A Wolf's Sin

The night had grown darker by now, providing an excellent cover for the other wolves in the area. The dark ones, the ones that sought to regain the land they believed was rightfully theirs. The land that was controlled by Kris’ pack; the land that was divided and stolen from them decades ago by the now-beta’s great-grandfather. The now-alpha refused to return what was rightfully theirs, which meant only one thing for the alpha of the opposing pack: war.


Joonmyun, the alpha from the dark pack, was on high alert. His fur was ruffled in confusion over the whole situation, only increasing his anxiety more. It didn’t make any sense to him. Why hadn’t the other pack retaliated? After all, one of his betas, Jongdae, did a pretty good number on the youngest in the pack. Surely that would have riled the alpha enough to get a rise out of him, wouldn’t it? Joonmyun was beginning to worry that the opposing pack was planning an ambush; it was the only explanation for the lack of attack.


As alpha, Joonmyun had to ensure that nothing would happen to his pack. They couldn’t lose this war. The ancestors wouldn’t appreciate that either. The consequences would be too dire. He couldn’t allow that to happen.


Minseok, Jongdae, the alpha called sternly, drawing the attention of the next two highest-ranking members of the pack. Go and spy on the enemy. Conceal your scent and don’t get caught. This is important, so don’t mess it up.


The other two wolves emitted low growls in understanding before jolting off through the forest. The two were the best trackers and stealthiest members of the pack, therefore, Joonmyun trusted them to not come back without solid information.




The two wolves slipped silently through the night, careful not to make any noise or disturb the nature, thus giving up their location. No, the two of them were trained in the art of stealth and it was safe to say they were experts in that department. Nobody was better at what they did than them.


The closer they got to the other pack’s center, the more alert they became.


It smells like human, Minseok said quietly to his partner. The deeper they got into Kris’ domain, the more intense the smell became.


Don’t be ridiculous, Jongdae scoffed. Why would they be stupid enough to allow a human to get close enough to them? I think you’re losing it, hyung.


Watch it, Minseok snapped. He had the best nose in their pack and he knew what he smelt. Don’t second-guess me, he spat. Jongdae bowed his head in apology as the two creeped closer to the heart of the opposing pack.


Finally getting a strong smell, the two knew they were close. Hiding behind some trees on the east side of the enemy pack’s center, their eyes widened in slight disbelief. They would definitely have enough information to return to their alpha.


First, all five of the visible members were in human form. That never happened. Ever. Didn’t they know how much of a liability it was for all of them to be in human form at one time? Human-form wolves were strong, but they were no match against a pack in wolf form.


Are they really this stupid? Jongdae asked before Minseok shushed him.


Second, there was palpable tension in the air. Minseok knew enough to know it wasn’t caused by an outside threat. The problem definitely stemmed from inside the pack itself. The alpha’s aura could be felt miles away from the rest of the pack, which was also a rarity. Clearly, there was a problem. Minseok was willing to bet anything that the problem stemmed from the female standing incredibly close to the youngest of the pack. It was obvious she was human; her scent was way too strong.


The weird thing about the whole situation, Minseok found, was that none of the members of the pack were being hostile towards her. Quite the opposite, actually. All of the members, sans the alpha, were all smiling and waving goodbye to her as the maknae led her away from them. Joonmyun had to hear about this.




After staying a bit longer and fleeing when the alpha returned, the two dark wolves ran as fast as possible back to their home. They’d hit the jackpot in information and they couldn’t wait to hand it over to their leader. He was going to be so pleased with them.


Sir, Jongdae said as the two stood in front of the pack leader. We’ve got quite a bit of information for you.


After relaying what they’d seen, Joonmyun couldn’t help but smirk. This was exactly the kind of leverage they needed to put them ahead in the war and he planned on taking full advantage of it.


A human girl, you say? He asked with a sinister grin playing on his muzzle. She could be the perfect bargaining chip, he mused.


Don’t be ridiculous, Jongdae drawled, only to receive a growl to watch whom he was speaking to. Sir…Kris would never sacrifice anything for a human…


Yeah, Minseok added, taking over the explaining. The way their alpha looked at the girl…he wanted to rip her to shreds.


