1 ♦️ The Beginning

Drinking Coffee

Drinking Coffee 

I monitored the hallways, looking at each section if the students are not going wild. The teachers are having their meeting right now so all Student Council members are in charged in watching over the students, making sure nothing will happen. Some students were just sitting, earphones plugged on their ears, some are talking with each other, others are just asleep. I was on my way to Class II - A when I heard a loud crash coming from their classroom. I hurried dashed towards the classroom and slid the door open. 

"What happened-- Hyuk?" I asked, looking at Hyuk's panicking face. There was a guy, who is Mr. Jung Daehyun, looking at the red haired guy beside him. "Mind explaining what's going on--" 

"May I call for the Studen Council members to come back here. Please continue your paper works. Thank you."

I lookee at the three and said, "This isn't over and. . Hyuk, come with me." I said, pulling Hyuk's wrist while going out of the room. I went to our classroom and got our bags and left. We went to the student council room and continued our work. We worked for 2 straight hours.

I looked at the window and it was getting cloudy. Hnng. . . I hope it won't rain or something. . . . I thought as I transferred my gaze back to my laptop. "Are you sure you'll stay here, ~~~~?" My secretary, Hyuk, asked while carrying his things. "I could stay--" "It's okay Hyukkie, I'll be alright. Just tell Imo that I might go home late later." I said while giving him a reassuring smile. "You're already making me worried ~~~~!" Hyuk whined while pouting. I chuckled and stood up. I walked towards him and placed an arm around his shoulder and said, "I'll be alright, Hyuk. Sungjong is still here, along with Jia, Gina, Minhyun and Ren." He sighed and said, "Fine but call me when you're already near, arasso?" I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

His ears turned red, making me giggle. "~~~~! Don't do that!" He whined while covering his red ears. The others started to laugh at Hyuk's cuteness. "I'll be going now!" Hyuk exclaimed, pouting. He hurriedly left the room, making us burst out laughing. "Aigoo. How cute of our Hyukkie." Gina wiped the tears on the side of her eyes. "Yeah. Anyways. Let's continue the work already." Ren said, making everyone transfer their attention back to their laptop. I went back to my sit and continued my work.

I know you guys are wondering why I kissed Hyuk. Hyuk is my cousin. A very close cousin. I'm living with them along with my Umma. Umma and his Umma are twin sisters. People mistakenly think that Hyuk and I are a couple but we're cousins. There is an epic fact about the two of us. Wanna know? We are just a day apart from each other. Crazy right? Anyways, back to reality. After 30 minutes, I finished my work while the others were still doing theirs. I looked at my watch and it was 4:25 in the afternoon. I started packing my things and said, "I'll be going now. See you guys tomorrow." They turned their gaze towards me and bid their farewell.

I left the Student Council with my bag hanging on my shoulder. I walked towards my locker and pulled out a novel, which was 'The fault in our stars' by John Green. I'm almost finished reading it. I placed it inside my bag and closed my locker. There were still a lot of students in the building. I bade goodbye to the students who would pass by until I arrived at the gate of the school.

I continued walking, enjoying the breeze but then the enjoyable breeze was replaced by raindrops. My eyes widened, making me run towards the bus stop. I stood under the shed, looking if I could find another place for me to hide under. I found a Cafe nearby, so I made a run for it.

I dashed towards the Cafe and hurriedly went inside the Cafe. The bells clinked as soon as I got in. I grabbed my handerchief and wiped it off my blazer. I looked up and was taken aback when I saw the Cafe nearly packed with lots of students. I looked around if there were vacant tables but there were no vacant tables! Eottokaji? I guess I'll be going home wet-- A waiter walked towards me and said, "Excuse Ma'am, if you're looking for a table. . ." He looks familiar. "I can lead you toone table." I turned to him and said, "Really? That would be nice. Can you lead me to it?" He nodded and gave me a sweet smile.

