A Wolf's Sin

About two weeks had passed since Jinhye had found her wolf that night, and they were practically inseparable since. They had fallen into a routine: Jinhye would go to school during with day and when she got home, her wolf was waiting for her at the door. They would have dinner on her back porch and then take a walk before calling it a day.


Jinhye always enjoyed their walks; her wolf would lead the way, keeping her on a straight path and woofing at her if she deviated even the slightest inch. She found it hysterical that her wolf seemed to be in control and sometimes she would step out of line just to watch the wolf’s eyes go wide before yelling at her to get back in line.


Their time together was peaceful and Jinhye often found herself talking to the wolf, sharing things about herself. She knew the wolf understood her and she didn’t know how, but she was thankful for it. She needed the company.


Jinhye’s parents were big-time lawyers that found most of their work in the hustle and bustle of Seoul. This meant, much to Jinhye’s misfortune, that they were never around enough. They’d come home on Saturdays, only to return that night to avoid traffic. Jinhye was pretty lonely…until her wolf showed up.


Jinhye was a very social kid, don’t get her wrong, but she was never one to get close to people. Not that she didn’t want to, but for some reason, it seemed like she blocked people from getting close. She had many acquaintances and always had someone to talk to at school, but she was rarely invited anywhere and hardly talked to anyone once she got home.


She didn’t really need anyone though. Once she had her wolf to stick by her side, other people seemed less important.


After they would settle into bed, her wolf lying on her feet as she cuddled her pillows, Jinhye would ramble more to her wolf before drifting off to sleep. She had the dream a few more times; being held by strong arms and feeling hot breath on her neck. It was peaceful and it often fought away the lonely thoughts that invaded her mind when she had time to think.




It was Saturday morning and she stuck to her routine that day too. Since her parents were home, she needed to get out of the house to avoid them seeing her wolf. She had no idea how she would explain him if they found out, but she never planned on them finding out anyway.


She was walking down the street with her wolf slightly ahead of her, leading the way as usual. Jinhye, on the other hand, had grown bored with her usual path and decided to deviate. Her wolf was quick to notice and immediately started woofing, but Jinhye was determined to lead for once.


After her wolf noticed she was disobeying, he began nudging her back towards their path, but she refused to listen.


“No, we’re going on a different route. I’m sorry, but yours has just become too boring,” she teased and she knew her wolf was rolling his eyes, but he fell silent as he followed behind her. “Good wolfie.”




Jinhye climbed rocks and navigated through trees, and she had to admit, it was fun. She grew tired after hours of walking and dropped against a tree, her wolf resting on her thigh.


She his back while finishing her water, but a large cracking noise snapped her out of her revere. It sounded like something as big as a tree fell and her wolf’s ear had perked up, staring off into the woods.


The noise occurred several more times over the next fifteen minutes, and Jinhye was starting to freak out. The noise seemed to be getting closer and her wolf would continue staring, even letting a few soft growls out a bunch of times.


“C’mon, lets go…” she muttered, tapping his back before standing. She began wandering off in the opposite direction of the noise while her wolf trailed behind her.


She roamed around aimlessly until she could feel the panic setting in. She had no idea where she was. It had gotten considerably darker and she couldn’t call her parents to come find her because of course she left her phone at home.


“Uhmm…you know how to get back…right?” she asked her wolf and he stepped in front of her before continuing, hopefully in the correct direction.


They walked for a while and Jinhye realized how deep she must have gone in. Her wolf was probably laughing the whole time she led.


Some time passed and the crunching noise came again, freezing them both in their tracks.


Jinhye turned just in time to see a massive black blur jump right in front of her. She shouted while stumbling back, trying to get as far away from whatever that was as possible, but she tripped over a poorly placed vine and slid down a slight hill, twisting her ankle in the process.


Her vision started to darken from the searing pain, but she saw enough to see the dark figure approach her. Before it could get any closer, she heard her wolf barking and growling and the dark creature disappeared.


Jinhye screamed and cried as she clung to her leg, the pain evident.




Sehun was in full-out panic mode. The same creature that had attacked him a few weeks ago had just gone after his human. Since this one wasn’t with a group, he ran off, rather than picking a fight, but Sehun knew well enough that he’d be back…with numbers.


Sehun went down the slight incline and saw his human sobbing. She was clutching her leg and he knew she was hurt. Slight cuts and scrapes were all up and down her arms and legs and he knew there was no way she could walk back. More panic set in.


If she couldn’t move, they would easily kill her. He needed to get her back to her house. Her parents could help her, but she couldn’t stay here.


