
Love 101

"Let's assume that we're going to a surprise party," Han began adverting his attention from the window to Minseok. "Who's going to be there?"

He shrugged. "Fans maybe."

"I hope our labelmates are there too. Especially Jessica" He tried to hold back the smile itching to stretch across his face. "Gosh I hope we're really going to a party now."

Chanyeol shot up from his seat, approaching the manager sitting up front, he yanked out the Hyung's earbuds. "How much longer till we get there?"

The manager glanced down at his watch. "Ten minutes."

"Yay," the boy cheerily exclaimed and returned back to his seat, making sure not to step on Sehun's feet during the process. "Thank god there's only ten more minutes. I'm starting to get motion sickness."

Ten minutes felt like eternity for the anxious idols. The van finally arrived at its destination; Busan, South Korea. Nonetheless, it wasn't the frist time the boys had been in South Korea's second largest metropolis after Seoul, so it was quick to recognize. 

"Alright guys let's go. We have to walk a couple blocks," The manager said to them. "Try not bring attention to yourselves okay." 




"We're here," The manager stopped in front of a three story brick building. "Let's go inside."

The interior was much more mesmerizing than the exterior; ocean blue painted walls, checkered tiled floors and expensive furniture.

"Ah you made it," a man dressed in a suit approached them. "We have you guys set up down the hall, third door to your right."

After bowing in respect, the manager once again led the way. "You guys are going to love this."

"I'm positive it's a surprise party now," Minseok whispered to Han.

The manager placed his hand on the doorknob, giving his boys a thumbs up before swinging the door open. "Surprise!"

Minseok indeed was correct, it wasn't a just surprise party but also one to congratulate their success into the K-pop scene so far. As hoped by Han, the majority of their labelmates were in attendance. 

"This is awesome." Chanyeol immediately went over to the snack table, followed closely behind by a few of his other members.

Han scanned the place looking for his crush. "Do you see her Minseok?"

"No," he lied not even bothering to look. 

"Ah there she is by the snack table. Let's go." He grabbed ahold of Minseok's hand, dragging him along the way.

"You're going to talk to her?" his buddy asked releasing himself from Han's grip. 

"Yeah," he replied.

They neared the table but Han suddenly came to a halt. 'What do I say to her? Gosh I should've really thought this through."

"Come on it's not that hard. You've talked to girls before." Minseok grabbed the nervous boy's arm and dragged him over to the table. 'You can do this."

"You're the guys from the store," Sunny said approaching them. She knudged Jessica on the side with her elbow. "You're name was Han right?" She pointed to him.

"Um...yeah," he answered avoiding Jessica's beautiful eyes. "Nice to see you again."

"Congratulations on your album success." Sunny switched her attention over to Minseok. "Oh my gosh you're adorable!"

"Thanks." He blushed. "You're very pretty."

"Let's go talk somewhere else and leave these two to chat." She snuck a wink at Jessica before taking Minseok away with her.

"So..." Han trailed. "This is a great party."

"Uh huh." She commented stuffing a batch of crackers in .

He patiently waited for her to finish chewing then spoke once again. "I think your group is really amazing."

She stuffed some more crackers in .

"You must be really hungry," he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

She nodded and continued munching on some more snacks.

"Busan is a great city right?" He tried to change the one-sided conversation.

Nodding, she popped a carrot in .

He gave up. "I'll just get going then." He forced a small smile and walked away to complain to Minseok.

"Well did you talk to him? What did you talk about?" Sunny happily exclaimed returning to Jessica. "Tell me everything."

"We...didn't talk. Well he talked and I just...ate." She chewed the inside of her cheek. "I got nervous and kept stuffing my face with food so I wouldn't have to answer him."

"Jessica," Sunny scolded. "You missed a really good oppotunity to get to know him."

"I know." She sighed. "Maybe I'll have better luck next time."

"There won't be a next time because you are going to talk to this boy today and get his number."

"I can't do it."

"Yes you can." Sunny grabbed Jessica's hand and dragged her towards Han. "You'll thank me later."


Minderaser: Gosh I love cliffhangers. So do you guys think Jessica will talk to him or just give up? Comment your answers please :) Oh I should let you guys know beforehand, I'm very unpredictable ;) 

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Chapter 22: Sehun is the best! fanclub president for Lusica & XiuNny
gaylay27 #2
Chapter 22: Lol sehun has a fan page
gaylay27 #3
Chapter 18: Yay finally
gaylay27 #4
Chapter 16: Oh my god yay author I love you lusica yay
gaylay27 #5
Chapter 14: No way what about sica oh my god no fair :(
gaylay27 #6
Chapter 6: Hahahaha I thought baekhyun was a chatterbox not Chanyeol
Chapter 16: Han let the girl confess first -,- ?
Chapter 8: They don't care the rules? e.o
rikafelicia #9
Chapter 22: The fifth time i read it...but i never get bored....TOTALLY AWESOMELY DEEPLY SERIOUSLY LOVE IT...!!!!≧﹏≦
Chapter 22: Oh god! This was my second time reading this
It was truly an amazing fanfic of Lusica xD
Write more of Lusica!? Please?

and I love, love Oh Sehun little parts in this fanfic xD
I rreally love all the character ^_^