A Wolf's Sin

Hyung, Sehun quietly moaned for what seemed like the thousandth time.


Shut up, came the same response each time. Kris’ grip on Sehun’s nape had long since become uncomfortable, but more than anything, he was feeling horrible about Jinhye. Right after he promised her he would never leave again, Kris just had to waltz in and drag him off.


Sehun kept his eyes closed, knowing the worst of the punishment was yet to come. Knowing Kris’ style, it was bound to be humiliating.


Sehun’s eyes opened weakly as a rush of golden fur arrived next to the three of them. Sehun could only hope that Lu Han had left Jinhye with some sense of hope that he’d be back and wouldn’t forget her. Unfortunately, as optimistic as Sehun would like to be, the chance of him returning was slim to none.


Soon, the four of them arrived in the clearing where the rest of the pack was laying idle. Their heads perked up at the return of their alpha and some sent Sehun questioning glances. It had been a long time since Kris had carried any of them in his muzzle and that could only mean one thing: punishment.


Kris dropped Sehun with a thud before shifting in front of all of them, not wasting any time in attempting to find clothes.


“Shift,” Kris growled in an authoritative voice and one by one, the boys of the pack cautiously shifted before their leader. They were confused, undoubtedly, as they waited on more instructions from the alpha.


Sehun remained motionless, still in wolf form. He looked up at the alpha with nervous eyes and Kris glared down at him, clearly un-amused. There was a slight shiver to Sehun’s frame – obvious fright – and the other members picked up on it quick.


“Go on, Sehun,” Kris began in a mocking tone, much calmer than how he previously addressed the group – always a sign of bad things to come – and Sehun’s eyes went slightly wide. “You seemed so proud of your shift before; why don’t you share it with your brothers?”


Kris motioned to the pack and a few of them cocked their heads in confusion. Man, was Kris really building up the theatrics, Sehun thought to himself. Typical.


Sehun dropped his head, but stood in his spot. He took a deep breath before he shifted, standing tall in front of Kris. Even though his wolf form was much smaller than the alpha, his human form wasn’t that far off.


Sehun heard audible gasps from some of the boys, all but Lu Han – Kris and Tao now, too – not having seen him as a human since he was nine.


Sehun had kept his head down the entire time, but once he looked up at Kris, it was all over.


Kris’ expression was dark and he growled at the maknae before shoving him roughly backwards. Strong arms wrapped around Sehun’s frame before he could crash to the ground and the maknae looked up to see Chanyeol holding him tight.


Sehun was afraid of how his hyungs would react – obviously Kris was angry – but thankfully, Chanyeol seemed to be holding him in a protective manner, almost shielding him from Kris’ wrath. He, too, was no stranger to Kris’ punishment.


The maknae sensed everyone’s eyes on him and he felt the atmosphere change. Kris’ anger flowed through the pack and he knew everyone sensed Kris’ anger at him.


“Everyone take a good look at our maknae,” Kris began, his words firm and convicting. “Looks great shifted, huh?”


Slow nods were seen throughout the group and Kris glared before continuing. “Unfortunately, our little Sehunnie took it upon himself to shift without my permission. He felt like he was good enough to shift on his own.”


Murmurs flew throughout the clearing and Sehun flinched at what Kris was saying about him. Sehun sensed the members were confused as to why he had shifted so suddenly and honestly, Sehun was afraid he’d be thrown out of the pack. Going against the alpha’s orders were one thing, but going against this golden rule of the pack was unheard of.


Besides all of that, Kris was so convincing in his speeches that it was only a matter of time before at least one of his hyungs turned against him.


Chanyeol glanced down at the shivering maknae in his arms. Sehun was tense, his eyes fixed on the leader. It was rare to see the maknae so riled up. The elder raised his hand and gently started at the maknae’s head, smoothing his hair in an attempt to soothe the rigid boy.


