.Live eviL.

everyday is a sweet day.. isn't it? [[ HIATUS ]]

I stood there without saying anything. date? what is that?

"Wae Mari?" he said looking around,

"....eh?" that's the only sound that came out of my mouth,

"Let's date."

"...date?" I'm not quite sure what it meant though,

"Oh.. you know, spend the day together.. uhm, like hanging out.." He looks like he've been thinking of other words to describe it. "Like you usually do with Sungyeol."

"We're not dating,"

"So are we!" He said smiling, "I know this place, and obviously you don't," looking at the map that i'm holding,

"Ok.. but we should tell Sungyeolie that we're together."

"Why? I thought you guys aren't dating?" he said randomly scratching his head,

"Well, yeah.. but he needs to know, and he wouldn't be worried because you're his hyung,"

"Fine.. call him."

I dialed choding's number and call him up, when he answers I hesitate at first,

"Uh.. Sungyeolie.. I-" i satrted but Woohyun grab my phone from me,

"Sungyeolie~! Yeah! Hyung's having a bad day.. luckily I met Mari along the way and uh.. we're going for a date-"

"WHHAAATT?!!!" i can hear choding's dolphin scream as Woohyun distanced the phone away from his ear,

"Hey, hey, calm down man.. it's not like what you think! did I say date? I mean we're gonnna hangout~" Woohyun said adding aegyo to his voice,

I just look around and my sight fell on a big clock outside the gallery, it's been an hour since I arrived here with L.. I wonder where he's at.. where Sungjong's at.. Woohyun's still on the phone.. rather than talking he sounds more like negotiating.. He keeps on nodding and nodding.. I can hear choding's furious squeals on the other side of the phone.. I wonder if he's really mad, I suddenly think of going home already.. I don't want to upset my bestfriend like that, when in the first place it's him I should have my date today with..

"Arraseo... ne, uh..Mari, Sungyeolie wants to talk to you.." Woohyun gave me the phone,

"Hello? Sungyeolie I'm thinking about n-"

"Mari! If something bad happens, call me immediately okay? I'll be there on a chopper to get you!"

"What do you mean if something bad-?"

"Woohyun-hyung.. that guy turns into a beast when he's around girls! do you understand me? don't let your guard down!"

"Ok, but-"

"No buts!!! i'll see you later.. and uhm.. be careful! I'll hang up now, later."

"later.." I was about to tell him that i don't feel like going on this date anymore.. but he keeps cutting me off.. aish choding, I guess Woohyun talked his way out of it..

I turned around and so Woohyun grinning at me, he looks so happy unlike when I saw him earlier..

"So where do we go first? Ah! You like arts right? Let's start with this gallery then." he said pointing at the gallery where I was supposed to enter earlier, I nod and just follow him.

We visit a lot of art galleries with different themes and stories. Woohyun also tour me around historical landmarks, he's a really good tourist guide. We took pictures and ate a lot of icecream while walking at the shopping areas.. I bought Sungyeol a cute beenie hat, Nanny a soft slippers that she can wear outside of the house or around the garden, I also bought Uzi a pair of dog clothing and a new colar with stars in it.. while walikng around, I saw a lot of shirts with random prints / shoutouts on them, then a shirt cought my eyes, I grab it and laugh so hard.. Woohyun stared at me at the moment and asked what's funny,

"Nothing really, I just remember something..." I look back at the t-shirt and the sign on it that says "I LOOK CUTE WHEN I'M WORRIED" in bright blue bold letters.

I bought the t-shirt and planned to live it on Myungsoo's room later.. kekekk~ you're so dead Mari~~

"Let's eat! I'm starving! Do you like Pizza? there's a restaurant here that serves delicious pizza! Let's go!" Woohyun lead the way and stopped. I was standing behind him, then he turned at me and held out a hand, I'm not sure what he's pointing at, I look at him in a puzzled way.. He raised an eyebrow, and sigh..

