when ice cream melts..

everyday is a sweet day.. isn't it? [[ HIATUS ]]

(♫ aju ppeogigayo aju ppeokppeokppeokppeok ppeogigayo .. dulman bomyeon nado mollae ppeogigayo ani sonigayo .. urigayo? neon ppeogigayo! ♫)

where is my phone??? ah there it is~ unknown number..?

"yabuseo? ah choding! wae? right now? I won't stay too long ok? I'll be right there.." I hang up.. choding wants to hangout and eat ice cream..

I'm already wearing a long sleave black and gray checkered dress with lacy details, i guess I'll just go with this, I put on gray knee socks, i grab my hooded trench coat w/c is dark green and has cropped sleeves, I put my wavy hair on a ponytail, and hurried down stairs..

"Nanny! I'll go eat ice cream with SungYeol! gotta go~!" I called to nanny who is preparing Uzi's dinner,

"Arasseo! don't stay too long~!" Nanny called back.

"Ne~" putting on my black chuck taylor's,

i went outside.. it's not that cold.. i look up the sky.. it's been a while since i saw the night sky full of stars..

I know  that  I dress weird, but somehow this time, other people don't seem to find my outfit out of place..

I reached the ice cream shop.. I step inside to find where choding's at..

"HAHAHA!!! I saw that too!!!" a guy laughed out loud,

it somehow reminds me of Dongwoo's laugh back in the school clinic,,

"Mari!!!" I heard choding shout across the room..

I looked at the direction where his voice came from.. in my surprise I saw some familiar faces..

SungYeol's wearing a hoodie top and jeans, also the pair of sneakers I gave him w/c he wore around school these days..

next to him is Dongwoo (so the laugh really came from Dongwoo), he's wearing a T-shirt that says: "I'M NUMBER ONE", beside Dongwoo was Hoya who is smiling brightly at me..

The guys who has there backs on me, turned, sitting in front of choding was Woohyun he gave me a smile then look back to what he was eating, beside him was Sunggyu who wave at me, signaling me to join them.. and there's a girl.. whom I didn't know..

Sungyeol placed an extra chair beside him, I joined them, smile shyly (well, this is awkward!) and sat beside Sungyeol.

awkward silence~

"So, I heard you know them already.." pointing at Hoya, Dongwoo and Woohyun.

"Yeah, we met back at the school clinic.." I said forcing a smile to appear on my face..

"Cool, so whatd'ya want to eat? wait I'll order for you.." choding stood up headed to the counter, leaving me there.

"Is she SungYeol's girl?" the girl beside Sunggyu ask. They all look at me as if they don't know the answer.. (or do they really didn't know?)

"No.. I'm not his girlfriend or anything.. we're friends since we're young." i said while waving both of my hands to stop the misunderstanding,

"I told you.. won't believe me eh?" Hoya scowl at Dongwoo, who seemed embarrassed..

"Oh.. best friends huh? So that's possible.." said the girl, she doesn't seem to believe me,

"Yeah, that may happen, so let's drop this," Sunggyu said, he's somehow annoyed,

"Right, Mari-ssi, this is Erika, my girlfriend." Sunggyu introduce the girl beside him,

"Nice to meet you," I bowed to give respect, she didn't do the same.

She just continue to twirl her hair on her fingers.. and play with her icecream..

At last Sungyeol came, bringing different types of ice cream, our favorite flavors.. well, this ice cream shop, by the way, is our favorite spot, so choding and I happen to taste all of the flavors already..

"Here, enjoy your ice cream Ma'am!" he said placing the tray of ice creams in front of me, Sungyeol ask the others to have some too, so they did..

We ate ice cream together, they continue to joke around, laugh at each others stories, play pranks with Dongwoo..and I sat there, I was just observing how happy they all were.

"Is she always like this?" Erika blurted out.

The loud happy conversation they're having kinda stop there..

"Is she always what?" Hoya asked Erika,

"Is she always enjoying your company by just watching you guys?" she said now looking straight at me.. "she doesn't seem to fit in," she added,

I was not sure what to say so i kept quiet.. Sunggyu in the other hand turned to look at Erika with a warning look..

