A Wolf's Sin

It had been hours since Jinhye had tried to go to sleep but there was no way she saw that to be possible. It had been storming all week and that included whatever god-forsaken hour it was now.


She slowly but surely crawled out of bed, stumbling in her attempt to make it to her window in the darkness that surrounded her room. Normally, Jinhye loved storms, especially lightning, but not when the storm kept her from sleeping the night before she had a huge test. Right now, she really hated storms.


Sitting on her window seat, she rested her hands and head on the windowsill, staring out into the still-dark sky. The storm just seemed so ominous, so violent, the past few nights. This night felt different. Worse.


As she continued to listen to the banging of the thunder, other noises started to mix in. Horrible, cringe-worthy noises were heard clear over the loud banging in the sky.


Jinhye didn’t know what to make of it, but she was sure it was unnatural. Even after getting back in bed, the strange noises continued, almost for an hour. It sounded like someone was getting killed, Jinhye thought, lying awake, staring at her ceiling. She turned her head and glanced at the clock: 1:41 am.


“Are you kidding me?” Jinhye whispered, rolling over and covering her head with the pillow. Nothing blocked out the noises. They almost seemed to get louder.


A loud crashing sound came from what seemed like right outside Jinhye’s window and she shot up from near-sleep, clutching her chest. Now that definitely didn’t seem normal.


She needed her sleep and she needed these noises to stop. Now.


After pulling on a hoodie and rain boots over her shorts, she unsteadily made her way down the steps and to her front door. She unlocked it as quietly as she could and made her way to the side of the house where the noise was coming from.


Most of the rain had stopped sans the few drops here and there. The thunder still boomed off and on, but the whining was evident. When had the noise turned to whining?


As she rounded the corner of her house, she slapped a hand over , preventing a scream from escaping. Half hidden by one of her bushes was what seemed like a large dog…wolf? It was grey and white and panting heavily. As Jinhye stared at the creature before her, whines escaped it, mimicking the noises she heard earlier.


“What the…?” she mumbled taking half a step closer before stepping on a branch, giving away her position. The animal’s eyes shot open, immediately locking with Jinhye’s. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to be frightened or not. The wolf’s eyes didn’t seen threatening at all; the eyes seemed warm and inviting…and human? She shook her head at the thought.


Whether it was a lapse in judgment or a lack in sleep compelling her, Jinhye slowly made her way forward, closing the distance between her and the wolf. Their eyes stayed locked and she noted the pain in its eyes.


After breaking away from its gaze, her eyes scanned its body, noting some red matted in the fur. Her hand reached out to inspect it further until she heard a soft growl.


“Shhh, no, no, no, I don’t want to hurt you, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” Jinhye whispered and the growling immediately stopped. Can you understand me? She laughed to herself. You must be really tired, Jinhye, she thought, rolling her eyes.


The wolf almost seemed to nod but of course her mind was probably just playing a trick on her, right?


Upon further inspection, Jinhye found several deep gashes all over his body and legs. They looked fresh and they were still bleeding. She glanced back at the wolf’s eyes and found him still looking up at her, their eyes once again locking. He did, however, look incredibly weaker in the ten minutes since she had first seen him.


He was dying.


She needed to stop the bleeding; she would not let him die.


She placed her hand on the wolf’s head, slowly caressing his face, watching as he responded to the touch, eyes fluttering in pleasure before locking with hers once again.


“I’m going to need you to trust me, alright?” Another slight nod. “I won’t let you die.”




“I’m an idiot, I’m an idiot, I’m an idiot, I’m an idiot…” Jinhye mumbled as she carried the incredibly heavy wolf up the stairs to her bathroom. She was not expecting him to be this heavy…or for her to be this weak.


She carefully placed the wolf on the rug in the bathroom and immediately began digging through cabinet after cabinet in search of medical supplies.


Jinhye wet a washcloth and began wiping away the blood, stifling gasps as the wolf growled when she pressed too hard. It took about fifteen minutes, but soon the wolf was all clean and bandaged up.


