Her Pain, His Pain

The One Who Stays


“It was love at first sight. We finally met the day after at school. Instead of hanging around with his usual friends, he ditched them to hang out with us. Hakyeon didn’t approve of him at first but Hongbin was a real charmer. It took him just two days to get Hakyeon on his side”


“And then one day, Hongbin confessed that he likes me. I was too stunned to say anything so I ran away. Hakyeon was the one who helped us. He told me how stupid I was. He’s actually the first one to notice that I had feelings for Hongbin. So with Hakyeon’s help, we end up together”


“When the three of us graduated, we would spend time at Hakyeon’s house. His mom makes the best coffee there is. I suppose that’s where he gets his talent from. My Mom and Dad really likes Hongbin. He’s especially close with my brother. He would help him with his homework when I’m busy and taught him how to play football”


“I still remember his favorite ice-cream flavor. He was already 23 and he still likes chocolate ice-cream. That idiot” Eri laughed quietly. She was smiling the whole time.


“He sounds like a really nice guy. Where is he now?” asked Jaehwan.


“I don’t know”


“What do you mean you don’t know? What happened between you two?”


Eri gave him the impression that she was about to cry. She tightened her fist to hold back the tears.


“I – I don’t know”


Jaehwan noticed the different tone. “Do you miss him?”


Eri stared at Jaehwan and nodded.


“I loved him and I still do. We’ve been together for 6 years until –” Eri paused. Something was bothering her. “Until I had to leave”


Jaehwan knows that it was personal to her so he didn’t ask much further. He detected a sad memory from the way she was talking about Hongbin.


She told him that she wanted to stay there for a bit longer so he went back to the café by himself. Hakyeon who was waiting for them rushes at him asking about Eri.


“She’s alright. She just needs to be alone” Jaehwan said.


Hakyeon slumped into a chair weakly. “I didn’t mean to say it. I was just so angry. I didn’t want to see her in pain anymore. I’m just –”


“ – worried I know. Hyung, can I ask you something?” He took a seat beside him. “What did happen between Eri and Hongbin?”


“I don’t know if I can tell you about it Jaehwan but just know that it didn’t end well. In fact, I think it never really did end”


“What do you mean?”


Hakyeon’s face turned gloomy. “These are things that Eri should tell you on her own. If she’s not telling you then she still hasn’t finish torturing herself”


Jaehwan was confused. “What?”


“Hongbin was going to propose, you know?” Hakyeon said wrapping the conversation up. He shook his head in misery; probably remembering the past.


After a while, Eri went back to the café. She didn’t even acknowledge Hakyeon’s repetitive apology. She would just stare at the floor and let him talk by himself. Jaehwan couldn’t recognize this side of Eri.


“So that’s what Hakyeon was talking about when he said something about the old Eri” thought Jaehwan. “I wonder what happened to her”


It was already night time. Eri still hasn’t come out from her room after dinner. Jaehwan was left in the living room alone watching the television. He would throw glances occasionally at her room hoping that she would come out and talk. Sometimes he thought he heard her crying from inside the room and sometimes he would hear random banging noises. This worries him so much. When he was about to get up from the couch, Eri came out. He was right; she did cry. Her eyes were puffy and red. Eri took a seat beside him.


“Do you remember anything at all lately?” asked Eri.


It was so random that Jaehwan stuttered. “Eh – what? Uhm – I – uh – I don’t know. I don’t think so”


“Do you want to go back to the bridge tomorrow to see if you can recall anything?”


“Eri, we pass that bridge every day on our way home. If I could remember anything, I’d tell you”


“You need to try harder or you won’t get any better” said Eri dimly.


“Are you okay? You don’t look good”


He wanted to feel her forehead but she pushed his hand off.


“I’m okay. Good night Jaehwan”


She left him again and locked the door behind her this time. Jaehwan crashed his body on the couch, feeling so exhausted. As he was staring at the wall; his eyes once again found the huge picture frame. He didn’t know why but the picture reminds him of something familiar but he failed to know what. He once asked her about her brother but received no clear answer. She only told him that her brother stays with her father now. When asked again about her family, she always changes the subject.


He nearly falls to sleep but he was woken by a weird sound outside the house. Carefully, he tiptoed his way to the window and pulls the curtain slightly to see if someone was outside. It was dark so he couldn’t be sure but he swore he saw someone walking away from the house.


