I'm sorry, I love you

Infected with the gay virus

Infected with the gay virus

Chapter twelve: I'm sorry, I love you



The Han family: Hankyung | Chen | Chanyeol | Kris | Kyungsoo | Lay | Sehun  

The Kim family: Heechul | Baekhyun | Kai | Luhan | Suho | Tao | Xiumin

Don't worry! Don't worry! I'm still alive!! I'm so sorry for the late update >~< School has been a but and so my teachers have been. Mianhae! I promised this chapter to contain all the couples, but it started to get really long, so I had to split it up in two chapters. First I was planning to do a double update, but I'm going on vacation and I don't want to make you wait any longer, so here is the first part~ Hope you're not mad because this one doesn't contain all the couples.





It has been a week since we left from 'camping'. Which means we've been home for a week already. The strange thing is that I had no one-nightstands as usual this week. I have made out with Kyungsoo a couple of times and I have to admit making love with Kyungsoo is quite fun and exciting. He might be a 'beginner', but he's learning fast. His moans are like beautiful melodies to my ears.



I didn't really miss the one-nightstands to be honest.. Is that weird? I, the almighty god, having no one-nightstands everyday anymore... and not even really missing it... Yeah it's weird... Correction: This is very very very weird. Maybe I should call Ilhoon and Minhyuk for a replay of our trio from last week. Maybe I should ask them if we can make it a quatro.. with Kyungsoo joining us. That would be fun.



This week is so strange you know. Not only because of these missing one-nightstands, but also because some people are acting different. Kris still acts like a jerk, but it looks like he's fed up with something. Even my brain hurts when I look at him. Tao and Kris are really detached.. not like they weren't before, but it just looks like they've gotten worse. Taemin is trying to get closer to Tao, but it just looks like Tao isn't interested in the attention from him at all. It's like in his mind he's somewhere else.



Luhan and Sehun seem to be more close than they were before. It almost looks like they are... in love with each other. It wouldn't surprise me though. Actually I'm quite happy for Luhan hyung if they would be. He deserves it to be loved.



Between Chanyeol and Baekhyun there didn't happen a lot. I totally ship them, so it's upsetting... Baekhyun was a bit PMSing  at the beginning of the week, but now he's acting normal again. The strange thing is that wherever I go inside the house, which now starts to feel more like a home to me and my brothers already, I mostly see Chanyeol searching between Baekhyun's stuff when he's not around. Would Baekhyun have stolen something from him and does he want it back? It wouldn't surprise me though...



I open the door of Kyungsoo's room, which is also my room. Actually... Where is Kyungsoo? I haven't seen him all morning... He must have left before I woke up.



When I pass BaekYeol's bedroom my eyes catch Chanyeol who's going through Baekhyun's bag. Idiot.. leaving the door open while sneaking into someone's stuff... Such an amature..



"Hyung, what are you doing?" I ask walking into his room. I know this is none of my business... but Baekhyun is my brother, it's kinda logical I don't approve this. He shakes up by my voice.. He probably thought he was alone.



"I-I'm... Promise you won't tell Baekhyun.." He says when he notices I caught him sneaking into Baekhyun's bag. I raise my eyebrow.



"I won't..  if you have a decent reason." Yeah... yeah... I know I told you guys I ship BaekYeol.. and telling this to Baekhyun won't improve their relationship, but I'm not even planning to say this to Baekhyun... I'm just wondering why Chanyeol is being like this. I wonder what he's searching for all the time. If it was something Baekhyun took from him, he wouldn't ask me not to tell Baekhyun, right?



"Look... Your brother has this book.. It's about this big," He says, forming an A4 sheet with his hands. "I saw him writing in it.. but when I asked him what it was he hid it and said it was nothing.. I'm just wondering you know... Just wondering what it is. In my mind this sounded more decent, but please.. if you tell him, he'll hate me." He adds. A book... The book Baekhyun got from mum? But.. Isn't it a draw book? He never drawed in it though... At least not that I know...



"I need your help." He finally sighs. "What for?" I ask taking a seat on the couch in his room. He takes a seat on the bed, so he's sitting right in front of me. 



"I need your help to find it. You know your brother." He begs. Why is he begging? God.. This guy really...



I frown my eyebrows thinking about it. Should I help him? But what if the book is not meant to be seen? I mean there must be a reason why he hid it..



"Okay," I finally say. "I'll help you. But only on one condition.. When Baekhyun asks about it, I have nothing to do with this. Got it?" 



He lets out a sigh of relieve and nods his head, while a big smile creeps up his face. I get up from the couch and walk to Baekhyun's side of the bed. It's kinda obvious it's his side since there is a framed art work from himself on the bedside table.