She seemed like she was attached to their maknae— Jongdae added before receiving a glare from Minseok.


It’s true…the alpha may not have been fond of the human, but everyone else seemed to be warming up to her.


Another wolf from their pack stirred from his nap, stretching as he listened to the elders speak.


How’s our little Taozi? Kyungsoo drawled, rolling onto his back. Jongdae scoffed before going to join his friend on the ground. He didn’t need to be disciplined anymore anyways.


Stuck to their alpha’s side like a lap dog, Jongdae scoffed again, eliciting a low chuckle from the younger.


Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. No independent mind, that one. I’m glad we got rid of him. Yah, alpha! Remember how he was always stuck to your side too?  Kyungsoo snickered.


Joonmyun refused to acknowledge the younger boys; he was already starting to plot.


Still…if they have time to play games with humans and do nothing, they’ll never know when we’ll attack. This is perfect, Joonmyun smirked.


Turning to look around their camp, Joonmyun spotted the wolf he needed, lounging about with half-lidded eyes.


Lay! Get over here! I have a mission for you, Joonmyun announced, the younger wolf’s head rising slightly to meet that of the leader’s. The wolf trudged his way over before sitting in front of their leader and bowing his head in respect. There’s a human with the other pack. The maknae, to be exact. Follow them; get any information you can find.


The wolf nodded his head before darting off into the forest. This was going to be too easy; Joonmyun could feel it. This is perfect.




“Make sure to visit soon, pretty human!” Kai smiled, waving in a grand gesture at her. Jinhye giggled as Sehun tugged her away from the scene.


“Yeah! We want to know more human things so you have to come back and tell us more!” Chanyeol said excitedly, hugging Baekhyun against his side. Even the grumpy brunette managed a slight wave after a prompting from the taller.


Sehun just rolled his eyes. Of course his pack would become attached to her. She was his, not theirs and he wanted to keep it that way.


Tao smirked from the alpha’s side, watching as the girl left. She’d definitely prove to be an interesting plaything.


“What, you’re not going to say bye, too?” Lu Han teased, smirking at the younger. Kris narrowed his eyes at the older before turning to glare at Tao, his arms crossed.


“Tao, don’t you dare—”


“Bye, beautiful!” he screamed, interrupting the leader. Glancing up at the pissed look on the alpha’s face, he gulped. “S-sorry, Duizhang…”


“I like her,” Kai mused, turning to face his brothers once Sehun and Jinhye were out of sight.


“She’s amazing! She knows so much and she smells amazing!” Chanyeol raved, shaking Baekhyun slightly. The older shoved him, freeing himself from the giant’s grasp.


“Ehh…she’s tolerable,” Baekhyun trailed, only to receive a shove from Chanyeol.


“Don’t act like you don’t like her! You asked her the most questions!” Kai smirked, causing Baekhyun’s face to color in embarrassment.


“They love her,” Lu Han smirked, glancing up at the alpha.


“I can’t wait till we eat her,” Kris grumbled before turning to leaving, Tao hot on his trail.




Once Jinhye and Sehun were finally out of sight from the pack, she let out a huge huff of air and a chuckled before running her hands through her hair.


“What?” Sehun asked with an amused look, running his finger over her flushed cheek. She smiled brightly at him before skipping slightly.


“I can’t believe I’m alive!” she laughed, swinging their linked hands. “I could have bet for sure that one of them was going to kill me!”


“Yah! Have some faith in my brothers!” he pouted playfully. “Didn’t I tell you they’d love you, though? Kris was a little shaky…but you’re okay,” he smiled.


Jinhye paused at his words, falling silent. The alpha’s words were repeating in her head and insecurities couldn’t help but stem from them.


“What is it?” Sehun asked, noticing the change in her.


“You’re…not going to eat me…are you?” she asked hesitantly. Sehun creased his brow at her before cracking up laughing.


“Of course not. You’re such a silly human, Jinhye,” he laughed.


“Hey…be nice,” she pouted as Sehun wrapped his arms around her from behind. “You’re not going to get bored of me either, right?”


Sehun’s brow creased and he shook his head at her words. He didn’t understand where this was all suddenly coming from. Well, maybe he did.


