Moving On

The One Who Stays


The sun was shining brightly that day as though welcoming the tall slender man back to his country. He put on his bag pack and dragged his luggage into a taxi. There was someone he couldn’t wait to see. He pulled out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed. It was weird considering that she always picks up his call but this time she kept him waiting. He tried calling again but there was no response. Thinking that she’s probably busy with her work, Taekwoon put his cell phone into his bag and told the driver to drop him at a flower shop.


A few miles away from where Taekwoon was, another man was waiting for someone as well. Jaehwan was on the living room with a remote in his hand switching the TV channels. He still couldn’t believe that Eri was starting to listen to him more after the day at the hospital. He thought that she was feeling guilty for causing him to fall sick so she agreed to his request.


After they went back from the hospital, Eri has been treating him really nicely. It’s not that she has been treating him badly before but she became really affectionate with him lately. She would smile more often at him and cook him anything he wants to eat. Since Jaehwan already knows about Eri’s past, she didn’t try to detach herself from him, which Jaehwan was most thankful of. It does appear that Eri has been trying really hard to move on and forget all these years. Jaehwan went into her room one day when he thought of the idea.


“Don’t you miss your Mom?” asked Jaehwan.


“Of course I do” said Eri. She was folding her clothes on the bed when Jaehwan barged into her room without permission.


“Well do you want to go see her?” Jaehwan asked after making sure that she was in a good mood to answer.


Eri realized where he was heading at.


“There’s nothing I can do, Jaehwan. It has been too long. I can’t just go back to my Mom after I ran away”


“You don’t know that. You should at least go and see her condition first – check how she’s doing now – if she’s happy or sad about losing you. You don’t know if she’s doing the same thing as you. Do you want that?”


Eri stopped folding and stared at the shirt in her hand. “The last time I ever saw her was when Hakyeon brought me to Dad’s funeral. We were watching from far. She was so sad and I couldn’t go to her and hug her. I couldn’t even take one step towards her. I blamed myself too much. I thought that because of me, my family was destroyed. So that day I decided to leave her for good. I wanted her to forget that she has a daughter and live a happy life on her own”


“Do you really think that she’s happy now? She was alone just like you after your brother and father died. Don’t you think she needed you more than anyone else?” Jaehwan said.


Eri bit her lower lip hard that it was almost bleeding to stop herself from crying. Jaehwan put a comforting hand on her shoulder.


“Let’s go see her. Let’s go to your house tomorrow”


“Wh – what?”


“Your mother is one of the people that you feel guilty at and the only way to get rid of the feeling is to go and talk to her”


“I don’t want to”


“Listen to me for once Eri. You do want to see her even if it hurts you so bad. She’s still your mother and I know you love her”


It wasn’t easy getting her approval but she gave in finally when Jaehwan kept on insisting. Whenever Jaehwan does things like this, her heart beats faster for him than how it is when Hakyeon was doing it. She felt grateful for having Jaehwan with her.


“I’m done. Let’s go” said Eri coming out from her room at last. She was wearing a light pink dress with floral patterns. Jaehwan couldn’t hide his expression.


“You’re – pretty”


“Why do you sound so surprised? Come on, let’s go” Eri chuckled and grabbed Jaehwan’s arm.


They headed to the bus station since Eri couldn’t drive anymore out of fear and Jaehwan had no driving license. Hakyeon was supposed to come with them since he misses Eri’s mother as well but he told Eri that he had work to do in the café. Jaehwan knows that Hakyeon was lying. He pulled Jaehwan to the café’s garden yesterday behind Eri’s back.


“Take my place for me will you?”


“What do you mean?”


“I just think that she has another ‘me’ now. Take care of her for me okay!” Hakyeon said cheerfully, tapping the younger one’s shoulder as he left.


It was their first journey just with the two of them so they didn’t know how to act. They were sitting at the back of the bus side by side. Jaehwan had to try really hard not to blush whenever the bus makes a turn and he was forced to lean on Eri’s left side. It was different than when Hakyeon is with them. The awkward silence stays for a couple of minutes before Jaehwan got tired of it.


“What’s your ideal type?” asked Jaehwan all of a sudden.


Eri raised her eyebrow at him; seriously bemused with his random question. “What?”


“I mean, what kind of guy do you like?” Jaehwan’s ears were red as he said it.


Eri made a thinking expression. “Uhm – I don’t exactly have one though. If I like the guy – I’ll like the guy”


“You must have something that you prefer in a guy  - like – one or two qualities that he must have in him”


Eri tried thinking of some and Hongbin came into picture. She didn’t know how and why she end up liking him but the mere thought of having him by her side made her happy.


“He’s really nice. He has the type of face that makes people warms up to him – a really kind and friendly face – he’s always smiling and takes good care of me – worries about me even over the littlest thing like a mosquito bite -” Eri giggled “– he’s really manly but he can be really adorable at times”


Jaehwan realized instantly that she was talking about Hongbin. She was talking in a dreamy-like manner – the sort that was lost in their thoughts and imaginations. He could feel a twinge of pain in his heart realizing that Eri still loves her former boyfriend.


