4 ♦ Transformation

Drinking Coffee

 Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm sorry if I haven't updated for such a long time. I got the 'Author's Block', wherein I can't think of ideas for the story and I had a hectic schedule because of the school activities I have. So, I'm going to repay you guys for not being able to update with this chapter. And it's already summer vacation for us, so I'll try updating from time to time. :) I hope you guys understand. xoxo

Drinking Coffee

I looked at the building right in front of me. Why am I here?, I thought as I gave the three young men,who were  snickering at me, an icy glare. "Why am I here in front of this building?" I hissed, only to be answered by an innocent look from them. I was going to turn my back at them and leave but they grabbed my arm and brought me inside the building. A salon-slash-boutique like building. 

When we were already inside the building, a middle-aged lady walked towards us and said, "You must be the Lee's." She showed us a toothy smile, her eyes smiling at us every time she smiled. The three nodded while I just stared at the floor. I don't know why I'm here or whatnot. When I turned my head on the side, the lady turned to me and our eyes met. 

I was frozen on my spot, looking away. "And you must be the one." She said, making me look at her. "T-the one?" I stammered while pointing a finger at myself. She ignored my question and grabbed my wrist, dragging me towards a room filled with beautiful dresses. But sadly, I rarely wear dresses. "Ohoho, this is going to be fun." I heard Baekhyun chuckle. "I better call the guys." Baekhyun added, making me look back and glare at him.

He ignored my glare and left the room with his phone on his left ear. The lady then pushed me inside a dressing room. "Just sit there and wait!" The middle-aged lady enthusiastically exclaimed from the other side, making me sigh. I sat down on the fancy chair, looking around the small, box-like dressing room. "This is going to be an interesting day. ." I whispered, heaving a loud sigh. 

"Don't sigh! You'll get white hair if you're stressed!" I ignored Taehyung's remark and pursed my lips. "You guys made it!" I heard Baekhyun Oppa exclaim, making me furrow my eyebrows. "Hey Baek! So, where's our little princess?" A familiar voice asked. I shut my eyes closed and prayed to God that this day will end already.

"She's inside that dressing room." Baekhyun said, pointing a finger the door of the dressing room with his finger. "Yah!" I yelled in irritation, my eyebrows meeting. I was about to get up from my seat and escape when my the door of the fitting room went open.

The lady shoved tons of elegant outfits and shoes. Because of the force, I was pushed back to my seat, making me sit down. The lady just smiled at me and closed the door. "You better try them on, then come out!" The lady yelled, knocking on the dressing room door. 

I stared at the clothes, my eyes narrowing at how elegant and girly the clothes are. "YAH ! YOU BETTER RESPONSE!" The lady yelled after knocking on the dressing room door. "Yea! I'll start changing." I shouted back while putting the clothes on the cushioned stool. I started trying on the dresses, one by one. I went out after trying every single dress.

After a while, a certain dress caught my attention. I grabbed it and stared at it for a moment. This one. 



I did not need to think twice since I knew this was the one. I stripped off the current dress I'm wearing and changed into the dress I liked. The dress flowed gracefully and it fitted my petite body perfectly. I looked at the mirror, only to see my reflection. "Oh my gosh. . . I look great!" I mentally gave myself a compliment. "Palliwa! We're getting tired over here." Hyuk complained while knocking on the door.

Wait! I'm going out already." I reasoned out, pushing the dressing room door open. I walked towards the center and spun around. "How do I look?" I asked them with a smile plastered on my face. They stared at me in agape. The others gave me a thumbs up while Taehyung and Hyuk attacked me with a big big hug. "Where have you been?!" Taehyung dramatically cling on to me, rubbing his cheeks on my cheeks.

"You guys are so childish." Baekhyun pulled Hyuk and Taehyung away and smiled at me. "Look at you. All girly and stuff." He said with a naughty smile. "Time for the make-up and hairstyle!" He pulled me towards a swivel chair and sat me down. "Wait. . . I thought we would go to some salon then here?" I asked, confused with the sequence of plans.

