


Kris looked up with a hard look in his eyes as I settled down on the chair in front of him.

“You’re late.”

“I’m sorry, just that I lost track of time and-“

“You’re wasting my time.”

I scrunched up my nose in disgust. I quickly scanned him head to toe. Perfect facial features, perfectly styled hair, perfectly fitted outfit. Like a character coming out straight from the manga. Everything was perfect until he opened his mouth.

“Well I’m sorry, I forgot that you’re an ‘important person’ and that time is valuable to you,” I narrowed my eyes at him.

His eyes twitched when I gestured the quotation marks in the air when I said he was an important person. As if he wasn’t glad that I disregarded the fact that he ACTUALLY IS an important person.

Oh God, for all I care. You can be the most important person on earth for all you want.

His lips turned into a smirk, his cold eyes now added with a glint of playfulness.

“I sense jealousy….”

I blinked.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re jealous that you are not as important as me.”

My jaw dropped.


“Oh.. and you’re excused.”


Wipe that smirk off your face, idiot.



“YOU BETTER NOT COME IN FRONT OF ME OR I AM GONNA KILL YOU!” I half-yelled to the phone receiver.

A string of laughter was heard from the other line.


“Oh shut up, Yuri.”

“Do you want to stop laughing or not?”

“Okay okay! I’m sorry….It’s just too funny I can’t oh my God I can’t…”

And there she goes again. Having someone laughing at my misery was the last thing I need today! Soon a deep laughter was heard.

“Park Chanyeol, don’t you dare laugh.”

“Damn babe, this is the funniest thing I’ve heard all summer.”

I grunted in annoyance. Here I am, walking on the street…barefooted. I failed, eventually. I couldn’t endure walking in those heels any longer when I’m already in such a foul mood. The date with Kris was the most horrible date I’ve ever went to all my life. He was so conceited and full of himself. He even indirectly insulted me saying he was actually being kind for accepting to go on this date with me. I could only figure out two things that were running through his mind when he said that. One, I was a desperate, hopeless romantic. Two, I was desperate for wanting to go on a date with me. I was so shocked at his bluntness that I found myself speechless not able to fight back. I would have shouted something like ‘I WOULDN’T EVEN DATE YOU IF YOU WERE THE LAST MAN ON EARTH’ or somewhere along that line if I haven’t been too overwhelmed by his jerk-like personality. I mean I’ve heard rumors of his personality, but having to deal with it personally was a shocker. I mentally face-palmed myself for being so stupid.

Right after our meal, I immediately excused myself saying I had some things to attend to...

Things like getting mad at me for telling In-Young and Chanyeol what happened on my date only to regret it later because they just wouldn’t stop laughing.

Things like walking on the streets, in the middle of the city, bare footed with an ugly scowl on my face.

Things like going to the Starbucks for my treat even though I didn’t really survived the day on heels. Well, let’s just say that it would be more of a token of appreciation to me for making the effort to last the day in heels. I did a victory dance in my mind and smiled triumphantly.


Heads turned to me as I entered the café. Centre of attention, how flattering. I rolled my eyes and continued making my way to the counter. I could almost hear what they are thinking.

Is walking barefooted really not normal? I sighed in defeat.

I placed my phone between my ear and shoulder as I placed my order.

“Are you two done laughing or what?” I asked, annoyed as I made my way to the collection ocunter.

“Pretty much done….”

I was about to answer when Chanyeol interrupted.

“…for the day.”

And there they go again. Honestly, I don’t understand how In-Young can stand a guy like Chanyeol, vice versa. But then again, they’re both the exact same copy of each other. Figures.

“Alright baby, let’s stop laughing at Yuri. She had a rough day today.” I heard In-Young said.

“Chocolate chip cream with extra caramel drizzle!”

My eyes twinkled in delight as they called out my order signaling that it was ready.


I exited the café with my phone still in between my shoulders and ear. I halted abruptly when I saw a familiar figure across the street.

An instant smile spread across my face.

“Well, actually guys, despite the fact that the date was horrible, my day wasn’t so bad afterall.” I replied as my eyes trailed the figure as he walked down the street. Surrounded with a couple other guy friends, the guy was laughing heartily, like he owned all the happiness in the world as he joked around with his friends.

I find myself in awe observing the way his eyes turned crescent moon. How his lips curled upwards in the most natural way as possible. He looked like he was having the time of his life even though all he was doing at the moment was just walking down the street with a group of friends.

“Oh really?” Chanyeol asked in a teasing manner.

“Tell us what happened!” In-Young asked excitedly.

The figure soon got further away and finally out of my sight. I have no idea why but I can’t seem to stop myself from smiling. I turned the other way as I started walking to the taxi stop.


“Fate happened.”

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rainbow_unicorn #1
Chapter 5: Aww omg this is too sweet. Why did time pass so fast? Are you gonna write the next few chapters as a flashback?? Can't wait! :D
rainbow_unicorn #2
Chapter 3: Omg please post the next chapter. I want them to meet so bad....!!! ^^^^^ thank you author-nim!! <3
rainbow_unicorn #3
Chapter 2: Omg baekhyun!! Ahh please update!!! I cannot wait for them to meet again!! Geeeee omg I'm crazy!! *subscribes* ^_^