“Does anyone have any guesses why our maknae has shifted? Any guesses as to why he’s been disappearing for the nights?” Kris asked, his tone still too cool for what Sehun knew was coming – and that perhaps frightened him the most.


The waiting members looked around to see if any of them had a guess and all eyes landed on Tao as he cockily raised his hand. Sehun’s eyes went wide but Lu Han was quick to put the younger in line. He elbowed Tao in the ribs, sending him a harsh glare. Needless to say, Tao lowered his arm.
“Not a guess?” Kris proceeded, refusing to acknowledge Tao. He was on a mission and a determined alpha frightened Sehun to no end. “Let me all enlighten you, then.”


Kris’ tone became harsh and everyone’s attention snapped back to him.


Whelp, here it comes, Sehun thought. It was nice having a pack while it lasted.


“Our Sehunnie has found a human. A girl.”


Murmurs and gasps mixed throughout the pack and Sehun squeezed his eyes shut, taking it all in while praying he could vanish and appear anywhere else – namely with Jinhye. Then again, that was what got him in this situation in the first place, wasn’t it?


“He’s been going behind all of our backs, putting us all in danger, just to see a human.”


Although his eyes remained shut, he knew everyone was staring at him now. He even felt Chanyeol tense up around him.


“Human?” he heard someone whisper, maybe Baekhyun or Jongin…he couldn’t be quite sure at the moment.


Sehun trembled more, feeling like he was losing his brothers as each second passed by.


“Sehun,” Chanyeol’s deep voice rang in his ear, “is this true?”


Sehun bit on his lower lip, his eyes squeezing tighter than he thought possible. He felt the betraying tears forming in the back of his eyes and he was just hoping he could stay strong enough long enough to get away from everyone and cry it out by himself. At the rate things were going, he’d be banished and looking for a new place soon enough.


Kris continued on his tirade, satisfied with how the maknae was reacting. He met eyes with each member as he progressed in his speech.


“Sehun has gone against us. His brothers. He has put us all in danger.” Kris took a dramatic pause before continuing, letting the tension build up. “The human knows about us….”


More murmurs went throughout the crowd and Sehun was sure he could feel their hatred rising.


“…Sehun has shifted for her…”


The murmurs got louder.


“…She knows about our secrets…”


Baekhyun unsteadily raised his had and Kris nodded towards him, prompting him to speak.


“So…” he began in a cautious tone, his voice higher than the alpha speaking before him, “do we have to kill the human?”


“No!” Sehun shouted out, his eyes shooting open as he attempted to break out of Chanyeol’s grasp. Fortunately, Chanyeol had the fastest reflexes in the pack – next to Kris, of course – and as quickly as Sehun had shouted, Chanyeol had his hand over Sehun’s mouth.


“Shhh,” Chanyeol whispered in Sehun’s ear, his hair once again. There was no way he needed Sehun getting a worse punishment for something stupid that Baekhyun said.


Kris, however, shot Sehun a harsh glare before proceeding. “I’ll be determining your long-term consequences for your actions, but for now, you need immediate punishment. Get up. Stand in front of me.”


Sehun tensed up as Chanyeol sighed and loosened his grip around the maknae, but Sehun gripped the older’s arms before he could completely let go.


“I’m sorry,” Chanyeol whispered softly in Sehun’s ear before dropping his arms and giving Sehun a slight nudge forward.


Sehun inhaled a sharp breath before crawling forward to stand on his two feet, his eyes downcast as Kris closed the distance between them.


A moment passed without any words uttered. Everyone was dead silent as they waited for the alpha to make his move. They knew it would be violent and everyone feared for the maknae. Even Tao waited silently for the punishment to come.


After nothing had happened, Sehun tried lifting his eyes to see what was going on, but the second he did, he felt himself falling, a sharp pain stabbing his face.


Within seconds, Kris was on top of Sehun, delivering punch after punch to his jaw.


“I told you to stay away from that human,” Kris gritted out, a word between each punch. “How. ing. Stupid. Could. You. Be?”


