Sometimes, You Get So Alone That It Make Sense.

everyday is a sweet day.. isn't it? [[ HIATUS ]]

I woke up in a fine sunny day.

I feel sick and I got up to wash my face.

I saw my reflection.. those are the saddest eyes I've ever seen.

My legs hurt. Yesterday, I abused them too much.

I took a quick bath and change to my uniform.

After what happened, I really don't feel like going to school.

I don't even want to go out of my room.

Why don't I feel like facing Myungsoo?

How am I supposed to tell Sungyeol?

Or rather, What am I supposed to tell Sungyeol?

I took a deep breath and faced my door.

"Osu! Mari. Whatever happens today. Don't cry. Hwaitto!" words that slipped out of my mouth.

I opened the door, I saw Myungsoo's room with his door left ajar.

He's prolly eating breakfast. Already.

I went downstairs and play with Uzi for a while.

"Bijou? You're up early.. are you feeling better?" Nanny said in a warm voice. I nod and forced a smile.

I ate my breakfast quietly, can't stop gazing to Myungsoo's empty seat.. he prolly doesn't want to eat with me..

"L-sama left early, he said there's something he needs to help Sungjongie with.." Nanny seemed to read my thoughts and correct it.

I smiled and waved goodbye to Nanny as I made my way out of the house.

The sun is bright though it doesn't hurt my skin.

I usually smile at times like this, but I don't know why I don't feel like it right know.

Students who were also from our school run and play with their friends..

It seems like yesterday when Sungyeol and I walk together and play along the way to school.

"Sungyeol.." I stop on my tracks and saw a tall boy walking across the street with his fandom behind him as always.

He didn't bother to look at me nor the street where I'm standing at, he usually cross that street and walk along with me.. but now..

everything changes in just one sleep.

I continued walking under the bright sunlight.

School is just the same. like it always have, a bit different though now, that I didn't entered with Sungyeol.

The new bulletin was up. I didn't care much to look at it.

"So you're saying that the thief yesterday didn't stole anything?" one of the students in the hall ask the others.

"Yes.. They did checked, all the important files are still there."

"But why's he running anyway?!"

"I don't know too.. The vice principal was so angry yesterday that they run after a thief who doesn't stole anything."

"That student must be scared or something.. I freaked out too when I saw them running across the hall."

Laughter filled the hall.. they seemed happy making fun of the vice principal and his cronies.

I entered my classroom, realized Sungyeol wasn't still there nor is Myungsoo.

I grab my seat and desk, and pushed it near the window.

I realized that they put bars outside of it. dang.. now where am I going to pass when I'm late?

"Oh.. Mari, You're not with Sungyeol today?" the class president smiled at me,

"Yeah.. I didn't see him." I lied, forcing another smile once again.

"You must be wondering why they put bars outside our classroom's windows?" she gave me a warm smile.

"Eh? well.. yeah.." I forgot that Woohyun lied that I have a sick leave that's why I'm not in school.

"A student made a mayhem yesterday.. he was accused of being a thief and jump out this window to escape."

"Oh.. really?"

"Yeah, I saw it too.. it kinda reminds me of you though, when you're late," she gave a small chuckle, "Now, you should come on time, since our emergency door is now lock." she gave me a warm smile and patted my shoulder before heading to the front to check attendance.

whew~ I think I kinda flinch when she said It reminds her of me.. dang, I need to control myself.

Sungyeol and his fandom entered the classroom, he asked one of his fan to take his seat and desk on the center of the room.

"The sun is too bright at the back so.. and I wanted to see how everyone's doing~" he then gave his signature gooffy smile that melted his fans' hearts.

The classmates who was asked to get his seat turned to me and smiled,

"You don't mind, do you Mari?" they said smiling,

"No.. not at all." I forced another smile. Well, if Sungyeol doesn't want to talk to me then it's fine, I understand.

Classes began, Myungsoo came in late. He's prolly wondering why Sungyeol's sitting at the center of the class. and I was left aone at the back,

He shrugged as he take his seat beside me.

"Miss Kim Mari?" Mr.Park called out,


"Can you please wake your seatmate up?"

"Eh?" I turned to look at Myungsoo, he's sleeping again.

"You woke him up last time, you don't mind waking him up again, do you?"

"I'm not done with my seatwork. Since you saw me last time, why don't you try waking him up instead?" I lied. I just don't feel like waking Myungsoo up by bending close to him.

"Oh.. alright then, I-i'll try, please continue your seatwork." the teacher bent down on Myungsoo and started to whisper in his ear, But it seems not to work.

