became Changmin’s assistant?” I asked. I swear I didn’t mean for it to come out.


“I requested for Taeyeon this morning.”


“Why?” I asked again but he wouldn’t look at me and instead concentrated on what he was doing.


“Why?” I repeated.


“Because you annoy me and you disgust me.”


I furrowed my brows. How dare he say that? What the heck?


My hand made its way to his arm to yank him to face me. He looked me in my eye. I slapped him, hard.


“Fine, treat the person who helped you when you were ill yesterday. If it’s going to be this way, give me 420,000 won.”




“The hotel fees, petrol fees that my boyfriend wasted on driving an idiot like you, and the extra electricity in my house used for you.” I glared at him.


He pulled out his wallet and gave me 500,000 won.


“Keep the change, if it means you’ll stay out of my face.”


“LEE DONGHAE!” I shouted after him.


At least I was going to Paris instead of facing him soon.




A week later, Wednesday


“I’m going to miss you,” Siwon said as he hugged me tightly. We had been in this position for the past 3 minutes and till now, he wouldn’t budge.


“I will be back though, come on! Don’t be like this!” I said before he finally let go of me.


“If he,” He pointed to Changmin who was rolling his eyes the whole time, “does anything then call me.”


“Oh pft, I don’t think of Jessica in that way. She’s not my style.” Changmin said before looking at me up and down.


I glared at him. “Oh, thanks!” I said sarcastically.


I looked back at Siwon, “We’ve really got to get going. I’ll call you when I arrive and I’ll call as often as I could, alright?” I said before giving him a peck on the lips.




In Paris


“Jess, can you speak French?” Changmin asked as we walked out of the airport with our luggage.


“Uh, no… but I’m fluent in English if that helps.”


“Oh, well duh – I know you are and so am I. So! I bought an electronic dictionary with me! You have no idea how expensive this was.” He said before whipping out the electronic dictionary from his coat pocket.


I chuckled. “Let’s get to the hotel as soon as possible; I have a call to make.”


He made kissy faces, “I get you love him but sheesh – be nicer to the single man named Changmin.”


“I don’t want to.” I said before he smacked my head lightly.




5 weeks later


I toured around Paris with a tourist booklet in my hand and a camera in the other because it was my day off.


I took a seat on the closest bench and two strangers, who were talking in Korean sat beside me. I ignored them and watched the pigeons in front of me.


They started whispering, and it was obviously about me. It ticked me off.


“Excuse me; I don’t appreciate you talking about me in a language I understand so obviously.” I said, while taking in their appearances. The girl looked horribly familiar.


“She’s definitely Jessica,” The short girl stood up, and so did I.


“Is your name Jessica… Jung?” She asked.


“Why would I tell a stranger like you?”


“Just answer the damn question.” The boy beside her got up too as he spoke.


I nodded. “How do you know?”


The squealed and jumped up and down, high fiving each other. When they stopped, the both fought to hug me but the girl got there before the boy.


I pushed them both off. “I don’t know you.” I said seriously.


They frowned. “It’s us, Sunny… and Kyuhyun!” The short girl said.




“OK. Sunny, to begin with you – you’ve always been kind to me in your own ways. Although in the midst of our conversation’s you’d wonder off to complain to Kyuhyun about something he did, I won’t ever forget your adorable smile that lightens the mood... you don’t lack anywhere, maybe except for your temper and height but that’s not the point. Moving on!” I took a deep breath as the short but cute girls eyes got slightly teary.


“Eunhyuk, you were my first friend here and honestly I can’t thank you enough for being so friendly. I was mean to you at first, I was violent for a new friend… tugging your hair, pulling you and all… I’m sorry. I don’t mean it when I say you can’t dance, you’re a great dancer. You don’t lack anywhere much too, just maybe have some confidence in your gums – they aren’t your complex for damn sakes!”


I looked at a tall and serious looking girl who was just staring at me blankly, “I didn’t speak much to you Seohyun but you definitely one of the most beautiful girls I’ve seen-“ The short girl interrupted me in my words “Hey! What about me?”


“I said don’t interrupt me, and you’re one of them too.”


She smiled ear to ear.


I continued, “You’re smart and always helping me out in maths while I help you in English. Just so you know, if you need me for help when it comes to English – call me.”


I faced the last guy, “Now you… you definitely annoyed me a lot e but you also left a deep memory like the rest. You’re hilarious, and don’t listen to Sunny’s nonsense… your wittiness isn’t getting worse it’s just that Miss Kwon is improving a heck faster than you, catch up yo! She’s a smart lady, I tell you.”


I took a deep breath and breathed out. “To all of you, you are definitely some of the best people I met in my life. Just so you know.”


“Why are you doing this, Jessica?” The tall girl asked.


“No reason, I just wanted you to know but if you ever want to tell me how you feel about me… save it for next week!” I forced a laugh but they all laughed with me anyway.


“I gotta go; I can see Siwon waiting for me.” I put my head down and walked towards him.


As I got further, I could see they were still waving and looking at me with confused expressions. I stopped to say, “Remember! Don’t let anyone bring you down. It doesn’t matter what they say – because Jessica Jung says you are all the best. Don’t believe otherwise, unless it’s Sunny! Sunny speaks the truth! HAHAHAHAHA!” I then got into Siwon’s car and his driver drove off.


End of Flashback.


The scene replayed in my mind continuously and my head began to ache. I recognised the anchovy-lookalike from a previous flashback, the short girl and pale boy who were in front of me. Who were they? I felt light headed and began losing my balance, falling to the ground.




In Korea


Taeyeon’s POV


I gripped onto the envelope and knocked on Donghae’s bedroom wall. I don’t know whether I should be happy or not.


He opened the door for me and I walked inside.


“What’s wrong? You look worried, well – dim.” He said before sitting me down on his bed.


I looked at him and gave him the envelope. “I got a full body check up a week ago…”


He took the envelope and was going to open it but I stood up and took it from him. “Taeyeon, what’s wrong? Are you hiding something from me?” He asked.


“I’m 6 weeks pregnant.”

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yoonjunghae11 #1
Chapter 32: WOW.WHAT AN UNEXPECTED AND HAPPY ENDING !! ^^ YEAY :""""") .omg i just can't describe anything because your story was too amazing :') ,please make haesica story againnn ;;)
yoonjunghae11 #2
Chapter 30: The day you went away ~ aww :')
yoonjunghae11 #3
Chapter 29: Taeng omg. :o
yoonjunghae11 #4
Chapter 28: Rawrrrr the last paragraph makes me :') <//3
yoonjunghae11 #5
Chapter 27: Mess. X'D poor jess.
yoonjunghae11 #6
Chapter 26: This chapter omg xD xD xD
yoonjunghae11 #7
Chapter 24: Are you an indonesian authornim? Because you mentioned bali ,hehe^^
yoonjunghae11 #8
Chapter 20: Taeyeon is hiding a secret? Wow.
yoonjunghae11 #9
Chapter 18: Yeayyy eunhyuk is back ^^ ♥♥
yoonjunghae11 #10
Chapter 17: Ulelelele~ why it became like this :')