“What about you? What kind of girl can make your heart flutters? ” Eri asked bringing Jaehwan’s attention back to her.


“You…” Jaehwan whispered in his head but he knows better not to let it out.


“I like cute girls” Jaehwan said with a weary smile.


“Oh shoot – I guess I’m not in your list then” Eri joked.


Jaehwan faked a laugh in front of her. He wanted to tell her how he really feels but something was holding him back.


After a few stops, they finally arrived at their destination. Eri felt nostalgic after seeing the place she grows up materialized around her. They passed by the playground which took her in short memory lane of her playing with her brother – passed the kindergarten where she used to picked him up after school – passed the kind neighbors’ houses which its inhabitants has been babysitting her brother a few times. Her eyes started watering but she was not crying. She was surprised by it herself. It appears that Eri was starting to move on from the past.


“Can I go by myself?” Eri requested after they were halfway to her house. “I just – I think I need some times alone”


“It’s okay. I’m going to buy some drinks at the supermarket. I’ll wait for you till you’re done” Jaehwan said kindly.


“Thank you Jaehwan”


Before he disappears from the corner of the street, Jaehwan called for her. “Be strong Eri! You can do it!”


Eri smiled at him from afar. “I will!” she shouted back.


She took a deep breath and walked towards her house. It was a difficult step for her considering that she has been vowing never to come here ever again. If she didn’t meet Jaehwan, she would probably spend her lifetime without seeing her mother forever. Eri was still quite far away when she saw her old house come into sight. Her legs took her into a sprint as though the house was calling her. A familiar figure stopped her track and she quickly hide behind a large flower bush.


It was her mother coming out from the house. Her appearance was enough for her to break down. Eri couldn’t take it any longer. She burst into tears immediately. Her mother still looks beautiful as Eri had last seen her. She had to clasp tightly trying not to sob harder. Her tears went down to the ground, wetting her shirt in the process. Her mother was on her knees busily t the garden. She smiled remembering those times when they would plant their own trees together as a family. There was nothing else she wants in the world except to run into her mother’s arms and hug her.




Her body was trembling; she could feel her hands turning cold, her slightly wobbly legs working hard to support her from falling down and her hands shaking violently as she wipes the tears streaming down on her cheeks unceasingly. Once again, as she took a step forward, another person came into sight.


There was a man walking towards her house. He opened the gate and Eri saw her mother gave him a very warm smile. It has been too long since she saw her mother smiling like that to anyone. The man was carrying a baby in his arms and gave the infant to her mother gently. He kissed her on the lips and she was surprised to see her mother kissing him back. She looked blissfully happy with the man. Eri clenched her fist to stop her from collapsing to the ground.


“Omma…” Eri muttered weakly.


She knew what she had to do after that. It was for the best after all. Eri couldn’t describe how she really felt but all she knows was that she loves her mother deeply and only cares about what makes her happy. With tears still in her eyes, she smiled earnestly wishing nothing but happiness for her mother.


“Omma.. I love you. Please be happy”


Plucking all the courage she had, Eri turned around and walked away; never to return ever again. When she was far away from the house, Eri dropped down on her knees and cried her heart out.


She could feel someone wrapping his arms around her. It was Jaehwan pulling her into his embrace gently; whispering words of comfort. Eri tightened her grip on his shirt in fear that if she lets go, he would leave her alone – just like everyone she loves.


“Shh – shh – it’s okay. I’m here now. It’s okay” Jaehwan murmured softly.


She didn’t stop crying for a while so Jaehwan helped her stand to her feet and gave her a piggyback. He carried her silently to the bus station. His shirt was wet especially on the shoulder part but he couldn’t care less. Eri enclosed her arms around his neck and rested her head on his back.


“Thank you” Eri muttered.


“Stop thanking me for everything I do. People would think I’m not doing it sincerely”


“I will always be thankful for you Jaehwan-ah”


“Do you want to tell me what happened back there? Did you talk to her?”


“She’s married to another man”


That silenced Jaehwan for a second.


“But she looks happy – really happy. I figure it was best to just leave them alone. My presence won’t be good for them” Eri continued.


“But Eri – “


“Jaehwan-ah – don’t. I know what I’m doing this time. Just – please leave this matter alone to me. I want her to be happy and if my absence can make things worse, I’ll do everything to keep her away from me”


“But you don’t know that”


“I know but they had a good life without me all these years. I shouldn’t bother them out of nowhere. They – they even had a child. It’s better if my Mom starts a new life without me in it”


Jaehwan didn’t argue about the matter with her anymore. She was still sad and he didn’t want to make her feel more dejected than she already is. They rode the bus quietly. Jaehwan let her sleep on his shoulder. He could only imagine how painful it felt like to be in Eri’s shoes. She was supposed to be reunited with her mother. Why did this had to happen instead? What sin had she committed to deserve such a cruel life?