I pretend to do my seatwork, while watching quietly,

"Myungsoo-ah wake up~" the teacher's melodramtaic voice whispered to Myungsoo's ears.

After 3 tries, the teacher look at me and began to beg with a pleading smile.

I sighed and went over to Myungsoo, I saw Sungyeol throwing hateful gazes as I bent down Myungsoo's side.

"Myungsoo,, wake up." I whispered in my calm voice, with just one try it worked.

when I saw Myungsoo waking up, I passed my paper and went out of the classroom.


This is my first break time without Sungyeol, or Myungsoo.

I started to think where I'm going to go first. I wanted to eat but the cafeteria is crowded, I'm thinking of going up the rooftop.

When I reached the rooftop, cold breeze welcome me, at times like this I usually smile, but then again.. I don't feel like it.

I ate my food quietly, trying to divert things to my food. I munched on a roll of kimbap, and have big bites of my meat bun, and swallow all of it.

"Girls don't usually eat carbs, I'm guessing you're not one." Myungsoo appeared out of nowhere.

I nearly choked on my kimbap.

"Ha, what do you know about girls?" I said while I grab my water and drink half of it, "guess what? yesterday I'm not one."

"Mari.. I don't know that you can be funny.. stop joking around." Myungsoo said and started to laugh, this kinda piss me off.

I packed my things and decided to go somewhere else.

"I'm being funny? HA.HA. really? then fine you can laugh if you really feel like it." I said as I stand and started to walk away.

"Are you really serious with that letter? And how about Sungyeol? I see you guys aren't working well.." Myungsoo tried not to laugh.

"If you think my letter's funny then you can laugh at it, hell I care.. and Sungyeol? what about him? his happy.. isn't he?" I stop in front of Myungsoo.

"Aren't you gonna tell me something?" he asked, I'm not sure what he wanted me to tell him, but his smirks pissed me off..

"I love Sungjong. Is that what you want to hear? Is it funny? HA.HA. c'mon laugh. I guess a weird art freak girl like me, really can't put hopes up huh?"

"Mari.. I just.."

"Thought its a joke? I wouldn't go through anything like that if its just a joke, now would I?"

"No you got me wrong I feel for you.."

"I don't need your symphaty. Or at least I don't need anyone right now. I wanted to figure things out on my own, but how should I do it? eotteoke? even myself doesn't know what to do.."

"Then maybe you can just tell him.."

"I would've done that long long time ago, If I have guts right? Well guess what? I'm scared." I was really angry that tears filled my eyes but I keep telling myself not to cry.. don't cry..

"I lied for so long.. to myself and to the people around me, that's because I don't want to hurt them.."

Myungsoo continued to stare at me.. wanting to say something but decided not to..

"But i guess.. I already did." I smiled half heartedly. part of me wants to cry, another part wants to run. and the rest just want to smile.

"This is not out of symphaty.." Myungsoo held me close to him and putting me in an embrace.

"Maybe next time. I don't think it will help right now." I said pulling away. "I'm going first." I smiled and left.



I failed. didn't I? I didn't mean to laugh.. but I was nervous.. so I.. ended up offending her.. What A great fail.

I never knew Sungyeol doesn't know about this.. Mari lied to him for a long time.. it must hurt her everyday.. every lies..

and it will soon hurt Sungyeol  more badly..

what should i do to help? I feel uneasy..  my heart beats faster.. like when I think about.. nahh!

she said she love Sungjong. Love.. what is that?



What am I doing? Stupid Myungsoo. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid Mari you're so stupid!!!!

I passed the empty entrance hall and saw Sungjong with couple of his classmates. He got a wound under his lips, i think that's because of the fall.

I keep my head down and passed by him, he doesn't seem to notice me.

My heart started to beat fast again.. no.. i think it skipped a beat.

I went down the school's field.

I don't know why my legs started to run.. I run.. run.. run.. I heard the school bell rang.. but I still run..


I stopped running and look behind me.

Woohyun was running towards me.

"Mari..*pant*.. You! *pant*,, why.. you skipped class?" he was panting hard and fanning herself.

"I don't know either. I honestly want to go home but.. i left my things at the class room.."

"So you decided to run in circles? Yah! You're not doing it!" He sound mad,

I forgot to call him oppa.

"Sorry about that Woohyun-oppa.." I said in a small voice, he smiled greasily after hearing "oppa".

We sat on an isolated bench under a tree near the soccer field.

I told Woohyun what happened last night with Sungyeol and a while ago at the rooftop with Myungsoo.

