Karate girl

Impossible Love (ON HOLD)

Haeri’s POV

“Honey, Minzy is here! Hurry up you need to sign some documents in the university!” Mum shouted from downstairs. “Deh umma!” I replied in a hurry. I looked for my wallet but I can’t seem to find it. Seriously I needed to clean my room some time. I threw all things in a pile at the corner of my room. Where could it be? Why couldn’t I be like every normal person and just keep on a desk in a clean room? No I just couldn’t.

 After a while I got frustrated and kicked the door frame. “Why are you making such a mess?” I looked up to see my mother leaning against the door.

“Seriously you are in an age where you could live alone! Look at this mess!” She complained pointing at the mess I made. “Sorry but I just can’t find my wallet!” I pouted daring not to meet her eyes. My mother is little scary when she’s mad.

She sighed loudly and pulled me downstairs and then pointed at a very familiar wallet. “It was in the living room little miss. You yourself left it here saying that it is better keeping it here so you cannot forget it.”She said with her arms crossed before her chest looking little bit flustered with my forgetfulness.

“Did I? Hehe mianhe“ I said with my cutest voice. She looked at me and then hit my head. “Ouch why did you do that?” I rubbed the spot where she hit me. Her strength was no joke!

“Don’t try to be all cute and do something useful!” She yelled at me. I looked at the left and then at the right. I tried to get away from the situation and just hugged her took my wallet and pulled Minzy to the door. “I love you mummy! I look for a job today okay!” I screamed while running.

“Wow you are a special kind of stupid right?” Minzy said after we were standing outside from our little ‘one-family’ house. “What is that suppose to mean? Forgetting things are human nature right?” I defended myself. She just laughed at me and shrugged. Whatever.

I took her hand and went with her to her car. And wow what a car she had! That was the advantage for being a star! Actually I was going to the Theatre and Art Department but I didn’t choose it to be an actress or something I wanted to be in there so I could be behind the scene! I was always weak with cameras and such and being a director or a script writer would be much better for me. My dream was to make a movie about the biography about my mother. Well maybe. I never asked my mother if it would be ok. I probably would change the names and telling something that wasn’t actually happening to her and so on. AAAH, just the thought of it makes me excited!

“Are you ready to go to the campus of our dreams? Well I was here last week but it is the first time for you right?” Minzy said not taking her eyes of the road. “I need to show you a little coffee shop it is really cute and yummy but there is rumoured that a mad woman hanging there always on Friday! Oh my gosh isn’t today Friday?” She made a shocked face and blabbered (not sure if its even a right word) some other stuff. She was always the typ of girl that spoke nonsense (or just too much) if the atmosphere was a little too silent for her (I am like that too._.).

 I chuckled at her and told her some funny facts of the America to. Some things that were so common for me were so surprising for her. Guess there was a culture difference. I will never understand the double eyelid issue or that blood typ thing neither. I mean I wouldn’t even know what a double eyelid was if Seohyun didn’t explained it to me. I guess I will never understand ‘beauty’.

“We are here” Minzy exclaimed happily. We parked somewhere near the gate here many cool looking cars were parked. There were many students too and they looked all luxurious. I got worried if my clothes aren’t cool enough. I pulled on some of my bracelets and fixed my outfit so it looked more stylish. “Chill Haeri you look fabulous! You are dressed like some celebrityfashionistathinggirl” Minzy pointed at some hot Korean guys that were looking at our direction.

“What are you saying they are clearly looking at you miss idol” I whispered to her embarrassed at the thought that they were maybe really look at me. “Haha no I know these guys they don’t have the hots for me RIGHT GUYS?” She screamed making those 3 guys looking at us.

“What are you saying Minji don’t say anything bad about us to your pretty friend. “ A blondish tall guy winked at me making me a little bit shy.

I wouldn’t behave this stupid normally but they were really goodlooking! Minji just waved at them and we went trough the gate that says ‘Soul National University’. At last I am here. I smiled and ran after Minzy who was now a little farther away from me.

“You go to the administration and fill those files whatsoever. I need to go to the toilet” Minzy her tummy signalling that she had to much for breakfast. I nodded understandingly and went in. 

Minzy POV 

Urgh why did I ate so much? I ran really fast to the toilets but to my luck there was Kyuhyun my lifetime enemy. "Why so in a hurry? Did the almighty Minzy from 2ne1 ate too much? You really are a piggy" Kyuhyun said to me smirking. I hopped from the left foot to the right holding everything in me. 

Why does his guy loves to tease me so much? I have known Kyuhyun really long. He was something like the school's most popular guy.Handsome, intelligent and sporty.Perfect what all people adressed him. But only a handful of people knows that he isn't that angel everyone thinks he is. He loves to torture and tease people and yeah. But I think thats charming.

To be honest he was the guy I had a crush on. But as stupid as he is he let himself go in the trap of those school queenkas. Tch I cried because of a guy like him. It was really ridiculous.

"And what does the so genius maknae from Super Junior do in front of the girls restroom? Having a girlfriend but playing the ert what?" I smirked at him. He wore a brown long coat and a mask. I understood that he is a idol and so on but why does he had to look like a creep. I made a disgusted face and screamed "OMG HE TRIED TO ME HELP-" Kyuhyun pulled me into th girls restroom with his hand on my mouth. 

