7 ♦️ Reassurance & Friends

Drinking Coffee

Drinking Coffee ♦️


"What would he do? It's not like he's doing some of his work in a cafe of whatnot." I blabbered while stuffing my mouth with Uncle's pancakes. "You do have a point and nom nom nom." Hyuk starts munching on the pancakes like he's never eaten a pancake. 

"Maybe he has works that are--" "ROAAAAR!" Taehyung's roar echoed throughout the whole house. It sure did echo since their house is pretty big for five people. We all looked at Taehyung, who was busy attacking his little fish shaped pancakes. 
"Anyways.... as I was saying maybe he has works that aren't even finished or maybe he's meeting someone." Now, that ringed the bell. "Oh shoot! I forgot to inform Woohyun--" I was cut offed by Hyuk. "Sssshhh. Now calm down, I called him last night and informed him that you're here in this beautiful house." He continued to press his index finger on my lips.
"Mind removing that dirty finger of yours?" I mumbled, trying my best to speak with his finger placed on my mouth. He then removes his index finger and gave me a flustered look. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 
"What do we do now?" I looked at them with a questioning look. Baekhyun leaned back on his chair and Hyuk was tapping his chin as he was thinking. Meanwhile, Taehyung continued to gobble up his fish shaped pancakes.
"This is you, ~~~~~." Taehyung showed me the fish shaped pancake. I smiled warmly at him and was about to say something when..... "Watch out, ~~~~~! A vicious monster is going to eat you! Nooooooooo!" And he starts attacking the fish shaped pancake named ~~~~.
Okay, there is something I forgot to tell you all. Taehyung is a little bit weird..... And I apologize for that. But I'm wondering why girls love him. I don't know what they see in my cousin but if I were them, I would stay away from him and just transfer to another school.
Sanghyun's POV :
I sat down near the window with a cup of tea on the table. I waited for Woohyun to arrive so I've decided to just read the news on my tab. I was so engrossed to the news that I didn't notice the man who was sitting right in front of me.
"U-uh. Sanghyun hyung?" "O-oh?" I was startled when someone spoke up. I lowered my tab and saw Woohyun right in front of me. "Sorry about that. I was engrossed with the news." 
"It's okay, hyung. Sooo, mind telling me why you carried ~~~~ like a sack of potatoes?" Woohyun asked while looking at me with eyes filled with curiosity. I sighed and explained, "Don't get mad at me, okay? Its just that, I felt that your father was up to something. I didn't want to risk any chances so I didn't think twice and I threw ~~~~ on my shoulder like a sack of potatoes."
"Wait, I kind of noticed something off yesterday." Woohyun looked at me like he knows something. "Dad was acting strange yesterday.... I would notice Mom glaring at Dad like he's done something wrong." 
"Woohyun," I softly called out, "can I, no, can we trust you?" Woohyun stared at me. "Of course, hyung, you can trust me." He answered with enthusiasm. "You've noticed something odd about your father and I've also noticed it too. When we were at the table with our parents, they asked your father where he, himself, and ~~~~ went but he hesitated. I didn't hear his answer but I saw Aunt Lauren leave the venue with tears in her eyes." 
"And you do know why? Or do you have any conclusion why?" I'm just making sure he's on the right page. I don't want the boy to just nod and not know what's happening. "Maybe because of a man?" He was unsure with his answer.
"A man that is?" I asked, looking for the right answer. He was now hesitating whether to say what's on his mind or not. "Wait, I don't want to assume that person who I'm thinking about is the reason but yesterday my mom talked to me about ~~~~'s father. And I think the man that could only do that to Aunt Lauren is ~~~~'s father." 
My eyes widened a bit. He got it right. "You're one smart kid." I stared at him, still surprised at his answer. "I got it right?!" He was now amazed by his answer. Who wouldn't be surprised if they got the answer correct?
"Yes you did, Woohyun." He stared at me and said, "I understand.... I guess you did the right thing, hyung." He flashed me a cute smile. Wait... What? Cute?! 
I chuckled and drank the tea. Woohyun and I chatted for a bit. I learned that he was ~~~~'s childhood best friend. Come to think of it, I remember seeing a little boy in ~~~~~'s photo album. I guess the little boy was Woohyun.
We talked for hours until I received a call....
(Where are you, Oppa?)
It's ~~~~~.
"I'm still here at the cafe." I answered her question.
(Who are you with? Don't tell me you have girlfriend?! GUUUYS! SANGHYUN OPPA HAS GIRLFRIEND!)
~~~~~ screamed from the other line. Woohyun looked at me, wondering why the person on the other line is screaming. "It's ~~~~." I mouthed. Woohyun just nodded like its a normal thing for him.
"No, I don't have a girlfriend and I'm with Woohyun right now."
(NO- wait, Woohyun? You're with Woohyun?! GUYS! FALSE ALARM, HE'S STILL SINGLE.)
I heaved a sigh and mentally gave myself a facepalm. I can't even believe that this girl is related to me. Well... I wouldn't be surprised anymore since I have two noisy little brothers. 
"What do you want ~~~~?" I asked, trying to stop the young lass from asking me more questions. Nonsense questions to be exact. I could hear ~~~~'s movements; from standing up, walking, running, patting and etc.! ~~~~ is different once you're close with her. If she's at school, doing Student Council stuff and school stuff to be exact, she's pretty much. . . quiet and boring. 
(Can you buy us. . . . some McDonalds?)
They all chorused. Facepalm. My brothers and my cousins are childish. I sighed and looked at Woohyun, who was holding his laughter. I sighed once again and said, "Fine. I'll buy you guys some McDonalds. Bye." I was about to press the end button when ~~~~ screamed from the other line.
(WAAAAAIIIIT! Let me talk to Woohyun!)
I thought I was going to be deaf when she screamed. I pulled the phone away from my ear and said, "Alright, alright. Woohyun, ~~~~ wants to talk to you." I passed my phone to Woohyun while rubbing my ear.Woohyun placed the phone on his left ear and said, "Hello?"
Woohyun's POV:
"Hello?" I waited for ~~~~ to speak up. I really don't know why but I felt relieved after talking to Sanghyun Hyung. Thousands of thoughts flooded my mind last night. Bad thoughts to be exact. Who wouldn't be worried over someone who's special to them? Well, if there is such person then. . . you're not normal. Just kidding.
(Woohyuuuun! I'm really really sorry about yesterday. How can I ever make it up to you?)
She sincerely apologized, making me smile. I chuckled and reassured her that it's okay. "~~~~~, it's okay. I''ve talked to Sanghyun hyung about it and don't worry, I'm not mad or anything. Well, we could go on a date after school. Just like before, we used to go to a cafe or an ice cream stall after school."
(Are you sure you're not mad or anything? Pheew, I thought you'd ignore me or something. And sure! I'll try--)
I cut her off, "Yes, I am sure ~~~~. And no, you're not going to try but you're going with me whether you like it or not. If you're going to ditch me, you're going to get a punishment from me." ~~~~ gasps, making me laugh at her. She's so cute. Wait-- what? She cute as a friend. . as a friend. . . yes, as a friend.
(W-what?! Y-you're not the boss of me, Nam Woohyun. A-and what punishment are you talking about?!)
~~~~ stammered. It's not like the punishment is something that could hurt her or whatnot. Well, you can say it could but a kiss wouldn't hurt! Maybe you can say its a tease or something. "Oh. . . okay then. . ." I sadly said, feeling rejected. "It's not like I'm going to eat you or anything. *Sigh* Oh well. . . I don't want to force you."

