6 ♦ A Commotion

Drinking Coffee

Drinking Coffee

My attention was now transferred to the person who just spoke up. "Sure, what is it Oppa?" It was no other than Sanghyun oppa. He gestured me to stand up. I stood up and walked towards him. "What is it, Oppa?" I asked him, looking up since he was tall and all. "We need to leave." He said in a firm tone. "Why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "I'll explain it to you in the car." He said as he grabbed my arm and turned to face the others. "We'll be back." He flashed a smile and started pulling me out of the venue. Woohyun was left dumbfounded but finally realized something. "H-hey! Where are you taking her?" Woohyun exclaimed as he stood up from his seat.

Everyone looked at Woohyun, who was now starting to panic. Sanghyun Oppa didn't think twice, he threw me into his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He then dashed towards the exit. As he was running, I was struggling to get out from his grip. "Put me down this instant, Lee Sanghyun!" Sanghyun Oppa just ignored me and continued running towards his car. I didn't know that he brought his car since I heard that they came here in Uncle Jun's car.

He opened the passenger's door and gently placed me down on the passenger seat. He then closed the door and went to the drivers seat. Sanghyun Oppa fastened his seatbelt and started the engine. I fixed myself while sitting up properly. "Where are we going, Oppa?" I asked as he stepped on the gas. We were now leaving the Nam Residence. Suddenly, I heard a voice. "Stop the car! Hey!" I looked back and it was Woohyun, who was running with the others behind his back. "Oppa, I think we should stop-" "No." I looked at Sanghyun Oppa with a big question  mark.

He then looks at me in the rear mirror then back to the road. "Mr. Nam is up to something and I don't want to risk any chances. So, I'm bringing you home." He said as he pressed on the gas more further. I looked back and saw Woohyun stop, his knees bent as he was catching up his breath. The others also stopped as they helped Woohyun.

"What do you mean?" I asked while looking back at Oppa. "Ask me later and I'll answer it. And besides, your mom left." Sanghyun Oppa says with a calm voice. "She left?!" I squeaked, making Sanghyun Oppa scrunch up his nose. "Yes, she did." He then answers back. "But why?" I asked, narrowing my eyes on him. "Just ask me later." Sanghyun stated with a serious look.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I pressed the answer button and answered, "Hello?" "~~~~-ah, where is Sanghyun hyung bringing you?" It was Hyuk. I sighed and glanced towards Sanghyun Oppa's direction. "Let's just text." I said, taking cautions- making sure that Sanghyun Oppa does not listen to our conversation. "Okay but you better state everything in detail." Hyuk sighed as he ended the call.

I then pressed on the message icon and started typing.


To: Hyukkie

From: ~~~~

Sanghyun Oppa told me that he felt like Mr. Nam is up to something and he doesn't want to risk any chances and now he's bringing me back home. He also told me that mom already left.


I pressed send and waited for Hyuk's reply. Suddenly, my phone rang once again. I looked at the caller ID and it was Woohyun. I answered it, "Woohyun-ah, I'm really sorry--" "~~~~, are you okay? Oh god, I'm worried sick. Where are you? Is Sanghyun hyung hurting you?" He continued to blabber until I spoke up. "Woohyun Oppa." He stopped once he heard the word 'Oppa'. "Woohyun, I'm alright. Don't be stressed out, Oppa. It's your birthday and Sanghyun Oppa won't do anything to hurt me. Just stay calm and enjoy your birthday, okay?" I said, calming his wits.

"Thank goodness. I'm glad that you're alright. Okay, I'll not worry myself but promise me that you'll meet me later." He said, sighing in relief. "I'll meet you where?" I asked while looking at the window. I then noticed that it was not the way home. "I'll text you the where." "Okay, uh, I'll talk to you later." "Sure. Bye" And with that he ended that call.

I looked at Sanghyun Oppa and said, "Where are we going? This is not the way--" "You'll be staying at our place." He said while looking at me through the rear view mirror. "What? Why?" I was bewildered by his decision. "Oh, I just felt like bringing you to our place." He shrugged, still focusing on the road. "But!-" "No buts. And besides, you mom said yes." He added, flashing a sly smirk.

"Why you--" Sanghyun Oppa then turned left, making me slide towards the door. "Hey! You did that on purpose!" I yelled, only to hear a chuckle from him. "Your fault." I sighed and crossed my arm. I leaned back on the back rest and puffed out my cheeks. "This is unfair. What did I do to earn this?" I whined, my eyebrows furrowed. Sanghyun Oppa just ignored me and continued to drive.