“Kris said those things to you?” he asked, eliciting a nod from her. Sehun sighed before squeezing her tighter.


“Jinhye-ah, I can’t be away from you. Haven’t I told you that already? It’d hurt both of us…I’m not going anywhere,” he assured, nuzzling his head against the top of hers.


Night had fallen over the two of them and they eventually they returned to her house.


“Made it,” he grinned, walking her up her porch and to her door. “Told you you’d be fine today,” he said triumphantly.


“Yeah, yeah, you’re just so special,” she giggled, both of her hands finding their way into his.


She wasn’t sure when they’d gotten this comfortable with skinship, but she wasn’t complaining in the slightest. After all, he was a wolf. She doubted he even paid attention to such things.


Sehun smiled warmly, taking a step closer to her in the chilly night air. “It’s my job to protect you, Jinhye. I won’t let anything…or anyone bring harm to you,” he said.


“I know,” she said in a quiet voice, staring into his eyes.


She couldn’t understand how someone could be this handsome. The moonlight shining on her porch casted a halo-like affect on Sehun’s hair, making it glow white. She got lost in his eyes; the deep brown pools that seemed so welcoming…like they were drawing her in, willing or not. But…she was more than willing, that was for sure.


“Are you staying tonight?” she questioned.


“No…I should probably go back,” he sighed. “Just to make sure everyone in the pack was really okay with you being there. Damage control,” he laughed.


Jinhye nodded, but sighed. She would have really liked to spend more time with him – as if all day wasn’t enough for her. “Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow though, so don’t worry.”


“Alright…” she sighed and Sehun couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she looked with that dejected pout. “Sehun?”


“Hmm?” he asked, eyes raking over her face that the darkness shone over.


“I…I, uh…want to give you something,” she murmured, staring at her feet. Sehun cocked an eyebrow at her, noticing the sudden change in her demeanor.


“Sure…” he trailed, looking down at her curiously.


“I just…don’t know how you’d react, is all…” she murmured, eyes flickering up to his unwavering ones.


“I’m sure I’ll love anything you give me,” he assured with a genuine smile. Jinhye gulped and nodded, taking a step closer to close the distance between them.


“O-okay…close your eyes,” she said, her heart beating like crazy.


“Alright,” he laughed, shutting his eyes. The night was quiet, but Sehun could still sense her quiet, hesitant movements and quickening heartbeat. Soon enough a pressure was against his lips and his eyes shot open.


Jinhye’s lips were pressed against his, her eyes closed as she continued to lean into him. The feeling was something he’d never experienced, but he definitely liked it.


Much too soon, her lips were gone and she was back to staring up at him, a nervous look on her face.


Soon enough though, a reassuring smile crossed Sehun’s lips. He had absolutely no idea what she’d just done, but he really, really liked it.


“Goodnight, Sehunnie,” she smiled before turning to leave. He pouted slightly, obviously wanting to do whatever they just did more, but the pout was soon replaced with a giant grin.


Sehun’s smile couldn’t fade, no matter what he did. He gave a small wave as he watched her go in, before turning and slowly making his way off her porch.


Sehun was so focused on her and the tingling on his lips to even notice the unwelcomed guest watching in the distance.




You should be happy for him, Lu Han drawled, watching as Kris paced around in his usual unhappy demeanor. Sehun had returned some time ago in a happy daze but refused to say anything to anyone. He reeked of the human’s stench and it made the alpha sick. Lu Han and Tao had to practically hold him back from lunging at the happy maknae.


Why the hell would I be happy for him? Even you can’t be that stupid, Lulu. You’re well aware of the danger he’s putting all of us in— Kris ranted, only to be cut off by the disinterested beta.


I know you’re only saying that because you’re biased. You wouldn’t mind Sehun’s human if it wasn’t for—


Don’t you dare finish that statement. You know full well not to bring that up around me, Kris snapped, eliciting a rolling of the eyes from the beta, but he was otherwise silent.


Okay, I get it…sore topic… Lu Han trailed cautiously as the alpha curled up next to the already sleeping Tao. But I really think you should reconsider this hatred. Jinhye seems nice and really cares about our Sehun. That much is true.