The following days, Hakyeon and Eri didn’t talk to each other much at work. They were so formal that it annoys Jaehwan. He made an effort to get the two to work whatever they were fighting for out but Hakyeon being the boss threatened to fire him if he keeps on interfering. Jaehwan was used as the middle guy between the two. Whenever Hakyeon wanted Eri to do something, he would ask Jaehwan to convey it for him because she would just ignore his existence. This carries on for the whole week.


The next morning, Jaehwan woke up in a stir. Eri left the house early and placed a note on the table with breakfast.


“I’m not going to work today. There’s something I need to do. I don’t know when I’ll be back so don’t wait for me”


He crumpled the note and eats his breakfast in silent. When he arrived at the café, there was a ‘closed’ sign on the door. Feeling bewildered as ever, Jaehwan rushed to Hakyeon’s house which is just a few blocks away. He nearly tripped when he bumped into a man on his way.


“Is the café closed?” the guy asked.


“Oh yeah, I guess it’s closed. I’m really sorry but I’m in a hurry”


Jaehwan knocked on the door, even ringed the bell a few times but there was no one answering. He was about to give up when a neighbor saw him sitting in front of Hakyeon’s apartment.


“Are you looking for Hakyeon?” asked a middle-aged lady.


“Yes! Do you know where he is now?”


“I think he’s at that hill again. It’s his friend’s brother’s birthday today. He never leave the café much except for two particular days”


“Which day?”


“Today July 1st  and on October 20th”


Jaehwan was into a haste so he forgot to ask the lady what story lies behind the last day. He knows where he was going thanks to Hakyeon. He told Jaehwan where the hill was since the younger one kept on insisting to know. It was really far away from the area the three were staying. Jaehwan made up his mind and took a bus.


He climbed up the hill with much difficulty; even manage to make a mental note to start exercising from now on. The higher he climbed, the more he began to lose hope. They probably had left. As he went around, he heard someone talking. There was a huge bush he didn’t bother to check and the sound was coming from there.


“Hakyeon-ah, you don’t have to come here anymore”


It was Eri’s voice. Jaehwan was halfway walking towards them when Eri’s next sentence stops him.


“I don’t want to live anymore”


Hakyeon sounded stern when he talks. “If you think I haven’t been hearing that multiple times already then you’re mistaken. Do you really believe that I’d let you?”


“But it hurts and I can’t stand it”


Hakyeon pulled her into a hug. “I know. I understand how you feel. Just let it go Eri. I’m always here. I –” His voice was drowned into his tears.


The two were crying in silence. Hakyeon held her hand and pat her back gently.


“I’m sorry for everything” Eri said though muffled sobs.


“You have nothing to apologize for. I know it’s difficult for you”


“Do you remember what he always do when you’re sad?” Hakyeon said. “He would ask me to leave you alone first and then buy you your favorite chocolate to make you feel better. That kid always knows what you like and don’t like. He’s a noona pabo”


“Plus, he’s always there for you. Even Hongbin likes him more than you likes him”


Eri smiled and wiped her tears away. “That’s why I can never move on Hakyeon. You do know that right?”


Hakyeon looked at her with sympathy. “Look around you Eri. There are still people who care about you. Why are you so stubborn?”


Eri avoided the question and walked away just to find a perplexed Jaehwan standing still in front of her.


“Jaehwan-ah! What are you doing here?”


Hakyeon went dashing at them and was wide-eyed when he saw Jaehwan.


“How did you find this place?” asked Eri.


“Uhh –” Jaehwan’s eyes met Hakyeon’s and the older one started panicking.


You told him?!” snarled Eri.


“I had to! He was giving me the puppy eyes!” Hakyeon said aggressively.


Jaehwan was yet again stuck in between the two old-married-couple-like friends’ argument.


“I was worried since you two were missing. It would be better if you left a note why you were gone, hyung”


Hakyeon and Eri stopped fighting as though their child had caught them in the act.


“Jaehwan-ah, I’m sorry. I was in a hurry this morning so I forgot to tell you” Hakyeon apologized.


“Let’s just go back to the café” Eri insisted.


She went ahead of the two. Jaehwan kept throwing looks to Hakyeon who was doing his best paying him no attention. When Eri was quite far from them; Hakyeon turned to him.


“You know I can’t tell you anything so stop doing that!”


