First meeting



Being born in the same country
Talking in the same language
We’re so lucky,
it’s such a relief
Nothing is for certain in this world


I breathed in the fresh air as I stepped out of my comfort, my house. The sun filtered through the clouds, signaling the end of the rain. I stretched my hands and a heave of contented sigh escaped my lips. Everything was all peaceful and serene until I glanced at my Karl Lagerfeld pyramid bracelet watch.


The click-clacking sound of my heels filled my ears as I was half-running towards the main road. I huffed in annoyance mumbling incoherent words. I foresee myself hating the creator of high heels. Glancing through my outfit, I shuddered. This is so unlike me. I had a Sheath black dress on that somehow managed to fit my thin body perfectly. Fine, I admit, the way the fabric fit my body made me looked somewhat elegant…..? But still, it’s not my style. Pairing it with a Sergio Rossi pump heels and a simple silver charm bracelet. I mentally reminded myself to kill In-Young the next time I meet her, for making me invest so much on things that I will only wear once. Not to forget the struggles I had to face. I will definitely treat myself to a cup of Chocolate Chip Cream with extra Caramel drizzle on the whipped cream if I managed to survive the day in this outfit.

Apparently, I am on my way to a ‘meeting’ with one of the most sought after bachelors in Seoul. My mother and my childhood friend In-Young had managed to arrange a date for me with Wu Yifan(even though he expects others to call him Kris), just another lucky kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth, next in the line to become the heir of his father’s successful business. From the pictures I’ve seen and after seeing him at company events and such, as a girl, I have to say he definitely has a good look. Tall, handsome, charismatic. (Sorry I had to roll my eyes at that.) He’s too good to be true. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s a lazy guy who slacks off all the time and not to mention, fully relying on his father’s money, I would have said he would be the perfect husband. Oh did I mention that he’s actually rude? Like.. very rude. Sadly, what I’m looking for isn’t perfect. I have my own personal taste on what I look for in a guy but apparently my taste is never to the liking of the society’s ideal.

Of all days, my car just had to fail on me. Why of all days when I’m wearing shoes that are impossible to walk on! And to make it worse, there isn’t any cab in sight.

Just as I heaved a sigh, a taxi was seen approaching. Delightedly, I stretched my hand out and hailed for the cab. The car stopped a safe distance away in front of me and I rushed to the door.

I froze when my hand suddenly came in contact with another hand that was also reaching for the door handle.

It was a mistake to look up as I found myself lost in his clear eyes that has a certain undeniable sparkle in them. He had defined features, perfect jawline and a light ash blonde hair. He must have also gotten surprised as he looked at me with round eyes, mouth slightly agape.

I recovered from my thoughts when his mouth turned into a gentle smile.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were going for this taxi too. Er… You go ahead first. I can wait for another one.”

He’s pleasant and polite persona caught me off guard. I was so lost and dazed that all I could manage was a slight nod and a soft thank you.

I scurried in the taxi and told the driver the destination. As the car moved, I turned my head slightly to the spot where he was at. All I could see was his back figure, trying to hail another cab.

Slowly, I could feel the heat rush through my cheeks as I slightly blushed.

I don’t know why but I started to hope that I will be able to meet him again...someday.

Without realizing, a small smile filled my face forgetting all the bad thoughts that filled my mind. Forgetting that I was mad at In-Young. Forgetting that I was stuck in an outfit I absolutely hate for the next few hours. Forgetting that I would have to survive the day in heels. Forgetting that I was on my way to a date with a guy who was the complete opposite of the guy I met a few minutes ago. 

"I didn't get his name......"


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rainbow_unicorn #1
Chapter 5: Aww omg this is too sweet. Why did time pass so fast? Are you gonna write the next few chapters as a flashback?? Can't wait! :D
rainbow_unicorn #2
Chapter 3: Omg please post the next chapter. I want them to meet so bad....!!! ^^^^^ thank you author-nim!! <3
rainbow_unicorn #3
Chapter 2: Omg baekhyun!! Ahh please update!!! I cannot wait for them to meet again!! Geeeee omg I'm crazy!! *subscribes* ^_^