"Think Kai, think." I say to myself, just loud enough for Chanyeol to hear. Go back to the time Baekhyun still wrote in his diary... Where did he hide it... Images flash trough my mind. And finally I know where to search. Actually it's not about searching. I am sure. I know where it is. 



I slowly lift up Baekhyun's side of the mattress and get a confused glare from Chanyeol in response. With one hand holding the mattress up I grab the old book with my other hand. It is the book he got from mom. "Is this it? Is this the book you where talking about?" I ask and let the mattress down again.



His eyes widden. "That's it! Thank you!" He runs over to grab it but I quickly pull it away. "Oh, and one more thing. You own me something, so next time I need help. You have to help me." I say still holding the book away from him.



"Yeah sure... Now give it to me okay." 



I hand it over to him, though in a way I don't really feel okay about it. Baekhyun hides secrets under his mattress.. But it's too late to take it back now, since I already made a deal which will be kinda useful in the future.



I open the door, ready to leave this derp alone with the oh so important book. "You don't want to know what's in there?" Chanyeol asks surprised. I shake my head. "It's none of my busness... And actually also not yours... Promise me one thing though. Don't tell anyone about the book. No exceptions." I say and he quickly nods. I walk out of his room and close the door behind me.



Something inside of me feels wrong about this. Anyways I have nothing to do with it. That's the deal. 



Chanyeol POV


I take a seat on my bed and quickly open the book on page one. My eyes widden when I see a sleeping... Me? Okay... This is weird... But overall it's very well drawn. Maybe he just likes to draw things from real life. Things like real people, the people around him.



I let my finger slip over the page and go to the next one. This.. This is me again. I catch myself frowing my forehead watching it. Why does he draw me? Why not someone else... Why me? Does he perhaps think I am a nice model? If he wants to draw me he can just ask.



A bit scared I turn around the page and realise why I am so scared. On the paper there's a drawing. It's me... In the shower. It's me . I quickly turn the page and see a drawing of me and him kissing. Look closely, realising it's a drawing from that night we played spin the bottle. Did this really happen? Did we really kiss? I-is that why he was acting so strange? I God.. What is this?



I go to the next page seeing him in my arms. The next one is about him sitting on my lap and both of us are wearing nothing but a thin layer of boxers. In shock I rush over the pages to finally stop at page 20. 



I hold in my breath. How can he draw things like this. I mean.. It's not bad drawed, but how can this be? I look at a drawing which is rated M for sure. How can it be that he's fantasying about being like that with me. I'm so confused... The guy, whom I share my room with. Has he felt like this all the time?



The longer I look at the drawing, which is actually me and him making love, the more my heartbeat fastens. I don't know what to say about this... I mean... I thought it would be something like a diary, but it seems to be a naughty book, me being the protagonist. What should I do? Is it me or is it getting hot in here?



I hear a sob from behind my back and quikly close the book. I get up from the bed and turn around to face a tear eyed Baekhyun. "What is this?" I ask shocked. Crying he grabs the book from me and leaves the room running. 



"Baekhyun! Wait!" I shout, but it's too late. I shouldn't have looked in it. I shouldn't have been so curious.. Aish.. Stupid me. I screwed everything. I sigh, making myself drop on the bed. I feel my heart break thinking about how he left. This is all my fault.



Where would he be? I get up and walk to the big window in my room. My eyes suddenly catch Baekhyun, who's sitting on the bench on top of the hill of your garden. From up there you can see the sea.



Without hesitating I walk out of my room running outside.



"Baekyun, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have looked in it." I say quickly, when I reach him. When he's about to run away again I grab his arm, commanding him to stay on the bench.



"Let go!" He cries. I feel my heart throb again. "I won't until we talk about it." I say taking a seat next to him, still holding his arm tight, not even thinking about letting go.



"You have five minutes." He finally says wiping some tears away, which immediately get replaced by their wet relatives. I try to wipe them away, but he turns his head.



It breaks my heart to see him like this. It breaks my heart only thinking about us both being like this forever. 



"I'm sorry." I say looking at the ground. He sighs. "I'll forgive you if you kiss me. Just once. I want to taste you one last time." I look at him with wide eyes. Should I kiss him? I just stay frozen in my place, not really being sure what to do.



After a minute he turns to me and bows to me, so our faces are only a few inches away from each other. When his lips almost touch mine he pulls back and sighs. I don't know why, but I'm rather upset that he didn't kiss me. A tear rolls down his cheek. "I don't want to force you into things you don't want to." He pulls his arm away, so my hand loses it's grip. 



He gets up and runs back inside the house. Still frozen in my seat I look infront of me. I grab to my chest, noticing my heart beats way faster than normally.





I follow the smell of great food to the kitchen. I open the door and notice Kyungsoo standing with his back to me, making Kimchi on his own. It doesn't surprise me though.. It seems like he cooks more than our parents do. Diner is hardly ever made by Hangeng or dad, always by Kyungsoo. But I don't mind, since he's a way better cook than both of our fathers are and ever will be.