"Give me that.." He ordered looking at my hand, i was carrying a lot.. i handed shopping bags to him, he looked surprised and gave a laugh,

"Thanks for helping me carry it Woohyun-ssi, it's so nice of y-" I was cut off by a sudden action, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his arm,

"The bags, i'll carry it.. but that's not what I meant." He said giggling, "We're dating today.. don't you think it's awkward if we don't do this?"

"I think its more awkward if we do this.."

"Nah.. let's go! I'm starving!!!"

We entered a pizza house the smell of spices and bread make my stomach grumble. We had our seats near the window, while waiting for our food, i realized that its not awkward anymore.. like we've been friends for a long time. His tourist guide mode is on, I learned each stories of the buildings that can be seen outside our window, who owns it.. who made it.. and who's now managing it.

"Woohyun-ssi? Why do you know a lot about this place?"

"Hmmm?" he's busy cutting the pizza.. "Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter anymore." he said gaving me a flat smile.

"Eat before it gets cold."

"Oh sure.." what's with that answer anyway? did I said something wrong? I wanted to ask that but seeing the look on his face made me not to,

While eating, he continue to tell me the background of everything in this place.. and the story of this pizza house, we were busy talking and eating when we heard our names loud and clear.

"Woohyun-hyung! oh.. Mari-ssi?!" a surprised voice startled the two of us, we turned around and found Myungsoo and Sungjong behind.

I swallowed the remaining food in my mouth without chewing, I realized it was too big and almost choke. Woohyun came near me and patted my back, gave me water and i down it with one gulp.



then Myungsoo and Sungjong made their way to where we are seated. I can feel someone else's eyes on me.. l look up and saw Myungsoo glaring at me.. "what i do?" i mumbled, then he remove his eyes on me and look at Woohyun instead.

"What are you two doing here?" Woohyun asked signaling the two of them to have a seat,

"Grandfather asked me to ran a errand, L-hyung came to help.. how about you guys?" Sungjong still look shocked,

"We.. er.. We're dating." He drops it like a bomb! I can't tell what expression Sungjong and Myungsoo's wearing so I felt I have to take that back immediately,

"A-ani! not dating, dating.. you know like hanging out as friends!" I said, or rather protest.

Woohyun gave me a look, something like he understand and then nod,

"Well we met along the way so, I'm thinking of giving her a tour.. dating her. like that. well.. I'm Nam Woohyun."

"I thought you were with Sungyeol?" Myungsoo asked coldly,

We explained why Sungyeol's not with us, Sungjong nod and seemed to understand everything, while Myungsoo looks like he's not buying it.

"We have a lot of errands to do.. so we'll leave you two love birds alone, see you in school." Myungsoo said as he gave a cold smile.

"Love birds? What the-?" I was about to strangle him when Sungjong cut me off with his hand stretched forward,

"Mari-ssi.. If Woohyun-hyung turned into a beast, don't hesitate to beat him up, see you then." He said smiling as I reached his hand to shake, I sorta blushed, I hope no one saw that..

"What do you mean turn into a beast?! Yah! I'm Nam Woohyun!" Woohyun exclaimed as he gave Sungjong a tight hug, Sungjong smiled brightly and wave at us,

"Bye.. and see you.." I waved back,

Myungsoo smirk and mumbled the words "two-timer" then went off with Sungjong,

"did he said two-timer? is that supposed to be me?" Woohyun asked out of curiosity

"Well, I guess, it's not like I'm dating anyone.."

We finished eating, then proceed to our tour. We visited libraries, educational, art and music libraries.. I felt I learned a lot in this tour, this made me want to build a house here, and just live here forever.

"Are you tired of walking? Do you want to rest a little?" Woohyun ask, he prolly noticed I walk slow than usual, I nod then he smiled.

We rode a taxi and headed somewhere I don't know, but i hear something that relaxes my ears.. waves.

We reached the beach. Now, i can hear the waves as it crashes down to the shore.. the sound made me feel calm, I look at the sea as it glisten and made my heart flatter as it reflect the soon to set sun.. the colors are just so perfect.. a picture won't do.. but it's the least that i can keep.

"So this is how you adore the view? I'll show you a fun way to!" Woohyun carried me on his shoulder and began running towards the shore.