“See? You’ll be fine. I’m here now and I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?” Jinhye whispered, watching as the wolf took deep, shallow breaths, it’s torso rising and falling.


After watching the wolf fall asleep and almost nodding off herself, she picked up the wolf again before bring him to her room. It was nearing three in the morning and she didn’t have time to set up a make shift bed at the time.


She carefully placed the wolf on her bed before changing out of her clothes, finally noticing the slight bloodstains she acquired from carrying him.


She crawled into bed, careful to avoid hitting the wolf in the process. She stared at her ceiling for a few minutes, feeling the lump on the bed next to her.


Did I really just bring a wolf into my house? Jinhye, you’re an idiot.




She was awake, yet again, but she knew it wasn’t time to get up. She couldn’t open her eyes and she felt groggy. I must be dreaming.


Jinhye felt tight arms wrapped around her, holding her against a warm, bare body. She attempted to shift in her spot, but the arms clenched, keeping her still. She didn’t try to fight it; it felt right. She felt safe.


She cuddled in deeper to the mysterious body holding her, loving the warmth that radiated off of it.


Of course this has to be a dream.


An innocent dream sparked on by the lack of sleep. She nodded, agreeing with her thought. As she continued to drift back to sleep, she felt breathing on her neck, lulling her deeper into sleep’s grasp. She felt comfortable, and this felt right.




Jinhye groaned, pulling a pillow over her head to block out the sun’s rays. It was seven in the morning and she had gotten about three hours of sleep. She didn’t want to take this damn test; she just wanted to sleep.


She thought back to last night and actually smiled – something she almost never did in the mornings. Thinking back to her dream of someone holding her made her feel strangely okay with her severe lack of sleep.


She sighed and attempted to get up, but froze as light growling came from the foot of her bed. She glanced down, only to meet with the eyes of a tired-looking wolf. So that had actually happened


She sat up and smiled at the wolf.


“Well, good morning to you, too, Mr. grumpy,” she cooed, the wolf’s head. The wolf huffed, but nuzzled into her hand nonetheless.


She should be terrified…a freaking wolf was sleeping on the edge of her bed. Did wolves even exist in Korea? Hell, if she knew…but here she was, petting him like he was her pet dog.


Every piece of common sense she had was telling her to call animal control and get him removed before he attacked her, but something seemed different about him. She felt…like she could trust him.


…and that was too much to comprehend so early in the morning.


She slinked out of bed despite the large dog’s protests, but managed to leave the room and shower.


She came back a few minutes later and the wolf was still in the same spot, as if he was waiting for her.


Once she was ready to head off to school, she plopped back on her bed. She had a few minutes to spare, so why not?


Jinhye inspected the wolf as she his fur. His coat seemed shinier than last night and after checking the bandages, the cuts seemed to have healed remarkably fast. It was strange. Last night he looked as if he was going to die…but now he was the spitting image of health.


“You heal fast, don’t you,” she mumbled, scratching behind his ear. It looked as if he nodded. “Uhm…I have to go to school now, but you’ll be her when I return…right?”


She felt stupid for asking, she really did, but she almost felt a twinge of pain at the thought of her wolf leaving her. Her wolf? Sure enough though, the wolf nodded and she him one last time before leaving for school. She’d make sure to hurry home; she needed to see her wolf.




Sehun didn’t know how he could be so stupid. He shouldn’t have spent the night, but he knew he was too weak to attempt to leave. Besides…something about the human…drew him to her.


He didn’t know if it was her scent – which was amazing, by the way – or just her display of bravery that got to him, but he couldn’t just leave her like that. He at least owed her for saving his life, didn’t he?


However, he needed to get back to his pack. As the maknae, they were undoubtedly worrying about him, and he needed to tell them he was safe.


He jumped down from the human’s bed and found his way downstairs, careful to avoid any other humans. Thankfully, no one seemed to be home.


After finding a window that was cracked, he slinked his way out of it before running full speed back to the forest. He would be quick; explain to the pack, then be back before his human got home. He couldn’t stand to disappoint her.


After finally catching on the scent of his fellow pack mates a few hours later due to the storm washing away most of it, he followed it until he eventually stumbled upon one of them.