Call it a lapse in judgment or just the fact that he didn’t give a , but he didn’t know what else to do and time was running out. I’m sorry, human.


Sehun shifted, right in front of his human.


Thankfully, they were by a tree where the pack hid some of their clothes, so he pulled on shorts and a tank top before bending down to her. She witnessed the whole thing happen and her eyes were wide. was agape but no noise was coming out. Sehun feared she had gone into shock.


He didn’t have time to dwell on it because his acute hearing picked up on rustling a mile or two behind him. He knew they were coming back and his human needed to be gone.


“I’m sorry,” he muttered before effortlessly lifting her up to his chest. She instantly tried to squirm out of his grasp, but only let out gasps as the pain hit her in waves. “Be still, be still,” Sehun breathed as he ran towards her house. “I’m getting you help.”


Jinhye was in shock. Her wolf, her wolf, had turned into a human in front of her. It had to be the pain, she told herself, making her hallucinate, but he felt so real. It couldn’t be a random person either; she knew it was her wolf. The shaggy white hair with black undertones matched her wolf’s fur, the panicked eyes that searched the land matched her wolf’s piercing gaze – the warm brown color was identical – and she knew she felt those arms before. Yes. Almost every night, she dreamt about those arms, holding her and keeping her safe. Right now, these strong arms were carrying her to safety. She knew she was in shock, but she still trusted her wolf. Everything faded to black, but she could still focus on sound and the jostling in his arms kept her just conscious enough.


“Hold on, human, I’m finding help.”




The sound started coming back to her as she heard loud bangs and then shouting. She couldn’t open her eyes, but she felt herself being shifted to less-supporting arms.


“Please, help her. Please,” Jinhye heard her wolf say, panicking.


“What happened?” another voice asked. Appa?


“Please, just help her,” she heard her wolf’s voice becoming faint, as if he was backing up. Was he leaving?


“…No…” Jinhye breathed out, reaching toward her wolf, but she knew he was already gone. She heard her parent’s soft mumblings as all of her senses went black.




Jinhye woke up and her head was killing her. She sat up slowly but the room felt like it was spinning. She stayed seated though, staring at the empty space on the foot of her bed.


Her wolf…was gone.


She spent the entire day in bed, just staring off into nothingness. There were times when she even contemplated if there ever was a wolf or not, but the still-healing cuts proved it was.


After finally dragging herself downstairs, she found that almost two days had passed. Had she really been unconscious for that long?


It was Monday now and she had missed a full day of school. Of course her parents had gone back to Seoul, but they sent their love – courtesy of a scribbled-on napkin tacked to the fridge.


As she stood awkwardly in her kitchen, the absence of her wolf set in. She was lonely. She may have been terrified at the realization her wolf wasn’t what he appeared, but should couldn’t help the ache inside of her telling her how much she missed him. They had grown on each other and she had become accustomed to having him around. Now that he was gone, she felt empty.




The days seemed to drag on and Sehun was getting more and more depressed. The pack definitely noticed the change in their maknae.


Sehun used to be around every day for a few hours before he would disappear for the night, only to return the next day. No one really knew where he went, except for Lu Han, but now all Sehun seemed to do was mope around in front of the pack.


He would lie in the same position for hours without acknowledging anyone or making time to eat. The members of the pack were worried, but none of them really knew what to do.


Sehunnie, Lu Han cooed after Sehun remain in the same position for six days straight. What happened, Sehunnie?


Sehun huffed in response, closing his eyes before turning away. Lu Han had about had it with the maknae’s silence.


The next thing Sehun knew, his vision became blurred by golden fur climbing all over him. Sehun growled in annoyance, but he just didn’t care enough to shrug the older off of him.


Finally, Lu Han settled down, lying in a matching position in front of Sehun’s face, widening his eyes, and making Sehun slightly smirk.


Sehunnie, please, we’re all worried and you won’t tell any of us anything, Lu Han faked a whine and Sehun finally picked his head up, only to put it back down seconds later.


I messed up, he mumbled before Lu Han scooted closer.


You can trust me, Sehunnie – I kept your human a secret, remember? Please tell me what’s wrong.


Sehun sighed and nodded. Lu Han immediately got up and cuddled into Sehun’s side. He knew it comforted the younger, and Sehun rested his head on Lu Han’s shoulder blade.


We were going for a walk like we usually do on Saturdays—


Aww, taking her pet wolf for a walk, I see?


Shut up. Do you want me to tell you or not?




Sehun took a deep breath as Lu Han snuggled closer in apology.


