A Wolf's Sin

Jinhye had gotten ready for bed and was now staring at Sehun who sat at the foot of her bed.


“So, you’re really bringing me to meet your pack?” she asked, still shocked at what he had suggested earlier. Sehun had tucked her in bed in an attempt to distract her from the morning, but she couldn’t sit still, currently hugging her knees to her chest. “Won’t they be upset?”


“You’ll be fine. I want you to meet them,” Sehun responded, internally freaking out but doing an excellent job at covering it up. Of course he wanted his pack to meet her; she meant a lot to him. His biggest concern was Kris, but he could deal with that when he got there.


“I guess,” she muttered, flopping onto her side.


The silence enveloped them and Sehun thought she already passed out. He reached toward her lamp to shut it, but she interrupted him mid-action.


“I have one more question,” she mumbled and Sehun waited for her to continue.


“Huh?” he questioned after she said no more.


“Earlier…we were asking each other questions…” she trailed off and Sehun nodded, prompting her to continue. He heard her gulp before speaking again. “Was I really dreaming, or was it you holding me those nights?”


Sehun’s eyes went slightly wide; he was sure she had been asleep all those times. He couldn’t help but smile at the pink tinge she had to her cheeks. Instead of responding, however, he crawled forward on the bed until he was situated right next to her.


Her eyes went wide as he inched closer, but he paid no mind to it. He laid down and wormed his arms around her. He felt Jinhye’s body tense, but relax as he pressed his body against hers.


She tried to breathe but she was finding it incredibly difficult to do so. His arms held her around her waist and she tried to get comfortable, but she was becoming increasingly restless. Nothing like his had ever happened to her before and she didn’t know how to respond.


“Just relax,” Sehun breathed in her ear and she immediately stilled. He placed one arm under her pillow and held her waist lightly with his other. “This is how we sleep in wolf form. You know, to keep each other warm.”


She shivered slightly, feeling his fingers ghost over the delicate skin on her stomach where her shirt rode up the slightest bit. Somehow, she doubted it was this intimate with his pack members.


Once she had found a comfortable position, she focused on his breathing. It was steady and warm against her neck.


“Sehun,” she began, but instead, cuddled her back closer into his chest. She focused on his strong arms holding her tight, his face burrowed into her hair.


“Rest, Jinhye. I’ll still be here when you wake up.”




It was Saturday morning and Jinhye woke up with a start. The first things she thought of were her parents. It seemed early enough that they wouldn’t be home yet, but she needed to get out of the house before they saw Sehun.






She suddenly became very aware of an arm holding her in place. She smiled. Sehun hadn’t left her. He was still here, holding her. Nothing had taken him away from her again.


She turned in his hold, scooting closer to his still-sleeping body. His white locks had fallen in front of his eyelids, which fluttered on occasion. His mouth was slightly agape and Jinhye could feel the air he breathed out, tickling her in the process.


She stared at his face, not knowing what else to do at the moment. She had never been in this type of situation before, much less than with a wolf-boy.


“I can feel you looking at me,” he spoke suddenly, and Jinhye suppressed the urge to scream. He opened his eyes and smiled, taking in the stunned look on her face.


“H-how long have you been awake?” she asked, sitting up. He let his arm fall from her waist before propping his head up with his elbow.


“Hmm, twenty minutes or so?” he responded and she shoved him playfully.


“Yah! Why didn’t you tell me you were awake!” she asked.


“I wanted to see what you’d do,” he smirked and she turned her head away as she felt the blush creep up her cheeks. He took her hand and she froze, slowly turning back to her.


“Wh…what?” she stuttered as he traced her hand with his slender fingers.


“Hmm? Oh, nothing,” he smirked again and she retracted her hand. “I just like how I make you nervous.”


Jinhye could feel hanging open and she dropped her head into her hands, trying to hide the blush that had undoubtedly spread to her whole face.


“Don’t worry, you make me nervous too,” he added, her cheek with the back of his finger. He heard her let out a squeal and he burst out laughing.


Sehun eventually got up and let the girl change, but not before he told her to hurry before her parents came home.


He sat on the floor in the hallway, waiting for her to finish.


“What am I supposed to wear to meet the pack?” she called out and Sehun bit back his laughter.


“Wear anything, it doesn’t matter!” he called back.


“I want them to like me!” she said again after a few seconds passed. Sehun stood and decided to help her. It was already fifteen past ten and her parents would be home in half an hour.


