
Love 101

"Minseok look at the hat I bought." Putting on the white furry acron blair trapper hat, Han approached his hyung with a huge smile on his face. "Isn't it cute? I love it!" He ran his fingers through the soft fur. "These hats are so much better than beanies."

Minseok cocked an eyebrow. "No they're not. Don't ever mess with the beany. It's a classic alright." He snatched the trapper hat off Han's head and ran away with it down the narrow dorm hallway, entering the last door to the left, their room, and locked the it. 

"Give me back my hat!" Han banged on the door with his fist.

"Take back what you said about beanies," his hyung replied from inside.

"Okay beanies are the best," he said leaning on the wall across from the door.

Minseok opened the door back up, wearing the hat on his head. "On second thought, I actually really like this hat. Not better than my beanies though. I think I may keep it. Can I have it?" His big round eyes sadden, pouting his lips for dramatic effect. "Can I have it please?"

Han snorted with laughter. "You really think the cute thing is going to work this time?" Taking his hat back, he pinched Minseok's cheeks and walked back to the living room, leaving his hyung to trail behind. "I already got you a hat. It's gray though." He reached into the yellow plastic shopping bag on the coffee table, and retrieved the gift. "Here." He handed it to him. "I hope the color is fine. I was going to get you a brown one but figured the gray would go well with your skin tone."

"Awww thanks Han," Minseok cooed embracing his friend. "You're the best."

"I know," he boasted putting the hat on his buddies round head. "Wow it looks cute on you."

"Thanks. Um...where are the others?"

"Oh they went to get lunch. I came back though because I didn't want you to feel lonely."

"You could've at least brought something to eat back with you. There's nothing to eat here and I'm starving." He slumped down on the couch.

"We could order something," Han suggested joining him on the couch and crossed his left leg onto his right, taking his phone out from his pocket. "Chicken?"

"Yeah sure," Minseok leaned his body next to him and rested his head on the young one's shoulder. "Get both grilled and fried."

"Anything else?"

"No. I don't think so."




The food arrived a half hour later, Han payed the delivery boy then walked the food back to a dozing Minseok. "Foods here." He placed the boxes on the coffee table, strolled to the kitchen and came back with two sodas. They ate in silence for the first five minutes.

"I really like the concept for our comeback so far," Han said starting a conversation. "The dance is going to take a while to perfect though."

"Weren't you casted as the leading role for the drama version?"

"No yet. They're still choosing between me and Jongin."

"I think you should get it. The role seems a bit too mature for Jongin."

"Yeah but the fans really love him."

"Yeah and then they'll  murder the female lead when he kisses her."

"So you would rather have me deal with overcrazed fans?" Han questioned.

"You're older and more mature though. So it won't come much of a surprise to them if you did the kiss scene."


Silence stamped its claim on them once again.

"So.." Minseok trailed. "Sunny is throwing this exclusive party and invited the two of us."

"Why not the other members?"

He shrugged. "Not sure. So do you want to go?"

"When is it?"

"This saturday. We have off from practice. So what do you say?"

"I don't want to go," he confessed. "Saturday is my sleep day."

"Han please come with me? I don't want to show up alone!"

"Who else is going to be there," he asked sipping from his soda then burped aloud.

"I think maybe a few of her friends."

"Is...Jessica going to be there," he dropped his gaze to the floor.

"Maybe. I don't know. So are you coming?"

"I'll think about it."

"What's there to think about. It's just a party. Oh right...Jessica. I thought you were going to get over her."

"I'm trying," he muttered.

"Well, then maybe this party might help you get over her."


"I don't know. Just come with me sheesh," Minseok replied developing a bit of frustration.

Han sighed. "I don't want to go though."

"I'll do your chores for a week and buy you anything you want."

"Two weeks," he corrected smirking.


"I'm blaming you if my feelings for her worsen too."




Saturday had finally arrived Minseok was helping Han choose an outfit, the party was scheduled to start at eight.

"Just put on anything Han," Minseok complained, crossing his arms on his chest. "We're running late. It's seven thirty now. We were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago." Reaching into his friend's closet, he yanked a plain white tee off a hook. "Is this one alright?"

"It's too white," Han answered and plotted himself down on the edge of the bed. "Next."

Minseok tossed the shirt over to him. "You're wearing this and it's final. Hurry up and put it on."