"That wasn't cool, Sanghyun." I could hear Baekhyun's loud voice. "Well, it isn't my fault that Mr. Andrew is up to something." Sanghyun Oppa's calm voice retorted. "Why you little-" "Hyung, you should calm down." I could hear Taehyung's voice and Baekhyun's struggle. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the four talking in the kitchen. I closed my eyes then peeked, so that they could not see me awake.

Taehyung is hugging Baekhyun, whose ears were smoking in anger, while Sanghyun is just leaning on the counter with a calm look. "You're such a pain in the !" Baekhyun barked, Sanghyun looking at him with a 'I-don't-care' look. "So?" He asked, making Baekhyun angrier. Taehyung was struggling at the back, trying to pull Baekhyun away from their eldest brother.

"H-hey guys, stop fighting." Taehyun said with a straight face. I always wondered if this cousin of mine is joking or not. "Look, I know that Mr. Andrew is up to something. I know that you noticed the atmosphere when our parents talked but you shouldn't have dragged ~~~~ out of their house." Hyuk, who was silent all this time, spoke up.

"He wasn't dragging ~~~~, he was carrying her like a sack of potatoes!" Baekhyun gritted his teeth while Taehyung stopped him from attacking on Sanghyun once again. "I know, I know. I was at fault but it's for the best. What do you think would happen if ~~~~stayed there while her mom left, who was on the verge of crying a while ago?" Sanghyun stated it so calmly but his eyes were already glaring at Baekhyun.

"She was about to cry?" Hyuk asked, his voice filled with concern. "Yes, she was. Didn't you notice it when she hurriedly dash out of the venue?" Sanghyun asked the boys with a questioning look. The three looked at each other then back to Sanghyun. They shook their head, indicating that they didn't see it. "You three are hopeless." Sanghyun sighed and then added, "If she was holding back her tears, there's a reason behind it. Why would she cry? What's the reason? Well, I'm sure about one thing."

"You don't mean?-" "Yes, it's about that person." Sanghyun said, making the three look at him with eyes wide open. Taehyun was in agape while Baekhyun and Hyuk had a troubled look plastered on their faces. "That's all for tonight. You two better go to bed and Hyuk you could sleep in Baekhyun's room." Sanghyun said after pushing himself of the counter. "Yes." The three chorused and obediently went upstairs.

When the three were gone, Sanghyun Oppa walked towards me and sat down on the available space in the couch. Yes, I was asleep here in the couch without any memory how I got here. "I know you're awake, ~~~~." He said, making me tense up. I slowly opened my eyes and gave him a sheepish smile. "H-hi." I said while avoiding his gaze.

He just sighed and gave me a small smile. "C'mon, I'll bring you to your room." He stands up while offering me a hand. I got up and accepted his hand. He pulled me up and placed an arm around my shoulder. We both went upstairs and went straight to a white door near a Ice colored door with black design on it. He opened the door and gestured me to go inside. "Your pajamas are still there and you can wash up there." He said while pointing at a door inside the room.

I nodded my head and went inside. He closed the door and now I'm all alone. I sat on my bed and sighed. I lay down and started thinking, What's happening? I was too busy thinking, not noticing that Hyuk went inside my room. "Hey, ~~~~." He said. I was startled by his voice, making me sit up straight. "Who's the- Oh, Hyuk." I sighed in relief. He sat down on my bed and said, "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I looked at him and laughed. He furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. And yes, you can sleep here with me." His face lit up and said, "Really?! Oh how I miss sleeping with you." He flashed me a big grin and crawled into my bed. He laid down near the wall and faced me. "You should go and wash up, ~~~~." I just sighed and jokingly rolled my eyes, "Fine." I walked towards the drawer and pulled out my pajamas. I went inside the bathroom and started washing up my face. I grabbed the clean towel on the towel rack and started wiping my face.

I pulled out a new toothbrush from the drawer and started brushing my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I started removing my clothes and wearing my pajamas. I went out of the bathroom, my folded clothes on the my right hand. I was welcomed by my dear cousin, Hyuk, who was already fast asleep. I chuckled and placed my clothes on top of the drawer.

