3 ♦️

Drinking Coffee

Drinking Coffee

"You're the first girl who he has talked to. He never speaks to girls except if it's the teachers or whatnots or if it's something important." Taehyung said with the goblet elegantly held by his right hand. I scoffed and nonchalantly said, "You're just bluffing." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Fine, think of it as a bluff then." Taehyung said with an evil smirk. He then said, "Just remember this ~~~~, It's either you'll be regretting what I just said awhile ago or maybe you'll just benefit from it." I looked at him with a 'i-don't-care' look and took my last bite on my steak.

"How's school Taehyung?" I asked, plopping my elbows on the table, resting my chin on my palm. He looked at me with his goblet elegantly positioned on his long, slender fingers. "It's okay, for now." He nonchalantly said, placing the goblet onto his lips. He drank the liquid on the goblet and placed it down on to the table after taking a sip.

"How's your work Sanghyun Oppa?" I asked, transferring my gaze to the young lad who was gracefully moving his hands while cutting a piece from the steak. He stopped on what he was doing and transferred his gaze to me. "My work? My work is still the same. Still working under Appa. A stressful work to be exact." He said, making Uncle Jun look at him with a pout.

"Working under me isn't stressful." Uncle Jun said, looking at Sanghyun Oppa with sad eyes. I covered my lips with my hand while holding my laughter. "Stop looking at me with those eyes of yours, Dad." Sanghyun Oppa said after placing the piece of steak inside his mouth. Uncle Jun just whimpered while transferring his gaze, gloomily.

"Aigoo, bad Oppa!" I chuckled, poking Sanghyun Oppa's sides. Sanghyun Oppa swatted my hands while smiling cheekily. Suddenly, my phone vibrated.


*buzz* *buzz*


I pulled my phone out and unlocked it. It was a reminder. "Oh. . . excuse me. I'll go to the music room now." I excused myself after standing up, placing the napkin down on my chair. "Okay, dear." Umma said while smiling at me. I smiled back and went upstairs towards the music room. 3 more days before d-day, I thought after twisting the door open. I went inside the music room and closed the door behind.

I went towards a white drawer, pulling it open. I started looking for a Cosmic latte folder with the music sheet. Just in seconds, I found the folder and pulled it out. I closed the white drawer and went towards a white piano, that was placed right beside the window. I pulled the music sheet out from the folder and placed it on the music rack.

"The sun is not yet setting. . ." I whispered to myself, looking at the sun. I just heaved a sigh and sat down on the stool. I warmed my fingers up and placed them on the keyboard. I closed my eyes and made the music take over my body.

play this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hpuyr088hY


My fingers gracefully pressed the right keys. I've got to admit. . . my Appa would take me to fancy parties. Everyone would be wearing fancy clothes, drinking wine and many more. I was taught to play the piano everysince I was young. I would play in fancy parties and people would watch me in awe.

But everything changed when my Appa was taken to another country by my grandfather. My Appa was half American half Korean. My grandmother was Korean while my grandfather was American. Anyways enough with my grandparents, my Appa used to play this piece to me.

It was too hard for me to play this piece back then but I strived harder when I was finally able to play this piece. Now, I will be playing this for my recitation this coming Friday. I continued playing the piece, not knowing that we have a visitor downstairs.


Narrator's POV :


"You guys made it!" Mrs. Lee beamed while smiling to a couple. "Of course, why would we miss the chance to chitchat with our childhood friends?" The lady said with a sly grin. "My my Lauren, you haven't changed a bit." The man beside the lady added with a smile. "You two haven't changed also. I never thought that you guys would end up marrying each other." Mrs. Han said while smiling cheekily at the two.

"Before we could go talk about the past, come in. Your son looks pissed already." Mrs. Lee joked while smirking. The couple went in, along with their son. They went towards the living room since they were finish eating. "Oh! You guys are here." Jun said, attacking the man with a bear hug.

"Oppa and Andrew Oppa are so clingy." Lauren, ~~~~'s mom, said while having a disgusted face making Laura and Mary laugh. "Ugh, Mom why did you drag me into this?" The son of Andrew and Mary asked with a pissed look. "We're gonna introduce you to your godparents." Andrew said while placing an arm around his son.

"Guys, we have been standing here and we could sit down right now." Laura suggested, making everyone nod and sit down. "So, where's your son Laura?" Mary asked after leaning her back on the back rest. "He's out with his cousins." Laura said while looking at the clock. "Anyways, I forgot that I was a godmother." Lauren said, laughing awkwardly. 

"It has been years ever since we last saw each other." Jun said while crossing his right leg over his left leg. "Yeah. . ." Everyone agreed while sighing. "Oh wait, Lauren. Where's ~~~~?" Mary asked, as if she remembered something. "Oh, she's--"


*insert the sound of the piano here*


"She's upstairs, playing the piano." Lauren continued while smiling faintly. "Can we go see her?" Mary excitingly asked with a big grin plastered on her face. "Of course we can. She's your godchild." Lauren said, chuckling. "Well then, let's go!" Mary exclaimed, standing up. Everyone stood up except for one who nonchalantly stood after they started going upstairs.