He took a deep breath before speaking,

"They're all worried. Myungsoo.. he's not a bad guy, though he can't express his self well.. and Sungyeol.. I think you should tell Sungyeol."

"But.. what if he gets mad? What if he ignore me forever..? He's been my brother.. I don't want that to happen."

"You said it yourself, he's been a brother.. I guess you've been one too for him.. I think Sungyeol cherish you so much to just leave you behind."

"What if he didn't understand? I lied to him for a long time.. what if.."

"What if you stop thinking of those kind of things and just give it a try. The Mari I know, takes on risk.. and doesn't look back."

"I'm.. just.. scared."

"Don't be, Oppa will be here for you~" Woohyun was about to put his arm around my shoulder when someone kicked him off his seat.


"Yah.. Woohyun! What do you think your doing?" Sunggyu was now standig infront of him.

"I'm.. just.. argh! when did you came?!"

"'Oppa will be here for you~~' What the?!" Sunggyu mocked Woohyun,

"I'll deal with you later..! Mari.. wanna go eat ice cream?"

We went to the cafeteria and ate ice cream.. today.. eating ice cream with 2 popular boys in school is not so bad. beacuse of 3 things,

1) Cafeteria's quite empty.. its class hours so.. not a lot of fangirls nor gossip girls around.

2) Woohyun put my hair in a bun on top of my head and made me wore a senior jacket, so that i'll look like a senior, who by this time doesn't have classes. And No one. I mean, NO ONE can even recognize me.

and last reason. 3) Major Faculty members are too busy preparing for our school's up coming sports festival. No one even bother to chat with these 2 popular kids I'm with.

"I wish everyday's like this.. peaceful and comfortable." Woohyun said as he open his wide arms and flung it on Sunggyu.

"I didn't know NAMSTAR likes peace over popularity?" Sunggyu scowled.

"Yah~ hyung.. it's like making me choose between you and my life! Of course I'll choose.. you~" Woohyun lay his head on Sunggyu's shoulder,

"Hey stop that! Mari's infront of us!" Sunggyu tried to move Woohyun's head away but failed.

I smiled at them, they both like each other. It makes me think of Sungyeol when we're still together..


"Mari-yah~ Mari-yah~ dupidupdup west side story~"

"Choding stop singing that song!"

"Nah~ I know you like it!!! Mari-yah~ Mari-yah~"

"Aish~ You elementary schooler! gonna strunggle you~~"


I never lie about this but.. I miss Sungyeol..

It's been like forever..


Classes ended. I need to go back to the classroom and get my stuff.

When the doors of the elevator opened. A pack of students were there waiting.

I saw Sungyeol in the center, we had eye contact and I gave a sincere smile, but he looked away in purpose.

I leave the elevator to let the others in.

"Mari-ssi? Why aren't you in class?"

"I feel sick.."

"Oh ok then go ahead and rest."

My classmates said as I passed by them.

I feel nauseous, It's all in my head. I look back and saw Sungyeol staring and quickly look away.

"Yah! watch where you going dork!" a girl from a popular group called Apink snapped at me as I bumped on her.


"Mianhe? Is that even a word?! gosh I can't believe dorks like you! Get off my sight!"

I don't feel like fighting back, so I just do what I was told.

"YAH! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Sungyeol's voice echoed through the crowded corridor.

"S-Sungyeol-oppa.. she stepped on my shoes.. and ruined my uniform."


"That's enough.. I already said I'm sorry, she can say whatever she wants." I go back and pulled Sungyeol's arm.

"YOU! YOU! YOU! and YOU!" he said pointing to the other girls, "TEACH YOUR ROOKIE SOME LESSONS!" he finished off with a scowl.

The girls feel humiliated and began to walk away.

I also headed first. Leaving Sungyeol standing with his fandom fanning him and calming him down.

I grab my bag and my school stuff and began to tear up, I really don't feel well.. I want to go home...

When I went out of the classroom a hand grab me and lead me in a deserted corridor.

"SInce when did you let any one step on you like that?" Sungyeol barked

"So do you think that it will make sense if I fight back?" I avoid Sungyeol's glares.

"Why? Do you enjoy being stepped on?"

"No. I don't. But I feel I'm no better if I fight back."

There was an awkward silence.

I look at Sungyeol he was staring at me.

"I have to tell you something.."  I started

He just keep staring.

"Choding.. ani.. Sungyeol.. I.. I've done something wrong."

I look back at him, and patted his face.

"And If you can't forgive me, I'll understand."

"what is it?" he finally answered, he just let me cupped his cheeks,

"I.. keep this from you for the longgest time,. I like Sungjong."

