Back to the Real World

Road to...

Seunghyun smiled to himself as he looked at the key in his hand. The lift doors opened with a soft ding and he walked towards Hyomin’s apartment. Oh wait, but it was his.

He let himself into the space that his girlfriend had meticulously furnished and drew the curtains to let some of the afternoon light in. He had bought this apartment with the intention to move in himself a few months ago. Knowing Hyomin’s personality, he had asked for his mother’s help to “rent” it out to her. Believing that it was a legitimate deal made through an agent, Hyomin had not been able to resist the irresistibly low rent.  

Seunghyun stretched out on the couch and hugged one of the cushions. He recalled how his mother had jumped at the opportunity to ensure Hyomin moved to a better neighborhood with better security. He was sure his mother liked Hyomin after that and was looking forward to surprising his family next month when it was his mother’s birthday. He was going to invite Hyomin to join them for dinner.  

He had barely finished his daydream on how that dinner will fold out when he heard a key in the main door and sat up to see Hyomin enter with bags of groceries. Seunghyun felt warmth spread over him when he saw Hyomin smile appreciatively when he helped her with the bags. “You’re early – I thought monster Jiyong was going to keep all of you locked up in the studio until next week!” Hyomin said as she started sorting through the groceries.

“He had to attend his sister’s birthday dinner,” Seunghyun explained as he sat down on the dining chair and watched Hyomin work her way around the kitchen expertly. “He wasn’t happy to leave the studio – he’s like a possessed man. Seungri almost broke down after recording until 2 in the morning three days in a row.”

Hyomin sighed and shook her head. Jiyong had headed straight to the studio after they had returned to Seoul. She had been forced to churn out lyrics for song after song over three long days. Hyomin swore she’ll never camp in the studio ever again with Jiyong after that. While setting pots and pans out on the stove, Hyomin was surprised to feel Seunghyun slip something over her head.

He had bought an apron for her and was tying the ribbon securely around her waist now. Hyomin laughed to see the huge bearbrick printed on the front and laughed even harder to see him in a matching one. “Why do you need an apron? Are you going to cook now?” she asked.

“Not today, maybe another time,” Seunghyun said as he stood beside her at the kitchen. “I want to eat your cooking today but I’ll help you a little.” In less than half an hour, dinner was ready and Seunghyun tucked in with gusto.

Hyomin knew that he had not eaten properly the past week due to their busy schedules and Seunghyun loved home-cooked food the most. It was probably because his mother was such a great cook. She smiled contentedly as she started on her own meal as well. Quiet conversation flowed, both focusing on each other as much as they were focused on their food.

Seunghyun was happy that Hyomin had been slowly opening up to him ever since they returned to Seoul. She was not as self-conscious and shy anymore. He had been a little jealous at first when she was so carefree and boisterous with the rest of the members while she had remained reserved around him. But Seunghyun constantly reminded himself on what Anri had shared before – Hyomin was reserved because she cared about what Seunghyun thought of her. Even now, his heart will skip a beat when he sees the effect he had on her – nervous smiles, blushing, playing with her hands… He loved it.

Meetings had been short and infrequent, due to the crazy recording hours and Hyomin was following 2NE1 all the time. But whenever they met in YG, they kept up a pretense that they were just friends. Seunghyun had also hated how Jiyong kept her in the studio for three straight days just so she could finish the lyrics to the songs. He remembered how Hyomin had carelessly fallen asleep on the couch in the studio on the second night, in just her jeans and hoodie, from pure exhaustion. The two men had a hushed but heated argument over it and Jiyong had finally released Hyomin the next morning.

“What do you want to do now?” Hyomin asked as they finished washing up. Seunghyun stretched out lazily on the couch, swinging his legs and arms around as though he was making snow angels. “I just want to cuddle,” he said with wide, puppy-dog eyes. Chuckling, Hyomin said down on the couch with him obediently.

He pulled her down so that she was lying down with him and he spooned her from the back. For a while, they lay there quietly, just enjoying each other’s presence and warmth.

“What time’s your meeting with Jiyong tomorrow?” Seunghyun asked in a raspy whisper. Hyomin’s lips curled up into a contented smile, even as she kept her eyes closed. “He said 9a.m. but I doubt he’ll wake up in time. Well, unless he’s camping in the studio again.”

Hyomin giggled as Seunghyun tickled her and she almost tumbled off the couch if not for his quick reflexes in catching her and placing her firmly back on the couch. He was now leaning over her, both panting from laughing so hard.

“Why are you staring at me?” Hyomin whispered as she pushed Seunghyun’s fringe back and his cheek. He smiled and kissed her gently on her forehead. “Admiring this beauty before me and wondering how I got so lucky.”

Hyomin bit her lower lip as she smacked Seunghyun lightly on his chest. He pretended to be injured from the blow and rested his full body weight on her. She barely managed to wriggle free but ended up falling off the couch in the process.

“It’s late, I should go,” Seunghyun said as he took a quick glance towards the clock. It was nearing midnight and he had never dared to ask if he could stay over before. He looked back at Hyomin who was straightening her couch. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”




Jiyong had been awake for two hours now, but all he had been doing was to stare up at the ceiling. The album had been completed and was already in production. There was nothing left but to wait and prepare for the MV shoots and their comeback stage. This was just Day 2 of their week-long break before the crazy schedule starts, but he was already bored. He missed working. He missed working with Hyomin.

Jiyong had been especially demanding for this album – unreasonably so, some may say. But he had enjoyed working days and nights with Hyomin, having her intervene when it looked like he was going to drive the other members crazy with his criticisms and demands, having Hyomin nag at him to rest and eat properly…

Is she enjoying her rest day with hyung now?

He picked up his phone and watched the home screen light up with a photo of Hyomin’s sleeping face. Jiyong had taken that secretly when she had fallen asleep in the studio while writing lyrics together. There were still five days left until they would meet again to discuss the comeback stage. It was too long. “Aish!” he groaned as he ruffled his hair and threw his phone to the side. “Get a grip, Kwon Jiyong!”

“Oppa, what’s wrong?” Jiyong turned to look at the girl who had been sleeping beside him all this time. His outburst had woken her up and he winced as her girly voice grated on his eardrums again. , she didn’t sound so irritating last night. He plastered a smile on his face again and turned to face her.  “It was just a random thought. Don’t you have training today, Jennie?”

The trainee nodded as she quickly scanned the room to find her clothes. She hid her frown from Jiyong as she pulled on her clothes. She had been quietly observing Jiyong, pretending to be asleep. Why is Hyomin unnie’s photo on his phone?

When she emerged from the bathroom, Jiyong was playing with his phone again. Jennie was disappointed when he didn’t even look up to say bye and left the hotel room quietly.


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Chapter 34: i just catch up this fic.

Seunghyun has the right to get angry with her! i was mad with her too. OTL
how can she just disappeared for 1 year without any news.
Seunghyun was right. he deserves a courtesy even she wanted to break up with him.
She always made her own decision. I mean when you are in relationship, you need share your thoughts. Its a RESPECT! but she just leave him twice without proper explanation.
SoongYeong-a #2
Chapter 34: Will Hyomin agree into this? Oh things got complicated~
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 33: Whoa! So the baby it's a son T.T can you update quickly author-nim? :P I mean they really need to catch up~
SoongYeong-a #4
Chapter 32: Seunghyun sleep around??
SoongYeong-a #5
Chapter 31: Does this mean the baby couldn't be saved?? T.T oh, does Hyomin gonna leave Seunghyun again??