They arrived right in front of the music room. Lauren opened the door, slowly, trying to not disturb ~~~~. They silently went inside, watching her engrossed with the music. The sun was slowly setting down, making the view more spectacular. ~~~~ glowed beautifully while playing the piano. 

"She grew beautifully." Mary whispered while cupping . "She never stopped playing the piano. . ." Andrew added with a pleasant smile on his face. "Wait. . . Isn't that ~~~~?" Their son muttered out loud, loud enough for Lauren and Mary to hear." You know ~~~~, Woohyun?" Mary asked her son with a confused look. Woohyun nodded, "Yeah, I do know her. She's my classmate." 

"Everyone adores her. ." Woohyun whispered. ~~~~ swayed with the melody. Every key she pressed was beautiful. The melody was crystal clear. After how many minutes, ~~~~ was finished. They started clapping, startling ~~~~.


[A/N: This will be your POV again.]


As I finished playing, I heard an applause. I jumped from my stool, looking at the people who just applaud. "Omo!-- Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Nam, you're here with Woohyun." I said while looking at them. "Yes we are. Oh my glob, you grew up beautifully!" Mrs. Nam beamed, attacking me with a bear hug. 

"Ouff!" I was taken aback but then got my balance back. "Omo, mianhe." Mrs. Nam backed away with an apologetic smile. "I've got an idea!" Mr. Nam exclaimed, making me transfer my gaze to him. "~~~~ could play for Woohyun's birthday party tomorrow." Mr. Nam continued with a big smile on his face.

Woohyun having a birthday party? Pfft, I thought while bitting the lower part of my lip. "That would be great!" Uncle Jun smiled while looking at Mr. Nam. "It's a formal party." Mrs. Nam said, gripping on the sides of my arms with a smile. I nodded with a smile. "So, we'll be anticipating with your performance tomorrow." Imo said after texting someone.

"Now, let's go downstairs--" "Uhm. . . I'll just stay here." I looked up to them. "Arasso. And Woohyun, you can stay here. I know you'll just be bored if you're going to be with us." Mr. Nam said, earning a thumbs up from Woohyun. They went out and closed the door.

I continued playing the piano with Woohyun leaning on the window. "So, you're playing the piano. . . seatmate?" Woohyun asked, in the matter of a fact that I was already playing right in front of him. "Isn't it obvious, dumb dumb?" I asked, glancing on Woohyun's side. He just chuckled and watched me.

I just didn't mind him and just continued playing. "What's the feeling of having your father by your side all the time?" I asked, out of the blue. I'm sure Woohyun was surprised by my question. "Why'd you ask?" He asked, pulling out a chair. He sat beside the piano, facing me. 

"I-- Nothing. . ." I uttered while slowly stopping. "Oh. . Okay. Well then, I'm not gonna answer your question." Woohyun looked at me with no expression. I just sighed and looked at the window. Oh appa. . . . where are you?


The next day came. I slept peacefully on my bed. My eyes then fluttered open, the sun shining brightly. "Ugh..." I groggily sat up, looking at the clock on my side table. "8:30. ." I muttered, looking at the window with the sun shining brightly. I pushed my blanket away and got off my bed. I slipped my feet onto my slippers. 

I started stretching before going to the bathroom. After that, I went to the bathroom to wash up. I grabbed a towel and wiped the water off my face. I brushed my teeth and went down after. I was by the stairs when I heard a loud voice from the living room. Or may I say voices. 




I walked towards the living room and saw three idiots laughing at some tv show. "Urgh. You guys are so noisy early in the morning." I said, loud enough for them to hear. "Finally! Go take a bath! Palli!" Hyuk exclaimed, pushing me back upstairs. Since I was too lazy to argue, I obediently followed and went to my bathroom and took a bath.

After 15 minutes, I was finished with my bath. I went towards my walk-in-closet and went to my 'casual clothes' area and pulled out a white shirt and a black ripped jeans. I wore my undergarments and wore the shirt and the jeans. I grabbed a white foot sock and a pair of black vans. I wore them and went out. I went to my room and grabbed my bag with my phone and stuff.

I went downstairs with my white shirt tucked, in front of my jeans. "Yah, I'm ready!" I yelled at the three who were busy laughing out their butts. "Oh. . . Guys, lets go!" Baekhyun said, turning the TV off. They stood up  and started walking towards me. Baekhyun slung an arm around my shoulder. We went out of the house and a car was waiting for us. 

"Malady, Masters." The chauffeur said after opening the door for us. We all went inside and the chauffeur closed the door. After how many seconds, the driver started the engine and drove off.

"Okay. . . where are we going?" I asked while looking at the three. "Just at the salon then to our family fahionista." Taehyung said while smiling creepily. "Okay. . ." I said while looking at the window. This is going to be an interesting day. . ., I thought while looking up at the sky.



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Acha135 #1
Chapter 9: Hi author-nim! It's been so long huh? ^^
Acha135 #2
Chapter 5: Awh... It's been like forever since you updated!!!
Acha135 #3
Chapter 4: Finally! An update!!! ^^
Acha135 #4
Chapter 2: Please gimme a bit of more detailed chapter...
Update soon!!!
Acha135 #5
Chapter 1: Tell me more!!! So far ur fanfic is good, (i mean the grammar and spelling) keep up the good work!!!