

Luhan woke up from a nightmare that night. He dreamt that he was a girl. He stoop up from his bed and went to his kitchen to get water.

"what at dream" He sighed.

He gulped all the water down and decided to take a walk. It 2 in the morning and all his sleepiness was replaced because of that horrible dream. 

Guys were gathering around him and touching him. Some of the guys stripped of his clothes and one tried to kiss him. He cringed at the thought and tried shaking it off. He breathed in the fresh air and began walking. 

"That wouldn't happen. I'm a guy. Geez. What am I so worried about?" He then thought about you. Luhan thought that you were really pretty but he's a fool so he wanted to toy with you. He smiled and started making ideas of how to troll you or embarass you. He's smile grew wider, lots of ideas popped into his no mercy mind.

He kept on thinking until he saw a figure from the distance. It was hard to see because the street lamp was dim. He walked closer and closer. When he was finally 5 feet away, he saw a very beautiful girl.

He stared at the girl which stared back at him. The beautiful mysterious girl walked towards Luhan and so did he.

"You are cute" the girl said.

"A girls heart is not a toy that you can play with. It is not an object. A girls heart is full with love and when they lend their heart to you, they will love you whole heartedly. But when this heart is broken, you are in deep trouble" Luhan was still silent and just stared at her.

"If you hurt another girl, you will live your worst nightmare. You have been warned" and then she vanished just like thin air. Luhan blinked and saw himself on his bed.

"Another dream! What the heck is wrong with me?" Luhan tried to sleep again looking forward seeing you.


____________________________________________Next morning


You were wearing a very beautiful outfit and almost every girl stopped and admired it. You were so happy that you were asked out by a guy, and you were more happier because the guys Luhan. 

You spazzed all night, telling Kimi every detail and you tried various of clothes. You were so happy today. You could not wait till the bell rings. You arrived at your room and sat at you usual seat. The bell rung and the classes begun. The time passed by so quickly. You were so excited and nervous.

"OMG! Kim! You have a boyfriend!" Kimi said out loud which gained a few attentions.

"shh...keep it down. We are not officially dating yet pabo. He just asked me out, maybe to stroll around the campus or maybe  buy icecream." You said in a hushed tone.

"You are so lucky"

"I know right" You smiled. " Oh, i need to go know. See you later Kimi!"

" Have a blast Kim!" she waved.


You went to Luhan's locker and found him leaning against his locker. He looked up at you and smile.

"hey there" Luhan said, seductively.

Your heart bit was so fast you thought it would burst.

" Hey,i want to take you somewhere. " Luhan took your hand and you felt like melting.

Alot of girls watched you being held by Luhan. Other girls were like " aww so cute" while other girls were like " I'm going to kill her. She took my Luhan"

You didn't mind them. You were in paradise.

You and luhan arrived at the field. Their were a couple of students playing soccer. Both of you went to this tree and sat under it. It was silent for a moment until...

" You're so beautiful"

"t-thank you"

Luhan looked at you and started leaning. what is he doing? is..is he going to kiss me? what should i do?

You didn't know what to do so you closed your eyes and started leaning close to Luhan. You waited for a minute but felt not lips against yours. 

You opened your eyes and saw a bunch of kids surrounding you holding cameras and phones.

"Did you try to kiss me?" Luhan shockingly blurted out.

"W-what..uh.. i thought..-"

" You tried to kiss me." Girls who witnessed this were staring at you like they were trying to put a hole in your head. 

" i thought y-you were trying to kiss me" 
" Me? Kiss you? Who would want to kiss you?" Luhan said.

" I thought you liked me?" You said shakingly. Tears were forming in your eyes.

"Who would like you. You're ugly" Luhan said chuckling.

You've heard enough. You abruptly stood up and ran away. Tears rolling down your cheeks.

Luhan laughed and the students joined in.

Luhan suddenly hear a voice. "You have been warned, Now, you'll pay" Luhan looked around and saw everyone laughing. He ignored this and went to hangout with his friends.



All of you guys are beautiful. I'm just trying to make Luhan really mean in this story for  a reason which you'll know someday. Remember, all of you gals are pretty and when someone says you're ugly just say " what you say is what you are!" and then walk of. Us girls are important. We cannot let anyody hurt us. 



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exoexoforevah #1
Chapter 8: bwahahahahahahahahah! uh-oh! what's going to happen next?! UPDATE!!!
liongirl_lian #2
Chapter 7: hahaha xD he turned into a girl and met himself xD
Chapter 7: Lol..!! He turned to a GIRL that's awesome .. xDD
I saw lots of pics of Luhan as a GIRL..
Update Soon
liongirl_lian #4
Chapter 5: Hahah xD that's what he deserves!!! keke update soon author-nim^_^ it was really great:D i can't wait for the next chapter!!!! ahahah how am i going to imagine Luhan being a girl xDDD haha
Chapter 5: Ahh.. interesting Luhan is finally a GIRL ..
bwahaha . that's what u get for playing a girls hearts ..
Chapter 3: Author-nim I didn't mean to be rude but I can't read
ur story properly bcuz of the font ur using.. I'm so sorry
if u find this rude.. please don't hate mee..
Upadate soon!!^^