Usually, I lead the walks to keep her out of danger and whatever…but for some reason she wouldn’t listen that day, Sehun recollected, remembering the day clearly. I didn’t want to upset her so I just followed her…


Then what happened?


There…there were noises and I knew it was them; the same ones that attacked me… She was lost so I had to lead her back but they kept following us. They jumped out and she fell – she hurt her ankle really bad and couldn’t move – and I knew they were coming back…


Sehun…did you…


Yes, Sehun breathed, dropping his head between his and Lu Han’s bodies. I panicked…and I, uh…I shifted…




I needed to get her out of there and she couldn’t walk… What was I supposed to do?! I couldn’t let her die, Lu Han! Sehun internally shouted and Lu Han nodded, expressing his sympathy.


Lu Han was silent for a while as he listened to Sehun’s unsteady breathing. It was obvious the younger was destroyed and Lu Han just wanted to make him feel better. As the oldest in the pack, he always looked out for the other members, especially Sehun since he was the youngest.


So you just ran away from her?


Sehun shot his head up, sending Lu Han an icy glare.


She’s probably terrified of me…why would she want to see me?


Sehun…as weird as it is…you two seemed close. You were practically inseparable from what you told me. Don’t you think she misses you?




Well, then, you’re an idiot. Even if she is scared, don’t you think you owe her an explanation? You vanished and I’m sure she feels more alone now than ever. Who could she talk to about this? No one. She has no way to cope.


But, I—


No. You’re going to see her and that’s final. Even if it is for a final goodbye, you owe her that much. Now go, you’re depressing everyone by staying here.


…Thanks, hyung.




Jinhye was convinced she was depressed. She went to school as normal, but she didn’t even make attempts to talk to anybody. She would just come straight home, and after not being greeted by her wolf, she would sit on her window seat and just stare outside.


It was Friday now, and it had almost been a week. Her ankle had healed up pretty nicely and most of the scratches had faded till they were barely noticeable.


She focused intently on the trees that bordered her house, praying her wolf would show up. She wanted to scream at herself for hoping everyday that he would come back. These were only things that happened in fairy tales, she told herself. Things like this just don’t happen.


After she had spent the majority of her late-afternoon sulking by the window, she was about to push herself up when something caught her eye, freezing her in mid-motion.


The trees and bushes opposite her house started ruffling, and she saw a flash of gold peek out. Jinhye stayed unmoving until a wolf, different than her own, appeared, staring straight at her through the window. She gulped before more rustling came.


Jinhye held her breath as she waited, praying her wolf would appear. The second she saw grey and white fur, she ran to her front door, yanking it open without even putting on shoes. She could care less at the moment.


Sitting on her front lawn, after days of being gone, was her wolf. She ran forward without a second thought and embraced him, throwing her arms around his neck, holding him close. She felt him tense up, but relax as he rested his muzzle on her shoulder. Jinhye was close to tears, but she looked up, making eye contact with the golden wolf. The stare reminded her of the boy she saw watching her house a couple weeks ago. If her wolf could transform into a human, who’s to say that this one couldn’t either.


She didn’t care at the moment; all she cared about was her wolf. He was back.


After pulling away, she saw the golden wolf approach. Jinhye stayed still and watched the interaction. The golden wolf was smaller than her wolf in size, but the other wolf seemed to hold more authority. They seemed to have a silent conversation before the golden wolf nuzzled her wolf and retreated to the forest.


Her wolf turned back to her and Jinhye stared into his eyes.


“We need to talk.”



A/N: Hi everyone! The chapter isnt as long as the first, but i hope you enjoy it!! Please don't forget to comment or subscribe, i'd love to hear what you guys have to think about the story so far!

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This story is really good authornim, I hope that you will update and finish the story. FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: omonaaaa! i so love this story. its very rare to read atories where suho is the bad one but its quite interesting. it so refreshing to read an ot12 story despite all the issues roaming around
Chapter 7: oH MY GOD
i wasn't ready i so wasn't the feels, the feels the feels.
okay, Suho I need you to calm down, buy some solid gold pizza and a mansion in Hawaii and calm down. Lay baby don't do this to me. I ship them so hard. oh my gosh why the feels
Chapter 4: my feels are gone. goneeeeeee
Clover88 #7
Chapter 7: I love this story!! i hope you will update soon ^.^
Chapter 7: I really like this so far :) i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 7: Lol I find it funny how all (well, most) of the softer looking members are in this "dark and mysterious" pack.
Anywho, this is a really good story so far!
Chapter 7: How cute! I loved sehun's reaction to the kiss.