(U-uh. . . Okay fine! I’ll go with you whether I like it or not. I’ll just ask the Student Council Body if we have anything to do for the week. Now, don’t be sad!)


I looked at Sanghyun Hyung and he was busy with his tablet. Unfortunately I received a text message from my Mom, telling me that I need to go home since something urgent came up. “Yes! Anyways, I need to go now ~~~~. Mom just texted me that something urgent came up and they need me. I’ll see you at school then.”


(Oh. . . Okay. Take care and see you at school. Byee.)


“Bye.” I ended the call and gave it to Sanghyun Hyung. “Hyung, I need to go back now. Thank you for your time and I apologize for doubting you.” He looked at me and gave me a faint smile, “It’s okay and besides, it’s also my fault. I also want to thank you for sparing your time too. You take care now.”


I bade him goodbye and left the café. I guess I have a date with ~~~~ after school then.


Your POV:


I don’t know why but I feel really happy after talking to Woohyun. I'm just glad that he's not mad at me. I don't want to lose a friend, a childhood friend to be exact. The thought of Woohyun and I reconciling with each other makes my insides fuzzy. Wait. . . Fuzzy? Anyways, its already three in the afternoon. Hyuk and Taehyung were busy watching TV while Baekhyun oppa is busy singing upstairs. He said that they were going to make a cover or something of some group.