He lead me towards a table wherein there was a guy who was busy staring at the window. The waiter cleared his throat and said, "Yah Myungsoo-ah! Can someone sit here?" I was taken aback on how the waiter spoke to the guy. The guy turned his head, meeting with my eyes. His eyes then widen a little bit and turned to the waiter.
"Y-yeah." He stuttered while returning his gaze at the window. The waiter turned to me and smiled. I smiled back and sat down on the empty chair. He pulled out his notepad and gave me a menu. "What would you like to order, Madam?"  He asked. I looked at him and said, "I'll have a Caramel Macchiato." I said while smiling. He wrote it down on his notepad and asked, "Are there anything else you want to order?'' I looked at his nametag and it stated that his name is 'Sunggyu'. "The Caramel Macchiato is alright, Sunggyu-sshi. That's all." I said while smiling at him. He was taken aback but then smiled, "Your order will be coming right up before you know it." He left, leaving me with the guy.
I looked around the Cafe and it gave off a comfy feeling and a. . . "It also give off a calming feeling." I looked at the person who spoke and it was no other that the guy that was right in front of me. "Ne.." I softly said, making him transfer his gaze at me. I noticed that we were wearing the same uniform.
"You're from *insert school name here*, too?" He asked while smiling. I nodded my head and said, "No wonder you looked familiar." He chuckled and said, "I'm Kim Myungsoo from class III-A, by the way." He scratched the back of head sheepishly. I chuckled and said, "I'm Lee ~~~~ from class III-S." He held out a hand, making me shake my hand with his. 
"Wait, did you say you were from class III-S?" He asked, making me nod. "Aigoo, you're classmates with Woohyun hyung." He said, making me laugh at his 'Aigoo'. He looked at me, questioning why I laughed. "Hahaha, your 'aigoo' was just too cute." I said while smiling cheekily at him. He blushed, making me laugh again. "Y-yah!" He stuttered. I chuckled and looked at him. 
My gaze was then transferred to his cup. "You like Caramel Macchiato too?" I asked with a big smile plastered on my face. He nodded and said, "Mmm, I just don't know why people tend to ignore it and order something else." I nodded and said, "Yeah, Caramel Macchiato is very sweet that mysteriously pushes your stress away." 
My Caramel Macchiato arrived . I took a sip on my Caramel Macchiato and savored the taste on my tongue.  "So, how long have been liking Caramel Macchiato?" He asked, making me look up to him. "For 3 years and a half. How about you?" I said while putting my cup down. "For 3 years and a half also!" My eyes widen, making me grin widely. "Really?! That's so cool!" I beamed, making both of us laugh.  We talked and talked with each other until. . . 
"Wait, I remembered something. Sunggyu is one of the Flower Boys, am I right?" I asked while smiling. He chuckled and answered, "Yeah. He is." "But, why is he working here? Along with--" I was cut off-ed when a arm wrapped themselves on my shoulder. I looked at the person and it was no other than Woohyun.
"Hey there, seatmate!" He beamed with a greasy smile plastered on his face. I chuckled and pinched him, "Hey there, Waiter Seatmate." I teased, giving Woohyun a smirk. He removed his arms and gasped. He pouted and said, "I'm a hot waiter! Rigt Myunggie?" He turned to Myungsoo, who was stiffling a laugh. Woohyn started throwing tantrums, making the other waiters go to our table.
"Oh, look who we have here. The Flower Boys." I teased with a smile on my face. "It's Ms. President!" Dongwoo beamed, who I always see at school every morning. "Ms. Pres and our Flower Boy member, Myungsoo drinking Caramel Macchiato together. That's new." Sunggyu said, with a teasing smile plastered on his face along with the others who were also smiling teasingly.
"Guys!" Everyone started laughing at the red-faced Myungsoo. "Guys, we should stop before our Myunggie kills us." Sungjong, who seems to be the youngest, said. I chuckled until I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket. I pulled my phone out and saw Hyuk calling. I answered the call and said..
(YAH! Where are you? It's raining hard.)
"I know that. I'm here in a Cafe near our school. There's no need to worry!"
(I'm going there whether you like it or not! You better stay there.)
(No need. I'm going there now. *insert the sound of the starting engine of the car*)
"Fine. Have a safe trip then." Hyuk ended the call. Well, he is serious about fetching me. "Who called you?" Sungyeol asked, earning a smack from Sunggyu. "Don't ask such question.--" "Ani! It's okay. It's just Hyuk." I said, reassuring them that it was okay. "He is still overprotective." Woohyun said, he is the only one whi knows about my relationship with Hyuk. "Are the two of you going out?" Sungjong asked.
Woohyun and I looked at each other, laughing. "Yah, why are the two of you laughing?" Myungsoo asked. "Aniya, Hyuk and I aren't dating." I said, laughing with Woohyun. "They're--" "Sshh!" I stopped Woohyun before he spills out my secret. "Ara ara." He nodded and motioned that he was zipping his mouth. "Anyways, it was nice talking with 'ya, ~~~~! We'll get back to work before my Dad caughts us." Sunggyu said while leaving with the others. 
"Since we have been talking and we have lots of common interest. . . Friends?" He asked. I nodded my head and held out my hand. "Friends." He grabbed my hand and shook it. We started laughing until. . "Can I have your number?" He asked, making me laugh. He handed me his phone and I typed my number on his phone and gave it back to him. "It was nice talking and meeting with you." I said while smiling.
I looked out of the window and saw Hyuk's car. "I gotta go. Bye." I bid my farewell while standing up, with my bag on my shoulder. "I had fun talking with you." I said while giving him a smile. He nodded and waved his hand. I went out of the Cafe and dashed towards Hyuk's car and got in. "Heyo Hyukkie!"
"Yah, you're soaking up my baby!"
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Acha135 #1
Chapter 9: Hi author-nim! It's been so long huh? ^^
Acha135 #2
Chapter 5: Awh... It's been like forever since you updated!!!
Acha135 #3
Chapter 4: Finally! An update!!! ^^
Acha135 #4
Chapter 2: Please gimme a bit of more detailed chapter...
Update soon!!!
Acha135 #5
Chapter 1: Tell me more!!! So far ur fanfic is good, (i mean the grammar and spelling) keep up the good work!!!