

Luhan couldn't sleep that night. He felt so uneasy. He kept on sprawling, rolling, and different stuff when your not sleepy. He felt so bothered by something. He went downstairs and went to grab some water. He was about turn on the light when he saw a beam of light inside the kitchen. He walked towards it. When the light hit his eyes, Luhan squinted and tried to adjust. Then... he saw the girl he saw in his dreams..

"Luhan, i warned you."

"I don't get this dream at all"

"This is no dream. You will pay for what you've done"

Luhan laughed.

" This dream is funny and creepy at the same time. Now, will excuse me beautiful but i have to go back to sleep."

Luhan turned around and he didn't notice there was a wet spot infont of him. He stepped on it and fell hard on his back. He groaned and yelled from the pain.

"Still think this is a dream Luhan?" The lady said.

Luhan was frightened. He didn't know what to do.

"What are you?" luhan was so scared, he was stuttering.

"it doesn't matter what i am. What matter is, i warned you not to hurt a girl but you didn't listen. Now you'll pay" she said angrily. The lady turned into an old woman. Luhan was more frightened!

"Please! I didn't mean to! I will never do it again! Just give me another chance" begged luhan.

"I already warned you but you never listened. Because of this, I punish you" said the old woman.

The old lady placed her wrinkly hand on Luhan's head and mumbled words that Luhan didn't understand.

The old lady, looked straight at Luhan's eyes " Undo what you've done.Correct your mistakes and the spell will be broken.

If you don't change until the 24th of September, you will remain forever like this" A girl stood infront of Luhan. Staring at

him with a confused face. Luhan opened his mouth to say something only to find her do the same. Luhan moved and so 

did the girl. Every move was right. Luhan reached to touch this mysterious copycat. His hands felt a cold hard object. He

pushed it and it began to fall backwards. The item shattered into broken glasses. Luhan picked one and caught sight of 

his reflection.




Luhan opened his eyes. Another dream! He was frightened now. He went to the bathroom to do boy stuff. He opened the door and he saw his reflection, or should i say her reflection.





Sorry for the short chap.i wanted it to be cliff hanger. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. Keep in touch! Thanks


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exoexoforevah #1
Chapter 8: bwahahahahahahahahah! uh-oh! what's going to happen next?! UPDATE!!!
liongirl_lian #2
Chapter 7: hahaha xD he turned into a girl and met himself xD
Chapter 7: Lol..!! He turned to a GIRL that's awesome .. xDD
I saw lots of pics of Luhan as a GIRL..
Update Soon
liongirl_lian #4
Chapter 5: Hahah xD that's what he deserves!!! keke update soon author-nim^_^ it was really great:D i can't wait for the next chapter!!!! ahahah how am i going to imagine Luhan being a girl xDDD haha
Chapter 5: Ahh.. interesting Luhan is finally a GIRL ..
bwahaha . that's what u get for playing a girls hearts ..
Chapter 3: Author-nim I didn't mean to be rude but I can't read
ur story properly bcuz of the font ur using.. I'm so sorry
if u find this rude.. please don't hate mee..
Upadate soon!!^^