“I’m not doing anything” Jaehwan responded. “But I’ll stop if you could just tell me why she’s so sad! What’s with her and her brother and her ex-boyfriend and where’s her family and –”


Hakyeon gave him his fiercest look that Jaehwan cowered immediately. Hakyeon told Eri that he’ll drive them to the café and Eri had no choice but to follow him since she felt tired.


It was quiet along the way. Jaehwan made several attempt to start a conversation which always lead to why Eri and Hakyeon went to that hill. The two friends take no notice of him until they reached their destination.


When Hakyeon was opening the door, Eri’s cell phone vibrates. She rolled her eyes when she sees the number. She excused herself and went towards the back of the café. Jaehwan followed her silently.


“I told you to stop calling me”


“Where did you go?”


“It’s none of your business”




Eri was dumbstruck. It was the first time the stranger had ever got mad at her. He was usually nice.


“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ll call you later” He sounded like he was in a distress. Eri couldn’t ask him why before he hung up on her.


Jaehwan quickly get back to the café without Eri noticing. When Eri entered the kitchen, he followed her and closed the door behind him.


“Who was that?”


“Who what?” said Eri disregarding him.


“How many times has that person been calling you?”


When Eri glanced at him, Jaehwan turned away. “Stop meddling into my business”


“That person is clearly bothering you – who was it? A guy?”


Eri went closer to him with intimidating glare.


“I’m going to tell you this one time – and don’t let me repeat this again to you – STOP – INTERFERING – INTO – MY – BUSINESS!”


Before Eri could push the door, Jaehwan raised his voice at her.


“You’re pretending to be okay – like you’re fine and all but you’re just scared aren’t you?”


“Stop it”


“Is that what you have been telling Hakyeon hyung all the time? Or have you been telling this to everyone around you?”


Eri pushed him back violently. “I said stop it”


“So what - you’re resorting to violence now? Does it make you feel better? Does it?!”


Eri stared at Jaehwan in the eyes.


“I’ve been trying to get to know you better but you’re not letting me. I’ve been watching you since the day you offer to help me. There’s something bothering you and it’s obviously your past. Why can’t you allow me – or Hakyeon hyung help you? What is it that you’re so scared of?”




It was not Eri who was shouting but Hakyeon. He looked as if Jaehwan has been committing a big crime. Eri was still standing; her expressions indifferent and she was motionless. Hakyeon planned to pull her outside from Jaehwan but surprisingly, she shoved him away.




“You’re nothing in my life, do you understand that? Who gives you the permission to pretend to care about me? I promised to help you get your memories back and this is how you show your gratitude? You want me to let you help me? You think I can’t move on from the past? Oh wow – big words coming from the guy who wanted to –”




The rest of her sentence was interrupted by Hakyeon. He gave her a warning look. Eri stomped out from the kitchen knocking Hakyeon’s shoulder so hard that he almost fall.


“What were you doing? I told you to stop doing that!” Hakyeon said.


“I just want to help” Jaehwan said.


Hakyeon’s expression turns soft when he saw Jaehwan looking so sad.


“Eri is going through some hard times. You need to give her some space. I’ve been trying years and you two only meet like weeks ago. If you want her to let you in then you should try harder. Let her help you first and you two can help each other in the process. Friendship works that way you know? I think you have a great chance though. If she was willing enough to even tell you about Hongbin, that’s already good enough”




“Yeah. She trusted you so don’t lose her faith or you’ll lose her forever”


Jaehwan nodded like a little child. Without knowing exactly why, he was determined to help her.



To be continued…


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LittleJennie #1
Chapter 16: huh...what is this? leaving it like that? it is way too cruel, author-nim.....
Chapter 14: Don't leave me hanging here ㅠ_ㅠ I love this story so much. So much tension. Update soon ^-^
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
zexotic #4
Chapter 11: its really a good story,it even made me cry:') please update!!'-')9
Sehungege #5
Chapter 11: THIS FIC IS SO- URGH SO GOOD. I like how its so mysterious and i LOVE the story plot and the characters and stuff XD Author-nim you are currently the best author^^ And this story pulls me in. I mean, there's not a lot of vixx fanfics, so..yeah. UPDATE SOON PLEASE AUTHOR-NIM^^
Chapter 10: Please update! Its a nice story
Elisse #7
I'm suscribing to this! It seems interesting :) But I'm someone who doesn't read incomplete stories >< So I'll be waiting patiently, author-nim! :3