I am back, Korea

Impossible Love (ON HOLD)

Haeri's POV

„Do you want some coffee ma’am ?“ the stewardess asked politely. I looked up from my book and nodded quietly. She poured hot coffee in my cup and bowed before she left. That poor girl is really stressed out, you could see that in her eyes but i can’t blame her. I mean who could handle so many passengers on a 12-hour flight ? I sipped a bit from my cup and went back to read my book.

“Argh” I blinked multiple times until i realised that it was getting brighter outside the airplane. I looked out of the small window and smiled.

“This is your pilot. In 15 minutes we are landing in South Korea/Incheon Airport. Please fasten your belts and prepare for a save landing.” 

“Korea I am back” I smiled and prepared myself to land.


“Haeri-ah, Haeri-ah uhm can I please go trough HAERI-AH, HAEEEEERI” a small woman with sunglasses and a black long coat shouted trough the crowd. “UMMA !” I screamed highpitched.

I let my luggage fall on the floor and ran to her like a five year old child. I was so happy to see her again.She hugged me a little too strong so that I couldn’t breath normally.

”Uhm U-Umma I-I can’t b-breath” I brought myself to say. “Yah, after 6 years I can’t even go hugging my own daughter? Tch,how ungrateful.”She pouted.

“Umma, can you please stop with this ajhumma aegyo? It makes me wanna puke” I teased while making puking sounds. ”YAH, I’AM NOT AN AJHUMMA!” she shouted a little too loud. All people stared at us weirdly. I made a hand sign to make her stop shouting, but she just kept going. Haha oh I missed my dear home.

I left her alone and ran back to my forgotten luggage but I stopped when I heard some girls scream. I turned back because I wanted to know why they made such noise. Well that was such a dumb idea because the next moment I can remember is that those girls ran all over me leaving me on the floor looking completely wasted. Ouch. I struggled trough the crowd of girls ith big signs and even fighting with some girls (Seriously? Can’t they just let me go getting my luggage ?) I had gotten hold of my big pink suitcase but some girls pushed me hard and I yeah well I fell on the ground with many girls glaring at me. What did I do wrong? Why are they staring at me? Why- “Uhm I am sorry but you are in the way.Can you please move?” a quiet and deep voice said. I looked up and saw a handsome guy with sunglasses standing in front of me.Have I met him somewhere before ?  Why does he look so familiar ?

“AAAH DONGHAE-OPPA” ”AAAH SARANGHAEEEE OPPA” some girls screamed loud. “OMG who does that girl think she is, trying to get our Oppas attention tch” other murmured but loud enough so i could hear them. Aish of all people why Super Junior ? How embarrassing! If I could I would just dissapear from here and never face him again.

I took my suitcase and ran away not looking back. “OI AGASSI” I heard him scream from the back but I just ran and hope he never remember ever again.


“Uhm umma, can we hurry up and go?” I asked her out of breath. ”Hop in the car you need to prepare for a ‘Welcome Home’ Party” she said smiling cheesily. “WHAT REALLY” I asked exited.  “Yeah I bet you are tired just take a nap and then dress yourself up.” “DEH UMMA” I screamed happily. I seriously can't wait to see all guys again it was like forever the last time I saw them. Soon I went off to dreamland.


Donghae's POV

"OI AGASSI" I screamed after her. I picked the piece of paper from the ground. It was a envelope with a letter. I took it out and read it. "Lee Haeri, we welcome you at Seoul National University . .  . " Hm Lee Haeri-ssi,duh ? I looked at the picture of her. "DONGHAE WHY ARE YOU SO SLOW ?" "DEEEEH HYUNG"I screamed and put the envelope in my pockets. Well she was pretty. 




Those outifits are going to be the outfits you're going to have on the chapters. I am sorry for this short update i hope you like it. ._. please subscribe and leave comments if you have some ideas or wishes :D don't be hard on me i am new ._.


minho and donghae are laughin at my story i know i know its going to be better i promise ._.


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Para-sungmin #1
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;