"Hi Kyung." He quikly turns around by my voice. I smile by his awkwardness.



"Ah.. K-Kai... I didn't know you were here." He stutters, turning back to his dish. I walk closer to him sneaking my hands around his waist. I can't help but smile when I feel his warm body against mine. He's so small he fits perfectly in my embrace.



I kiss his neck, even it a little. I let my hand slip under his shirt, causing Kyungsoo to let out a small moan. "K-Kai n-not now.. I-I'm cooking." He says trough his lovely moans when I pinch his between my fingers. Of course I'm not going to listen.. I just can't get my hands off of him. Every time I see him I just have to touch him.



"Kai.." He says as I go on. Finally he turns his body to me and accidently our clothed  rub against each other. He moans softly at the touch, causing me to smirk. I lift him up, his short legs around my waist. I press my lips in lust against his, opening my mouth almost immediately. I press my tongue in his warm mouth. Our tongues fight and eventually I win.



I seat him on the counter and pull his shirt out in one go. Don't worry.. our parents aren't home, just as always. "K-Kai.." He moans my name, when I attack his neck and every spot. I travel down to his chest.. to his lower tummy.



I quickily open his belt and his pants.. until suddenly a smell of burnt kimchi fills our nose. I look up seeing Kyungsoo's eyes widen... ".. The food." He curses. Still with his pants standing open, revealing a part of his underpants, he walks to the stove.



He quickly takes the pot off of the fire and throws the food away in the trashbin. "!" He curses again when he puts the pot under cold water. "Well this ." "Now I have to start all over again!" He says almost crying. I pity him. I know it's just a dish.. but still..



When he wants to grab another pot I stop him. "I've got a better idea. Let's go out tonight... Let's go to a restaurant together, just the two of us. I'll pay." I smile as a smile creeps up his face again. "What about the others? What will they eat when I don't cook?" He ask worried.



"They can order something." I point out the obvious and grab his shirt. I help him putting it on again as he closes his pants. "Thanks Kai." He says and already forgot about the accident which just happened.



"Go get ready. We're leaving in an hour." I say and he walks to the kitchen door smiling. When he's about to get out of the room he quickly runs back to me pressing his lips against mine. I smile trough our kiss sneaking my arms around his small waist. It isn't a French kiss, just a normal one. It feels so good to have Kyungsoo with me.



"I know we're not a couple and all, but I just want to say thank you for being this kind to me." He says as he pulls back. I let him go and he leaves the room. Even though I know I always say we aren't a couple, but it hurts hearing him say we aren't. Does this mean.. I love him? I don't know... But how can I know?.. I never loved someone this way... I-I never felt these feelings before.



Aish... Why is my heart hurting this much?



Xiumin POV


I walk trough the hall when suddenly an upset Baekhyun runs up the stairs. He stops running when he faces me. Oh... God.. what happened to him.. He's crying. Before I can say a thing he opens up his mouth. "Ugh! I hate him! I hate love! How could he?! Xiumin.. take this from me. Don't tell Chen you love him. That you're having feelings for someone doesn't mean it's mutual. Don't screw things up." He cries almost screaming and runs into his room and locks the door.



Not tell Chen? But I promised myself to tell it this week... He wont love me back right... Baekhyun's right... He wont. Just because I feel this way doesn't mean he feels the same way. But... did Baekhyun tell Chanyeol he loves him?




Next update: 23/24/25March

Please look towards the next update! Saranghae~


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JiminJeon #1
Chapter 16: Emeghed please update >_<
Chapter 16: Update soon pls,I'll just die right here ;-; <3
dennermin #4
I loved this so much~
Chapter 15: Yay new chapter \(^~^)/ Poor Kyungsoo though :/
Suho.. often has a dirty mind .. hahaha like the description ;))
thedaylight #7
Chapter 14: Emigad Suho. You're so funny and ert here XD
But, ugh, I'm not complaining :3
Chapter 14: Hurry and update tehehe owo
Chapter 14: haahahahaha omg hahahahahaha <:'D hahahahaha poor lulu~
Chapter 14: Ok let's start with baekyeol being angsty but aww they say I love you ** now Sulay...OHMYSHISUS the , so hooot *fans herself* and Luhan at the finale LOL :">. Now Taoris (soory for all the cap locks but-) KJDVNKJWBKBXSWUKBCVN TAORIS I CRIED, I CRIED SO HARD. READING THIS WHEN MY HEART IS STILL CRYING FOR THE REAL TAORIS. I JUST CAN'T HANDLE IT. Q.Q I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AUTHOR-Nim. Update soon & good luck for your exams~ p.s. where is my kaisoo baby? Kidding <3