"She doesn't hang out with us, she's SungYeol's friend so that makes her our friend too." Dongwoo  fired at Erika,

"OMO.. so she's not hanging out with you guys at all, then this may be her first meeting with all of you here..?" Erika said still looking at me giving me what looks like a fake kind look.. I just nod.

"So what if she's not popular? will that make a difference?" Sungyeol said it so fast..

"No.. duh.. that doesn't make any difference at all! actually it makes you guys more charming.." she said now giving a fake giggle..

:"What do you mean by that? Noona?" ask Hoya as he continue to glare at her..

"That's enough." Sunggyu ordered, "Sorry about that Mari-ssi,"

"What? wait! why are you saying sorry-- it's not like i've done something wrong.." she turned at Sunggyu run her fingers on his head.. Sunggyu pulled his head away from her,

"Oppa you didn't told me about your charity project.." she continued, now smirking,

"What charity project?" ask Hoya,

"The charity project about adopting weird pretty girls like her, that will sure boost your popularity in school.. is that right?"

"That's enough Erika," Sunggyu warn.

"Well, I just don't get the point why we should invite a weird girl over! This supposed to be my get-together party,, OUR get-together party!!! it's not like she's trying her best to fit in, I just don't like the fact that you act nicer towards her than to me! Open you eyes! Look how she dress! Who wears high-cut sneakers with girly dresses?! That is so geeky!! And look how she laugh her smile doesn't match her eyes--they're too cold!  she's a freak!" Erika snapped out.

Sungyeol stood up, "What's that you called Mari?"

"weird? freak? what's wrong? isn't that true Yeolie?" she said in a sweet yet annoying tone..

"That is not true. she's not weird, she's not a freak.." Sungyeol fired at her.. I look at choding, anger rises to his face.. this is bad.. i grab his hand and ask him to calm down and to sit.. he did.

"It's alright, I'm used to people calling me that.." I said w/o even thinking.. now they all look at me in a surprised way..

"See, she said she's used to it, so it won't hurt if we call her 'weird'. oppa try saying it again.." she chuckled and turned to Sunggyu.

"Stop that." Sunggyu said, he doesn't seem to know how to shut her up,

"stop what oppa? calling her weird? but you did, remember? earlier when Yeol-goonie's not here yet.. 'Sungyeol's coming over with his freaky-weird friend Mari' that's what you said!"

"What? when did I? I did not! Stop it already Erika!" Sunggyu denied, shaking his head to SungYeol,

"Woohyun-oppa heard it too and he laugh, you did oppa, didn't you?" said Erika who is now smiling brightly..

Woohyun who haven't said a word since this conversation started, stood up..

"Yeah, I did so what?"

"Hyung!" Hoya, Dongwoo and choding said together.

I don't know why I frown,

"I'm sorry Sungyeol, you better take Mari-ssi home, It's getting late." Woohyun said in a calm voice, He turned to look at me then to Erika.. "well, at least Mari's not fake."

"Yah! Woohyun-oppa! how dare you to talk to me that way!" she stood up, but this time Sunggyu was already grasping her arm and leading her out of the shop.

"We'll go ahead.." Sunggyu said, gaving an apologetic look to Sungyeol and me, "You kids should go home too.."

"Yahh--let go I'm not done yet..! OPPA!!!" shouted Erika while Sunggyu drag her outside..

"You're going to the trash!" we can hear Sunggyu say..

"Let's go, I'll take you guys home.." Woohyun insisted,

"Ne, sorry about that Mari-ssi," Hoya started, "that girl doesn't have manners.."

"Yeah, she likes to pick up fights.. sorry 'bout that." Dongwoo added,

"Nah.. It's alright.. really," I told them,

"Hop in, we'll drop you off.." Woohyun insisted again,

"Mari and I will just walk home, our place is just near by, thanks anyway Hyung.. Hoya, Dongwoo.. see you in school." SungYeol said,

"Alright then, be careful on your way home, see you.." Woohyun gave Sungyeol a pat on the back, he turned to me and bowed., then went inside his car..Hoya and Dongwoo were waving at us as they drove off..

