Her Part of the Story

The One Who Stays


It was a rainy day. The weather forecast has predicted that this would happen today but being Eri, she’d rather just try her luck and see what happens instead. This resulted in Eri being late to school. She couldn’t see her way through the heavy rain. Her bicycle was broken when it hit a huge rock on her way so she was forced to take cover under a tree.


She took her cell phone out and spontaneously clicked no.1 on the speed dial. A very haughty voice was heard on the other line.


“See? Told ya – told ya that it’ll rain today! You never listen do you?!!” shouted Hakyeon.


“Gosh, even when you’re on phone you’re still incredibly annoying!”


“Whatever. What do you want?”


You know what I want!”


“Well I don’t know. I’m already in class right now”


“The f*** Hakyeon – you’re going to leave me here in the middle of the road? The closest bus station is miles away!”


“You have a father and a mother – plus a brother who can help you without any condition but you asked for mine instead? I’m just so – wait a sec – ” Hakyeon fake a sob and continued “I’m just so touched”


Eri rolled her eyes. She imagines how happy she would feel like if she could punch his face.


“My brother is sick. Mom and Dad are sending him to the hospital as we speak. Hakyeon-ah~~ you don’t want to leave me here alone right? Eung?”


“Really? Well why didn’t you tell me that earlier?! Just stay there. I’m coming” said Hakyeon before dropping the call.


Eri chuckled. She knows that whatever happens, he’d come to her aid even when he sounds so reluctant to do it. They have been friends for 5 years now. She has never appreciated anyone as how she does with Hakyeon. He is a living proof that she has someone on her side even when the whole world is against her.


The rain was getting heavier by the second. She pushed her bicycle miserably away from the spot until she noticed an abandoned house. Although she hates scary things, the weather forced her to take shelter under it.


She was busy ing her shirt when there was a loud banging sound behind what she assumed to be the kitchen. A tall young guy emerged in front of her almost instantly carrying a very wet bag. When he saw her clutching her shirt trying to hide the ed part, he quickly averted his gaze.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t know someone was here. I just want to take cover from the rain”


Eri wore her shirt back with amazing speed. The guy was wearing her school’s uniform but she has never seen him before.


“It’s okay. Can’t blame anyone with this weather anyway”


“Yeah. My fault for ignoring my Mom’s warning. She told me to bring an umbrella but I refused. I should’ve listened. You know what they say – Moms are always right”


Eri chuckled. She was reminded of Hakyeon’s constant nagging about bringing an umbrella in case it rains. “Yeah, they’re ALWAYS right. Although the nagging part can be really annoying, he only wants what’s best for me”


“He? Oh…”


“Oh no – that’s not what I mean. I was referring to my friend. He’s almost like a mom to me; always taking care of me and my brother when my parents are away. He’s pretty much family” said Eri.


The guy stretched a very sweet smile on his face. Eri swore that her heart was beating so fast it could have jump out through on its own. His wet bangs which covers his forehead didn’t help much either in this situation. She told him to sit on the table in front of her so they could talk.


“So you’re from our school?” he asked. “I’ve never seen you around”


“Funny you said that because I haven’t seen you in school either. I’m in 3rd grade by the way. Are you my senior?”


“You’re saying that because I’m taller right? I’m actually in the same grade as you but I’m  guessing I’m a year younger since my birthday is early”


“I’m sorry. I’ll make a mental note not to judge people based on their height next time then”


He laughed. “How come we never met?”


“Well, I’m not actually that popular so I’m guessing no one told you about me. I don’t stay in school that long either”


“You’re such a nerd” he joked.


“Excuse me? You’re no Mr. Popular either “said Eri defensively. She crossed her arms together when she talks and the guy was finding this adorable.


“I’m actually in the soccer team. I’m guessing you don’t like sports. I’m the Captain of the team”


“I spent most of my times in detentions anyway. I don’t have time to watch soccer or any of that stuff”


“So you’re our school’s troublemaker? Nice”


“Please don’t give me nicknames. I hate that”


“I’m sorry. I don’t have that many close friends. People around me are like parasites. They only want to be friends with me because of my family. It’s a nice exchange to finally have an honest conversation with someone who don’t know me”


“So based on what you’re saying, I deduce that you have a rather wealthy family and those people who kept attaching themselves on you want to be in your good side for personal gain?” Eri said as she her imaginary beard.