He relunctantly obeyed the order. "I just can't wear a t-shirt though."

His buddy again searched through the closet, grabbed a dark blazer and threw it at him. "I'll meet you at the front door." He stepped out the room. 

Chanyeol stopped Minseok in the hallway. "Why are you dressed?"

"Han and I are going to a party," he replied walking away.

"A party," the Happy Virus chased after him. "I love parties! Can I come?"

"It's exclusive," he answered ignoring the other members' curious stares and stuffed his feet into his new pair of sky blue Adidas sneakers.

Han walked out the room and met his Hyung at the door, putting on his sneakers as well. "Okay I'm ready."

"We'll be back in a couple hours," Minseok shouted to the others before stepping out the dorm.

"So where is this party being held?" Han asked as they strolled down the hallway, towards the elevator.

"Her house."

"I thought she lived with her members."

"Yeah but she has her own house as well." Minseok pushed the elevator button. "Don't make a fool of yourself in front of jessica," he teased earning a punch in the arm. The elevator doors slide open. They stepped on and took it all the way down to the lobby.

"We're not walking there right. Do you even know where her house is?"

"Dude chill," Minseok said pushing open the exit door. "She arranged a ride for us. It's probably this dark hyundai parked in front." He approached the car, the window rolled down, revealing an elderly man on the opposite side. They respectively bowed ninety degrees to him.

"Minseok and Luhan?" he questioned.

"Yes. That's us."

"Well get in you two." He unlocked the doors. "You're late."

"Sorry." Minseok yanked open the passenger door, leaving Han with the back the seat. 

After they buckled up, the man started the engine and drove off. "So you're my grand daughter's new friends huh?"

"Yes." Minseok answered.

"You're both very handsome."

"Thank you," he repsonded.

The conversation ended there and silence followed the rest of the ride. Han was too busy gazing out the window, Sunny's grandfather was focused on the road while Minseok contemplated on whether to follow through with Sunny's plan to hook Lusica up. Honestly, he didn't want Han to have a grilfriend. The thought of it made him envious as well as fearing the loss of his best friend.  Girls' usually tore buddies apart for selfish reasons and the boyfriend  never finds the courage to take action due to his lovesick heart. Han wouldn't be like that...right? He wouldn't choose a girl over him?

Fearing his own thoughts, Minseok took a quick glance back at his best friend whom was still attracted to the window. Of course Han wouldn't do such a thing...right?

They arrived at a white house whose exterior was outlined with red streaks.

The driver parked in front of the house and unlocked the doors for the two young man. "Have fun."

Minseok and Han thanked him with a bow before departing. They walked up the  white porch steps.

"Well," Han said raising his index finger to the doorbell. "Here goes."

"Wait," Minseok blurted out before his friend pressed the button. "Give me second."

The recent thoughts about Han were still looming around him. After a couple minutes, he gave the signal and Han pushed the button.


Yay another cliffhanger! I know this chapter has a lot of dialogue but I think it suits the mood and my writing style. Let me know if you guys want more description and stuff. I'll do my best to fulfill your requirements. Sorry for any errors that may have occured while you were reading. I think this is the longest chapter I've written so far! Yay me! Please don't forget to comment and subcribe if you haven't yet. Oh I'm getting a new and better cover for the story! I can't wait to see what it's going to look like! Bye for now~

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Chapter 22: Sehun is the best! fanclub president for Lusica & XiuNny
gaylay27 #2
Chapter 22: Lol sehun has a fan page
gaylay27 #3
Chapter 18: Yay finally
gaylay27 #4
Chapter 16: Oh my god yay author I love you lusica yay
gaylay27 #5
Chapter 14: No way what about sica oh my god no fair :(
gaylay27 #6
Chapter 6: Hahahaha I thought baekhyun was a chatterbox not Chanyeol
Chapter 16: Han let the girl confess first -,- ?
Chapter 8: They don't care the rules? e.o
rikafelicia #9
Chapter 22: The fifth time i read it...but i never get bored....TOTALLY AWESOMELY DEEPLY SERIOUSLY LOVE IT...!!!!≧﹏≦
Chapter 22: Oh god! This was my second time reading this
It was truly an amazing fanfic of Lusica xD
Write more of Lusica!? Please?

and I love, love Oh Sehun little parts in this fanfic xD
I rreally love all the character ^_^