I lazily plopped my body beside Taehyung, who didn't mind me at all. I laid my head on his thigh and said, "Taehyuuung, I'm bored." He glanced at me then back to the television screen. He starts poking my cheeks, nose, lips, eyebrows and chin. I pinched the sides of his wrist and said, "Let's go outside or something." 

He glanced at me once again then back to the television screen. Taehyun pushed me off the couch and said, "Call Baekhyun. He's going to be our driver." I went upstairs, looking for Baekhyun's room. Finally, I found his room. I knocked on the door and pushed it open. "Oppaaaaaaa!--" I was brought to a stop when I saw him talking to his friends through face time. 

"Mmmm?" He asked, turning around to face me. I could feel my cheeks heat up when I saw the boys squinting their eyes, trying to identify the specie behind Baekhyun Oppa. I scratched the back of my head and asked, "Can we go outside or something?" He beckoned me to go near him and I obediently went towards him. He placed an arm on my shoulders, making me slouch down, and he faced at the camera. 

"Say hi guys! ~~~~~ is here." Baekhyun beamed with a big grin plastered on his face. I mentally facepalmed myself and looked at the camera. "Hi guys." I waved my hand at them and looked at the screen. "Hi ~~~~!" "Hi baby girl!" They all chorused, making me laugh at their silliness. "Baekhyun oppa, can we?" He turned his head towards my direction and sighed. 

"Alright, alright. You go wait downstairs and I'll be there in a jiffy." He pinched my cheeks, making me smile at him. "You're the best, Oppa!" I hugged him tightly and went downstairs. "You two better get ready." I told the two younglings with my phone and wallet on my right hand. They both turned to look at me and nodded. They looked at the television screen and ignored me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. My eyes scanned the whole fridge and a pororo bottle caught my attentions. It was filled with juice and I was really tempted to get it. I looked around and grabbed it. The bottle was surely used, the pororo print was starting to fade away and there was a sticker with a "DIS IZ MAH PROPURTEH, HANZ OFF. -V" on it.

Now I know who owns this bottle. I smirked and glanced towards Taehyung's direction. I closed the fridge and leaned on the marbled counter. "Het, Taehyung." He turned around and he looked at me with a shocked look. "Don't. You. Dare." He firmly stated, standing up. "Try me." I threatened him, opening the lid of the bottle. 

"I'm going to drink it." I playfully teased, making him run towards my direction. I was startled by his sudden actions, making me run away with the uncovered bottle. We ran in circles, circling the marbled counter. "GIVE ME BACK MY PORORO BOTTLE! IT WAS GIVEN BY A FANGIRL OF MINE AT SCHOOL!" He hysterically screamed, making me run a little bit faster. 

"~~~~~, STOOOOOP!" Taehyun screamed with his deep voice. I looked at him, terrified by his expression. I've never seen him like this. Little did I know, a little hump popped out from nowhere making me trip. The pororo bottle slipped right off my hand, spilling the juice when it landed on the other side of the house. 

I groaned in pain and was about to stand up when I saw Taehyung right beside me with an unreadable expression. "I-I'm sorry, Taehyung." I stammered while patting his back. He continued to do the face for almost three minutes. I grabbed a wet cloth and started wiping off the spilled juice on the floor. After wiping all of the spilled juice, I grabbed the pororo bottle and gave it to him.

"Here, I'm sorry for spilling all of your juice." I grabbed his hands and placed the pororo bottle in his hands. He pouted for a second but a big scary grin replaced the pout. He looked at me with his scary grin and was inching closer to me. I looked at him from head to toe and started scrambling away from him. 

I dashed towards the kitchen and placed the wet cloth on the sink and ran for my life. "GET BACK HERE!" He shouted once again with the pororo bottle in his hands. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted back, running towards the stairs. He was slowly getting closer, only a meter away from me. My eyes landed on Baekhyun Oppa's room. I dashed towards Baekhyun Oppa's room and barged right in.

I was about to close the door when Taehyung tried pushing it open. I let go of the door and went running towards Baekhyun Oppa, who was staring at us with a disappointed look. "Oppa! Taehyung is trying to attack me!" I hid right behind Baekhyun Oppa, not noticing the EXO oppas were still in Baekhyun Oppa's iPad screen.

