GD vs. TOP

Road to...

Jiyong scrolled down the screen on his phone and saw a Twitter update on Hyomin again today. They had caught her coming out from a TV station with the 2NE1 girls after a rehearsal for a music show. Thanks to technology, I’m turning into a stalker too… Jiyong sighed and tossed his phone aside so that he could concentrate on his work. He was just in time as Hyomin entered the meeting room, dressed exactly as she had been in the Twitter photo earlier.

“Hello, you’re early!” Hyomin said as she sat down beside him at the work desk. She rolled up her sleeves and tucked her hair behind her ears. She was all ready to discuss Big Bang’s stage at the YG Family concert. Jiyong was one of her favourite YG artiste to work with – he had been the one who introduced her into the industry and both her mentor and peer. He was professional and respectful, even though she had only just started while he was an icon of kpop.

Jiyong took a deep breath to clear his mind and got down to business. It was just a weird dream. Yeah right, he had that dream every night for the last week and he was about to go crazy. Everything Hyomin did was distracting now – the way she tapped her pen on the paper, the way she ruffled her own hair when she got frustrated, the way she bobbed her head as she listened intently to their songs… “Jiyong!”

He snapped out of his thoughts and found a pouting Hyomin glaring at him. OMG, please don’t do that… “You weren’t listening,” Hyomin said. “I’m sorry,” Jiyong said as he turned to face her properly. Hyomin studied his face for a while and smiled when she saw that he was sincere with his apology. She set her papers aside and clasped her hands neatly in front of her. Jiyong eyed her warily as a playful grin tugged at her lips. “Who is it?”

Jiyong blinked blankly and Hyomin poked his arm. “Come on, spill it! Who’s the girl that has gotten our GD so distracted?” Jiyong giggled uncomfortably, which got Hyomin clapping her hands excitedly. “I Knew It!” she exclaimed as she turned her attention back to him again.

Jiyong’s heart was thumping and he hid his face with his arms. “Hyomin ah, please don’t tease me… My face is burning!” he laughed happily she reached over to pat his head. “My, my, what an honest boy…” He stared at her happily – spending time together like that was happiness in itself too. She was so carefree around him, unreserved and painfully expressive.

“Hyomin ah, will you be sad if I find a girlfriend?” he asked teasingly. Hyomin pretended to shake her head but Jiyong tickled her into submission. “You won’t have time for us I guess, but you can always bring her here. It’s 5 guys and 3 girls now – it’ll be good to even out the odds.” Hyomin laughed as the rest of the members filed in to the meeting room. Jiyong laughed and poked her sides, “I think the three of you will frighten any girl away!”

Hyomin smacked his hands and jutted her chin out obstinately. “We’re not that scary alright!” Everyone had somehow caught on what they had been bantering about. Only Seunghyun sat quietly, observing how Hyomin was much more herself with Jiyong. He didn’t miss the fact that she had noticed his presence and was trying to tone down her excitement – but she just couldn’t resist responding to Jiyong’s jibes and jokes.

“Fine, we promise to be on our best behavior when you bring your girlfriend,” Hyomin said. Jiyong patted her head and smiled. “Aigoo, Hyomin is such a nice girl. I love you, Hyomin.” His heart was beating really fast and he felt it stop when she smiled back at him. “I know, Jiyong Oppa. I love you, too.”

As the rest laughed along at their cute bantering, time stood still for Seunghyun.




Hyomin ducked into the eatery from which she had been separated from for a while. The ahjumma and ahjusshi were happy to see her again after so long and they commented on how she looked like she needed nourishment. She settled down at a table and ordered a potato stew for herself. It was dinner with the girls and then back to YG to meet with 2NE1. Anri and Gina arrived just then with Seungri and Youngbae in tow.