Lu Han! Sehun barked to the eldest wolf, thankful he was the first one he found. Lu Han wouldn’t be as upset when he broke the news to him.


Sehun! Oh god, I was so worried! Lu Han responded, running up to the maknae before rubbing his head against the younger’s torso. I was so worried! Where were you last night?


Uhh…it’s kind of a long story, hyung…but um, Sehun began but was cut off as a larger wolf came into view in the clearing.


Sehun, it’s good that you’re back, the older wolf, the alpha, said with authority. Sehun bowed his head as the wolf circled around him, obviously inspecting him for injuries.


I ran into some trouble, but I’m okay now, Kris, Sehun responded, moving closer to Lu Han. He had always hated Kris’ intense glare; especially the way his eyes shone against his black fur. He would have loved it if Lu Han had been alpha; Sehun was Lu Han’s favorite…but Lu Han was too soft to make any strong decisions like Kris. He was wise, but that only helped him stay beta. He was not alpha material.


Lu Han sat and Sehun followed suit, nuzzling close to the eldest. Lu Han always made him feel safe…just like his human.


Sehun had a story to tell; I think you would benefit from hearing it, Lu Han addressed Kris who nodded. Sehun shot the oldest a glare before turning back to the alpha.


Uhh, yeah…I was attacked last night…I think they’ve finally breached our borders. I don’t know how they got through the lines, but they did a good number on me, Sehun mumbled, not looking Kris in the eyes.


Kris nodded again, prompting the maknae to proceed. Sehun could tell Lu Han was shocked that something happened to his baby, but Sehun continued nonetheless.


I was disoriented and I made my way into town somehow…and a human found me…


What?! Kris interrupted but Sehun continued.


Yeah, but it was just a girl… If she hadn’t found me, I’m sure I would have died. She took me into her home and bandaged me up.


Lu Han pawed at Sehun in a comforting way, but Kris did not look amused.


You went into its house? Sehun, how many times do I have to tell you not to trust humans! They’re not safe, and you could have just as easily been killed by it—


No, but Kris, she helped me! I’m alive only because of her! If I could just—


Sehun, Lu Han interrupted, telling the boy not to disrespect the leader, and the maknae went silent.


Sehun, Kris began, and Sehun expected punishment to follow. I’m glad you’re okay. I know it may not always seem like it, but we’re all family and I have to look over this family as its head. You understand my concerns with this, don’t you?


Sehun nodded, surprised he wasn’t getting scolded.


Did you think about what would have happened if they found out what you were? Sehun shook his head. You would have been hurt, and you would have put the whole pack in danger. Please, from now on, think about your actions.


Sehun kept his head bowed and Kris nudged him with his nose before disappearing again.


Once gone, Sehun collapsed onto his stomach and Lu Han curled up next to him.


Hyung… Sehun began after a few minutes of silence and Lu Han’s ears perked up. There are some things I left out…


Go on, Lu Han prodded and rested his head on the younger’s back.


Please don’t be angry with me, Sehun mumbled and Lu Han huffed, telling him to get on with it. I…uh…you see, I was really weak last night…and I kinda lost control of the shift…


Lu Han’s head shot up and Sehun expected the worst.


You turned back into a human?! Lu Han gasped and Sehun covered his head with his paws. Lu Han nocked his paws away, forcing him to meet eyes with him.


Yeah…but I was too weak! I was dying, hyung!


But you’re new to the whole thing! You’re inexperienced! You’ve rarely been in human form since you started shifting! You know it’s not safe for you to be in human form! I’m surprised you got back to wolf form all right!


Sehun rolled his eyes – he knew Lu Han would freak out… A low growl of annoyance escaped Lu Han but he collected his thoughts before speaking again.


Did…did the human see?


Sehun shook his head and Lu Han visibly relaxed.


She might have woken up, but I think she may have thought she was dreaming since she didn’t freak out…


Sehun… Lu Han began, and Sehun knew what was coming next. Where did you sleep?


I…uh…I only slept on her bed because she put me there! And there was a bad storm! I was in unfamiliar territory and I was scared!




