8 ♦️ Knowing Each Other & Recital Breakdown

Drinking Coffee

Drinking Coffee ♦️

"What is your ideal type?" All of us looked at the person who just asked that question. "Haha. . ha. . Isn't that too straight forward, Yoongi hyung?" Seokjin, who was the one who felt embarrassed by Yoongi's question, asked the young lad with tiny beads of sweat forming on his forehead. 

Yoongi didn't show any signs of hesitation but showed determination. Hyuk and I looked at each other. As a matter of fact, this made me think.  What's my ideal type? I tapped my lower lip with my index finger as soon as I started thinking about my ideal type. Time ticked and tocked, indicating that it's not waiting for me. Surely I was wasting my time thinking about my ideal type.

Little did I know, Hyuk already answered Yoongi's question without hesitation. Hyuk is a such  chatterbox. Everyone was now waiting for my answer. I scratched my head and gave him an apologetic smile, "Sorry, Yoongi. . . But I don't have an ideal type. . Ehe." They, except Hyuk, all looked at me with a shocked expression. They couldn't believe that I don't have an ideal type. It's normal. . . . right?

Yoongi blinked his super cute almond-shaped eyes and squinted it with a confused expression plastered on his face. "You don't have an ideal type but Taehyung has an ideal type?" It can't be helped. I'm always busy with my schoolwork and with the Student Council. I barely even have time for myself! 

"I noticed that Hyuk is not surprised after hearing what ~~~~~ said." Namjoon stated the obvious. Hyuk shrugged his shoulders and he decided to explain why. "Its because she barely has time to think about her ideal type when a pile of schoolwork and some Student Council paperworks are on top of her study table and desk everyday. She doesn't even have the time to go to the salon and have some pampering."

Finally, everyone's curiosity died. "As expected from the famous ~~~~." Seokjin looked at me while nodding his head and his fingers on his chin. "M-me? Famous? Impossible." Waving my hands as a sign of denial, Jimin scoffed and said, "You're famous, ~~~~! You even have admirers at our school." He flashed me a cheeky smile, his eyes forming a half-cresent shape. 

Jeongguk, the quietest of the all, spoke up and asked, "Noona, are you meeting someone?" Everyone starts howling. Hyuk, along with Taehyung, Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok, smirks as soon as they heard Jeongguk's question. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I was taken aback, yes I was. 

"Hm. . . Meeting someone? Nope." I casually answered his question since I'm not really meeting someone right now. They're starting to doubt me. "You guys don't believe me?!" They shook their heads and Hoseok decided to speak up. "We don't believe you, ~~~~. What do you call the sweet caramel machiatto drink with Myungsoo? Ayyyyeeeee." He flashed me a teasing smile while shooting me with his index finger and thumbs up. 

Hoseok was wiggling his eyebrows in the process. "It's starting to get interesting, aye." Jimin said outloud, earning a nod of agreement from the boys. "We became friends, that's all. Nothing special." I affirmed it firmly. There's nothing to hide and it's not a big deal coincedentally meeting someone you know. How could they jump into conclusions or ideas?!

"Hm. . . Anyways, how old are you?" Namjoon asked, changing the topic before the others could make a big fuss about it. Finally, a normal question! "We're fifteen." Hyuk and I chorused. I don't know but sometimes I wonder if Hyuk and I were destined to be twins but was not born on the same second, minute, hour, and day. Jimin looked at Taehyung while Namjoon and Hoseok nodded.

"I'm fifteen too!" Jimin beamed with a happy aura. "When's your birthday?" Hyuk asked. "October 13." Hyuk and I looked at each other and thought, we're older than Taehyung, Jimin and Jeongguk. "How 'bout you guys?" Jimin returned a question after answering Hyuk. "July 5/July 6." Hyuk and I chorused once again. Yoongi couldn't hold it anymore, "Are you twins or what?" He blurted out.

"My mom and her mom are twins and we live under one roof." Hyuk casually answered with a big grin plastered on his face. It looked like they could not handle the information we bombarded to them. Sure it's a little bit shocking but one can decipher the informations in one go. . . Right?