“Omo! That’s a surprise,” Hyomin said as she shifted to a bigger table so that everyone will fit. Anri pointed at Seungri and deadpanned, “I picked up this stray by the road.” Hyomin laughed as Seungri protested but it was evident that Anri and Seungri had resolved their past issues and moved on to being great friends. Habits and quirks they had learnt about each other long ago just cemented their friendship even more. “I saved him from ravenous noonas at the photoshoot,” Gina pointed at Youngbae who had his trademark smile. Gina had started interning at YG and the plan was that she’ll be a full time publicist when she graduated. Graduation was just weeks away and thankfully, Hyomin was going to graduate on time.

“So what time do we have to be at NB later?” Anri asked. Youngbae looked up with interest, “You girls are going for 2NE1’s showcase too?” They nodded and Seungri grinned. “No need to bother Hyomin, she’ll be stuck with 2NE1 most of the time so we can go together.” Hyomin frowned and asked if it was a good idea for the guys to be seen with Anri and Gina at the club. Youngbae was quick to assure her, “Gina is a YG publicist and Anri’s mother owns the biggest face clinic in Gangnam. I don’t think there’ll be any major issue really. And they’re there at your invitation anyway.”

Hyomin left the group first and made her way back to YG. CL and Dara were waiting in the van already and exchanged excited greetings with Hyomin. As part of their comeback, they were performing a showcase of their new songs at NB with YG Family’s support. Hyomin was fronting this marketing initiative and had been commanded to get dolled up together with the idols. “Do you even know what you’re wearing later?” CL asked Hyomin. “The coordi unnie said there’ll be a few for me to try. It was really last minute so they will send everything to the salon for me to pick what I want.” As soon as Bom and Minzy arrived, the van left with boisterous girls inside, excitedly discussing their performance.

Hyomin carefully inspected the girls’ make-up and hair, made sure their outfits were right before she checked on the rack of clothes which had been set aside for her. The make-up artiste had played up her eyes with a smokey grey. Her hair was curled at the ends and a sparkly hairband completed the look. “OTOKE~!” Bom and Dara rushed to find Hyomin who was staring at the rack with wide open. “These look more like your stage costumes than clothes for me!” Hyomin groaned as the two idols laughed.

“It’s short so that your legs will look even longer!” Bom said as she flicked through the clothes. “You are too covered up! Reminds me of Tabi (her nickname for Seunghyun). He’ll be hibernating at home when summer comes…”

With the girls’ urgent help, Hyomin finally decided on the gold tube dress with a black blazer with sleeves rolled up to her elbows. tights and black ankle boots completed her outfit. Just as she climbed into the limousine that had been booked for their entrance, she received a text from Jiyong.

“The boys are ready and we’ve got the girls hostage!” Hyomin smiled to see the photo of them already gathered at NB’s VIP lounge. They had all dressed up, even Gina and Anri who could have passed off as models. They talked through the performance and when they arrived, Hyomin stepped out first and she smiled confidently and waved at the media who had assembled even though it was close to midnight already. She was thankful for the pair of shades CL had handed her to minimize the shock from the flashing cameras. Just before she entered the club, she took them off (as CL had instructed) and allowed one last round of photos. Hyomin then gestured towards the limo again and 2NE1 emerged. As rehearsed, they joined her at the entrance and entered together after the photos were taken.

2NE1 were ushered to the holding area before their performance while Hyomin bounded up the stairs to the VIP Lounge. “Omo!” Gina shrieked when she saw Hyomin and the whole group turned to look. Hyomin greeted sajangnim and Jinu, and Seungri laughed to see Jinu stop her from bowing since her skirt was so short.

Jiyong was grinning from ear to ear, pleased to see ‘y’ Hyomin for the first time. Seunghyun had almost jumped up from his seat when he saw that Hyomin was about to bow but sighed in relief then Jinu had cautioned her. There were many guests there tonight and Hyomin made her rounds greeting everyone together with Sajangnim. She finally caught up with the group and smiled as they cheered her arrival.

“Hello everyone!” Hyomin shrieked as she neared their table. She saw Seunghyun showing her a seat but Jiyong pulled at her hand to get her attention. “This is probably the only time we’ll see so much of your legs!” Amid catcalls, Hyomin gamely struck a pose but quickly escaped to Seunghyun’s side when Jiyong tried to .

