
Second - After the worm


Or that's what I thought. Because as soon as I opened the gym's doors, we heard Sulli cheer for Jongin, sitting beside Luhan who threw me a panicked stare. Kyungsoo looked at me, bit his lower lip, and his heels, running away. Sehun stared at him with an apologetic face and Chanyeol, who was too busy looking at us, took the ball in the nose

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gertrxde #1
Chapter 13: Cannot wait for Kyungsoo and Jongin to make up! KAISOO!
DoolyFics #2
Chapter 10: This fic melts my heart and breaks it at the same time ;_;
I mean... Sure, Sehun and Luhan are FREAKING ADORABLE SO CUTE AND SO FLUFFYYYY !! But... I've felt so bad for Kyungsoo since the beginning and now, Jongdae breaks my heart ! He likes Joonmyeon but Joonmyeon likes Kyungsoo and I'm sure that he still likes Lay. My poor bias ;_;
Can't wait for the next chapter ! Update soon please please pleaaaaase author-nim ;_; I wanna see how the party goes *-*

By the way, I litteraly jumped out of my bed screaming a big "YES !" when I saw your update... My parents kind of think I'm crazy x)
OhNiniSoo #3
Chapter 10: I really like this story!! Poor Kyungsoo, though. I hope Jongin realises soon that Kyungie is way better than Sulli!! D:
DoolyFics #4
Chapter 9: Again, I couldn't stop laughing. First of all because imagining them singing High school musical's songs is too hilarious. Also, because of Baekhyun's song... Fabulous... I should've expected that !
"Do you find joonmyein cute ?" I think my reaction was the same as Kyungsoo's when I read this 0_0
Jongdae is heeeeeeere !! *fangirls* And there's gonna be a party... I love it when there are parties in fanfics *-*
Chapter 9: I like your story. It's cute. And I laughs so hard when baekhyun got to sing fabulous. I think it will suit him. I hope he could do a cover of that song in real life.
DoolyFics #6
Chapter 8: I was so into this chapter, I found it incredibly short 0_0 I read to fast...
As usual, I laughed like a mad person in front of my computer and now, my cheeks and (inexistant) abs hurt. All because of you ! Thank you for that ^^
I was happy that Luhan joined the group ! And WOW Sehun finally talked to him *-* I wanna believe that Luhan has a crush on Sehun but... I've been through so many plot twists that I'm excpecting the worst ! I don't want him to have a crush on another y man glistening in sweat ;_;
Also, the interaction beetween Baekhyun and Chanyeol is just too cute ! I love it so much... AND I'M NOT EVEN A FAN OF BAEKYEOL !!

I've managed to control myself for the other chapters but I can't anymore... When is ChenChen going to appear ?? ;_; (sorry, I'm Chen biased so I can't help but ask x,) )
DoolyFics #7
Chapter 7: I love you but I hate you so much.
Why why WHY did you stop ?? I want the next chapter. I need the next chapter !! How am I supposed to live without knowing what's gonna happen in smoothie land ?? (ok, I'm exagerating... Just a bit)
Seriously, you're killing me with each chapter !
I loveJoonmyeon ! It's kind of a relief to know that he's not really that rude ^^ And poor him, being rejected by Lay :( There's gonna be quite some tension in Smoothie land !

By the way, I wanted to tell you something : I starte reading this because of the SuChen tag and I actually don't like BaekYeol. But your fic is just to good, I can't stop reading !
Chapter 6: Oh my, things get better everytime you update!
what's goin' on with Sulay? D: A-and sajdhsakjdsasda Mr Fa-bu-lous XDD I dies, like, literally and came back again just to comment xD
>>I'm not a puppy. I'm a manly man who wore eyeliner.<< LOL THIS <3
You're a Genius, srsly. I love this fic hahahhaa-
Love love love,
Little Sushi
DoolyFics #9
Chapter 6: I love you *-* Seriously, you updated this amazing and just made my day a thousand times better !
I can relate to Baekhyun... I'm just as shy and socially akward as him (except that I don't wear eyeliner because I'm just too lazy). I think that the Baekhyun of your fic might be my long lost twin brother ._.
Chanyeol is just so freaking cute !! H'es not my bias but GOD I love him so much here *-*
I also couldn't stop giggling like the girl that I am whenever Chanyeol called Baekhyun "mister fa-bu-lous" ! From now on, I won't call him Bacon anymore. He'll always be mister fa-bu-lous to me !
And the end... Joonmyeon cried... What the hell happened over there ?? What did Lay tell him so that mister perfect student would run out crying ?? I want to know, please update soon ;_;
DoolyFics #10
Chapter 5: I just discovered your fic and OH MY KRISUS I LOVE IT SO MUCH !!
I love those kind of stories, I get easily addicted to them. I got addicted to yours *-*
It's almost midnight right now in my conutry and I just burst out laughing when Chanyeol hit his head on the desk ! Also, the way you described him... I got such an adorable image of him *-*
I love the Baekhyun / Sehun duo ! And I hope they'll be able to get Jongin and D.O together.
By the way, when Baekhyun said "Sehun, I wear eyeliner" I just couldn't stop laughing while imagining his face !

I'm going to upvote and subscribe to this because it's so good !! Please update soon ;_;