“Nice Holmes you’ve cracked the case!”


They couldn’t remember how long they were in the house just talking and laughing at each other’s stories. The rain stopped almost twenty minutes ago. Eri gained his trust and he told her everything about his frustration to his father’s busy work life He liked Eri’s family better when she told him about them; how her little brother is the sweetest boy ever, how her Father would always tell her made-up tales to make her feel better, how her Mother would cook her favorite dishes for her birthday. It was everything that he ever wanted.


“You know, I don’t think we can make it to school. It’s already way too late” Eri said.


“What are you suggesting?”


“Let’s just skip school for today and I’ll bring you to my favorite place”


“Sounds like the most amazing idea I have ever heard. Let’s do that”


The two made their way to the bus station. They chatted animatedly along the way. Eri didn’t even realize that her phone was vibrating in her bag. They were too occupied in their talk to notice anything else.


“Here we are”


“Where are we?”


“Come here” said Eri.


 She didn’t know where she got the courage to take his hand and pulled him with her to the front. Eri shoved away the bushes and pushed him forward.


“Woah” he exclaimed.


“Nice isn’t it?”


She had brought him up on top of a hill looking down at the busy life of the suburban.


“It’s even cooler when it’s night – with all the lights and stuff. Sometimes if you’re lucky, you can see fireworks. Those kids down there like to light them up for fun”


“It’s really beautiful” he exclaimed.


“No one knows about this place except for Hakyeon, my brother and I. My brother found this place when we were playing around with Hakyeon. We spent most of our times here just to talk”


“Is Hakyeon a friend of yours?”


“He’s my best friend in the world. We’re always in the same class and – ”


There was a sound of footsteps coming right at them. It sounded like someone was running towards them from behind. Both of them were startled when someone went charging; his face filled with anger.




There was an awkward moment of silence after the huge rumble. Hakyeon took his deepest breath and with great effort, he spoke again.


“Why didn’t you wait for me? I called you like ten times already” asked Hakyeon through gritted teeth.


Eri stood up quickly and put both her hands on his shoulders. “Hakyeon-ah… I’m so sorry. My phone was in silent mode. I didn’t realize – I’m sorry okay?”


She was smiling at him and that has been Hakyeon’s greatest weakness. He tried to ignore it but Eri was doing the pout so Hakyeon was forced to give up.


“I’m sorry for interrupting but is this the friend you were talking about?”


Hakyeon who had just realize that there was someone else gasped at the guy. He turned to Eri and made a puzzled look.


“Listen, I need to go back home now. I can’t imagine how furious my Dad is going to be when he finds out that I skip school. I had a great time today. Thank you”


He took his bag and went away. Hakyeon was speechless about the whole situation. Before Eri could call him back, he looked behind and smiled.


“I didn’t realize that I never really ask for your name earlier. I guess I was too occupied in knowing you more. My name’s Hongbin – Lee Hongbin. I’ll see you in school tomorrow, Eri”


When he went away, Eri felt a very deep affection for him.


“Is it bad if I want to spend my life by his side forever?” thought Eri.



To be continued…


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LittleJennie #1
Chapter 16: huh...what is this? leaving it like that? it is way too cruel, author-nim.....
Chapter 14: Don't leave me hanging here ㅠ_ㅠ I love this story so much. So much tension. Update soon ^-^
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
zexotic #4
Chapter 11: its really a good story,it even made me cry:') please update!!'-')9
Sehungege #5
Chapter 11: THIS FIC IS SO- URGH SO GOOD. I like how its so mysterious and i LOVE the story plot and the characters and stuff XD Author-nim you are currently the best author^^ And this story pulls me in. I mean, there's not a lot of vixx fanfics, so..yeah. UPDATE SOON PLEASE AUTHOR-NIM^^
Chapter 10: Please update! Its a nice story
Elisse #7
I'm suscribing to this! It seems interesting :) But I'm someone who doesn't read incomplete stories >< So I'll be waiting patiently, author-nim! :3