As he entered her room, he stopped mid-step. Her back was to him, but all she had on were jeans and a bra. She was rummaging through her drawers and hadn’t noticed him come in.


He stared at her slender figure and the exposed skin. Her hair covered most of her upper back, but from the bra strap down was exposed skin. He felt his entire body heating up.


Sehun was feeling all these things that he had never experienced in his life. Jinhye was making him feel these things. Suffice to say, living with six other boys had never made him feel remotely close to how he felt around her.


He wanted to be closer to her…to smell her, hear her laugh, to touch her…




The pack was going to kill him.


He was going against every rule Kris had ever set up, but he couldn’t really bring himself to care.


She pulled on a tank top and turned around, only to see Sehun standing in the door. His eyes were on her body, raking over every nuance. His pink lips were parted and his eyes were dark. He looked…animalistic.


“Uhh…” she began and his eyes shot up to hers. “How long were you in here for?”


“Just a few seconds…” he said quickly. She gulped, keeping her eyes trained on the ground. She heard a creak and looked up, suddenly finding Sehun standing over her. When had he gotten this close, she asked herself.


She felt her face heating up as she watched Sehun pick up her jacket before slowly helping her into it. He ran his hands down her arms, his chest pressed against her back. When had he gotten this bold?


She coughed to herself before she walked briskly out of the room, Sehun in tow.


She hadn’t said much since and Sehun was worried that she was mad at him. They walked together, Sehun slightly in front, as they made their way into the woods.


After a while, he stopped walking and she halted, just in time to avoid slamming into him.


“Are you mad?” he asked, turning to her. She looked up at him and shook her head. He noticed the slight tremble she had to her frame. “Then what’s wrong?”




Her body shook again and Sehun creased his eyebrows at her.


“Are you cold? You’re shaking…” he tried but she shook her head again.


“I’m scared. They’re not going to like me,” she muttered, dropping her head. Sehun smiled warmly before grasping her wrist and bringing it between them. He pulled up her extra-long sleeve and grasped her hand gently.


“You see this?” he asked, squeezing her hand slightly. “This means you’ll be safe. As long as you’re with me, you’ll be safe. Besides, who wouldn’t love you?”


She smiled to herself before nodding. Sehun kept their hands locked the rest of the way.




Where is he, a voice gritted out, rousing Lu Han from his sleeping state. He opened his bleary eyes, only to come face to face with a seething alpha standing over him. The golden wolf sighed, sliding himself out from under the larger angry wolf, only to yawn and stretch his legs.


I’m not playing around, Lu Han, where is—


Yeah, yeah, I heard you, Lu Han grumbled, scanning the crowd to make sure that the maknae was, in fact, not back yet. He sighed after seeing no white wolf.


Then where is he? I told the three of you to watch him. Tao said it was Chanyeol’s shift. Chanyeol said it was your shift. Now, I’m asking you. Where is he?


It didn’t take a fool to figure out that Kris was beyond pissed. Lu Han had told Sehun he’d handle it, but he really doubted he’d be able to talk his way out of this one.


Look, Kris, I know you told Sehun to stay here…but… Lu Han trailed off as he picked up a scent approximately six miles east of their current location.


And, Kris asked, impatiently waiting for his beta to explain, but said wolf looked otherwise preoccupied.


Lu Han suddenly directed his attention to the rest of the pack that was either still sleeping or lounging about so early in the morning. The golden wolf left out a slight howl, waking up and drawing all attention to himself.


Everyone; shift. Now.


What are you— Kris tried but was once again cut off. Five pairs of eyes stayed trained on Lu Han – also nervously glancing at Kris – before he barked again.


Now. And for the love of god, put clothes on this time. The beta barked again, snapping everyone into motion. One by one the pack shifted and ran off to find clothes while an unshifted Kris stared down an unshifted Lu Han.


You better have a good explanation for this, Kris growled out before shifting. Lu Han followed suit and nodded slowly before turning in an attempt to find clothes quickly.


“Don’t worry, I do,” the beta threw over his shoulder.


“Oh, and Lulu,” Kris called, halting Lu Han in his tracks. The beta turned to see Kris walking away. “Don’t forget, I’m still the one that gives orders around here.”


With that, Kris was gone, leaving a grumbling Lu Han to find clothes.





“Why did we have to shift?” Chanyeol asked, plucking at blades of grass from where he sat on the ground. “I was having such a nice sleep.”