"Taehyung." Baekhyun Oppa called out, stopping Taehyung right away. Taehyung stopped and glared at me. "Mind telling me why you're chasing ~~~~?" Baekhyun Oppa asked. Taehyung smiled and said, "She spilled the juice that was inside your pororo bottle, Hyung." I gasped and said, "I tripped when you were chasing me!" Baekhyun looked at me then back to Taehyung.

"Taehyung, that's your bottle." I could sense that Baekhyun Oppa is starting to get confused about his relationship with Taehyung. "And besides, that bottle of yours has a crack on it. You should change it and use another one. You have tons of bottles in the storage room." He explained, turning around to face me. "Now, now. I'll be downstairs in a minute. You and Taehyung should behave."

I nodded my head and glared at Taehyung, who was sadly looking at his bottle, and pulled him out of Baekhyun Oppa's room. We went downstairs, only to see Hyuk playing some game in his phone. "Taehyung, a guy named Yoongi called and said that they'll be coming here after ten minutes." He informed the clueless lad, making me look at Hyuk.

"What? Yoongi? Huh?" I, too, was clueless about what Hyuk just said. "How many minutes have passed?" Taehyung asked with a monotoned voice. I shrugged it off and looked at Hyuk. He raised both of his hands and raised eight fingers up. Taehyung starts to panic, pacing back and forth. Mumbling inaudible stuff, he then faced me. 

"I need you to change clothes." Taehyun placed both of his hands on my shoulders. I looked at him weirdly and said, "You do know that I only have a few clothes here in your house, right? And besides, this is the only clothing that Sanghyun Oppa placed on the bed that I was using." He looked at me in agape. Thousands of thoughts starts flooding his mind and I don't know a single thing about it.

From head to toe, he starts scanning me if my clothes were appropriate for his friends to see or if it wasn't. He was about to speak up when the doorbell rang. He screamed in surprise, making me think that he's not really related to us. He starts to push me towards Hyuk until I fell right beside Hyuk, startling him.

"Are you okay, ~~~~?!" Hyuk worriedly asked me, helping me up and making me sit right beside him. "I am, thanks. I don't know why but I'm starting to have little voices in my head saying that Taehyun is not related to us, he's from another planet or whatnot." Sighing won't help me cure theyoung lad but Hyuk and I stared at him.

"Hmm, your clothes are okay though. I wonder why he scanned you from head to toe." Hyuk scratched his head. I looked at my clothes and I agree with Hyuk. A plain white v-neck shirt and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with some batman socks. Taehyung frantically fixed his clothes and hair and opened the door for his friends to come in.

"Welcome to my house, guys!" He greeted them with his rectangular smile and they went inside, removing their shoes in the process. Taehyun led them here in the living room, making some of them widen their eyes. "H-hi?" Hyuk and I greeted them in unison. "Oh! I want you guys to meet my cousins, ~~~~~ and Hyuk. I know that you know them but you're welcome. I prefer Hyuk more than ~~~~~ since she--" 

"Won't you introduce us to them, Tae?" A boy with a manly broad shoulders asked him. "Oh, I forgot. ~~~~. . ." He paused, glaring at me," Hyuk. . " He gave him a sweet smile which irritated me a little bit, "I want you guys to meet my friends. From left to right, this is Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin and Jeongguk." 

"It's nice to meet you, guys. And I apologize for Taehyung's. . . . uh. . . for. . his weirdness." I couldn't even finish my sentence without looking at Taehyung. "It's nice to meet you, guys." Hyuk followed and bowed, making me and the others bow. "It's really an honor to meet you in person Hyuk, ~~~~~." Jimin shook my hand then he shook Hyuk.

The others followed, they shook our hands, fist bumped and stuff. We all sat down on the couch and silence took over. Taehyun was smiling from ear to ear while we all smiled awkwardly. "Guys, you can ask them any questions." They looked at us and we nodded, indicating that they could ask us some questions. 


"What is your ideal type?" 


Hi guys!

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll try updating tomorrow if ever I could brainstorm some ideas. 

Hm. . . I guess that's all? Anyways, Enjoy! :)



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Acha135 #1
Chapter 9: Hi author-nim! It's been so long huh? ^^
Acha135 #2
Chapter 5: Awh... It's been like forever since you updated!!!
Acha135 #3
Chapter 4: Finally! An update!!! ^^
Acha135 #4
Chapter 2: Please gimme a bit of more detailed chapter...
Update soon!!!
Acha135 #5
Chapter 1: Tell me more!!! So far ur fanfic is good, (i mean the grammar and spelling) keep up the good work!!!