Everyone flinched at the power behind Kris’ punches. Kris was notorious for bad beatings, but this seemed to be the worst yet.


Sehun had let his tears fall and was weakly attempting to shield his face with his hands, but it was doing nothing to deter Kris.


“I-I’m sorry, h-hyung,” Sehun choked out, his voice sounding week and feeble. “I-I didn’t m-mean to dis-appoint you.”


The other members watched on in horror as Kris’ punches only intensified, splitting the maknae’s lip and causing his face to swell.


“All you had to do was follow simple instructions,” Kris shouted down to the cowering boy below him, not letting up on his beating.


“Kris, stop,” Lu Han shouted, finally having enough. He ran to their side and gripped Kris’ arm, tugging him back slightly. Despite Lu Han’s size in comparison, he was still strong. “Stop.”


Sehun continued to sob in his spot, slowly curling into a fetal position as his cuts continued to bleed and his head continued to throb.


“He gets it, Kris; we all get it,” Lu Han continued, dragging Kris further away from the boy as animalistic growls continued to spew from Kris’ lips. “That’s enough.”


Chanyeol reached forward and grabbed the shaking boy, pulling him into his warm embrace. Sehun turned in the older’s hold, burying himself deeper in Chanyeol’s chest as he continued to cry and tremble.


Kris shrugged Lu Han off of him before letting out a breathy laugh and wiping at his lower lip in a cocky manner, removing some of Sehun’s splattered blood. The rest of the pack watched in silence as the alpha stood in front of Sehun. Chanyeol tightened his grip on the youngest in his arms, daring Kris to take another shot at him.


“Don’t worry, I won’t hit him again…for now,” Kris chuckled and Chanyeol’s eyes narrowed. “I’m going to decide your sentence, Sehunnie, but until then… Chanyeol. Tao. Lu Han. You three are in charge of keeping an eye on him. Do not let him out of your sight.”


With that, Kris took off, leaving the rest of the pack in his wake. Lu Han quickly made his way over to Sehun and crouched in front of the boy. He reached out and the youngest’s hair, smoothing it down where it had gone wild in the fight.


“Don’t worry, Sehun-ah,” Lu Han said with his soothing voice. “I’ll talk to Kris. Don’t worry.”


Sehun couldn’t even bring himself to nod; it hurt way too much. Everything hurt, to be honest. With one final pat on the head, Lu Han stood and took off after Kris.




Once Kris and Lu Han were gone from the scene, the rest of the boys focused on Sehun, coming closer to him.


Sehun stayed as still as he could – minus the involuntary trembling – and inhaled large breaths as Chanyeol continued to his head.


Chanyeol stood, helping Sehun into a standing position as well. The youngest’s legs trembled beneath him and threatened to give out at any second but Chanyeol kept his arm around his shoulder, steadying him.


Sehun’s tears had subsided but his shoulders still racked as he inhaled shaky breaths.


“Hey, Baek,” Chanyeol called, still looking at Sehun in a worried way. “Could you hand me some clothes for Sehunnie, please?”


A moment of silence passed with no response from the shortest male and the remaining boys turned, only to see the petite brunette with his arms crossed, a pissed look to match.


“Baek?” Chanyeol questioned but that only made Baekhyun’s glare intensify.


“How can you be comforting him, Chanyeol?! He put us all in danger!”


“Baekkie, calm down—”


“No! The humans are going to come and kill us and it’s all Sehun’s fault!” Baek shouted, his small body trembling out of anger and he lifted an accusatory finger and Sehun.


“Hyung, it’s not—” Sehun tried, taking a shaky step towards Baekhyun but the latter shoved him down to the ground without allowing him to finish.


“No! You’ve put us all in danger!” Baekhyun whined, running his hands through his hair before stomping his foot like a baby.


“Shh, Baekkie,” Chanyeol comforted, stepping away from Sehun to wrap Baekhyun in a tight hug. “It’s okay. Let’s take a walk, hmm?”