“I know,” Jongin groaned. “Why did you have to move? You were so warm…” the younger joked, eliciting a loud laugh from the older.


The two immediately quieted down after receiving a glare from the alpha who was standing off to the side with Lu Han, his arms crossed.


“Why is alpha so angry?” Jongin quietly whispered to Chanyeol, poking the latter’s knee with a blade of grass.


“Because he’s going to kill Sehun,” Baekhyun growled, plopping down next to Chanyeol.


“…Is he really?” Jongin asked, wide-eyed. Chanyeol shook his head, shoving Baekhyun’s shoulder slightly.


The pack had been sitting around for about ten minutes already and nothing had happened. Everyone seemed confused, with the exception of the alpha and beta.


Jongin looked up, hearing movement from the side.


“Tao, Tao!” Jongin whispered loudly, causing said male to look down at him as he made his way towards the alpha.




“Do you know what going on?” Jongin asked hopefully and the boy smirked but did not stop walking.


“Yup,” he threw over his shoulder before stopping next to the alpha and beta.


“,” Jongin gritted out, eliciting a glare from said boy.


Suddenly a gust of wind swept through the clearing at all the boys tensed, getting a whiff of a foreign scent along with the maknae.


“I smell Sehun!” Jongin cheered and everyone turned to glare at him until he quieted down.


“What’s that other smell?” Baekhyun questioned, a look of distaste on his smooth face.


Suddenly Chanyeol’s face lit up as sudden recognition hit him. He began whacking Baekhyun’s arm in an excited manner.


“Ow, yo, stop it!” Baek snapped, turning himself away from the taller boy.


“What?” Jongin questioned, tugging on Chanyeol’s sleeve. The taller pulled Jongin closer before whispering in his ear, forcing a grin to spread on the second maknae’s face.


“Are you kidding me?” Kris gritted out as his eyes narrowed. “He brought it here?”


“She’s not an it, Kris. She’s a girl. Hardly anything to be alarmed about,” Lu Han muttered as Sehun made his way into the clearing, a terrified looking girl trailing behind him, latched onto his arm.


“We’ll see about that.”




“Sehun,” Jinhye whispered, her grip tight on Sehun’s arm. “They’re all staring…”


“It’s going to be okay; I’m here,” he responded and she smiled a slight bit as they continued forward.


She was right, though. All eyes were focused on the two of them…mainly Jinhye. He wasn’t sure how this was going to play out and the weight in his chest was telling him that maybe this wasn’t the best or most thought out idea in the world.


Jinhye followed after Sehun, stopping about fifty feet from the alpha and Lu Han. She tried to be brave, tried to trust Sehun’s word that nothing would happen to her, but her trembling body was betraying her. She could just feel the alpha’s eyes burning her with his gaze. She was just waiting for him to attack at any moment.


Her eyes focused on Lu Han standing next to the alpha. He gave a small wave with an accompanying smile, assuring her it would be okay.


Before she could face forward again, a tall figure was standing in front of her, a slight bounce to his body. Jinhye cowered back slightly, but the grin on the tall boy – taller than Sehun, even – wasn’t intimidating at all.


“You must be Jinhye!” he shouted and said girl was shocked by how incredibly deep his voice was. Before she could even get a word out, the boy continued. “Wow, so you do have all the parts that human books said a female should have!”


“Wha—” Jinhye squeaked out as the tall boy inspected her up and down.


“I’m Chanyeol, by the way!” he continued, interrupting the girl, “but you can call me oppa!”


The boy grinned wide and Jinhye could help but crack a smile. However, it was short lived as a much shorter boy appeared by his side, tugging the tall giant away. He gave her a final glare as he walked away.


“You better not get us killed,” the small brunette snarled, tugging Chanyeol away, the latter with a disappointed look on his face.


“Just ignore Baekhyun,” Sehun growled, glaring at the small brunette. Before she could question more, a boy the same height as Sehun, but slightly more tan, approached with a smile matching Chanyeol’s.


"You're really pretty! I see why Sehun got beaten for you! I'm Jongin…Kai! Call me Kai!" the tan boy rambled as Jinhye’s eyes grew wide. Sehun got beaten for me? She asked herself, stealing a quick glance at said boy. The slightly bruised face did raise suspicion…


“Okay, bye Jongin,” Sehun drawled and the tan boy pouted before walking away but not without a final wave.


“Well, he was friendly,” Jinhye commented and Sehun turned to smile down at her.