"Ha.. that's it? I like him too-"

"I like him.. like him.. more like love him." I refrain my tears from falling down my eyes,

Sungyeol opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

I still have my hands cupped on his face. then he smiled. his gooffy smile.

"That's just fine. really. I have nothing against it. I want you to be happy. so I wish you are." He grab my hand that's on his cheeks,

"Ch-Sungyeol..?" he grabbed my hand and put it down on my sides.

"Be happy Mari." he smiled once again as a tear fell from his eyes, "I'll see you then.." he walked away.

What's that supposed to mean? What does he mean by "Be Happy"? Why am I crying..? I thought my eyes were the saddest ones I've ever seen.

I feel so alone.. that it actually made sense.


you can never be mine~ every moment spent is a gift from heaven, such a bliss.. you can never be mine.. never be mine.. every moment stolen.



I already know that Mari likes Sungjong.. But why do I feel like this? I should be happy for her right?

Both of them are my friends.. aish~ Mari.. Why am I like this when I think of you?

"Hello? Butler Choi? pick me up.. I don't feel like walking today." butler Choi will be here any minute..

I wonder who'll walk with Mari? Nah.. Sungyeol stop thinking about her. but.. where is she anyway?

What's taking Butler Choi too long? aish! I'll go check on Mari then.. just check,,

I went up the 2nd floor, classroom's empty.

She must've gone home already.. I feel uneasy..  my heart beats faster.. something didn't go wrong right?

I passed the corridor where I left her. There's something on the floor.. I walk closer and found Mari on the floor.

"MARI!!!" I ran towards her and feel her pulse she's barely breathing, "Help!" I cried, but no one is around. "HEEELLPPP!!!!"

"Sungyeolie? What the? Mari~~!!!" Woohyun-hyung came and carried her,

Sunggyu hyung came he said he heard my scream from here to the 3rd floor.

I called Butler Choi and asked him to fetch Nanny, then we went to the nearest hospital to save Mari..

this is all my fault~ all my fault..

aish! it's getting sad isn't it? T-T

sorry about that~

it will work out pretty soon! :)

thanks for reading and please leave a comment! :D


today's sep3! it's SUNGJONG's birthday!

i love you SungJong~♥ ♥ 

you are my shooting star~ 


pictures/gif not mine :)
credits to the rightful owners~


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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 18: U-P-DAte :[
ijustread #2
waaaaah!!! T-T why do i feel like crying?! am I the only one who teared up when mari's reading her un-send letter? waaaaah~ this is sad now, sungyeol's angry(?) and myungsoo, sungjong's bff knows mari's ultimate secret!!! T-T<br />
i like woohyun's character, the first part cracked me up.<br />
then sunggyu's girl instincts are so good.. that it really made sense!<br />
but really.. i feel like it's ending soon!!! can't wait for the next chapie..<br />
p.s<br />
nice gif... chukahe inpiniteu!!! 9111 is love!^^
@inspirit_shawol76 - i'm currently writing chapter 15 now, haha I LOL-ed so much at your comment..! yeah well.. let's see what will happen next to sungjongie..! thanks for commenting!<br />
kyaaah~ those fancams from infinite's fan signing event really made me do this.. MyungJong were really lovey dovey! :D
ijustread #4
whew! Long chapter!!! haha^^ the date was awesome.. not so namstar like but..cute!^^
@ijustread - yes dark circles is having panda eyes,<br />
<br />
thanks for reading y'all! (:
ijustread #6
is panda like having dark circles? if so, haha that's amusing.. 3 pandas..!^^ the creepy part gave me goosebumps LOL!^^ so, they're all friends now.. can't wait for the next chapter..^^
makiarto #7
haha pandas!!! :) that's quite a horror story! omo.. it's night here where i'm at, it sorta made the hairs on the back of my head stand up!~_~ dang..haha update soon!<br />
i spotted a myungyeol moment and an Ljong too! :)
ijustread #8
haha dongwoo's character.. i like!^^<br />
so Mari did lost it in the end.. haha!<br />
I want Mari and Sungyeol together! at first i was really lost on why Sungyeol's acting that way, but after chap6 i like them to end up together! haha! keep writing.. 'coz i will read it!^^
makiarto #9
LOL what's with the poll? "Not bad" is the highest? @weiximah---chincha?! :D<br />
it looks like mari's falling for myungsoo.. no! what about sungjong?! haha her friend choding..hmmm.. i sense something.. lololol<br />
cute + shocking update! you're doing good! update soon~ hwaitting! :)
@makiarto - thanks :)