Baekhyun nodded at the suggestion and Chanyeol ushered him away from the boy on the ground. He didn’t see any reason for more conflict to arise.


Sehun inhaled more breaths from the ground, gripping tightly at the earth below him now that he had nothing to hold on to since Chanyeol was gone.


“Hm,” came Tao’s condescending laughed as he stepped over Sehun to disappear from the scene.


Jongin, being the only one left, took a seat next to Sehun without saying any words.


The second youngest sat Indian-style next to Sehun and began plucking at the grass in front of him, seemingly trying to find words to fit the situation. After coming up with none, Jongin lifted his arm and rested his hand on Sehun’s head like he had seen Chanyeol do earlier. He didn’t catch on to the ‘soothing part’, so the second maknae just left his hand motionless on Sehun’s head. Hey, it was the thought that counted, right?




Lu Han picked up on the alpha’s trail; thankfully he hadn’t made it too far before Lu Han was able to catch up with him. He approached slowly, knowing Kris was still on a high from the fight and could definitely do a number to Lu Han if he wanted to.


Lu Han made sure to make his steps loud enough so Kris knew he was coming – it would be bad if the alpha thought someone was sneaking up on him – and called out to him before he got too close.


“Kris,” the elder called and Kris immediately halted in his tracks. Lu Han tensed, praying the alpha wouldn’t attack – Lu definitely wasn’t the right size to take on the alpha.


Kris didn’t respond, but Lu Han took his lack of movement as a sign to proceed.


“Kris, I think you should reconsider punishing Sehun further—” Lu Han tried but fell silent as Kris spun around, a look of un-amusement crossing his face.


“Lu Han, this is not your place. I know you favor the maknae but what he did cannot go unpunished.”


Lu Han took a few more steps forward so he was at a decent distance to hold a conversation. He had to go about this strategically and that required a lot of focus.


“I agree,” the elder began, approaching the topic slowly. “What he did was stupid and childish…”


The alpha nodded, slowly coming around so Lu Han attempted to push his luck.


“…but Yi Fan,” the older called, startling the other by using his birth name, “you, too, once did stupid, childish things before coming alpha.”


Lu Han noted the leader tense and send him a harsh glare. Maybe Lu Han had crossed the boundaries too soon. The alpha made his way forward until only a few inches were separating him from where Lu Han stood. His tone was cold and harsh.


“And I learned from my mistakes which is why the maknae is getting this punishment—”


“Don’t you think this twenty-four-hour watch is a bit much?” Lu Han interrupted, trying to maintain his composure even though he knew the alpha was getting heated up. “Sehun is young…”


“Lu Han,” Kris cut and the older immediately fell silent. “I’m not changing my mind. That is final.”


With that, the alpha began walking away from the deer. Lu Han groaned to himself before jogging after the leader.


“Duizhang, please reconsider,” Lu Han tried, using his next tactic: appeasement. The alpha halted, hearing the affectionate name he knew the beta hated using. “You humiliated Sehun—”


“Humiliate?! You think that’s what I did, Lu Han?” the alpha shouted, raising his voice before glaring at the shorter.


Lu Han took a precautionary step backwards and kept his head down – a sign of submission. It took a moment, but the beta was finally able to find his voice again.


“T-that’s exactly what you did!”


“I taught him a lesson,” Kris said coolly, crossing his arms with his head held high in a dignifying manner, resulting in the beta rolling his eyes. “I taught him never to cross my authority. Not only that, it served as a lesson to the rest of my pack members to never cross me. I hope that message got across to you as well. I know you knew about Sehun’s little rendezvous.”


Lu Han growled lowly, hating when Kris got up on his high horse like that, swinging his authority around.


“When my father was alpha, he never would have done things this way,” Lu Han bit back, crossing his arms in defiance. The alpha’s head snapped back to him – Lu Han knew he hit a nerve with that comment.