"Wait. . . Who's older?" Jimin asked with his fingers fiddling on the hem of his shirt. "Him." Pointing a finger at Hyuk, they all nodded. Hoseok was about to ask something when Baekhyun Oppa came down with his boisterous voice echoing throughout their house. "~~~~~ baby! Let's go~!" Every single head turned to look at Baekhyun. Their eyes widened and gasped. 

"S-sunbae--" "Oh, hello guys." He greeted the young lads and flashed them a smile, his lips formed into a square shape. "You guys wouldn't mind if I take ~~~~~ with me?" The boys nodded their heads, hands respectfully pointed towards me. Standing up from my seat, Hyuk also stood up. "Hyung, can you drop me off?" He asked. Baekhyung Oppa looked at him and nodded, kind of suspicious of Hyuk's question.

"Well, bye guys. See you when I see you." I bid goodbye to Taehyung and his friends. "Bye. Take care." They all chorused as we went out of the house. "Where do you want me to drop you off Hyuk?" Baekhyun Oppa asked Hyuk, who was walking right beside me with an unusual aura surrounding him. Startled like a sheep, he scratched the back of his head and said, "I-I have some unfinished school works. I need to finish them by tonight or I'll start procastinating tomorrow if I don't start working on it."

He explained by stammering at the first word. I got a feeling that he's not telling the truth. Giving him looks wont do. I sighed deeply. Ting! I somehow remembered something. . . . "W-wait. . . do we have classes today?!" I frantically asked Hyuk, who was looking at me with a '._____________.'look on his face. "Didn't you receive any emails from the secretary?" His lips were puckered while asking me. I tilted my head and pulled my phone out.

Opening my inbox, refreshing the inbox for new emails, and finally, I saw the email that was sent by the secretary. 

To: *insert your email here*

From: *insert school initials here*_secretaymeex@something something


Dear students,

     I would like to inform you that the classes will be suspended tomorrow, *insert month and date*, until the end of the week, *insert the month and date here once more* due to some school matters that the President will be attending to and the school will be observed for the rest of the week. That's all and have a nice week.