I walked towards the bed and slipped myself inside the thick blanket. I snuggled close to Hyuk, who was ignoring my presence and continued sleeping. I gave him a peck on the cheeks and hugged his waist. I snuggled my face on his chest and fell in to a deep slumber. I didn't realize that I was forgetting something.


Sanghyun's POV:

"Hello." I answered ~~~~'s phone, which was ringing for the nth time. "~~~~ I heard that you're not in your--" I heard Woohyun's voice on the other line. "Oh, Woohyun. I apologize for the commotion I caused awhile ago. And yes, ~~~~ is in our place. Don't worry, she's already in her room, resting." I said while pouring hot tea on my cup.

"Oh, it's you..." He sighed and continued, "I'm glad that she's okay but you need to explain why you carried her on your shoulder like she's a sack of potatoes." I chuckled and answered, "Well, how about a cup of coffee tomorrow?"  There was a long pause but Woohyun finally spoke up, "Okay fine. Tomorrow then." I smiled in victory and said, "Well then, see you tomorrow. But before that, do you have classes tomorrow?" "Well, we actually don't have classes tomorrow since the president of our school has some matters to attend to and our school will be observed or something. I don't know, maybe ~~~~ knows about it."

"Hmm, okay. See you tomorrow then." "Yeah, see you." We said our goodbyes and I pressed the end button. I took a sip from my tea and went upstairs to check on ~~~~. I knocked on the door and waited for a response but then I didn't receive any so I opened the door and saw ~~~~ snuggled up near Hyuk. I just sighed and stared at the two. This two are like twins.

I closed the door and went to my room. I sat down on my swivel chair and started thinking about what happened. "He really is up to something. I'm sure of it." I muttered as I stared at the moon. Suddenly, my phone starts ringing; indicating that someone is calling me. I looked at the caller ID and it was my father. I swiped the answer button and answered.

"Hey, dad."

(What on earth did you do?)

"What I did? Nothing much. I just checked on ~~~~, who is now sleeping and I'm currently drinking tea."

(Not that! The one that you did awhile ago. The part where you created some commotion by carrying ~~~~ on your shoulder.)

"Oh, that one."


"I only did it for ~~~~. I wouldn't risk the chance. I know that Mr. Andrew is up to something." I calmly said.

I could hear my dad sigh heavily and said, "He's not up to something."

"Yes, he is. Why did aunt leave the venue with tears in her eyes, huh? There's only one reason and that's because of ~~~~'s father." I firmly stated, knowing that I'm right.

(Let's talk about this later.)

And with that, he ended the call with a sigh. I stretched my arms and crossed my legs. I looked at the time and it was already past nine. I got up and plopped my whole body on my fluffy white bed. I stared up in the ceiling and was in deep thought. Little did I know that I was slowly drifting off to dreamland.


(Back to Your POV)

I could feel the heat from the sun, which was beaming brightly. I scrunched up my nose and slowly opened my eyes. I was greeted by Hyuk's sleeping face. I stretched my arms and legs and got up. I went out of my room and went downstairs, only to be greeted by Uncle Jun. "Oh, good morning Uncle." I greeted him, startling him in the process. "Holy-- Oh, good morning to you too, ~~~~."

I flashed him and asked, "Where are the others, uncle?" He looked at me and returned a question, "Sanghyun and the boys?" I nodded. He then continued, "Sanghyun went to meet someone. Baekhyun and Taehyung are still fast asleep." I tilted my head and asked, "And did Sanghyun Oppa, by any chance, say the name of the person he's meeting?" Uncle Jun just shrugged and said, "He only said one word, cafe."


Hello everyone!

Oh my gosh. I thought I posted this chapter but it was on "Hide" for how many months! *facepalm*

Uhuhu, I apologize for this guysl. I'm sorry if I haven't been updating. I've been losing ideas for these past few days but don't worry, I'm working on the next chapter right now. I might post it later. :)

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I'm really sorry for not updating for a very long time.



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Acha135 #1
Chapter 9: Hi author-nim! It's been so long huh? ^^
Acha135 #2
Chapter 5: Awh... It's been like forever since you updated!!!
Acha135 #3
Chapter 4: Finally! An update!!! ^^
Acha135 #4
Chapter 2: Please gimme a bit of more detailed chapter...
Update soon!!!
Acha135 #5
Chapter 1: Tell me more!!! So far ur fanfic is good, (i mean the grammar and spelling) keep up the good work!!!