“Well your daddy’s not alpha anymore, is he?” Kris sneered as he circled around the beta. “And you’re not alpha either, Lulu. Don’t forget that. You had your chance, but you’re just a scrawny little wolf, aren’t you?”


And here come the condescending remarks, Lu Han thought to himself, trying not to let Kris’ words affect him.


“You’re way too weak and lack the leadership I was born with,” Kris continued, stopping behind the beta. He s his hands over the shorter’s shoulders and got close to his ear, readying to whisper words. “This is my pack now, and if you don’t like how things are being run, then you can leave. For good.”


With that, the alpha let out a sinister chuckle before pushing back from Lu Han’s shoulders. He continued around to stand in front of him, a triumphant smirk on his face.


Lu Han huffed, knowing there was nothing he could say. There was only a certain degree of disrespect he could dish out and he knew if he pressed more, the alpha would put him in line…just like he had to Sehun.


Lu Han knew it would take a lot for Kris to actually harm him. Lu Han was technically alpha by birthright and although he had declined the position, Kris still was programed to have at least some respect for the older. You never truly give up your roots.


“I just hope you believe what you did to Sehun was actual discipline and not just an attempt to prove yourself as alpha. It would really if people stopped listening to you, Yi Fan,” Lu Han grumbled before turning to leave before the alpha could respond.


The alpha’s eyes went wide in fury, glaring at the place where the elder had stood. Kris let a growl rip through his throat before punching the closest tree he could find.


Ridiculous, the alpha thought, kicking a rock as he continued to grumble to himself.




Some hours had passed and the pack had pretty much quieted down for the night. After the antics that had taken place that day, it was safe to say that the pack was mentally drained.


Sehun hadn’t said much for the rest of the night, but what was there to say? He knew – even if he didn’t believe it was – it was wrong to be associating with Jinhye. He knew deep down that she was not of his kind, that she could never truly fit in with the pack, that she was human. He knew that. Unfortunately, those thoughts kept beating his head in every time he got a chance to think.


Strangely enough, he knew he wouldn’t change a thing. He’d do it all over again if he had the chance. So what if he knew the girl for only a few weeks? He cared for her just as much as he cared for the members of his pack, and that was saying something.


Sure, he really cared for her, but he was tied to his pack. He could never leave them; they were his brothers. He never wanted to let them down or give them any reason to turn against him, but he wasn’t so sure of where he stood with them after today.


Kris was furious – that much was obvious. Sehun was sure of it; every punch, every word, everything proved how disappointed and angry he was with him. Kris would get over it though; the maknae also knew that. Probably the only thing Sehun lost was the alpha’s trust, but he’d get over that soon enough.


Baekhyun, on the other hand, was not someone Sehun was expecting to flip out on him. Next to Lu Han and Chanyeol, Sehun considered Baek a close older brother and it hurt when the older boy shoved him away. Sehun knew Jinhye would never tell anyone of their secret; he knew the girl would never put one of them in danger. If only Baek could meet her, he’d see how amazing she truly is, the maknae thought to himself. He scoffed at the idea. Bringing Jinhye to meet the pack? Ridiculous… Kris would probably rip her to shreds on the spot, Sehun thought, shuddering. The thought of the alpha going anywhere near his Jinhye made his blood boil. A growl ripped through his throat just from the thought.


Maknae, shouldn’t you be sleeping? Lu Han questioned with a hint of teasing in his voice from his spot next to Sehun, effectively snapping the younger out of his trance.


Hmm? Can’t really sleep… the youngest grunted out, turning his head away from the eldest. He seemed like he was in a good mood and Sehun had no desire to put up with that at the moment.


Sehuuuuuun~ Lu Han cooed and said boy turned in time to see the eldest crawling towards him with a goofy look on his face. Sehun rolled his eyes before releasing a sign, keeping his head rested on his paws. How ya feelin’, Sehunnie?


Fine, the youngest deadpanned, his eyebrows furrowing as the eldest continued to inch forward until their noses were touching.