                                                                     Truly Yours,

                                                    All of the Staff of *insert name

                                     of school here* and the President

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  END - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Closing my inbox application, I faced the two and said, "I feel like I'm forgetting something." Hyuk and Baekhyung Oppa looked at me with a big question mark on the side of his head. "Eh? What do you mean--" Before I knew it, I remembered that tomorrow is the day! I became stiff and the color of my face was drained, it was pale white. "H-hey! A-are you alright?" Baekhyun Oppa asked me with a concerned tone.
I mentally facepamed myself and uttered out some words, "T-tomorrow. . . . recital. . ." That's when Hyuk exclaimed. "Oh my. . . . You need to practice now!" Baekhyun looked at us with a clueless expression, an expression that is closely similar to a lost dog's face. I could not think properly. I don't know what to do. I've been slacking off for two days and I haven't practiced the piece. 
"Oh-- What are you guys standing here for?" Sanghyun Oppa, who just arrived but was not noticed, asked the three of us. I snapped out from my thoughts and looked at him with a helpless look. He looked at me then to Baekhyun Oppa. "What did you do to her, Baekhyun?" Baekyun looked at him, startled by his sudden accusations. "I-I didn't do anything to her!"
"Then what's wrong?" Sanghyun Oppa asked Hyuk, who was in the right state of mind. "Tomorrow is her big recital and she'll be dead meat is she mess things up." Sanghyun Oppa looked at Hyuk then back to me. "Let's send the two of you home. You need to practice, ~~~~~, and we'll be there to support you. C'mon." He slung an arm around my shoulder and led me to his car. Baekhyun Oppa and Hyuk trailed right behind. 
We got inside the car and Sanghyun Oppa drove off the second we got in. In about fifteen minutes, we arrived right in front of our house. I didn't think any further, I dashed right out and in to our house. Not being able to say "I'm home", I rushed to my Music Room and pulled out my Cosmic Latte Folder out from the drawer and placed it on the music rack.
I flipped the pages and stopped when I found the piece. I warmed my fingers up and stretched them before playing. My fingers become stiff whenever I don't warm them up and stretch them. I took a deep breath and looked at the music sheet. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath once more. My fingers starts pressing on the keys to every single note there is on the music sheet, K. 545 Mozart Piano Sonata No. 16 in C major, II Andante. 
I remembered back then when I was taught by my Piano teacher, I would be spanked or scolded every time I make a mistake. Ever since then I'm afraid to create a mistake. Let's say it's kind of a trauma. If ever I create a mistake, I'd be very disappointed on myself. Sure this piece is easy for other people but there's some things that are needed when playing this types of music piece.
I continued to press on the keys, concentrating, trying not to make any mistakes and pouring every single emotion or feeling that is needed by this music piece. 
Narrator's POV:
Sanghyun, Baekhyun, Hyuk, Lauren and Laura are seated at the living room. It was awfully silent, I say. Sanghyun had his legs crossed with a cup of tea on his right hand and its saucer on his left hand. Hyuk and Baekhyun just sat there, not moving their tea. Lauren and Laure sat beside each other, looking at the boys with a look that can't be described.
Sanghyun pulled his phone out and dialed Woohyun's number. Music filled the quiet house of the Lee's but it was softly audible for them to hear. That music piece was played for a gazillion times in the Lee Residence but even though it was played for the nth time, it was not boring to listen to. It was somewhat. . . calming. Hyuk would sway to the rhythm and melody. Baekhyun, who was rarely at the Lee Residence, was really amazed by his cousin's skill.
"Hello, Woohyun." Sanghyun greeted the person on the other side with a cheerful tone.
(Hello, Hyung. What can I do for you?) 
"Can you do me a favor?" He asked the young Nam, who excused himself from his vocal lessons just to answer his phone. They did become close for just a few hours since they somewhat clicked. 
(What's the favor?)
The young Nam is surely not informed or notified by what's happening. "Could go to ~~~~'s recital tomorrow? You can bring your friends or family if you want since I'd like ~~~~ to feel the support and love from the people she cares about." Sanghyun had a '(─▽─)~' look for a long time, which was starting to creep everybody out.
(I'd love too, hyung! But. . . is it okay for me and my family or my friends to go to her recital?)
Nam Woohyun was surely pleased and happy that he was invited by ~~~~'s cousin. He felt fuzzy on the inside after the invitation. "Ne~ne~ It's okay. The venue is quite big ya'know and don't worry, I'll call the venue's manager and have our seats reserved. It's going to be a special day for ~~~~ and it'd be memorable if her friends and her childhood best friend to be there." Sanghyun continued with his expression, who was totally creeping everybody out. Nobody knows why he's acting like that.
(I'll ask my friends if they could come, hyung. I'll text you later and hyung, can I ask you something?)
"Sure thing, Woohyun." Sanghyun is really fond of Woohyun but I'm not sure about him liking Myungsoo. After all, ~~~~ is like a little sister to him. His only little sister to be exact. He will not allow any boy or strange to touch or hurt her. Sanghyun, Baekhyun, Hyuk and Taehyung are really protective over her but ~~~~doesn't really notice it and Taehyung doesn't show it like his hyungs.
(How's ~~~~?)
Woohyun was certainly concerned about ~~~~. But sadly, he doesn't know why he's really worried over ~~~~. "~~~~'s fine, I guess. She's really pressured since she hasn't been able to practice for almost two days. She's really stressed out right now but she's playing her piece very smoothly. No mistakes."
(Phew, I'm glad to hear that. I'll talk to you later, hyung. I need to go back to my vocal lessons now.)
"Mhmm. Good Luck, Woohyun. See you tomorrow and don't forget to text me later. Bye."And with that he ended the call after hearing Woohyun's short reply. He puts his phone back to his pocket and faced ~~~~'s mother, Lauren, and asked, "Is ~~~~'s attire ready for her recital tomorrow?" He professionally asked her, like ~~~~'s manager to be exact! 
"Y-yes, Sanghyun. It's in her room." Lauren answered Sanghyun's questions with a nervous tone. Baekhyun and Hyuk just looked at him since they were too scared to speak up since Sanghyun was emitting an evil aura. "Her shoes?" He continued asking Lauren, who was startled by all of his questions and whatnots.
"It'll be delivered tonight--" "Tonight?! What time?" Sanghyun was now emitting a scary aura that scared his aunts. "It'll arrive here by six o'clock." Lauren said while scratching the side of her head. She was sweating really hard. To be honest, Sanghyun was scarier than their brother. He's the "epitome" of a scary person, said Hyuk and Baekhyun. 
"Is her bento ready to be cooked by tomorrow? Her snacks and all? The snacks for the staff, hmm?" He continued to bombard Lauren, who was now panicking. Laura, Hyuk and Baekhyun can't do anything about it since they're also scared. Meanwhile on the other side, Woohyun continued his vocal lessons until, "Hello?. . . . Mmm, I'm having my lessons with Woohyun. . . What?. . . Now?. . . . But--. . . . Okay, fine." His vocal teacher looked grim after ending the call with the person on the other hand.
"We'll be ending the lesson early, Woohyun. Something came up. My sister is giving birth right now and they need me to be there by now since they need me to get my sister's clothes." His teacher explained but he was cut-offed by Woohyun, who gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, it's okay. We can continue our lesson on our next meeting. And congratulations, teacher. Now run along, teacher, your sister needs you." The teacher left with a thankful heart and Woohyun was now left in his music room, alone.
He stood up and went downstairs to where his mother and father were staying. "Mom, Dad." He called out as soon as he got there. His parents looked up and gestured him to say what he wanted to say. "I got invited to ~~~~'s recital by her cousin and he said I can bring you and my friends. So, do you want to go?" Woohyun asked his parents and got an 'okay' from them without any hesitation.
He then left them before his mother can speak up. Pulling his phone out, he opened his KaTalk and messaged his friends.
To: Grampa Gyu, Dancing Machine Ya, Cutie Woo, Choding Yeol, Pretty Sungjong, Eru(L)
From: Namu
Hey guys, do you have plans tomorrow?
With less than a minute or two, he received replies from his friends. 

