
Shut the up

*It's time*

Someone smirked and hide at the back of the bush ever since 5 pm in the evening.

He was waiting for a familiar figure he had been waiting for so long and he knew that today was finally the day he could complete his task.


The hour hand of the clock struck 9 and Solbi was walking back home with music blasting into her ear.

Again, she felt someone was following her and all she was able to think of was Kris.

*Not again?! He should really stop!*

Solbi felt annoyed and started walking with angry footsteps.

She cursed and cursed mentally until someone grabbed her from behind and pulled her.

Solbi struggled and screamed behind that person hand, she tried to take a look at thim but it was impossible because it was too dark. Moreover, he was with his mask.


Solbi stopped struggling a little and losen up a bit.


A moment later, she was dragged into a dark alley and she was thrown on top of some empty boxes.

Solbi winced as it hurts a lot and scratches on her arms could be seen.

The guy that pulled her into the dark alley, looked at her with intense eyes.

He pulled down his mask and smirked.


"What do you want from me?"

Solbi asked worrily as she was trying to back off from him slowly on the ground.

"From you? Yes, I want you."

Kai smirked again and the corner of his lips.

"Why are you like this?"

Solbi asked as she was really terrified.

"I am always like this, just that you didn't notice."

Kai replied and walked nearer to Solbi and squatted down to met her eyes level.



Solbi thought desperately and she was praying silently in her mind, hoping that Kris will turn out from the very next moment.

As if god heard her prayer.

Kris was hoping by he could see Solbi while walking around her neighbourhood.

Then he heard a familiar screamed and followed.

To his dismayed, it was none other than his first love, Hwang Solbi.

He quickly send a flying punch to Kai's face and a kick to his stomach, making him fell to the ground with a loud groaned.


Kai cursed and clenched both of his arms to his stomach.


Kris quickly grabbed Solbi's hand and pulled her away.

Both of them ran and ran until they were far from the dark alley.

They stopped at a middle of the road to catch their breathe with their hands still tightly hold on to each other.

Solbi stared at it, then Kris came into realization that they were still holding hands.

He quickly pulled away and rubbed his neck awkwardly with flushed face.


"Erm... hey... thanks."

Solbi said awkwardly and bite her lips while scratching her head.

"Y-you're welcome. Are you alright?"

Kris asked as he scanned up and down of Solbi.


"How can you say you are alright when there are scratches all around you?!"

Kris grabbed Solbi's arms and pointed for her to see.

Solbi pulled away and avoided looking Kris's serious eye.

"Wait for me over there."

Kris nodded his head towards the playgroud opposite.

Solbi nodded obediently and went over there.


She sat on the swing and started swinging slowly.

*If Kris wasn't there just now, I don't know what state I will be right now.....(

Solbi thought and sighed as she looked up the sky.

Sudddenly Kris came back with a packet of milk and a mini first aid kit.

"Drink this. You will feel calm."

Kris thought that maybe Solbi might be scared after experiencing such horrible things from Kai.

Solbi nodded and took the drink gladly with a smile to him.

*The first time she smile to me! I will mark this date!!!*

Kris then squatted down and started treating her injury, it wasn't really bad but it takes time for him to do it since he wasn't good at treating wounds.

After applying medication cream, he pasted band-aids on her scratches and looked at her.

Deeply, again.


Solbi answered with a red face.

"Not a big deal!"

Kris smile at her, but soon changed to a frown.


"See! I told you there are erts around and yet you didn't believe!"

Kris scolded at Solbi.

She knew that she was wrong, thus she didn't fight back.

All she did was just hanging her head down low, her face could tell that she was very guilty about it.

"Don't worry, I will ask about him tomorrow at school. Should I send you home now? I'm afraid he is still around."

Kris looked around to see if there was a sight of Kai.

Solbi nodded and Kris took her bag while they walked side by side each other, full of awkwardness.


"Why and how did you know I am there?"

Solbi asked as she wanted to break the cold wall between them and she was curious too.

"Well... I was walking around, hoping to see you. Then I heard a familiar soft scream."

Kris explained and she nodded her head with understanding.

"I think I should send you home every day from today onwards."

Kris added.

"Why? You don't have to.... I have my own legs to walk back home and I will be very careful."

"But your pretty legs couldn't protect you from just now."

Kris retorted and Solbi just sighed.

"Just let me okay?"

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I told you I like you and I will make you fall for me."

He spunned Solbi and looked seriously into her eyes.

"It may seems that you doesn't have any feelings for me, but afterwards you will fall over head heels for me."

He smirked.

"Will see then."

Solbi broke the eyes contact and walked back home fast with Kris following behind.

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Chapter 8: It's such an honor to have a sister who is Tiffany :****** i love her so much. But my bias in SNSD aka my number 1 bias in my biases list is Jessica :****

Tom Hiddleson ._. Her fianceé???!!!
Haha that's funny haha XD
Chapter 8: what the..?
Chapter 8: Halfway? :'< Omg!
Acha135 #4
Chapter 7: OMG!!! ^^
That part make me have Goosebumps
Can't wait 4 the next chap!!! ><
Chapter 7: Giahhhhhhh >.<
So cute
... Discontinued? Are you freaking kidding me?
Topwifeu #7
Chapter 5: OH it's getting intersting ! Joah joah
Chapter 5: Oh dear AoA
U really accepted my idea, did u?
Tks so much :)) <3

And Kai likes Solbi??? Wtf???
Things r getting more interesting :)
Update soon :)
Topwifeu #9
Chapter 4: Thankyou for continuing this fic , i hope u will be less busy with your studies soon to upload more FIGHTING!
Chapter 4: I hope that Solbi will fall for Kai and make Kris jeaulous :w :)

Just my opinion ^o^

And I love authors who make a double-update :x u know who am I talkin' 'bout right :) <3