Christmas Shopping

Love 101

"Han wake up," Minseok whispered into Han's ear. "Wake up." He gently shook him until the young man woke up from his sleep. 

"What do you want," Han questioned half asleep, a yawn escaped his mouth as he rubbed his eyes. "It's three o'clock in the morning."

"You promised you would go christmas shopping with me remember?"

"Yeah but not at three o'clock in the morning." He fell back onto his bed.

"Han," Minseok snapped in a whisper. "You promised!"

"Okay! Sheesh!" He managed to sit up, mumbling a few curse words under hos breath and threw his blanket aside

Minseok patiently waited for him to wash his face and get dressed. They informed their manager before leaving the apartment.

"Why did I agree to this?" Han muttered loud enough for his buddy to hear.

"Christmas is in two days." Minseok pushed the elevator button. "It's best if we shop early in the morning so fans don't mob us."

They stepped onto the elevator and took it all the way down to the lobby.

"Wait," Minseok said before his buddy pushed the exit door open. "Zip up your jacket. It's cold outside."

"Thanks mom," he sarcastically remarked and swung the door open. Silence stamped its claim on them as they walked side by side in the cold winter night.

"Why aren't we allowed to date others from our label? That rule is so stupid," Han said breaking the silence that had exceeded for more than five minutes.

"You can't mix business with pleasure," was his friend's response. The dangerously lit store devoured by christmas lights came into sight. It wouldn't be a surprise if a crash car suddenly occurred on the street.

 Han held the door for Minseok before stepping in himself. The store was warm and toasty, reminding him of his living room back home in Beijing on cold winter nights. As a child, he always slept a good distance away from the fireplace. He loathed the cold. "Let's make this quick. I want to go back to sleep."

"This won't take long. I only need to get presents for Baekhyun, Jongin, Kyungsoo and you. I already got gifts for the rest."

"What are you going to get me?" he curiously asked. "The gift I got for you is awesome. I better get a good gift."

Minseok chuckled. "Shutup and help pick gifts for the others. I'm picking yours tomorrow. I already know what I'm going to get you. Okay, what do you think Baekhyun would like?"

"Eyeliner," he retorted laughing to himself.

Minseok couldn't help but join in on the laughter. "I don't think so. He'd kill me if I did that."

"Why do you even bother asking me? You know I'm a terrible gift giver," he confessed, looking threw a rack of clothing. He yanked out a hideous red christmas sweater. "Oh get this for Jongin." Again he laughed to himself and returned the item back onto its rack.

"Now I'm afraid to receive that awesome gift you got me," Minseok mumbled. "Just sit down. I'll pick the gifts and come ask for your opinion."

"Sounds good to me." Han plotted himself down on the nearest bench and observed as his friend carefully selected gifts for the other members. Minseok always gave the best gifts. Last Christmas, he got Jongin a puppy. The gift surprised everyone since Minseok despised canines so much, even up to the point of completey avoiding contact. To others seemed like pure ignorance but Han knew the true reason behind it, his friend was extremely terrified of canines because of a frightening chldhood experience. How he managed to hand the puppy over to Jongin, on that Christmas morning, without screaming in terror will always be a mystery. Maybe he was slowly starting to recover from the incident.

After a long five minutes, Han got bored of watching Minseok shop and decided to play 'Flappy Birds' on his phone. Even though he hated the game to its core, he found himself quite addicted to it. His highest score was ten which was considerably low for a person who has been playing nonstop for the past two weeeks. Sehun always boasted his high scores which exceeded 100 everytime. Han sometimes had visions of himself shoving the phone down the maknae's throat each time that happen. The game seemed outrageously impossible and rigged. How on earth did people manage to even get past twenty?

A sudden cold breeze whooshed at him when the store'z entrance door flew open. Two females all bundled up in hooded coats, knitted scraves and gloves stepped in.

"It's freezing out there," one of them complained quckly shutting the door.

"I know right. Okay lets get the stuff and leave," the other responded.

"Oh my gosh you got mud on your boots," one shrieked causing Han to look up from his phone.

"I can always get new ones," the other said removing her hood. "Don't be so dramatic. They're aren't even yours anyways Sunny." She glanced around the store and her eyes met with an anxious Han. "Hey look it's one of the guys from the new boy group."

"He's cute," Sunny whispered before approaching him. "Hi what's your name?"

"Han," he responded calmly, trying his best not to stare at his crush whom was standing behind her..

"I go by the name Sunny and this is Jessica." She grabbed his hand and shook it. "Are you doing some last minute Christmas shopping too?"

"Um not really. My friend just dragged me along."

"I did the same thing to Jessica," she said and turned to her friend. "You can relax on the bench with Han. It's the least I can do for forcing you to come."

Yes. Please stay and sit with me, Han thought to himself.

"No it's fine. I'll help you choose the gifts," Jessica answered breaking his heart. He watched as they walked away from him.

"No," he mouthed out. "Come back." 

"Okay Han." Minseok returned after a couple minutes had passed. "I'm done shopping. Alright I got Baekhyun those sneakers he's been dying about, a new hat for Kyungsoo and a watch for Jongin. What do you think?"

"Those seem good enough," he responded.

"Hey can I ask you two a question? Which blouse looks better on Jessica?" Sunny interrupted, approaching them, She turned to her left, expecting to see her bandmate there but was greeted with absence. "Jessica get over here!"

The pretty red-head strolled over to the group with a bored expresssion on her face.

"Okay which is better? The blue one or the green one?" Sunny showed them both options by displaying the clothing on top of Jessica's jacket. The blouses had the same design, floral details with ruching on the left side. Instead of focusing on Sunny's request, Han found himself checking his crush out head-to-toe. The skin tight dark jeans she had one revealed the length of her attractive slender legs and her Burberry London Cotton-twill trench coat showed the definition of her slim waist. 

"Han what about you?" Minseok's voice broke his trance.

"Huh, oh yeah. Uhm, I like the blue one." He tore his gaze away from the Jessica and looked down at his phone.

"The blue on it is then. Thanks guys. Come one Jessica, let's go pick gifts out for the others."

Han's crush reluctantly followed behind without mumbling a single word. Minseok noticed Han observing her every move and knudged him on the shoulder. "I think it's time we leave."





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Chapter 22: Sehun is the best! fanclub president for Lusica & XiuNny
gaylay27 #2
Chapter 22: Lol sehun has a fan page
gaylay27 #3
Chapter 18: Yay finally
gaylay27 #4
Chapter 16: Oh my god yay author I love you lusica yay
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Chapter 14: No way what about sica oh my god no fair :(
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Chapter 6: Hahahaha I thought baekhyun was a chatterbox not Chanyeol
Chapter 16: Han let the girl confess first -,- ?
Chapter 8: They don't care the rules? e.o
rikafelicia #9
Chapter 22: The fifth time i read it...but i never get bored....TOTALLY AWESOMELY DEEPLY SERIOUSLY LOVE IT...!!!!≧﹏≦
Chapter 22: Oh god! This was my second time reading this
It was truly an amazing fanfic of Lusica xD
Write more of Lusica!? Please?

and I love, love Oh Sehun little parts in this fanfic xD
I rreally love all the character ^_^