"Oops. I gave out a wrong information." Taehyung sheepishly smiled at me and took a seat right beside me. I rolled my eyes and grunted. "Enough with the chitchat and boys you should wait in the waiting area" She then turned to me and said, "I shall now start with your hair then after that I'll do your make-up." The middle-aged lady said; preparing every single thing that are used for the hair like straighteners, curlers and etc.

She started doing my hair, curling it, separating some parts of my hair, and etc. It took us 45 minutes to do my hair. Finally, its finished. She did a Side French Braid and curled the ends of my hair, making it look natural. She sprayed a little bit of hairspray on my hair to keep the curls.

"Next, the make-up." The middle-aged lady said, a smile plastered on her wrinkle-free face. I nodded my head and said, "I don't really apply make-up on my face." She just chuckled and brought her make-up kit out. She did a natural makeup on me. It also took us 40 minutes to finish. She gave me a sweet smile and pulled me up.

"Let's go and pick the perfect pair of shoes to match your lovely dress." The middle-aged woman said and pulled me towards the shoe section. She sat me down on a leathered stool. She started bringing heels in front of me. I stared at each pair of heels and a pair of heels caught me eyes. "I like that one." I pointed at the pair of peach colored shoes, with a rose on its side.

That's a good choice, darling." She gave me the pair of shoes and I tried it on. It fitted perfectly on my feet. "It fits perfectly." I happily said. She nodded and offered me a hand. I accepted her hand and stood up. "Now, let's go to the boys who's waiting for you." She said, earning a nod from me. We walked towards the waiting are when, "Oh! I forgot about your purse. Wait here and I'll get the perfect purse for.." she paused and gestured the whole outfit I'm wearing, "THIS."

I chuckled and nodded. The middle-aged lady dashed off, disappearing like a gush of wind. I stood there, waiting for her. After 5 minutes, she came back running with a beige colored purse on her hand. "I found the perfect one!" She handed me the purse and said, "Shall we?" "We shall." I answered and we went towards the waiting area.

"Gentlemen, I present to you the one and only, ~~~~!" She exclaimed, moving aside so that they could see me. Everyone stared at me, they were in agape. "You look ugly." Taehyung said, staring at me with a pokerface. "Tss, says the one who drooled at ~~~~ when she came out from the dressing room." Hyuk said, while rolling his eyes. "And where are the others?" Hyuk asked, earning a look from Baekhyun. "They left. Weren't you here awhile ago?" He asked with his brows furrowed.

"I went to the restroom!" Hyuk exclaimed while his eyes wide open. "Okay okay, calm down now. Its your turn gentlemen and ~~~~, the car is waiting for you. The chauffeur will bring you to Mr. Nam's mansion." She said and gave me a smile. "Okay and thanks for everything." I said, while giving her a faint smile.

"It's nothing, dear." She said and gave me a hug. I pulled away and bade goodbye. I went out of the building and saw the chauffeur, who was waiting for me. "Malady." He said as he opened the door for me. I thanked him and went inside.

When I got in, I was surprised to see five guys wearing different kinds of tuxedos. "Oh, ~~~~-sshi." That familiar voice startled me. I sighed and looked at the boys. And it was no other than Woohyun's friends. "Annyeong haseyo, Sunggyu-sshi." I gave him a small bow and flashed a smile at them. The chauffeur started the engine and drove off.

"You look gorgeous." Dongwoo said with a surprised look which made me giggle. "Thanks. You look handsome." I said, making him blush. "Uh. . thanks." He scratched the back of his head while trying to hide his smile. "Dongwoo hyung's head is going to get bigger." Sungjong commented, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Yah!" Dongwoo scolded, glaring at the young Lee.

"Anyways, Mr. Nam and Mrs. Nam invited you?" Hoya asked with his hands clasped. "Yeah, I'll be playing the piano for Woohyun's party." I answered, only to earn shocked expressions from others. "You what?!" They all asked in unison. "Imo told me to play the piano for Woohyun." I said while giving them weird looks. "Really?! Woah. Woohyun is one lucky guy." Sungyeol blurted out loud, making all of us look at him.