What do you want, Lu Han? The maknae practically growled before a look of shock crossed the eldest’s face, abruptly stopping Sehun.


I just wanted to make sure my favorite little wolf was doing okay~ Lu Han drawled, crawling closer until he was nestled behind Sehun, creating a warmth between the two on the chilly night they were facing.


A moment of silence enveloped the two before Sehun’s now quiet and soft voice broke the silence.


Did…did you talk to Kris? The maknae asked and a few more seconds passed before Sehun felt Lu Han nodding against him. And…?


Lu Han was silent for the longest time and Sehun got the answer loud and clear. It made him want to cry right then and there but he was pretty sure he was out of tears from earlier.


The maknae took a deep breath as he looked around the clearing, taking in the sleeping forms of his brothers.


Chanyeol was sprawled on his back next to where Baekhyun and Jongin were curled up together.


A few feet from them laid the alpha with Tao curled up on his side, his head nuzzled between their bodies.


Sehun was snapped back to Lu Han once he felt a nudge on his shoulder blade.


Go to her, Lu Han whispered, keeping his eyes locked on the ground in front of him.


What? Sehun questioned, but Lu Han only repeated himself, still in the hushed tone.


You promised her you wouldn’t leave her, correct? The maknae nodded his head. Then why are you still here?


…maybe ‘cause I don’t want to get beaten again? That sounds like a pretty good reason to stay put…


A low growl was emitted from the older and Sehun dropped his head. Kris. You’re practically healed as it is. Stop moping about missing her and go see her already!


Hyung… I can’t… Sehun whined, turning his head away from him.


Look at me, Lu Han growled harshly and Sehun reluctantly turned his head back to him.


You’re just going to hurt yourself more by staying here, Lu Han proceeded and Sehun dropped his head back onto his paws. Give it a night and see what you want to do. I guarantee you’ll have your answer.


Hyung…what…what’s going to happen if Kris finds out, hmm? Aren’t I supposed to be under constant watch?


I’ll take care of that when the time comes. For now, go to her. Calm down her worries because I know she has them.


Sehun nodded thoughtfully before standing up quietly.


Wait until you’re at least five miles away from here before you shift, just to be on the safe side. You know Kris can usually sense it, but that should be a good distance.


Sehun began quietly backing away from the pack and Lu Han could help but smile to himself.


Good luck, Sehunnie, you’ll need it~




Sehun hadn’t slowed down until he had finally reached her doorstep. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited about getting to see her again.


He took a deep breath and smiled as Jinhye’s familiar scent flooded his senses, enveloping him in a sense of warmth. He couldn’t help but break out into a huge grin. He felt at home.


He shifted quickly and changed into the tank top and shorts that he had found hidden along the way. Hardly the clothes for this cold weather, he thought with a shiver as the wind hit against his body. Maybe Jinhye can warm me up, he added with a smile.


He made his way to the back of her house and stared up at the light shining from her window. His smile returned as he picked up a few scattered pebbles and began softly tossing them at her window.




Jinhye made her way back into her room, patting the towel that was wrapped around her currently damp hair. She gave a soft smile as she collapsed into her chair by her window. She was right; the warm shower did stop her tears. Unfortunately, the thought of those past tears sent a rush of new ones to her eyes. She attempted to blink them away, but no matter what she did, her eyes stayed damp.


A few seconds of her dabbing her eyes passed before she heard a tapping at her window, loud enough to elicit a startled squeak from the girl.


Her head turned around rapidly to stare at the window before she slowly approached it. As soon as she was about to look outside, another loud tap came and the girl jumped back, almost tripping over her chair as she screamed again.


“Jinhye,” a voice called from below and her ears immediately perked up.


“Sehun…” she whispered to herself before launching herself at the window. Sure enough, down below, was Sehun, smiling up at her.


Since her room was not the far off the ground – maybe seven feet – she could practically touch him if she reached out her window far enough…so that’s exactly what she did.


