
Love 101

"Is Han alright?" Sunny asked when Minseok stepped out the closet. Han decided to remain in there for a moment in hopes of controlling the overwhelming emotion running throughout his body. 

"Yeah," he responded. "He has a headache and wants to go home."

"Oh," she commented dropping her gaze to the ground. "I hope he gets better soon. For a moment there," She glanced around and made sure no one was near them, the others were crowded around Key whom was imitating a girl group dance. "---I thought Jessica had said something mean to him." She finished. 

Han finally walked out from the closet, his eyes were puffy and still a bit tearful. Walking over to Minseok, he mumbled in his ear. "I'm ready to leave."

"Were you crying?" Sunny asked, approaching him with curious eyes. "Your headache is that severe?"

Han shot her a confused expression. "I---"

"Yeah it's really severe," Minseok interrupted grabbing a hold of his friends arm. "We should get going now. Come on Han."

"Do you want me to arrange a ride home for you two?" she said chasing after them as they made their way to the entrance hallway.

"It's alright," Minseok answered. "We'll catch a cab." He threw on his sneakers and patiently waited for Han to put on his footwear. "Thanks for being such a great hostess. Text me later alright?"

Nodding in response, she held the door for them. "Have a safe trip back home." 

Minseok motioned for a cab. "You're mad at me right?"

Han's face turned blank. "I don't know. Maybe."

"You said you'd blame me if your feelings for her deepened."

The cab pulled up in front of them and they climbed in.

"Where to?" The bearded driver asked.

Minseok gave him the address then switched his attention back to the distressed Han. "Please don't be mad at me. I didn't intend for this to happen. I thought maybe going to the party and seeing her would maybe help you release some feelings."

"I appreciate your help but please stay out of my love life from now on," Han muttered.


Minderaser: Wow this chapter didn't even surpass 500 words. I think this maybe the shortest chapter so far. Anyways, I kind of developed writer's block and  thought maybe forcing myself to write would help bring the ideas out...and that up there was all I managed to get out. Even the title ! Sorry everyone :( I didn't intend for a cliffhanger this time. *Sigh* Well...I think that's all I have to say. See you all soon...hopefully~


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Chapter 22: Sehun is the best! fanclub president for Lusica & XiuNny
gaylay27 #2
Chapter 22: Lol sehun has a fan page
gaylay27 #3
Chapter 18: Yay finally
gaylay27 #4
Chapter 16: Oh my god yay author I love you lusica yay
gaylay27 #5
Chapter 14: No way what about sica oh my god no fair :(
gaylay27 #6
Chapter 6: Hahahaha I thought baekhyun was a chatterbox not Chanyeol
Chapter 16: Han let the girl confess first -,- ?
Chapter 8: They don't care the rules? e.o
rikafelicia #9
Chapter 22: The fifth time i read it...but i never get bored....TOTALLY AWESOMELY DEEPLY SERIOUSLY LOVE IT...!!!!≧﹏≦
Chapter 22: Oh god! This was my second time reading this
It was truly an amazing fanfic of Lusica xD
Write more of Lusica!? Please?

and I love, love Oh Sehun little parts in this fanfic xD
I rreally love all the character ^_^