To: Namu
From: Grampa Gyu
I need to be at the Café tomorrow since Dad is going to watch me. Why?
To: Namu
From: Dancing Machine Ya
I have dance practice tomorrow and I'll be fetching my grandparents, why do you ask?
To: Namu
From: Cutie Woo
Hmm. . . Lemme see. . My mom asked me to make kimchi with her. Why? Do you want to help me with the kimchi?
To: Namu
From: Choding Yeol
I'm going on a date with my brother tomorrow, ehe. Aren't I a sweet brother? ^____^
To: Namu
From: Pretty Sungjong
Gonna buy lemon candies tomorrow, hyung. Why?
To: Namu
From: Eru
Why? I need to visit my mom tomorrow and help her with her shop.
Woohyun sighed and didn't even bother to reply their messages. He then texts Sanghyun that none of his friends were coming and it was only going to be him and his parents. Now, let's go back to the Lee Residence. Hyuk and Baekhyun were kneeling before Sanhyun. "How dare you interrupt me when I'm talking about ~~~~'s recital tomorrow?" His eyes showed a spark of anger. Baekhyun and Hyuk looked like they were going to cry any minute.
"We're really sorry, hyung! We're sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" They continuously apologized, bowing from time to time. "Everything better be okay by tomorrow. I'll call the venue and have our seats reserved by the front with the Nam Family and the Lee Family. Now--" Everyone was stopped when they heard the music stop. Everyone looked at each other then to the door of ~~~~'s music room. 
"Something must be wrong."

 Hi guys! Uhuhu, finally I've finished with the update.  I apologize for not being able to update last week. We didn't have any internet connection and we've been going to lots of places. We just got our internet back awhile ago and finally, I've finished the update. I'm really sorry for the long wait and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! ^____^ 

I just borrowed my brother's laptop. . . Ehe. ^__^''


Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this and have a nice summer! :D



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Acha135 #1
Chapter 9: Hi author-nim! It's been so long huh? ^^
Acha135 #2
Chapter 5: Awh... It's been like forever since you updated!!!
Acha135 #3
Chapter 4: Finally! An update!!! ^^
Acha135 #4
Chapter 2: Please gimme a bit of more detailed chapter...
Update soon!!!
Acha135 #5
Chapter 1: Tell me more!!! So far ur fanfic is good, (i mean the grammar and spelling) keep up the good work!!!