Jaehwan stared at her from the side. He took her hand and gripped it gently; wishing that he could hold it forever. Slowly, his head moves diagonally towards her – closer and closer – until he was just inches away from her face. He could feel her slow breath with his face. Their lips were nearing each other; almost touching with just one tiny movement until he heard Eri mumbling something.




He pulled back gently hating himself for trying to take an advantage on her. Jaehwan wanted her to realize his feelings for her by herself but there was one obstacle standing in his way; her boyfriend Taekwoon. He didn’t feel threatened about Hongbin yet since he hasn’t showed up in front of him. The time would come when he would worry about it later. How can he tell her how he feels in the presence of Taekwoon who has the boyfriend title and with Hongbin still lingering in her heart and mind. Besides he wasn’t even sure if Eri would accept his feelings.


It was the first time he didn’t care about his memories. Eri was the only thing important for him at the moment. If he could spend his life by Eri’s side, he would throw away his real life that instance.


Crash! An expensive fine china placed in a transparent cupboard for display  fall to the floor by accident when Hakyeon was trying to get his hand on an old cup.


“Damn it! Why does it has to be the most expensive one?!” Hakyeon hissed. He went down and picked up the pieces carefully with his hand.


When he got up afterward, Hakyeon was so surprised with the sudden appearance of Jung Taekwoon that he was so bad he nearly fall on his back. Fortunately for him, Taekwoon was fast enough to grab his hand and pulled him forward. Hakyeon pushed his hand away as though feeling disgusted.


“You – you – What are you doing here?!” Hakyeon shouted.


Taekwoon didn’t answer him. He was busy scanning the whole café for any sign of his girlfriend. Getting mad, Hakyeon waved his hand in front of Taekwoon’s face ferociously.




Taekwoon turned his gaze to Hakyeon slowly but remained his stoic expression.


“Eri” he said.


“Are you blind? She’s not here” Hakyeon replied rudely.


Taekwoon looked at Hakyeon from up to down as though judging him for his impolite manner.


“Don’t look at me like that. We both know that we hate each other so I would appreciate it if you don’t come here anymore”


Taekwoon was still staring at Hakyeon intently that it almost looks as if he was looking straight into his soul.


“I don’t hate you” Taekwoon mumbled.


His voice was so soft that Hakyeon was forced to lean forward to listen.




“Where’s Eri?”


Hakyeon crossed his arms angrily. “Do I look like I’m going to tell you where she is right now?”


Taekwoon rolled his eyes slowly and walked away from Hakyeon. His eyes busy searching for Eri everywhere as he passed. Hakyeon was muttering fiercely under his breath until he got panicked without warning. Shaking with anxious, he grabbed his cell phone and called Eri.


“Pick it up – pick it up – Eri-ya, pick it up!!!” Hakyeon yelled.


Realizing that it was no use calling her since she’s always put her phone in silent mode, Hakyeon ran as fast as he could towards Taekwoon. Fortunately, Taekwoon was still nearby.


“Ya! Ya! Jung Taekwoon!” shouted Hakyeon.


Taekwoon turned behind slowly; looking at Hakyeon who was panting really hard with his hands on his knees.


“Eri – she – she – fuh – she – uhm – she’s not here”


Taekwoon didn’t try to mock Hakyeon’s obvious statement. He just stare at him like he’s an interesting program in the TV.


“Are you listening?” Hakyeon asked when there was no further response.


Taekwoon nodded gently but didn’t say anything.


“Eri’s not in her house right now”


“I know” Taekwoon said.


“Well okay then. Just stay away from her house till she calls you”


Taekwoon blinked once and said “Why?”


“Because I said so! You – stay away from her house!”


Taekwoon breathed out softly and turned away from Hakyeon again. The latter was furious with his lack of reactions. Hakyeon went back to his café muttering curse words towards Taekwoon when his path was blocked by someone. He looked up and received a second shock.


“It’s been a long time isn’t it?”



To be continued….



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LittleJennie #1
Chapter 16: huh...what is this? leaving it like that? it is way too cruel, author-nim.....
Chapter 14: Don't leave me hanging here ㅠ_ㅠ I love this story so much. So much tension. Update soon ^-^
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
zexotic #4
Chapter 11: its really a good story,it even made me cry:') please update!!'-')9
Sehungege #5
Chapter 11: THIS FIC IS SO- URGH SO GOOD. I like how its so mysterious and i LOVE the story plot and the characters and stuff XD Author-nim you are currently the best author^^ And this story pulls me in. I mean, there's not a lot of vixx fanfics, so..yeah. UPDATE SOON PLEASE AUTHOR-NIM^^
Chapter 10: Please update! Its a nice story
Elisse #7
I'm suscribing to this! It seems interesting :) But I'm someone who doesn't read incomplete stories >< So I'll be waiting patiently, author-nim! :3