The girl threw open her window as fast as she could, hanging her body in the crisp night air. She reached down and Sehun smiled wide.


“Back up,” he stated simply and she immediately complied. She took a few steps back – more like tiptoed - and stared out into the darkness her window provided. A few seconds passed before Sehun’s head popped into the frame, a goofy grin on his face.


He pulled himself into the room, shutting the window behind him. Before he could even full turn around to greet the girl, a mass slammed into his chest, sending him back half a step. Her thin arms wrapped around him and he happily followed suit, holding her in place in his firm hold.


Before he could even get a word out, however, he felt the girl trembling in his grasp; her shoulders racking as she tried to muffle her sobs. Sehun’s eyes went wide as he attempted to pull back from her to get a good look at her face, but she stayed latched onto him.


“Jinhye? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” he asked with alarm in his voice. Despite the girl continuing to cry, she actually laughed against him.


She pulled back to meet his gaze before sniffling and smiling up at him, allowing him to take in her puffy eyes and tear-streaked cheeks. Sehun dragged his finger across her cheek in a gentle manner, flicking away an unwelcomed tear.


“I thought I’d never see you again,” she said quietly, dropping her head as Sehun brought her over to the chair, sitting down before pulling her into his lap. “Not after what that monster did to you,” she bit out, her voice harsh as fresh tears began to form.


Sehun was quiet, nodding his head thoughtfully before continuing to rake his eyes over her features. She was comfortably settled in his arms with her head resting against his chest. Oh, how he wished he could just stay this way with her forever.


“Aren’t you cold?” Sehun said suddenly, poking her nose before resting his hand on her thigh, gesturing to the shorts and tee shirt she had on. Jinhye scoffed in response before running a finger down his exposed shoulder.


“I could ask you the same thing,” she murmured, closing her eyes in content; drawing a small smile from the boy.


A few more minutes passed in a comfortable silence before Sehun spoke up again.


“…Kris is my leader,” he began and he felt the girl tense against him, “…it’s just the way things are, Jinhye—”


“Well, he’s cruel!” she snapped, tracing a bruise on his face that had yet to completely heal. He shut his eyes, her hair to calm her down.


“Listen,” he said in a soothing voice, “I’m going to do whatever it takes to convince him that you’re safe to be around…”


She nodded slowly, taking in his words and processing them one by one. She was worried to say the least; she couldn’t stand it if the alpha laid his hands on her Sehun because of her.


“…even if that means bringing you to meet the pack,” he finished, pulling her tighter against him. She continued nodding until the words finally registered.


She responded quickly, releasing a high-pitched, panicked, what?!?!



A/N: EEEEEEP it's been such a long time since i've updated! Over a month!!! Gahhh its been such a crazy month, especially the last two weeks of school, but im done now! Now i can get back to updating everything and working on oneshots! Ahh, the beauty of winter break!!

Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, it was extra-specially-long just to make up for my month hiatus, but please, comment, subscribe, upvote, and anticipate the next chapter!!



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This story is really good authornim, I hope that you will update and finish the story. FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: omonaaaa! i so love this story. its very rare to read atories where suho is the bad one but its quite interesting. it so refreshing to read an ot12 story despite all the issues roaming around
Chapter 7: oH MY GOD
i wasn't ready i so wasn't the feels, the feels the feels.
okay, Suho I need you to calm down, buy some solid gold pizza and a mansion in Hawaii and calm down. Lay baby don't do this to me. I ship them so hard. oh my gosh why the feels
Chapter 4: my feels are gone. goneeeeeee
Clover88 #7
Chapter 7: I love this story!! i hope you will update soon ^.^
Chapter 7: I really like this so far :) i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 7: Lol I find it funny how all (well, most) of the softer looking members are in this "dark and mysterious" pack.
Anywho, this is a really good story so far!
Chapter 7: How cute! I loved sehun's reaction to the kiss.