I love you



“You two should really be thankful to us. If it wasn’t for our persistence for that blind date, you wouldn’t have ended up together,” Chanyeol said as he wriggled his eyebrows.

Yes, indeed. I’m very thankful to Chanyeol and In Young. Because if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have been able to meet this amazing guy. I looked down to our intertwined hands that fit perfectly. It was like we were made for each other. And then I looked up to him. The man who made me believed in love. The man who changed my life. The man who made wonders to my life. I could feel a smile forming on my face as I look at him. It feels as if the whole world was on our side.

He must have felt me staring at him and so he turned to me. Immediately his eyes turned cresent moon and that killer smile he always show to me. The most sincere-loving smile. His smile was infectious. He moved closer and pecked my lips. In an instant, I could feel my cheeks heat up as I blush.

“You must really be something Baek. Look at her, blushing profusely. Even after 4 months, she’s still blushing madly over a peck.” In Young teased.

I threw a pillow to In Young and laughed. We were all in my room, hanging out, our usual Friday night routine.

It’s amazing how it has already been 4 months into our relationship. I really think fate brought us together. It has been 7 months since our first encounter with the taxi. After the ‘blind date’ Chanyeol and In young arranged, we’ve been contacting, going out on dates and getting to know each other. Along the way, realizing our love for one another.

“Anyway, we are going on a movie date so we’re sorry we have to leave early,” Chanyeol claimed as he got up from my couch.

“You don’t really have to say sorry you know,” Baek said.

“Can’t you just be nice to me for once,” Chanyeol grumbled.

I had to laugh at that. What hasn’t changed over these 7 months is that we won’t stop ganging up on Chanyeol. It only got stronger.

“Look Chanyeol, I’m so sad you’re leaving that I’m crying.”

“Ha-ha very funny Yuri.”

“Oh stop it you guys. Leave my baby alone. Cmon baby, we’re gonna miss that show.” In Young linked their arms and made their way out.

“Enjoy your movie, love you guys!”

“Love you too!” a faint, deep voice was heard.

Baekhyun chuckled.

As I was closing the door, I could feel hands circling my waist from behind. Simple gestures like this is what made my heart race. A simple kiss on the cheek got me melting into his embrace.

“Baek….” I whined.

“I didn’t know that I had this much effect on you babe,” he teased.

I turned to him and pouted and I got a peck in return.

“I never knew you were this touchy Baek.”

“You loved it.”

“Yes, I do.”

Baekhyun laughed, intertwining our hands and leading me to the balcony. It was a lovely, calm night. The trees are swaying in the breeze. Fresh air filled my lungs and I felt refreshed and exhilarated. Things couldn’t have gotten any better than this.

Baekhyun gently curled my hair behind my ears. Looking down on me, with that smile that I love the most plastered on his face.

“You remember our first date babe?”

“Wouldn’t forget it for the world.”

“Even though I was humiliating myself?”

“It’s cute. I loved it.”

“You’re too nice.”

“No, you’re too perfect. Too good to be true that sometimes I ask myself if this is real.”

He surprised me with a peck on my lips.

“God.. Baek! I should really make a rule about stealing kisses,”

“You can’t resist me babe.”

I groaned teasingly. “What happened to the old Baekhyun? What happened to, ‘err Yuri, can I.. Can I.. Kiss you?”

He laughed, “He fell deeply, crazily in love.”

Almost at an instant, I could feel myself grinning.

I closed the gap between us and brought myself to his embrace.

“I love you, Baek. I really do.”

“Me too baby, me too. I love you so much.”

He said as he tightened his arms around me.

I sighed in content.


This is just what I needed.

I briefly closed my eyes as my mind took me back to the time where we had our first kiss……. 


I know it's a really weird way of telling a story, like jumping here and there. Some people might find it disorganised but it's the way I wanted my story to be written. It's a risk I gotta take and I welcome all suggestions. I'm still a rookie writer, not sure if I'm even fit to be called one but I love challenges and I'm willing to risk it. So let me know if this works for you guys. If not, I'll compensate in an upcoming fanfic. 


Thanks loves!

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rainbow_unicorn #1
Chapter 5: Aww omg this is too sweet. Why did time pass so fast? Are you gonna write the next few chapters as a flashback?? Can't wait! :D
rainbow_unicorn #2
Chapter 3: Omg please post the next chapter. I want them to meet so bad....!!! ^^^^^ thank you author-nim!! <3
rainbow_unicorn #3
Chapter 2: Omg baekhyun!! Ahh please update!!! I cannot wait for them to meet again!! Geeeee omg I'm crazy!! *subscribes* ^_^