In the blink of an eye Jinhye was yanked from Sehun’s side and she gasped as she came face to face with the source of the pull.


The boy that had stuck to the alpha’s side – the one with dark circles under his eyes – was grinning as he placed a kiss on Jinhye’s hand. Her eyes went wide as the boy pulled her closer.


"I know we've met before, darling, but I don't believe we were formally introduced. My name is Tao." He murmured with a smirk, never breaking eye contact.


“Uhh,” she gulped, freeing her hand before backing into Sehun’s chest. The maknae settled his hands on Jinhye’s arms, steadying here.


“Back up, Taozi,” Sehun growled and Tao scoffed before winking at Jinhye and disappearing.


“See you later, my sweet,” he called, causing Sehun to tense and his grip to tighten on Jinhye’s arm.


She looked around the clearing, her eyes settling on the alpha. He stood off to the side with his arms crossed, never removing his death glare from her. She looked away quickly, unable to look in his direction.


She felt another tug on her arm and this time she watched as the tall boy, Chanyeol, tugged her towards the other boys.


"Tell us about human life!” Chanyeol cheered, sitting her down in a circle with the other boys. We don't get to experience much of it!"


"Chanyeol..." Kris growled warningly at him but Chanyeol refused to acknowledge it. Kris took a step forward, ready to break up the whole ‘get to know each other’ party Chanyeol had started, but a well-placed hand on his chest stopped him.


“Give her a chance,” Lu Han smiled, watching Jinhye nervously smile as Chanyeol and Kai bombarded her with questions. “Threat, huh?” Lu Han laughed to himself, causing the alpha to shoot him a glare. “Threat, my .”


“C’mon, Jinhye! What’s it like?” Chanyeol prodded and Jinhye let out a small laugh.


"Well I...uh…we live in houses...drive cars. Shop at the mall…" she drawled and Kai and Chanyeol leaned in, captivated by her words.


“Mall?” Baekhyun piped up, suddenly interested. “Where there are clothes and makeup?


The other boy’s jaws dropped, shocked Baekhyun was actually talking to her, especially after all the fuss he put up about not wanting the human around.


“Yeah…that’s it,” she nodded and Baekhyun pouted before moving closer, wanting to ask the girl more questions.


She proceeded in explaining more ‘human tasks,’ eliciting smiles and laughs from the other boys.


“That’s so amazing, Jinhye!” Jongin cheered while Chanyeol pressed his nose against Jinhye’s head, sniffing her, just like a wolf would do. She giggled at the feel, patting Chanyeol’s head as she continued telling stories.


Sehun watched in awe, shocked how well Jinhye was fitting in. Even Tao had made his way over and was listening to her attentively…but Sehun wasn’t entirely sure if he liked that or not.


Nevertheless, he watched the girl giggle and smile with a smile on his face. He turned, catching the glare Kris was sending him. As the moments passed, Sehun watched as Kris grew angrier and angrier. This isn’t going to end well, he thought to himself.


Sehun watched as Kris pushed himself up from the chair he was sitting in, a smirk on his face.


“Human girl, come with me for a moment, won’t you?” Kris cooed in a mock tone and just about everyone’s eyes went wide. Sehun was vaguely aware of everyone’s eyes travelling between him and Kris.


Jinhye’s face had drained of color as she stood and made her way to Sehun, grasping onto his arm lightly. He looked down at her, offering her a smile before nodding her towards Kris.


Sehun watched as Jinhye hesitantly followed Kris into the woods, disappearing behind a few trees.


“It’ll be okay,” Lu Han cooed, patting the maknae’s white locks. “She’ll be fine.”




Jinhye followed in the alpha’s footsteps, glancing back to see Sehun watching her. She inspected the alpha’s back, raking over his broad shoulders and well-defined muscles. Everything about him screamed power and she could sense the strong vibe that he emanated.


The alpha disappeared behind some trees and Jinhye quickly followed, keeping her eyes trained on the ground. Before she could even look up, however, she was slammed against a tree, a small squeak of shock escaping her.


Her eyes were wide as Kris leaned close. She wanted to move away, scream for Sehun, anything, but she was frozen in fear.


She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt hot air on her neck before a scraping was felt. Teeth.


“I could tear you to shreds, you know. Sehun’s princess,” the alpha mockingly cooed, applying slight pressure to where his teeth rested. A slight whimper escaped from her before she found her voice.


“D-don’t hurt me…” she near-whispered, attempting to shrink away from his hold. The alpha scoffed, lightening up his bite.


