Progression - in so many ways

Road to...

The cheers and applause was deafening. Seunghyun smiled at his fans who had waited so long to see the five of them back on stage. The members lingered on the stage as they waved to their fans and finally, made their way backstage. Their comeback stage had been a success, now all that was left was to monitor what the internet will be buzzing with in the next few hours and days. He was cheered to see Hyomin had been waiting for them in their dressing room and all the staff applauded them for a job well done. 

After her proposal had been approved, she had been working hard to make sure their stage materialized - working with stylists and coordis on the image, working out the MV concept and even the stage choreography. She had lost some weight due to the irregular hours and her school work. Seunghyun had watched her blink back tears when she saw her name in the credits of their album sleeve and nervously biting her nails when they had been rehearsing earlier. But she was smiling easier now, relieved that everything had gone well. 

Seunghyun managed to sneak up beside her while everyone was packing up and getting ready to head home. "Thank you, you did well." Hyomin smiled back at him, "Thank you. It's only because all of you are stars that shine so brightly. It could have been a plain stage but you will still make it work." 

Big Bang decided to head for dinner and invited their managers and Hyomin along. Some of the stylist and coordi noonas followed too and they found themselves in a barbecued eel shop. The atmosphere was merry and everyone was eager to relax after the performance. Seungri was already a little tipsy and talking especially loudly. It was quite unfortunate that he was sitting diagonally across Hyomin and small squabbles will erupt now and then between the two of them. Seunghyun observed the scene, amused by Hyomin's natural playfulness and lack of self-consciousness. 

A coordi noon had been quizzing Jiyong on his ideal type and had decided to move on to her next target. "Seunghyun-sshi! What's your ideal type?" He was caught off guard and was about to answer when Seungri put his hand up high and said, "I KNOW! His ideal type is the opposite of you!" Seungri was pointing at Hyomin who was startled by his response.

A drunk Seungri stood up and started saying in a sing-song voice. "Hyung likes girls with long hair and who are dainty. With great figures and who are leggy. No cussing and no tattoos. Gentle and feminine and..." Seunghyun angrily pulled the maknae back to his seat and caught him in a headlock. "Yah! What nonsense are you spouting about?!" 

Youngbae just laughed and patted Hyomin's back. "Seungri is just drunk - you have a great figure and are leggy too. But I have to say everything else... including the tattoos... But Seungri got hyung's ideal type right!" Jiyong looked up with interest, "Hyomin has a tattoo?"

She nodded as she downed her drink. "On my right shoulder," she gestured but it remained hidden under her sweater. Jiyong's eyes flashed excitedly. "Show me!" Hyomin laughed and shook her head, causing Jiyong to pout. "But Youngbae knows! I want to see it too!" Youngbae laughed and explained that he had only found out about it from Gina.

"Well, it's good to know that I got struck off Seunghyun Oppa's 'ideal type' list," Hyomin said with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Seunghyun had been debating with himself on what he should do and made up his mind at that moment. "Hyomin ah, don't strike me off your list just because of what the drunk maknae said... People's preferences can change..." He topped it off with his best innocent puppy eyes and everyone laughed, including Hyomin. He was relieved to see that she was meeting his eyes again. The drunk Seungri had fallen asleep but Seunghyun was determined to pay him back once he was sober.




Promotions for comebacks were gruelling and the members had virtually no rest. Seunghyun and Hyomin did not meet again for a month as any time he had outside of the comeback activities were spent filming his movie. They had topped the charts and the internet had picked up on Hyomin's exquisite lyrics and story-telling ability. Hyomin had now been asked by sajangnim to watch some of the trainee performances and to practise conceptualizing stages for them, to critic their performances and even to propose alternatives. He had a chance to meet with Sajangnim and casually brought Hyomin up in their conversation.

"I heard from the members that she is now judging the trainee performances?" Seunghyun said. Sajangnim nodded as he leaned back in his chair.

"She did a good job with your comeback and I wanted her to keep honing that creative skill of hers. Can I even call it a skill? More like an insight. I'm thinking of grooming her into a creative producer and I think she had a good start with Big Bang because you all had chemistry already. I want to expand that to the rest of YG and I'll groom her as a celebrity creative producer," Sajangnim smiled. "She has the looks and charisma to carry herself well in front of the media, I believe."

Seunghyun had never expected Sajangnim to have planned out a career for Hyomin already. He was excited for Hyomin but it was still early days and she had a lot to prove before she could reach the targeted role. Seunghyun found her in the dance studio, watching one of the trainee groups' performance intently. She had sheets of paper around her on the floor and would occasionally scribble some notes down. Teddy and Jinu were also with her and they would turn to ask her something now and then. 