I may or may not of held her once I shifted! Sehun shouted back in a panicked voice and Lu Han’s eyes widened.


Sehun… Lu Han began and the maknae dropped his head.


I’m sorry, hyung, Sehun mumbled, a low whine escaping him. ...but I have to go back.




I…can’t be away from her, hyung! Besides, she saved my life! I owe her! She said she wanted me there when she came home! I can’t upset her! Sehun whined, trying to plead his case.


Lu Han was silent for a while and it terrified Sehun. What if Lu Han prohibited him from going back? Sehun immediately sized Lu Han up. He could take him. Easy.


Calm down, maknae, I can feel the daggers; cool it. Lu Han teased and Sehun backed off.


I need to get back to her…


A minute or so passed with Lu Han raking his eyes over Sehun.


And for some reason, I’m not going to stop you… Lu Han grumbled and Sehun’s whole face lit up. I’ll cover for you as best I can…but you know Kris will have your tail if he finds out…


Thank you, hyung! Sehun yipped, Lu Han once before barreling off back towards the house.


Lu Han wiped at the spot Sehun before standing and dusting himself off. Yah, Sehunnie…does she really mean that much to you? Lu Han shook his head before shifting back to his human form. He would at least make sure Sehun was in good hands.


Sehun ran as fast as he could. He knew his human was going to be home any second, and he had to be there, waiting for her.


As soon as he got out of the trees and stood in front of Jinhye’s house, he panicked. Shoving her keys into the front door was Jinhye. She would undoubtedly notice his absence.


He panicked before remembering the window he opened and made his way through it as quick as possible.




Jinhye dropped her bag before fishing for her keys. It had been a long day at school and she was looking forward to nothing more than coming home and crawling up with her wolf. As weird as it sounded, her wolf made her feel safe.


The test had gone surprisingly well and she was thankful she knew most of the answers. She couldn’t wait to tell her wolf.


As she found the right key, she found that it stuck. She jiggled the door and was about to go in, but froze. She felt like she was being watched. She turned slightly and noticed a boy, about her age, standing by the trees across the street. She didn’t feel threated, per say, but she did feel uncomfortable.


The young-faced boy was watching her – almost inspecting her – as he looked her up and down.


He was handsome, she had to admit, and she couldn’t tear her eyes away. He had a youthful face with a sharp, pointed jawline, but his honey-colored hair stood out the most.


It was unusual to see someone with that type of hair unless they were famous, but there wouldn’t be anyone like that in her small town, she thought.


It suited him, though, so more power to him.


After she had enough of the scrutiny, she pulled her eyes away and walked into her house, closing the door and locking it behind her.


Just as she turned, a playful yip sounded from below her and she looked down and smiled at the sight of her wolf, waiting for her. She crouched down and ruffled the fur on the sides of his head in an affectionate way.


“I’m glad you’re still here,” she smiled, and Sehun yipped in response, nuzzling his head deeper into her hold.


It was wrong, Sehun knew that, but everything he was feeling now, felt so right.






A/Ne, : FINALLY GOT THIS POSTED!! Hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter and please, dont't forget to comment and subscribe!!! Thank you!!!

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This story is really good authornim, I hope that you will update and finish the story. FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: omonaaaa! i so love this story. its very rare to read atories where suho is the bad one but its quite interesting. it so refreshing to read an ot12 story despite all the issues roaming around
Chapter 7: oH MY GOD
i wasn't ready i so wasn't the feels, the feels the feels.
okay, Suho I need you to calm down, buy some solid gold pizza and a mansion in Hawaii and calm down. Lay baby don't do this to me. I ship them so hard. oh my gosh why the feels
Chapter 4: my feels are gone. goneeeeeee
Clover88 #7
Chapter 7: I love this story!! i hope you will update soon ^.^
Chapter 7: I really like this so far :) i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 7: Lol I find it funny how all (well, most) of the softer looking members are in this "dark and mysterious" pack.
Anywho, this is a really good story so far!
Chapter 7: How cute! I loved sehun's reaction to the kiss.