Meanwhile, SungYeol and I were silently walking.. it's not like he's having mood swings, it's more like he's having difficulties to start a conversation, so I just said something random..

"What do you think the sky looks like when you're in Mars?" I ask,

"What? uh.. maybe like Minnie Mouse's polkadotted red dress.. I bet the sky in mars is red.. and the stars are white so.." said Sungyeol.. "what's with the 4D question anyway?" he said while laughing,

"What's with the 8D answer then? minnie mouse..polkadots..HAHAHA!" I started laughing out loud.

"You are so w---" choding pause, he  stopped walking,

"weird?" I ask,

"Yeah, but not in a bad way.." he said, "I'm sorry about what happened back there.."

"nah, I said it's alright, actually I like that word," i pause, then continue "it made me think I'm special in some way.."

choding smiled, this time not goofy..

"But you're not a freak." he muttered, "you're weird but not a freak.."

"I know, that's why I didn't argue.. with her way of thinking, It's not worth arguing." I smiled at SungYeol.. he smiled back..

"If your weird then I am too!!!" he said in a happy tone.. I can see his goofy smile form on his face once again..

"It's alright for me if you want to be weird too.. but don't expect me to be goofy like you!" I said giving him a big smile,,

he gave me a scornful look.. so then we continued are randomness, and started laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult."

"If you are to take a picture of cheese, what do you think it would say?"

"Stressed is Desserts spelled backwards."

"A shrimp's heart is in its head."


I guess being weird is not so strange after all. :)



Thanks for reading!!!

Let me know what you think~ :)

(i just learned how to put pictures and bg kekkek hope you like it..)


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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 18: U-P-DAte :[
ijustread #2
waaaaah!!! T-T why do i feel like crying?! am I the only one who teared up when mari's reading her un-send letter? waaaaah~ this is sad now, sungyeol's angry(?) and myungsoo, sungjong's bff knows mari's ultimate secret!!! T-T<br />
i like woohyun's character, the first part cracked me up.<br />
then sunggyu's girl instincts are so good.. that it really made sense!<br />
but really.. i feel like it's ending soon!!! can't wait for the next chapie..<br />
p.s<br />
nice gif... chukahe inpiniteu!!! 9111 is love!^^
@inspirit_shawol76 - i'm currently writing chapter 15 now, haha I LOL-ed so much at your comment..! yeah well.. let's see what will happen next to sungjongie..! thanks for commenting!<br />
kyaaah~ those fancams from infinite's fan signing event really made me do this.. MyungJong were really lovey dovey! :D
ijustread #4
whew! Long chapter!!! haha^^ the date was awesome.. not so namstar like but..cute!^^
@ijustread - yes dark circles is having panda eyes,<br />
<br />
thanks for reading y'all! (:
ijustread #6
is panda like having dark circles? if so, haha that's amusing.. 3 pandas..!^^ the creepy part gave me goosebumps LOL!^^ so, they're all friends now.. can't wait for the next chapter..^^
makiarto #7
haha pandas!!! :) that's quite a horror story! omo.. it's night here where i'm at, it sorta made the hairs on the back of my head stand up!~_~ dang..haha update soon!<br />
i spotted a myungyeol moment and an Ljong too! :)
ijustread #8
haha dongwoo's character.. i like!^^<br />
so Mari did lost it in the end.. haha!<br />
I want Mari and Sungyeol together! at first i was really lost on why Sungyeol's acting that way, but after chap6 i like them to end up together! haha! keep writing.. 'coz i will read it!^^
makiarto #9
LOL what's with the poll? "Not bad" is the highest? @weiximah---chincha?! :D<br />
it looks like mari's falling for myungsoo.. no! what about sungjong?! haha her friend choding..hmmm.. i sense something.. lololol<br />
cute + shocking update! you're doing good! update soon~ hwaitting! :)
@makiarto - thanks :)