
Road to...

"So the girl earlier wasn't it?" Anxious murmurs were heard all around the main hall. After Mrs. Choi had hurried back to report what she had saw, Sajangnim had ordered all staff to remain in the main hall while waiting for the police to arrive. Meanwhile, the security team had been ordered to ensure a complete lockdown of the arena, no one was allowed to leave and only the police was allowed to enter.

Seunghyun held his mother's hand, trying to calm her down. She had begun shaking when she returned and found out about the threats that Hyomin had been receiving. When the police arrived, arrangements were made to the artistes and their family members out of the arena and sent home safely. Jiyong had insisted the other members leave first and that he'll be the last since he was the leader. As the maknae, Seungri had no choice but to leave with his family first. "Remember, don't breathe a word to Gina and Anri yet. We'll definitely find Hyomin." Jiyong said through gritted teeth.




Hyomin struggled but she couldn't free herself from the ropes around her wrists. The gag he had stuffed into was choking and she coughed a little, trying to get it out. They were in a dark room which she recognized as the storage room for the sound crew. She could hear no sound except for each other's breaths.

"You forced me to... I told you to stay away but you wouldn't listen. You deserve to die for bewitching my oppas!" he snarled as he slapped her across her face. Hyomin had never expected that the real culprit was a male... All the threats had asked her to stay away from 'oppas' so everyone had assumed the perpetrator was a female. The man before her now was strutting towards her, as though he was on a catwalk. He grabbed her by her hair and made her stand up. He slapped her again before pushing her roughly against some of the boxes. Hyomin groaned as a sharp pain shot up her left arm and she fell to the ground again. Her head was spinning and she couldn't quite feel her hands anymore. 

Appa, Omma. Is this it for me? I'm going to die in the hands of this crazed gay fan? Oh man... I'd love to tell the oppas that they have a devoted gay fan personally... I wonder how innocent Youngbae will react...

"I've watched them since their debut, emulated their style and fashion... They used to thank us VIPs for our love and support but suddenly, you sweep in and GD Oppa credits his songs to you? You turn up from no where and plan out their comeback. Suddenly, they are thanking you for making it a success? They never needed you and they don't need you now either!" Hyomin coughed as he kicked her abdomen before pulling her up by her hair again.

Yeah, they don't need a crazed fan like you too! At least I am contributing to their success... Or was contributing. I guess if I die tonight, that's it. , I really wanted to see Seungri back with Anri again. Daesung oppa and Youngbae oppa meet good girls. And to meet Jiyong oppa's mysterious girlfriend. I can't recall if Seunghyun oppa made any mistakes tonight though... I wonder if I owe him the kiss. WAIT. I didn't know he was such a huge flirt! And I never agreed to...

He threw her onto a stack of boxes and Hyomin got her gag out. She took a few shallow breaths as he stalked towards her. Just before he reached her, Hyomin took a deep breath and screamed as loud as she could before she was cut off by a kick to her abdomen again.

"She's here!" 




"They found her!' Sean reported to the people who were still waiting in the main hall. "She was in the sound crew's storage but..." Seunghyun and Jiyong bolted out the door and were heading straight to the storage room.  "... The ambulance on standby is now attending to her." 

They arrived to see an unconscious Hyomin being transfered to a gurney. Her cheeks were red from the slaps and there were finger marks around her neck. There was a small trail of blood at the corner of and the medics were hurrying to the garage where the ambulance was waiting. As the both gave chase, a medic stopped them just as they loaded Hyomin up into the vehicle. "Only one can ride with us, only one!" 

"I'll go," Seunghyun said as he took a step forward but Jiyong pulled him back. "No hyung! I'll go. I'm the leader," Jiyong said but Seunghyun pushed him back. They both froze when they heard sajangnim's voice. "I'm going since the both of you will only get in the way." The two could only watch in silence as the doors slammed shut and left for the hospital. 

They would have given chase if they had not been stopped by their managers and Jinu hyung. "No one is allowed to go to the hospital. We still have a concert tomorrow and you're to head home right now to rest. Your managers will make sure that no one goes against instructions." Seunghyun stared at his hyung, "We're still performing tomorrow? We don't even know if Hyomin is ok!" He stepped away to cool down when he realized he had raised his voice at the older man. Seunghyun had to cool down as he knew that Jinu hyun was just as worried about Hyomin as anyone of them.

"We can't just cancel the concert tomorrow. We don't want to bring too much attention to what happened to Hyomin too - she deserves some privacy now. Not the media clamouring for an official statement and fans camping outside the hospital," Jinu said stoically. "And don't waste the stage that she planned out for you. Do you think she'll like it if she hears that you all gave up the show because of her?"

Jiyong was staring up at the ceiling, trying to hold back the tears of anger that had pooled in his eyes. His hands were clenced tightly into fists, ramrod straight by his sides. Seunghyun was the first to turn and head back to the main hall. Jiyong followed quietly and rubbed at his eyes with his sleeves. "She'll be waiting for us when we finish the show," Seunghyun said as Jiyong slumped lifelessly against the wall. 

"But we don't have any details," Jiyong croaked, his throat dry from shock. "She looked so pitiful just now, she almost died..."

"But she didn't," Seunghyun interjected fiercely. "She's not dead yet and they're trying to save her. She will live because she owes me," Seunghyun said, panting as his emotions threatened to take over. "I managed a flawless performance tonight and I will again tomorrow, on that stage that she created for us."

Seunghyun stuck his hand out to Jiyong and pulled him back up to his feet. "She'll be waiting."

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Chapter 34: i just catch up this fic.

Seunghyun has the right to get angry with her! i was mad with her too. OTL
how can she just disappeared for 1 year without any news.
Seunghyun was right. he deserves a courtesy even she wanted to break up with him.
She always made her own decision. I mean when you are in relationship, you need share your thoughts. Its a RESPECT! but she just leave him twice without proper explanation.
SoongYeong-a #2
Chapter 34: Will Hyomin agree into this? Oh things got complicated~
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 33: Whoa! So the baby it's a son T.T can you update quickly author-nim? :P I mean they really need to catch up~
SoongYeong-a #4
Chapter 32: Seunghyun sleep around??
SoongYeong-a #5
Chapter 31: Does this mean the baby couldn't be saved?? T.T oh, does Hyomin gonna leave Seunghyun again??