"ARE YOU ASKING TO GET KILLED OR WHAT!" He shouted at me. I just smiled innocently. "KYAAH A GUY IS IN THE RESTROOM SOMEONE GET A TEACHER!" a girl who came from one restroom screamed. Kyuhyun looked flustered and shouted "Lina i am at the coffee shop!" 

Lina? Like Lina his girlfriend? Ou so he waited for her. Oops my fault keke.

I did my business and went out of the small restroom. As I was on my way to the main building to catch Haeri I heard my cellphone ringing. I stopped and looked for my iphone in my big bag.

You know I never drag a bag with me but when I do then its not really helpfull because of my billion things I put in my bag thinking it would be helpfull. Well thinking. Thinking made me stupid. Children on earth stop thinking and live your life how you want it to be. Ssssh stop teaching children weird stuff. Yeah whatever hihi. After a while I found my phone and saw that the caller ID was Seohyun. What did she need from me.I just shrugged and answered the phone.

"WHAT? YOU JUST TOLD ME NOW!" I screamed making all eyes looking at me. Aish I need to hurry up. I hung up and ran to Haeri. with full speed. I saw a figure nearing Haeri. Then Haeri did something really stupid. "HAERI NO WAIT" Oh too late.

Haeri POV

I was just ready with all the stuff when I went out of the building. I was a little bit tired because it was a long night and its only 10 am! I looked for a bench where I could sit. Serously Minzy took her time in the restroom! I mean how difficult is it to go to the restroom doing your job and coming back ? It ain't taking so long like her. 

I was so bored with waiting so I just stood up and went trough the papers with many offers for different things on a cupboard just beside the bench. And wow if they say Art Unviersity then they mean it! Let me see hm singing ballet taekwando oh my god thats so cool! Huuuch how I wish to do all of it. But yeah stupid exams stupid future part time job puuh.

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't heard someone screaming my name. Well if I am thinking on time about something I get sooo lost in my thoughts. 

"Uhm I am sorry-" "AAAAAAAH A ERT" I screamed out of fear. I took his hand that was placed on my shoulder an the next thing what happend was that he was on the ground. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU OLD E RUN AWAY OR I SHOW YOU SOME MORE ATTACKS wait wait wait. Aren't you... ?" I got so worked up that I didn't realised who I actually hit. Oh . No good. 

"HAERI WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Minzy screamed at me lost at my surprisingly proffessional attack at the familiar guy at the floor. She looked at me shocked. Well not only her was shocked.

"EUNHYUK!" An allknown voice shouted. Yes you got it. I got Eunhyuk from super junior on the floor with a really blue eye. But I was only defending myself! I couldn't really think. But yeah who am I explaining something I hit one super junior member!!!!! And now Donghae my ultimate bias who I was meeting on the airport with a really embarrasing first meeting is now here thinking I amsuch a bad girl for hitting his best friend. Shame on meeeee.

"Uhm what did just happend?" We all asked at the same time


At the cafe 

"So did I really understand it right you want me to play in a drama with Donghae. WHY ME? I am ordinary and yeah nothing special!" I hysterically shouted at them. I mean I really am ordinary and I don't think I could handle all this pressure in front of the camera. I am such a loser. 

"What are you saying? You are so talented in dancing and you have a nice voice. And you are a little bit tomboyish but got a really nice style. You can even fight that are some really cool things you know. You ARE somethin special and now shut up you little miss stupid." Minzy said with a matter of fact tone. She never really gets angry so it touched me a lil bit. 

I smiled at her and then went back to the boys. "but what if I am not making a good job? I would be losing my image before I even have one. I mean I go to THIS school dude." I nervously asked. I didn't want to be hated here too. being hatet is not good. 

Donghae just smiled and said "No I saw you dance and I think you are perfect for my female partner! Please help me I want to be in his drama sooo bad and i need your help" He looked at me with his legendary puppy eyes. . I never could resist my bias if they do aegyo. Shame on me.

"Fine." I shortly said. "WHAT" The three of them screamed. "I SAID FINE" I said in a really loud voice. 

They looked at each other and then screamed in joy. "YEAH THANK YOU SO MUCH!" He sparkled in happiness. I smiled at his cuteness. That are the perks of this thing I think? Seeing my bias everyday hihihi 

I looked to Eunhyuk who has now a cooling pack on his eye. I appologised so long to him and even bought him ice cream. luck on me that he accepted it lightheartly. 

"So when should this drama begin to film ?" I asked while drinking bored my coffee. "Uhm today" Donghae said smiling cheekly. "UBKJDUIWEEUASUIHEEF" I cought crazily. Oh my god today. I didn't thought that day where my life ould get trouble would start now.

Well let me get surprised.


I am so sorry for lait updaiting but school is a :b Yeah this is my updait and next chapter is gonna be really exciting kekeke

Preview: Donghae and his lover Haeri and her feeling and minzys current crush 

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Para-sungmin #1
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;