Trainees who had resented her in the past were now timid around her but Hyomin never took advantage or tried to take revenge. She was partial with her comments and gave precise feedback on their performances. Sometimes Teddy and Jinu will have comments that differed from hers and she was open to discussing it even in front of the trainees. Seunghyun waited for the trainess to leave before entering the room. He greeted the two older men while Hyomin offered her greetings to him. "Seunghyun Oppa! It's been a while!" she smiled as she picked up her stuff. Seunghyun noticed that she was in her work-out attire and she looked more tone now. So this was what he meant by celebrity creative producer... Seunghyun thought. 

"Have you been well?" Seunghyun asked once JInu and Teddy had left. Hyomin nodded and smiled. "Well fed and well rested. Unlike you. You look really tired." Seunghyun chuckled and confided that he was just looking forward to his month long break once filming wrapped next week. "Hey, remember our promise?" Hyomin looked at him intently, waiting for him to continue. "We need to tell your parents that we did well on the stage you prepared for us."

Hyomin swallowed the lump that had formed in but never took her eyes off his. So he really meant it...? "Yeah, I remember but I didn't think you were serious about it." Seunghyun frowned at her lack of faith and took a step closer to her. "We'll go together as promised. That is, if you don't mind me tagging along," Seunghyun said. 

"Oppa," Hyomin said slowly, carefully picking her words. "You don't have to do this - you deserve a good rest after all the hectic activities. And..." Seunghyun interrupted her with a finger flick to her forehead. "I want to meet your parents. I want to tell them that you're not alone anymore and that you'll always be protected.And that I'm happier now that you're here." Seunghyun was blushing and silently screaming in his head at how mushy he must have sounded.

Hyomin blinked and stared at Seunghyun. Was he for real? Seunghyun straightened his back and unlike romantic dramas, it was unrealistic that the date will arrange itself. They both took out their phones and started comparing schedules. They finally agreed on a date ten days later when Seunghyun will drive Hyomin to pay her respects to them. "Ok!" Seunghyun said triumphantly. "Just be ready at 8a.m. and I'll get everything else sorted."




While Seunghyun disappeared back on set for filming, Hyomin's quiet transformation continued. Besides working out with Hwang Ssabu regularly, she had a whole new trendy wardrobe to maintain her image as the cool and chic creative producer for Big Bang. Her lyrics had been a great hit amongst fans and she was now writing for other artistes in YG too. Fan-taken photos of her were starting to appear on the internet - her entering and leaving YG; near her apartment and in school. She was thankful of her new wardrobe as netizens had been commenting on her outfits and they had seemed satisfied with the image she portrayed. A fan summed it up proerply, "She is as cool as I thought - If it's someone as cool and talented as her, I don't mind her hanging around BB. I hope she continues writing good songs for my Oppas!"

"So this is what celebrities are like," Gina said as she shuddered. "Watched all the time!" 

Anri was more comforting. "Even that stupid Seungri got used to it, Hyomin will be fine. Just remember our names and don't leave us behind when you really become rich and famous!" Hyomin swatted at her good friends.

They, who were naturally trendy and fashionable, had been great reference points when Hyomin had to assemble her new wardrobe at the instructions of Sajangnim. Her name was mentioned more often now in the publicity pieces and fans were assmbling information about her on the internet. Dubbed YG's stage genius, she had also been dragged to networking sessions with sajangnim, to get to know the industry heavy-weights, as well as the movers and shakers. She was tired but happy to get to know so many talented seniors who had expressed encouragement and promises of future collaboration opportunities. 

But tonight, she was just enjoying a quiet night in with the girls - all three with facial packs on their faces; and looking forward to the date with Seunghyun the next day.


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Chapter 34: i just catch up this fic.

Seunghyun has the right to get angry with her! i was mad with her too. OTL
how can she just disappeared for 1 year without any news.
Seunghyun was right. he deserves a courtesy even she wanted to break up with him.
She always made her own decision. I mean when you are in relationship, you need share your thoughts. Its a RESPECT! but she just leave him twice without proper explanation.
SoongYeong-a #2
Chapter 34: Will Hyomin agree into this? Oh things got complicated~
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 33: Whoa! So the baby it's a son T.T can you update quickly author-nim? :P I mean they really need to catch up~
SoongYeong-a #4
Chapter 32: Seunghyun sleep around??
SoongYeong-a #5
Chapter 31: Does this mean the baby couldn't be saved?? T.T oh, does Hyomin gonna leave Seunghyun again??