The Meeting

Stalking Mr. Bubble Tea ♥_♥

-Third Person's POV-

It was an awkward meeting for the two of them. Neither of them expected the unexpected and both of them were wide-eyed. Sehun was still breathing heavily. He leaned against the wall for support as he slowly dropped down to the floor. As you can imagine, he was more tired than Ji Min expected. Ji Min heard mumbling sounds from our dear Sehun.


She was approaching him to have a closer look at the tired Sehun. She couldn't quite understand what he was saying so she went closer. Sehun suddenly lifted his head up causing  Ji Min to fall down  to the ground.


*Ouch! It hurts!*, Ji Min thought.


Sehun immediately made his way to Ji Min to help her up.


"Ahh...... Sorry about that.", Sehun said with still a hint of that heavy breathing awhile ago. He held out his hand. Ji Min hesitated for a bit but took it anyways.


"Ehh.. It's fi-i-ine.", she was stuttering like crazy. *He cares about me.*, she thought. She ducked her head down and kept a smile to herself.


"I'm Oh Sehun by the way. What's your ....", Sehun's words were cut short by the loud footsteps that were heard. 


*Don't tell me someone followed me here?!*,Sehun was panicking in his thoughts. A slight fear can be seen in his eyes. 


"Ah-ah.. Can you please help me, as in right now?",he was really talking fast. 


"Ma-aybe I-I can he-elp but I'm no-ot sure.", the last parts of her sentence became more of a whisper.


"Please hide me anywhere! And please make it fast!", his voice was rising.


*Hide? Hide you? I can never hide that handsome face of yours. *u* Snap out of it Ji Min! >< Now THINK. Ahhh.. Uh hmm.. THE CLOSET!*,these were the things that invaded Ji Min's mind.


"Can you hide in there?",she pointed at the closet were the brooms and mops were kept.


Sehun opened the closet and was shocked to see the cleaning materials that were inside of it.  *Seriously? Here? As in, in here? Ughh guess I have no choice.*, Sehun thought.


He obediently went inside the closet. The footsteps grew louder until someone entered the room.  It was a girl. *Was he hiding from her?*, Ji Min thought. The girl was the same as Sehun when he entered this room, T-I-R-E-D.  The girl suddenly asked Ji Min.


"Excuse me Miss but may I ask have you seen a FLOWER BOY enter this room?", she said with a wide smile.


"Firstly, may I know your name miss?", Ji Min asked.


"Shin Seo Young. Class 1-C.",she replied


"Sorry to say Seo Young ssi but I haven't seen anyone in here.", Ji Min politely said.


"Ahhh okay but thanks anyways. Please do tell me if you see the new flower boy 'Kay?", she smiled brightly at Ji Min.


"I will.", Ji Min said.


As she left the room, Ji Min was deep in thought of what she was going to do with Mr. Bubble Tea who was hiding in the closet.


*Do I let him out and tell him it's over? Or just knock and leave? What do I do? O.o*, Ji Min thought.


In the end, she decided to use the knock and leave choice. She didn't want him to know her identity so easily. She knocked at the doors of the closet and dashed out. 



-Sehun's POV-

What's taking them so long. I mean it's just a short conversation in telling that I'm not inside this room. It's kind of stuffy and not really clean in here. Someone knocked at the closet's doors so I decided to go out. I planned on thanking glasses-girl and what was weird was she's not here anymore. I didn't have the chance to ask her name and thank her properly. I guess I'll see her when I see her. 



(A/N: end of chapter~! Sehun nearly got to know our dear stalker's identity but she will not reveal it that easily. What are the next happenings to happen. Fin out on the next chapters. ^^ please do put your comments and suggestions to make this story better and I will try my best to deliver the best. :> I will try to update a chapter again since it's my birthday. XD Please do continue reading my story~ ^^)

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StarTravelMallow #1
Chapter 13: Please update soon!
I really like this story (especially since she likes photography just like me ^^)
Chapter 10: okay~ we'll wait for u~~~~~~~~~~~ <3 <3
sweetie_oppa28 #3
im a new reader

may i ask you something authornim?????
what is youngmin oppa doing here? this story is about sehun right so why youngmin is here? :-)
Chapter 9: Love it sooo mucchhh keep updating!! >~< xD
Huiyilalala #5
Chapter 9: Please update . Yeah ! My bias is in the story . YOUNGMIN . <3
143infinite #6
the cat is so cute!!!!

author-nim please satisfy me with your writing and for me its very detailed and I like it :)))))
HaaaeeeInnn #7
Chapter 5: Katagal! HAHAHAHAHA. Dali :DD
HaaaeeeInnn #8
iupdate mo na! HAHAHAHAHA.
Chapter 3: Love ur story!!! Update soon~~~~!! XD
kimmy_dh #10
Chapter 1: Love your storyy, update soon^^