“Thanks,” Hyomin whispered as Seunghyun made room so she could sit inside while he took the outermost seat. He gulped as he saw her dress ride up dangerously as she sat down and Hyomin tried to cover it up with the clutch-bag she had brought (it was another accessory item they had prepared). Without a word, Seunghyun removed the blazer he had on and placed it on her lap. She looked up at him with appreciation but they didn’t exchange a word.

“Aish, hyung~!” Daesung whined. “Acting the gentleman again!” the group bantered amicably and the alcohol just made them rowdier. Jiyong shot Seunghyun a quick look but Seunghyun did not meet his eyes. The event photographer captured some really good shots that Hyomin promised she’ll get for Anri and Gina. As the time came for 2NE1’s performance, the group joined everyone else by the banister where they had a good view of the stage. Hyomin had helped Seunghyun put on his jacket again once they had stood up and although many others approached Hyomin to chat, Seunghyun stayed close at all times. Even now, he stood right behind her with one hand on the banister to support his own weight to ensure he was a shield for Hyomin if people started jostling from behind.

“Hyung! Make some room for me too, please!” Jiyong said as he squeezed to the front beside Hyomin. The two guys exchanged looks but Hyomin didn’t notice. The guys had known each other long enough to know what the other was thinking. Jiyong was interested. So was Seunghyun. But how serious were they? She leaned closer into Seunghyun’s arm so that Jiyong could stand beside her. It was a really tight squeeze and she couldn’t move away but Seunghyun was not removing his arm either. He was secretly happy to feel her body press gently against his arm.

The performance started and the crowd went wild. They danced and sang along to the songs. Seunghyun was annoyed to see Jiyong reach for Hyomin’s hand easily whenever they got excited but he also knew that Jiyong had always been casual about skinship. As 2NE1 finished their set, they did a shout out to sajangnim and Hyomin for their support and great work coordinating their stage.

The party at the lounge officially started when 2NE1 popped bottles of champagne with sajangnim and Hyomin. It was Hyomin’s first party with the YG Family and they made sure her glass was never empty and that she was kept busy on the dancefloor.

While Seunghyun shied away from the dancefloor, Jiyong and Youngbae were flaunting their moves while Seungri goofed around with Daesung in front of Hyomin. He was drinking with sajangnim and other seniors. Anri had also joined them and was discussing the latest technology in skincare with another female singer from the company. While the conversation flowed easily, Seunghyun never took his eyes off Hyomin, making sure that she was having fun and that she was safe.

Jiyong suddenly attacked Hyomin with tickles and Seunghyun watched silently as she tried to hide behind Youngbae before escaping towards their table. Jiyong saw not just Seunghyun looking his way, but sajangnim was also eyeing him with an inscrutable look, causing Jiyong to give up the chase. Hyomin was breathless when she reached the table and Seunghyun quickly made room for her.

“Hyomin ah, the guys can be mischievous so beware of them,” sajangnim said. Hyomin smiled and thanked him for his cautionary words. “Don’t worry sajangnim, I can be pretty fierce too!” Sajangnim leaned forward so that Hyomin could hear him better. “Continue working hard and you’ll have a great future. You need to stay focused and not get distracted. Jiyong is a great guy but none of his relationships have lasted more than 6 months since his debut – I don’t think that’s something that can be fixed anytime soon.” Hyomin blinked and looked to Seunghyun to see if he could shed more light. But Seunghyun stared straight ahead, not wanting to contribute to this particular conversation.

The party was winding down and most of the seniors had left hours ago. Jiyong had been abducted by other artists from YG and Hyomin was left with Seunghyun at the table together with Seungri and Anri. “Are you hungry?” Seunghyun asked.

 Hyomin was sobering up from the alcohol and was starting to feel the first pangs of hunger. She nodded and smiled at Seunghyun. “But I’m sleepy too and I can’t decide which is a more pressing need.” Seunghyun chuckled and pulled her up. “I know a good private restaurant that serves great supper.” Jiyong saw them leaving together but he was stuck with the group and couldn’t give chase.

