둘: secret garden

( from me, with love ♡ )
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title: secret garden
characters: park chorong (apink) & kris (exo)
genre: romance
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She let her feet carry her down the familiar path. Her light footsteps echoed against the cobblestone walkway. It was almost as if she were floating on air as she let her feet lead her to her sacred sanctuary. That place was her escape when she was down and where she was able to forget about the rest of the world for a moment. It was her favorite place.

It had been a while since she had last visited the garden, but she knew the way by heart. She had been going there since she had been a child. While playing hide and seek one day, she had chanced upon the place by accident. Since that day, she had made that place her second home. Hidden behind the tall white gate, just a little to the right, there was a small path that led to the entrance. It was her own little secret; a place that no one and nothing can hurt her. No matter what, that place always welcomed her and accepted her.

If anybody else knew about it, they would take it from her. Such a beautiful place should be guarded from the outside world. She had only let one person accompany her there. There was only one person she was willing to let see her secret world: Kris. He was everything to her and it was only right that she bring him there. The most precious person to her should see her most precious place. That was how the world worked. That was how it was able to keep its balance.

She smiled at the thought of him. It had been almost a year since she had seen him. His job required him to frequently go back and forth between South Korea and China. And though she understood that his family and his life was there as well, she couldn't help but wish that he could just stay with her forever. The day he had met her, she was just a quiet girl making her way through school. After meeting the exchange student, she had become brighter and had been able to open herself up more to others. 

She was always thankful that life had allowed her to meet such a person. Since the day they had met, he had never failed to prove to her how loving he was. She had always believed in fairytales, ever since her mother had first read her the story of Cinderella as a small child. She was lucky enough to have had life grant her her very own Prince Charming.

But she knew that it couldn't be perfect forever; life had to get in the way somehow. After finishing up his degree, he was quick to find a job in his field. Being able to speak Mandarin, English, and Korean fluently, he was in high demand. The first day he had left, she told herself she had to smile. She wouldn't cry; for his sake. After a couple years had passed, she had grown accustomed to saying goodbye, although it broke her heart each and everytime he walked away, disappearing into the terminal.

But he never gave up on them. He contacted her everyday. He was willing to fight for their relationship despite the obstacles. She, too, was going to fight. He was worth it.

Just as a light breeze brushed past her, allowing her white dress to flow softly in the wind, she felt a strange feeling inside of her. As if on instinct, she started running towards the small entrance to the garden. Something told her that she needed to be there. Her heart sensed that.

A warmth was growing inside of her as she drew closer and closer. Her heart felt as if it were going to b

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Chapter 5: Beautiful chapter
Chapter 5: Great. Beautiful chapter. Didn't expect chanyeol would die. Help, I'm crying. Anyway, the ending succesfully made my heart goes dugeun dugeun kkk . Keep on writing authornim. Fighting! ^^
Chapter 6: Thank you so much for the beautiful stories, it's simple but so lovely and give warm feelings, i like it so much :)
luvapink #4
Chapter 6: Kaieun pls...
Exopink31 #5
LuRong_ship #6
LuRong / ChoHan / HanRong. Please......
pimmas #7
ChenJoo please
sigiwima #8
Chapter 3: please make another chapter for Oh couple :3
Chapter 5: D-did Chanyeol dies? Omg. this made me cry O.o So nice. omg. i can't even.
Chapter 5: Omg this chapter killed me al;sdkfj. So beautiful!