Prepare to Dance

Impossible Love (ON HOLD)

(imagine Yuri's outfit on you (: )

Haeri’s POV

“So are you all ready to dance the night out!”I screamed in happiness. Minzy kicked me under the table mouthing that I should speak not so loud. We are after all in a restaurant and so on. “Just be home before 11 pm you need to do some things tomorrow morning!” My mother said from the other end of the long table. I showed an ‘ok’ sign and went to the ladies room with Seohyun and Minzy. We changed into some danceable clothes and fixed our hair so it wouldn’t be disturbing.


Because of much stress I couldn’t dance that often in America and I couldn’t wait to dance my heart out! I hopped up and down excited written all over my face. Minzy and Seohyun looked at each other and started laughing out loud. “What?” I asked confused. “Nothing we just missed you little rat” Minji answered smiling cheekily. I just looked at them with blank eyes understanding zero of what she means. Before I could notice a smile spread on my face. These little moments were missing in my boring life. Seohyun leaned against the sink and watched over us with a ‘motherly’ smile. For the youngest of us is she extremely mature. Well I guess she isn’t called SNSD’s umma for nothing. We chatted a little bit and fixed each other outfits. Girls’ things I guess.

 After we nearly spent 15 minutes in the restroom we thought of lonely Yonghwa and how he would wait of us. So we decided to pack everything in our bags and head to Yonghwa outside. “Wow what are girls doing 15 minutes in the toilette? I thought Haeri died in there.” He looked at me from head to toe checking if something is wrong. “Yah! What’s that suppose to mean!” I pouted at him. Minzy highfived him and said “Yeah well remember school days? Weren’t you like a regular at the school infirmary?” Seohyun nodded alongside with Yonghwa. Minzy made a serious face trying to hold in her laugher. But somehow they couldn’t last that long and began to laugh.

What was so funny about it I just really love adventures. I always had a little bag full of medicine and bandage by me because the school doctor was getting annoyed with me and teached me to bandaged myself. Minzy wasn’t the only trouble magnet out there. Well she and I always helped each other out of trouble so it wasn’t that big of a deal. I was just trying to help people but I end up making a bigger mess. I couldn’t do anything about it I am just too clumsy I think. But somehow the three of them were especially annoying today. Is that how you greet an old friend? It was always me who picked on people not otherwise.

I just ‘hmpft’ at them and head to the door with big steps. “Hey wait of us Haeri!” Yonghwa said hurriedly while putting on a coat. The other two just ran after me who was now running too. “Why are you running?”Seohyun yelled from behind. “I don’t know you were running after me!”I said then realising how illogical it sounds. Not realising that they finally reached me from behind I stopped making them bump against me. The moment after we were just laying on the streets. Some people were startled at our shriek and looked at us weirdly. How embarrassing! I hopped up from the ground and stood in front of them while fixing my T-shirt. “Ouch why did you suddenly stop you pabo!”Minji asked me while whipping the dust away from her clothes. Yonghwa helped Seohyun getting up and whipped some imaginary dirt away from her face. She blinked innocently probably thinking he was very sweet and that. Oh my innocent Seohyun. I looked back at Minji who was now in front of me with her hands on her hips. “Mianhe I didn’t thought till the end” I told her while making the ‘Sorry Sorry’ move a little bit failed (and stupid). She looked at me with an unreadable expression and then started to laugh at me. I knew she would smile at my stupid dancing. She always did.

After that incident we went to a quiet district trough a small alley. We were walking when we heard a loud beat. It was getting louder and louder and I could hear some people rapping with the music. Lights in many colours were shining from the end of the alley. I was getting hypnotised with the music and I started sprinting to the lights. The more I was nearing the music the more I was getting excited. I didn’t know why but I want to be there as soon as possible! The alley was now leading to a big place. It was like a room without a deck (I can’t explain like how it was in my imagination._.). It was much more professional then last time I was there! Back then it was just a place with a big radio and people were dancing. But now there were lights fixed on the walls and a DJ-counter that is placed on the right side of the room. Speakers were everywhere placed. There was a ring of people with somehow all cool cloths and a spotlight set on the dancer in the middle of the ring. “Whoa” was all I could get out of me. “Hehe it changed nice didn’t it?” Minzy smiled at me. I shook my head like crazy and a big smile spread on my face. I just couldn’t hide my happiness! I looked at the three anxiously. “What are you waiting for? Go go!” Minji said while pushing me forward to the crowd. This was awesome.


Double update keke next chap is the hot battle from yonghwa and minzy and the result of it :D Just go and read it fufufu ;3

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Para-sungmin #1
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;