A Wolf's Sin

Jinhye sat on her bed while her wolf stared at her from the floor. Jinhye didn’t know how to begin, but her wolf waited patiently.


“Uhmm…I guess…you should change…so we can talk,” Jinhye mumbled, feeling like a complete idiot. Her wolf nodded before he left her room and made his way to the bathroom, nudging the door with his nose.


Jinhye stared at the door from her spot on the bed, waiting in silence. She waited for any noise or sign of the shift, but everything was silent.


What is a shift supposed to even sound like? She internally shouted in her head. She was panicking and it wasn’t good.


Many thoughts flooded her head as time seemed to drag on. Finally after growing immensely impatient, she hopped of her bed towards the bathroom.


Maybe I hit my head when I fell, she thought as she made her way to the door. I just imagined him turning into a boy. She shook her head; she knew what she saw and felt was real. Another thought crossed her mind, and this one was the worst. Maybe he ran away again.


She knocked on the door and a few seconds of silence passed before she heard fumbling inside.


“Uhmm…” came a voice from the other side and she immediately recognized it as he wolf’s. “Do you…have any clothes?”


His voice sounded perfect to her. She detected traces of a fading lisp, but he spoke quietly enough that she barely heard it. His voice wasn’t incredibly deep, but it had a nice edge to it.


She froze, feeling her cheeks heat up. Her wolf was in the bathroom. He was now a human. Also, he was .


“Uhh…” she choked out, looking around rapidly. “Yeah, hold on.”


Jinhye dashed to her parents’ room and started rummaging through her dad’s dresser. Most of her parent’s clothes were at their apartment in Seoul, so there was very little for Jinhye to choose from. Fortunately, he wouldn’t notice anything missing.


She decided on a beat up shirt her dad used for work around the house and a pair of kakis. She gulped before picking up a pair of boxers before dashing back to the bathroom.


She knocked twice before the door open just a crack. She tried to look in to maybe catch a glimpse of her wolf but he was standing just out of view. Of course. She pushed the clothes inside and almost screamed as a hand reached behind the door to grasp the clothes, but she stifled it. Sure, she was expecting him to be in human form, but actually seeing his arm made it all too real for her.


“I’ll be out in a minute,” her wolf called and she nodded to herself before running back to her room. She couldn’t understand why she was so nervous about seeing her wolf. She spent a few weeks with him, but now that he was human…


She took deep breaths as she felt herself hyperventilating. She paced back and forth before sighing heavily and dropping forward, crashing her face into her pillow. She took one final breath into her pillow before waiting for him to make his appearance.




Sehun inspected the material that his human placed in his hands. It was weird; he goes from being in wolf form all the time, not having to worry about clothes, to being super self-conscious looking in the mirror. The clothes fit surprisingly well despite being a tad baggy, but Sehun didn’t mind. He was finally about to talk to his human and nothing else seemed to matter.


After yanking open the door, he walked slowly, the pads of his toes making a strange thumping noise as he waddled his way forward. It’s so strange being human, he thought.


He hadn’t really thought much of being human when he was running with Jinhye back to her house, but now that he was able to take his time, everything seemed weird.


It was the rule that once the first shift occurs, the wolf was supposed to stay in shifted form all the time for anywhere from seven to ten years to make sure they were at their top physical expectation. Sehun was in his tenth year, but being the youngest, the elder members of the pack wanted him to learn the ropes for longer. Since Jinhye came into the picture, nothing else seemed to matter.


He wasn’t expecting to be in the bathroom for so long, but his reflection was so different from what he remembered when he was nine. His hair was longer – so was his face. Every party of his body seemed stretched with age, especially his arms and legs. Who knew I was so tall?


He couldn’t wait any longer though; he wanted to see his human.


He found his way back into her room and found her face down in her bed. He laughed to himself; she had to be freaking out. Don’t worry, human, I’m not calm either.


He took the remaining steps forward until he was in front of her bed. He climbed up on her bed and sat at the edge of her feet in his usual spot against the wall. He stared at her figure that was currently taking shallow breaths in her pillow. The only time he had been around humans was when his pack shifted. Other than that, he had been with wolves his entire life.


After sitting in silence for more than a few minutes, he thought she might be asleep. He reached forward, ready to poke her leg, but panicked. A surge of nervousness washed through him and he withdrew his hand.