“You're a weak, pathetic human; you know that? You're not even worth my time to kill."


With that, the alpha pulled away from , a glare never leaving his features. “Now, how do I know I can trust you?”


Jinhye’s eyes grew wide once again as she gulped in an attempt to collect her thoughts.


"I wouldn't want anything to happen to Sehun. I care about him a lot!” she said hurriedly but the alpha’s glare only intensified. He didn’t look amused. “…Nobody would believe me if I even told your secret!"


Kris tilted his head to the side as if he was weighing what she said. “Nevertheless, it’s still risky to trust you.”




“Quiet,” Kris barked and the girl did just that. Kris leaned down just enough that his dark eyes locked with hers. . "I don't like you. At all. Nor will I ever. Got that? You've been causing me nothing but trouble.”


The girl nodded slowly, refusing to say anything else. Her body was trembling and she was sure she’d collapse if Kris’ harsh grip on her arm wasn’t keeping her upright.


The alpha looked away briefly before pursing his lips as if a conflicting thought had just arrived in his head.


“But…” the alpha began and Jinhye raised her head, searching his face for answers. “You did save my maknae and it appears the only way my debt will be repaid is by letting him keep you around.”


Jinhye’s mouth opened slightly in shock but a slight chuckle from him shocked her, keeping her from saying anything. “Sehun always liked his pets. Hopefully he'll become bored with you and we can eat you."


“H-he wouldn’t…” she choked out, and the alpha snapped his attention back to her, a challenging smirk gracing his sharp features.


“Hmph, you think he really cares about you? He’s a wolf. His animalistic instincts are always in control.”


Jinhye caught her breathe on a sharp intake and Kris’s sinister smirk grew. He let out a breathy chuckle, fanning her face with his sweet breath before leaning in close.


"I know you don’t really care for him. You humans are all the same. Care about something for a bit then throw it away like trash."


The alpha’s words cut deep. Jinhye knew she wasn’t the type of person to open up to anyone easily and Sehun was the first person in a very, very long time that she truly cared about. Such an accusation was simply preposterous. A glare of her own formed, adding to her sudden rage. “I’m not like that!” she snapped, attempting to push herself away from the tree. Before she could gain any ground, however, a firm hand pushed her back.


"Suuurrre you aren't.” he began. “Get one thing straight, human. If you do anything to endanger my pack and me – especially my idiotic maknae - I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again. I'll rip you limb from limb. It'll be the most painful thing you'll ever experience. If you ever tell anyone, you'll die. A very painful, slow, lonely death. Do you understand?" the alpha questioned, nipping once again at for emphasis. Her eyes widened even further and she was sure her blood had run cold. She nodded simply; sure she had never been so scared in her entire life.


“Kris,” a voice called and suddenly the alpha’s mouth was gone from , pulling back with a smirk. Standing off to the side was Sehun with an extremely unamused look on his face.


The alpha raised his thumb to wipe his lower lip – a display of cockiness – still pressing the frightened girl against the tree.


“Go,” the alpha growled out harshly and in an instant, Kris’ grip was gone and Jinhye was pressed against Sehun, her arms holding him tight.


The maknae wrapped his arm behind her back to lead her away from the scene but not without a final glance over his shoulder, sending a glare to the cocky alpha.


Watch it, Kris, he hissed to himself, not giving two s if he was the alpha or not, watch it.




A/N: Woooo! Super quick update! Like i said, thank god for winter break!!

Its late so there's not much more to write, but please comment, subscribe, and upvote! Much appreciated!!! Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!




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This story is really good authornim, I hope that you will update and finish the story. FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: omonaaaa! i so love this story. its very rare to read atories where suho is the bad one but its quite interesting. it so refreshing to read an ot12 story despite all the issues roaming around
Chapter 7: oH MY GOD
i wasn't ready i so wasn't the feels, the feels the feels.
okay, Suho I need you to calm down, buy some solid gold pizza and a mansion in Hawaii and calm down. Lay baby don't do this to me. I ship them so hard. oh my gosh why the feels
Chapter 4: my feels are gone. goneeeeeee
Clover88 #7
Chapter 7: I love this story!! i hope you will update soon ^.^
Chapter 7: I really like this so far :) i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 7: Lol I find it funny how all (well, most) of the softer looking members are in this "dark and mysterious" pack.
Anywho, this is a really good story so far!
Chapter 7: How cute! I loved sehun's reaction to the kiss.