

The last bell rang  and all the classes were dismissed. You were so nervous, remembering that you and Luhan were going to study together today. You tried your best to calm down.

You went to your locker and grabbed all your stuff and you head your way to the library. You kept on thinking what to say or what to do so it wouldn't be awkward between you guys. You weren't noticing that you were walking fast and ...

"AH!" you fell hard on your and you were lying on the floor growning from the pain.

"Are you alright?" A worried but sincere voice was heard from beside you. You opened your eyes to see Kris trying to help you up. Once you were up on your feet a sting of pain was felt from you back. You twitched and closed your eyes, hoping that it would go away already. 

"I'm really sorry. I didn't see you." Kris apologized.

"I should be the one saying my sorry. My mind was so occupied with so much things that i didn't notice was walking with so much speed. I'm sorry"

"Nah! Let's just forget about this * he looks at his watch* Oh shoot! I'm late for something, it was nice bumping into you" He waved and started running. Kris was more handsome up close and he is your type.

You snapped back to reality, forgot all about Kris when you remembered Luhan in the library. You gathered all your things that scattered when you fell and began running.

You reached the library panting uncontrollably and sweating a little. Luhan was already seated at a table reading a book and looked up when he heard someone walking.

"Oh hi" He smiled. You smiled back. oh that smile.

"I'm sorry i'm late" 

"No its ok" He stoop up and helped you with your things. He then pushed the chair when you sat down. Like a gentleman. You feel so special and blushed.

"Hey, nice blush"

"Huh? what blush?" you asked.

"The one that you're wearing right now"

"What? I don't wear make-up"

"oh, but why is your cheek pinkish?"

AHHH! You screamed in your head. My blushing was to obvious. 
"Oh this is nothing"

"You look beautiful today" He flashed another one of that smile that makes your heart beats so fast and the one that makes you loko inside.

You were speechless and blushed more. You heard him chucke and you felt so silly right now.

"I-um..- We should startt studying" You stuttered.

"OK" He grinned and then the both of you started researching. but most of the time, you just stared at him.

"Hey meet me at my locker tomorrow. I want to take you out"

You stared and tried to savour the moment. Did he  just ask me out?


"Great,see you tomorrow" He winked again and walked off.

GREAT! How am i supposed to go back home when i'm frozen by love. 



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exoexoforevah #1
Chapter 8: bwahahahahahahahahah! uh-oh! what's going to happen next?! UPDATE!!!
liongirl_lian #2
Chapter 7: hahaha xD he turned into a girl and met himself xD
Chapter 7: Lol..!! He turned to a GIRL that's awesome .. xDD
I saw lots of pics of Luhan as a GIRL..
Update Soon
liongirl_lian #4
Chapter 5: Hahah xD that's what he deserves!!! keke update soon author-nim^_^ it was really great:D i can't wait for the next chapter!!!! ahahah how am i going to imagine Luhan being a girl xDDD haha
Chapter 5: Ahh.. interesting Luhan is finally a GIRL ..
bwahaha . that's what u get for playing a girls hearts ..
Chapter 3: Author-nim I didn't mean to be rude but I can't read
ur story properly bcuz of the font ur using.. I'm so sorry
if u find this rude.. please don't hate mee..
Upadate soon!!^^