Relax, Sehun. She let you in her house knowing what you were…kind of. If she’s willing to talk, there’s nothing to freak out about. Pull yourself together!


After breathing deeply, he reached his hand out again but froze as she shifted in her spot. She sat up, her back facing Sehun. Her head was down and he noticed her staring at her hands.


“So,” she began, breaking the silence. Sehun perked up, looking at her intently. She was still facing away and he didn’t like that.


“Am I going to have to talk to your back?” he asked and his voice sounded foreign to him. Much deeper than when I was younger… She shook her head, but made no signs of moving.


“I’m…just trying to process all of this,” she breathed. Sehun wanted to help. He crawled forward, around her, and sat in front of her face. She kept her head down, refusing to look up at him.


Sehun was getting impatient, but didn’t want to rush his human. He knew there was a lot she waned to know, and he didn’t want to scare her off before they really got to know each other.


The seconds dragged on and he could hear both of their heartbeats, both beating at a faster pace than usual. Slowly, after a few more minutes, her head rose. She stared at Sehun, her eyes raking over his face. He felt nervous under scrutiny, and rubbed the back of his head, fluffing up his hair. Her eyes followed every movement the features of his face made. After a while, he smiled at her and he saw her face visibly heat up. She dropped her eyes again before she spoke.


“Your, uhmm…hair…” she began and Sehun instantly shot his hand to his hair. “It’s practically white.”


“Uh…yeah,” he mumbled. “It matches my fur…”


Sehun dropped his head; he sounded stupid. It matches my fur…you’re an idiot.


“…I like it,” she mumbled and they both looked up, their gazes finally meeting. It was Sehun’s turn for his cheeks to heat up, and he gently poked it with his finger, the sensation feeling weird.


“Uhh…thanks. It, um…everyone in the pack’s hair matches their fur…for the most part. Some of my hyungs die their hair.”


His human nodded, obviously stunned after hearing that he had a pack. A pack meant more like him.


“I have one question before we continue,” she practically whispered, causing Sehun to have to lean in to actually hear her. Sehun nodded, prompting her to proceed. “What’s your name?”


Sehun laughed out loud. They’d been together for weeks and she never knew his name. He smiled before leaning in. “My name is Sehun.”


“Sehun,” she repeated and smiled. Sehun couldn’t help but grin. Never did his name sound so amazing coming from someone else.


“Yup! And your name is Jinhye,” he smiled and she nodded. He felt proud of himself and she chuckled at the huge grin that broke out on his face. “So, what do you want to know?”


Jinhye paused and her expression became blank. Was this her thinking face? Sehun questioned.


“So…what exactly are you?” she asked.


“Uh…kinda like werewolves? You know…I can change between a human and a wolf, although I’ve been in wolf form for like ten years straight or so.”


“So, is it weird being human?” she inquired and Sehun smiled, thankful she wasn’t running away or screaming.


“A little…I’m just not used to it.” She nodded and smiled and Sehun couldn’t peel his eyes away.


Jinhye was gorgeous to him. Gorgeous. The way her bangs and slightly wavy hair framed her face made her very attractive. Maybe because he hadn’t been around a female in so long, but everything she did attracted him. The way her eyebrows would crease when she thought about something, the way her almond eyes widened when he told her something, the way her lips formed words.


Sehun had fallen hard, and he knew the pack members would not approve.




“How many members are in your pack?” Jinhye asked. She watched as his tongue darted across his lips before he answered. They had being going at this for hours, questioning each other back and forth. Amazingly, neither one of them grew tired or bored with it – Jinhye, Sehun noticed, seemed to be an overflowing source of questions.


“There are seven of us. I’m the youngest by a few months,” he nodded in affirmation.


“How old are you? You’re not going to tell me you’re over a hundred, right? ‘Cause that would be inappropriate for you to be in my room, then.”


Sehun laughed and Jinhye found herself laughing too. His face scrunched up whenever he smiled, his eyes forming little crescents.


“No, no, I’m only nineteen,” he smiled and she silently thanked every deity she could think of. “How old are you?”


“I’ll be nineteen in a few months,” she responded.


Some more time had passed as Sehun explained all about his life as a wolf and how the other pack members wouldn’t accept him associating with a human, except for Lu Han.