Seunghyun pulled up at his villa to Hyomin’s astonishment. “Welcome to my humble abode.” He said as he opened the door. Hyomin blinked at him, “Oppa, I don’t do one night stands.” Seunghyun felt blood drain from his face and was flustered that Hyomin had misunderstood but she was laughing and patting his arm, telling him that she had meant that as a joke.

“Did you really think I had so little faith in you?” Hyomin teased as she made her way into his villa. She was glad to be rid of the ankle boots and took a band out from her clutch to tie her hair up. Seunghyun led her to the kitchen and she admired the spacious area. He was amused to see her raid his fridge and exclaim over his wine bottle collection. “Oppa, you live like a prince! We’re really worlds apart!”

He watched Hyomin count the number of bottles and he set the pot down on the stove. “Are we really that different?” he asked. Hyomin grinned and leaned against the wall. “You like wine while I like beer. I’m everything that is not on your ‘ideal girl’ list. We’re quite different aren’t we?”

Seunghyun turned the fire on and put the lid on the pot. “But your ideal occupation was an actress in the beginning. Look at where you are now.” Hyomin thought for a while and walked over to his side slowly. “You have a point. But it’s ok that we’re different right? As long as we’re still friends and we have fun?” Seunghyun smiled, “be thankful that the prince is cooking ramyun for you.”

They ate straight from the pot, not bothering to get bowls. Hyomin showed him the photos from the party that was already trending on the internet on her phone. Just then, a call came in and Seunghyun saw that it was Jiyong.

“Yeoboseyo?” Hyomin said, pushing the pot to Seunghyun to continue eating while she took the call. “Yup, I left with Seunghyun Oppa to get supper… Yup… No, we’re at his villa now. He cooked ramyun… Hahahahaha! I’m almost done and I’m sure oppa wants to rest soon too… Yup… ok… ok… Good night!” Hyomin smiled at Seunghyun, “be thankful because you almost had to cook ramyun for Jiyong too. I told him we’re done and that I was leaving soon anyway.”

Seunghyun finished up the noodles and glanced up at the clock. “Hyomin ah, it’s almost 4 in the morning and I don’t think I can drive anymore. Why don’t you stay in the guest room and I’ll drive you back tomorrow. I don’t want to send you home alone in a cab too, I’ll be too worried.” Hyomin could see his eyes were turning red from fatigue and she was too tired to argue.

“Guestroom then but I’ll need clothes,” Hyomin said as she rummaged in her clutch. “Awesomes, I remembered to pack my glasses in here.” Seunghyun showed her the guestroom which was just down the corridor from his room. Hyomin was amused to see he actually had make-up remover and some skincare to share with her. Seunghyun rolled his eyes when she giggled, “It’s an occupational hazard – skincare is vital.”

 “Good night, Hyomin.”   “Good night, Oppa.”

As Hyomin snuggled into the pillow, she could smell the faint, masculine scent of Seunghyun lingering on the sweatshirt and shorts that Seunghyun had lent her. She giggled to herself even as she sniffed the sleeve again and allowed his scent to envelope her and lull her into a deep sleep. In his room, Seunghyun also had a small smile on his face as he closed his eyes.

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Chapter 34: i just catch up this fic.

Seunghyun has the right to get angry with her! i was mad with her too. OTL
how can she just disappeared for 1 year without any news.
Seunghyun was right. he deserves a courtesy even she wanted to break up with him.
She always made her own decision. I mean when you are in relationship, you need share your thoughts. Its a RESPECT! but she just leave him twice without proper explanation.
SoongYeong-a #2
Chapter 34: Will Hyomin agree into this? Oh things got complicated~
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 33: Whoa! So the baby it's a son T.T can you update quickly author-nim? :P I mean they really need to catch up~
SoongYeong-a #4
Chapter 32: Seunghyun sleep around??
SoongYeong-a #5
Chapter 31: Does this mean the baby couldn't be saved?? T.T oh, does Hyomin gonna leave Seunghyun again??