I scream my lungs out and all I can hear  is Woohyun's warm laughter. I begged him to put me down, so when he did, I pushed him down to the sand and started to bury him alive..

"Imma kill you now!!!" I shouted at him playfully,

"Not if I get you first!" he managed to stand up with all the sand i used to bury him with, and drag me to the shore.

We play with the waves, and build sand castles. I started to collect shells while Woohyun went to buy snacks. When he came back he motioned me to sit next to him, he bring out snacks and cold drinks then throw me a clean towel. we seated in the warm sand and admire the waves that crashes to the shore.

We're not wearing our jackets and shoes anymore, we left them on top of a big rock  beside us, to dry.

Feeling the warm pale yellow sand beneath my toes made me smile. Looking around, there is nobody else to be seen, only old couples walking around the shore from a distance. I can hear only a few gentle sounds, the ‘whoosh’ coming from the turning waves, the light wind blowing slowly, the croaking crickets that are no-where to be seen and a few loud ‘cheeps’ coming from white seagulls which occasionally fly by slowly over the sea, sometimes landing, and floating smoothly on the sea for a while but soon disappearing back into the sky.

I glance at Woohyun who looks like he's in deep thoughts, he probably noticed me glancing at him and turned to look at me and smiled.

"Are you happy today?" he ask,

"More than happy." I smiled and nod.

"I envy you." he said, i thought I heard it wrong then there was a long silence,

"Do you love Sungyeol?" that time when he ask that I was drinking so I spilled some on my shirt,

"Yes, Yes I do. Wae?"

"Nothing. then that just made me envy you more."

"What's that supposed to m-?"

"I have nothing against you.. it's just that, I like your life.. how your friendship stays strong.. even if there's just the two of you, you love each other. The way you live.. free. And you're ready to take on new roads.. You show yourself not thinking about other people thinks. But I... all my life, I've been treated like dirt." He sighed and face the sky.

The Woohyun I meet everyday in school is not the Woohyun I see now, The Woohyun in school is full of pride, easy-going and quite arrogant, but the Woohyun that's beside me now looks fragile and sad.

"My life's not fun like you think it is, I envy a lot of things too.."

"Things like what? popularity? that's the only thing that you don't have, and prolly don't need." He scowled.

"Ani.. like you said I don't need that.. why envy that? sound lame." I smiled and continue, "I envy those kids with parents. those who have been raised by their parents, I'm not saying that Harabeoji didn't raised me well.. but I can't help to think how It must have felt to be in a parents' comfort."

I turned to look at Woohyun he is now smiling back at me.

"Well, your parents will soon regret it, for leaving their very kind daughter behind.. you can at least see tham once in a while.. I have some connections with someone who can find them for you..."

"Thanks Woohyun-ssi, but there's no need for that, I know where they are.." As I thought, he prolly thinks my parents divorced or something, well It can't help.. in rich famillies that's the common reason why a kid is left with no parents.

"You know where they are? what..? do they have their own families?"

"No.. well.. they're dead." I said, i realized that it's been a while since i talk about this, and even so.. my eyes still couldn't help but teared up.

"14 years ago.. they were involved in a plane crash.. I was 2y/o then.. all that I can remember is hearing myself cry while calling their names.. knowing the fact that they won't be back." a tear fell as I open this story.. I sigh and gave a warm smile..

"But you still can smile..?"

"Well, it would be lame if I'll cry forever, that won't do anything. After a year I fully recovered, thanks to Sungyeolie.. he's always willing to stay and cheer me up.."

"Sungyeol..? Is he really that helpful? haha.." he chuckle. then his face go back to being serious.

"Unlike you, I have parents. but they're good as dead. They plan everything even before I was born.. they treat me like trash. She's right, the lady from earlier.. I'm a bastard."

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am, all my life I've been treated like a slave, who follows orders.. I don't have freedom like normal kids my age have. I live for my parents' money, to them I am nothing but a guinea pig. Ten years from now, i'll get married to someone I barely know. and if I tried to runaway.. someone close to me needs to pay.. what am I supposed to do then? Nothing? I'll have to enjoy living this ty life.. play all i want, and not get people attached to me so much." he jeered.