“So, is Lu Han like…the alpha, or something? You seem to have a lot of respect for him,” Jinhye questioned and waited for his response.


“No…Lu Han deferred the spot as alpha to Kris. Lu Han is the oldest and his father was the old alpha, but he wasn’t strong-willed enough. He can be stern when he wants, but he’s usually too carefree and happy to put anyone in line. Kris, on the other hand…”


Jinhye saw the flicker of…fear, maybe, that crossed Sehun’s face at this mention of a Kris, and she decided she wasn’t going to go there. Maybe later, but definitely not now.


“So, Lu Han was the one who came with you earlier? The golden one?”


“Yup!” Sehun chimed, his demeanor doing a complete 180 at the mention of Lu Han. “He babies me all the time so he wanted to make sure I was all right,” Sehun mumbled, rolling his chocolate eyes. Jinhye watched the movement till his eyes flickered back to her. She looked away quickly as she felt the blush creeping up her cheeks. They were a beautiful and welcoming shade and she fear if she stared too long, she’d grow lost in them.


Before she could look back at him, however, she felt a cool finger caress her face. She looked up and noticed Sehun watch his finger as he trailed it over her cheek, his own tongue stuck out in concentration. She felt herself heating up even more.


“Your face is very warm,” Sehun commented, inspecting her whole face. “Mine was like that a little while ago.”


“Yeah, blushing…” Jinhye answered and Sehun retracted his finger.


“Sorry,” he muttered, looking away. The sensation was new to Sehun; he never had a reason to blush. She laughed at how awkward he looked. He glanced back up at her and matched her smile.




They decided to take a break from the interrogation session and Sehun followed Jinhye down to her kitchen. She had claimed she was starving, and Sehun had to admit, so was he.


She cooked some chicken and rice and sat down at the table with him. She couldn’t even get three bites in before Sehun was finished.


“You must have been hungry,” she joked, taking a sip of her drink. He smiled a sheepish grin before nodding.


“Yeah, I haven’t really eaten much in a while…”


They gazed at each other for a bit, a warm silence enveloping them.


“So, can I continue with my questions?” she asked and he nodded. “What was that thing in the woods? The big black thing?”


Sehun’s expression became dark as he thought, trying to come up with a way to explain something even he didn’t know much about.


“I’m not entirely sure… All Kris told the pack was that it was some evil force that wants to control our territory… I’m not even entirely sure he knows, to be honest. That was what attacked me that night you found me. There were like five of them and they left me for dead…”


Jinhye waited, watching as Sehun’s eyes flickered. He seemed scared by whatever this was, but soon his eyes softened. His tongue swiped across his lower lip before he proceeded.


“I guess I never thanked you for that night,” he finally said. “I owe you my life.”


Jinhye felt her cheeks heating up so she lowered her gaze.


“I’m just glad I could help,” she smiled. “Besides…I owe you mine too.”


Sehun could feel the atmosphere becoming thick and he inhaled a huge breath. She glanced up at him, just in time to feel him pulling her up from her spot.


“C’mon, lets go sit outside.”





A/n: Hi everyone!! Hope you all really enjoyed this chapter! I wanted to thank all of you the subscribed and actually upvoted!! Thank you so so much!!

Next chapter we're going to see what alpha Kris has to say about Sehun's human...it can't be good.

Please, keep commenting! The more you comment, the faster i'll update (and feel better about myself haha) Please anticipate the next chapter!!!




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This story is really good authornim, I hope that you will update and finish the story. FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: omonaaaa! i so love this story. its very rare to read atories where suho is the bad one but its quite interesting. it so refreshing to read an ot12 story despite all the issues roaming around
Chapter 7: oH MY GOD
i wasn't ready i so wasn't the feels, the feels the feels.
okay, Suho I need you to calm down, buy some solid gold pizza and a mansion in Hawaii and calm down. Lay baby don't do this to me. I ship them so hard. oh my gosh why the feels
Chapter 4: my feels are gone. goneeeeeee
Clover88 #7
Chapter 7: I love this story!! i hope you will update soon ^.^
Chapter 7: I really like this so far :) i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 7: Lol I find it funny how all (well, most) of the softer looking members are in this "dark and mysterious" pack.
Anywho, this is a really good story so far!
Chapter 7: How cute! I loved sehun's reaction to the kiss.