It’s not safe—


I’m not saying to let your guard down, Lu Han corrected, sitting in front of the alpha. I’m just suggesting being a tad nicer to her. I have a feeling that she’s going to be around the pack quite a bit…so it might as well be a pleasant experience for everyone, right?


Kris eyed his beta, mentally weighing the options. He hated humans; there was no way he couldn’t. Not after what he’d been through…but Lu Han did raise some valid points. He didn’t want to create tension within his pack, especially with the impending threat. He needed unity now more than ever.


Kris grunted in response, not giving Lu Han the satisfaction of an answer. Turning his head in an attempt to sleep, he froze, immediately alerting Lu Han.


What is it? Lu Han questioned in a low voice, suddenly on edge as the alpha pulled himself to his feet in a defensive manner, a low growl emitting from him.


A scent, he said, ears standing straight up as his golden eyes raked over the land. Intruders. Maybe two hours ago…three tops.


What does that mean… Lu Han asked as he stood, his fur standing on high alert.


It means we were being watched. Someone…two, by the smell of it, staked out our camp earlier. Who knows what they could have seen…I swear if they saw that damn human—


Yi Fan, relax, Lu Han interrupted. Maybe the wolves were just passing by…it’s not necessarily the other pack so we shouldn’t worry too much—


It was them. I know it was them, he snapped. Go wake the others and inform them to be on high alert from now on. Everyone is to have a pair at all times. No one goes alone.


I think you’re overreacting… Lu Han sighed, turning to wake the others.


Kris knew he wasn’t imagining things. This was the enemy pack. The smell was so familiar to him. They smelled just like Tao the day they decided he was too weak to keep around and kicked him out. How he smelled when Kris had found him and took him in. It was the enemy pack – the dark wolves, and Kris would be prepared to fight when the time came.




Joonmyun nodded as he listened to what Lay had seen. “Excellent, excellent. Good work, Lay,” the alpha praised, rubbing the younger wolf’s head. Turning to Minseok and Jongdae, he narrowed his eyes.


“So…the human does play an important role…” Minseok trailed.


“And to think, neither of you believed me,” Joonmyun growled, causing the older wolf to lay down in submission. “The human is vital. It’ll cause a chain of reactions in my favor. Take out the human, and we can take out their maknae. Take out their maknae…”


“And that leaves an opening to take down the entire pack,” Kyungsoo spoke up and the alpha nodded at the youngest.


“Exactly. I can already taste victory,” the alpha smirked. “In a week, we start phase one.”




A/N: Hey everyone! First off I wanted to say sorry for disappearing for almost five months...this semester was really crazy, but it's almost over! Wooo! I'll definitely be able to update more frequently, that much is true. Thanks to everyone for sticking with this story and continuing to subscirbe and comment. You're all the best!

I know this chapter was short, but it's transitioning me back into writing like this, so bare with me! Thanks to MusicLover14 for helping me with this chapter a loooooong time ago, but hey, better late than never!! Please look forward to the next chapter and be sure to comment, subscribe and upvote!

Thanks to Krysxox, get2herheart, RavenUchiha, HaleyHeartsya, beckybusss, I-Love-EXO, MusicLover14, -perfectparade, and Juliet_123 for upvoting! Love you guys!!!

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This story is really good authornim, I hope that you will update and finish the story. FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: omonaaaa! i so love this story. its very rare to read atories where suho is the bad one but its quite interesting. it so refreshing to read an ot12 story despite all the issues roaming around
Chapter 7: oH MY GOD
i wasn't ready i so wasn't the feels, the feels the feels.
okay, Suho I need you to calm down, buy some solid gold pizza and a mansion in Hawaii and calm down. Lay baby don't do this to me. I ship them so hard. oh my gosh why the feels
Chapter 4: my feels are gone. goneeeeeee
Clover88 #7
Chapter 7: I love this story!! i hope you will update soon ^.^
Chapter 7: I really like this so far :) i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 7: Lol I find it funny how all (well, most) of the softer looking members are in this "dark and mysterious" pack.
Anywho, this is a really good story so far!
Chapter 7: How cute! I loved sehun's reaction to the kiss.