"Live evil. I can't even fight back." he utter those words like he's spitting,

I really don't know what to say after hearing this.. I feel sad for him as well..

"Life ain't fair eh? Mari.."

"I don't think so.. maybe we see it not fair because we expected to much.. or we already gave up." I smiled warmly at him,

"I really don't get it.. After everything.. I mean, where do you find strength?"

"To people around me. Harabeoji, Nanny and Sungyeol.. It doesn't matter if there's just few of them.. as long as they support me and believes me, that's enough."

"Contentment eh? I'll try doing that too.. I have one person I cherished the most.. just like you cherish Sungyeol.. mine is Sunggyu." he smiled as he said Sunggyu's name.

"Cool.. You two looks great together."

"Yeah.. I know. HAHAHA!!!" He laugh out loud.

The sun is nearly setting, the sky has a lot of emotions.. the sea's reflecting them..

"Its nice to talk about things like these once in a while, don't you think?" He said smiling brightly,

"Yeah.. well.. good luck to us, Woohyun-ssi.."

"Hwaitto!" he cheered raising a fist to the air.

"Hwaitto!!!" I did the same, we prolly look stupid from afar.. but really, we both are enjoying this.

We watch the sunset with smiling faces, tears began to fell from our eyes as the good old sun waved and say good night.

"Mari.. We have one last stop to go to." Woohyun said standing up dusting off the sand from his pants,

"Aren't we going home yet?"

"Nah.. too early for that, plus..what's left to do after a heart warming sunset scene?" He smiled brightly,

"Icecream?" I answered blankly,

"Bingo! Now let's go! Hurry!" He drag me off my seat and throw me my shoes, and started chasing me up to the parking lot.

After reaching our destination he drag me infront of a huge gate and started to jump up and down..

"Taaadaaah~ Amusement park!!!!" he said clapping his hands together,

With just a blink of an eye, I found myself sitting at the front seat of the rollercoaster. How I get there, I really don't know, Woohyun's laughing like a maniac while I scream my lungs out as the ride began, after that we play games, earned stuffed animals, watched magic shows, ride more crazy rides, took sticker photos, ate a lot of icecream, then finally felt really tired.

"Just one more ride, c'mon Mari!!!"


"Let's go!"

This time we rode the Ferris wheel. It was relaxing,  seeing the whole town from above.. sends butterflies in my stomach.. the night sky make city lights shine like dianomds..

"Whoa~" We both admire the view

"I'll bring Sungyeolie here sometime.." I said taking pictures,

"How about Sungjongie?"

"I'll take him too-- wait! W-what?"

"Gotcha~ HAHA!" Woohyun teased,

I feel my face glow bright red, Woohyun still won't stop laughing.. I just look outside and pretend to take more pictures,

"H-how do you know? W-when..?"

"I know.. well.. I'm Nam Woohyun." he chuckled

"Is it really that obvious?"

"No its not, that is if you're not observant.. I noticed Sungyeol doesn't know this?"

"H-he doesn't.. I haven't told him yet.. maybe sometime.."

"Aww.. that will really be a heartbreaking news then." He smiled insanely, "Now, We're both keeping secrets, You keep mine; I'll keep yours."

I nod and smile, how strange.. how does he figured that out.. heartbreaking? yeah I thought so too.. Sungyeolie will kill me for keeping it from him for a longest time.. but aish.. of all people.. choding should've noticed it first.. at least..

I eyed Woohyun in a sense that he is indeed awesome in some ways..

"There's no further explanation Mari-ssi.. just, I'm Nam Woohyun." he blurted out as he stretched his arms forward and smile.

See that? its just like reading my mind!!!

"Mari.. in the count of 3.. Let's scream our farewell message to this town, this is part of the tour."

"Farewell what?"

"1.. 2.. 3!"

"SOMEDAY I'LL LIVE HERE!!!" I screamed, feeling quite embarrassed when Woohyun gave a loud laugh.. I started to screaming the same words  again,

"SOMEDAY... I WON'T LIVE EVIL ANYMORE! SOMEDAY!!!" he scream and laugh afterwards,

The ride stop and Woohyun lead the way back to the building where we first met this morning, He called someone on the phone and a guy on black suit appeared behind us, he opened the car for us, Woohyun sat beside me at the backseat. Then his driver started the engine and drove off.