"It's nothing and by the way--" I was cut off-ed when the car stopped. We all looked at the window, only to be welcomed by a huge, elegant mansion. The door was opened by the chauffeur. "Malady, Masters, we have arrived." The chauffeur said and we nodded. We all went out one by one. We started walking towards the main door where the big doors were wide open.

There was a guy who was waiting outside of the door. "Isn't that Myunsoo?" Sunggyu asked with his eyes squinted. "Yes, hyung. Tsk. Your eyes are just too small to see Myunsoo." Sungjong teased, earning a glare from Sunggyu. "Okay, I'm shutting my mouth up." Sungjond said with his hands up.

I was about to call out for Myungsoo when, "~~~~!" I stopped and turned my head towards the direction where the voice came. "Oh, Woohyun-ah." I said while giving him a smile. "You're here and you look gorgeous and hot." He said with his greasy smile on. "You look handsome, Mr. Nam." I said, giving Woohyun a faint smile.

"I know I look handsome." He said, running his fingers through his ash brown locks. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say birthday boy." I said, rolling my eyes. "Anyways, let go inside. Mom is waiting for you." He said as he linked arms with me. "Well then, lets go." I said and we started walking inside.

"Isn't that the birthday boy with Lauren's daughter?"

"Yes yes, it's Lauren's daughter."

"They look good together. Are they dating?"

"I agree, they look cute together. I don't know but I hope that they're dating!"

We heard a couple of people talking about us when we passed by. Woohyun starts chuckling, making me look at him. "What you chuckling about?" I asked, only to be answered by Woohyun's cute dimples. "They said that we look cute together." He said while giggling. I rolled my eyes and said, "Tss."

We walked towards the living room, where a white grand piano was placed in the center. "Woohyun, ~~~~! You're here." Mrs. Nam beamed as she walked towards me and Woohyun. "She's here, Mom." Woohyun said while rolling his eyes. Mrs. Nam stopped for awhile and eyed me and Woohyun. "Are you guys dating?" She asked with a big smile plastered on her face. "Aniya!" Woohyun and I chorused, removing my arm from his arm. "Are you sure?" Mrs. Nam asked us with a suspicious look.

"Mom!" Woohyun whined, making Mrs. Nam laugh. "Ara, ara." She chuckled and turned towards my direction, "~~~~-ah, lets go to the piano." I nodded and we walked towards the piano. "Its beautiful." I said, tracing the keyboard with my fingers. "Yes, we got this piano from a special friend." Mrs. Nam said with a faint smile on her face.

"How about playing a little bit for us, ~~~~?" Mrs. Nam asked and I answered, "I'll be glad to play for you Mrs. Nam." I sat down on the white piano stool and started playing Mozart's Piano Sonata no. 13 - I. Allegro. I pressed the keys, only to hear a beautiful tone. I continued playing, mind focused on the keys to press.

"Hey Mrs. Nam!" I hear familiar voices. "Hey kids, I'm glad that you guys made it to Hyunnie's birthday." I heard Mrs. Nam say. I could imagine her giving them a motherly smile.

"Hey Mrs. Nam, isn't that ~~~~?" I heard a familiar voice, making me shiver. "Yeah, it's ~~~~~." Mrs. Nam then answers the guy's question.

"She looks beautiful and. . . . yeah."




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Acha135 #1
Chapter 9: Hi author-nim! It's been so long huh? ^^
Acha135 #2
Chapter 5: Awh... It's been like forever since you updated!!!
Acha135 #3
Chapter 4: Finally! An update!!! ^^
Acha135 #4
Chapter 2: Please gimme a bit of more detailed chapter...
Update soon!!!
Acha135 #5
Chapter 1: Tell me more!!! So far ur fanfic is good, (i mean the grammar and spelling) keep up the good work!!!