It was a long ride not like expected, we passed by multi-colored buildings and casinos, antique shops and closing art galleries.

I really felt tired and eventually fell asleep. Woohyun woke me up, we arrived at my house. I still feel sleepy and realized I fell asleep on Woohyun's shoulder, He smiled brightly as he helped me out of the car.

"I'll keep this," he's referring to the sticker photos, I smiled and nod.

I saw Nanny running towards the gate, she greeted Woohyun and his driver, both greeted Nanny back,

"Thank you for the tour Woohyun-ssi," I said bowing 90°,

"Anytime. Thank you too Mari-ssi," he said bowing gladly,

I remember the box of jellybeans the clown gave me this morning, I reached for my bag and found it safe and unharmed(?)

"Here, keep this too." I said handing him the box of jellybeans,

"Whoa! Thanks.. Well, we'll go ahead.. See you in school!" he said waving and bowing once again,

I smiled and waved back at him, they drove off. I watched until their car turned around the corner, and is out of sight.

Nanny and I talk about what happened this day.. Nanny's excited hearing new things I did with Woohyun.. she prepared me a hot bath and accompanied me as I share more of today's tour.

I put on my pajamas and get ready to bed, I was feeling so tired yet happy, Nanny then kissed my forehead and turned off the lights so I can sleep soundly.

♪ A I O I A I O I A A I O whoa~ A I O I A I O I O I O I whoa~  


whew~~ long chapter isn't it? :)

I've been busy these days.. school.. and work.. aish..!

i miss AFF and so are my readers!!!

i hope enjoy reading and don't forget to leave some comments too!!! :)

I'll work harder even more! hwaitto~

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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 18: U-P-DAte :[
ijustread #2
waaaaah!!! T-T why do i feel like crying?! am I the only one who teared up when mari's reading her un-send letter? waaaaah~ this is sad now, sungyeol's angry(?) and myungsoo, sungjong's bff knows mari's ultimate secret!!! T-T<br />
i like woohyun's character, the first part cracked me up.<br />
then sunggyu's girl instincts are so good.. that it really made sense!<br />
but really.. i feel like it's ending soon!!! can't wait for the next chapie..<br />
p.s<br />
nice gif... chukahe inpiniteu!!! 9111 is love!^^
@inspirit_shawol76 - i'm currently writing chapter 15 now, haha I LOL-ed so much at your comment..! yeah well.. let's see what will happen next to sungjongie..! thanks for commenting!<br />
kyaaah~ those fancams from infinite's fan signing event really made me do this.. MyungJong were really lovey dovey! :D
ijustread #4
whew! Long chapter!!! haha^^ the date was awesome.. not so namstar like but..cute!^^
@ijustread - yes dark circles is having panda eyes,<br />
<br />
thanks for reading y'all! (:
ijustread #6
is panda like having dark circles? if so, haha that's amusing.. 3 pandas..!^^ the creepy part gave me goosebumps LOL!^^ so, they're all friends now.. can't wait for the next chapter..^^
makiarto #7
haha pandas!!! :) that's quite a horror story! omo.. it's night here where i'm at, it sorta made the hairs on the back of my head stand up!~_~ dang..haha update soon!<br />
i spotted a myungyeol moment and an Ljong too! :)
ijustread #8
haha dongwoo's character.. i like!^^<br />
so Mari did lost it in the end.. haha!<br />
I want Mari and Sungyeol together! at first i was really lost on why Sungyeol's acting that way, but after chap6 i like them to end up together! haha! keep writing.. 'coz i will read it!^^
makiarto #9
LOL what's with the poll? "Not bad" is the highest? @weiximah---chincha?! :D<br />
it looks like mari's falling for myungsoo.. no! what about sungjong?! haha her friend choding..hmmm.. i sense something.. lololol<br />
cute + shocking update! you're doing good! update soon~ hwaitting! :)
@makiarto - thanks :)