Chapter 14 (Minho's POV)

The Librarian's Story


       I found her. Come to my house this evening.


        Alright. We'll come at 5 p.m.



I flipped my phone shut. I hope that didn't wake her up. If she knew I told Taemin of her whereabouts, she would surely be furious and took off to somewhere else again and then I'd have to go on a wild goose chase again. She is still sleeping beside me, her head resting on my shoulders, peacefully. It is still dawn and I doubt any of the household had already woken up.

I woke up around ten minutes ago, my body feeling as stiff as ever. I tried my best to resist the urge to stretch so that I wouldn't wake Krystal up. We slept in this position the whole night so it wasn't strange that my body feels this stiff. Krystal stirred in her sleep. The corners of twitched, making it looks like she was smiling for a short while. I smiled to myself, admiring her beauty.

Krystal really is a bother. Right from the first time she appeared in my life. I was the one who had to carry her to my home. I was the one who prepared almost all her meals since mom was so busy taking care of her. I too, was the one who had to handle staying in a room with her. But she's a good kind of bother. I wouldn't mind her bothering me for the rest of my life.



I turned my head to see Krystal who just woke up and is now rubbing her eyes, lifting her head from my shoulders.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" I greeted her with a smile.

She was still in a half-sleep state. Seeing that her head is now fully off of my shoulders, I got up from my seat and stretched to my heart's, or rather my body's , desire.

"Krystal, we have to go down now. I don't want mother to notice anything ."

She nodded and got up and followed me out of the balcony and into the empty library.

"Minho?" She stopped me before we could get any further. "Let's agree to never do that ever again. My body is hurting all over."

I chuckled, pulling her closer to me as we make our way out of the building.

Yup, I wouldn't mind her being a bother for the rest of my life.








"So, 2 french toast, a cup of green tea and a glass of orange juice. Do you want anything else?"

"No thank you."

The waiter gave a slight nod, took away the menus and walked away from our table.


Krystal and I are now sitting in the diner me and Hongki used to always go to. We were lucky enough to escape the clutches of my mother. We managed to sneak away, fresh from the shower and with some money enough for the day's expenditures. It's a wonder mom didn't wake up yet because she is someone who sticks with the motto 'The early bird catches the worm'. In a way, I am kind of glad that she didn't wake up yet. If she did, I'm sure I wouldn't get any time with Krystal at all. I only have until 5 and I want to spend time with her as much as I can. Only me.


"So where do you want to go today, Krystal?" She looked up to me confusingly.

"You mean like on a date?"

"Why? You don't want to?" She shook her head.

"No, it's just-"

"Look, Krystal. I will say this once and for all. I love you, okay? I don't know if you feel the same way but-"

"I love you too." I froze in my seat, unable to continue my words.


Before the awkward silence completely engulfed us, the waiter came with our order, saving us from the situation. When all our food was served, the waiter walked away from the table again, leaving us to satisfy our rumbling stomach. We ate in silence, embarrassed to look at each other in the eyes after our sudden confessions to each other. I have to admit it came as a surprise to hear the words coming out of .

All this time, I had honestly thought she was just being chivalrous. My status and hers have way too much difference if compared. But then again, her confession explained a lot of stuff I couldn't understand. Like the first time she won't speak to me on the night of Donghae's birthday party or why she would wait for me until late at night when my mother didn't even do that. I love this girl, with all my heart and I'm grateful she does too.


"Let's go to the ice skating ring!"Krystal exclaimed as we walked out of the diner. Her face was full of radiance and brightness unlike the face I saw yesterday.

"Ice skating ring?"

"Yup! Do you know of a good place?" She asked as if that place is confirmed to be our next destination.

"Krys, I'm not very much of a skater."

"C'mon Minho! I'll teach you. Just for a short time, please!" She pleaded with her big brown eyes. And the next thing I knew, we're already in the car, cruising to the nearest skating ring in the area.






Graceful. Elegant. Amazing.

These three mere words cannot even begin to describe Krystal when she's skating on ice. She is the most wonderful ice skater I've ever seen. Her skills can almost surpasses that of Kim Yuna's. She pulled off a few tricks that were obviously hard for an amateur she claims to be while I can barely keep my balance on the ice. I watched in awe as she does all the tricks and formation I've only seen on television. If only there were more people in the ring, they would have been transfixed like I am. Thank goodness there were only a few people in the ring, scattered here and there,  minding their own business. Krystal's skates screeched to a halt as she stands right before me, smiling in glee.


"Are you sure you're only an amateur?" To this, she responded with a simple laugh.

"I took a few classes when I was 7 up until 3 years ago. But there's still more that I haven't learned so I'm still an amateur.." Suddenly Krystal took my hand an urged me to come with her.

"Come on Minho! It's getting boring skating alone." She whimpered as if she was a 5 year-old girl.

"But I don't know how to skate. I told you, didn't I?" But she wasn't listening.

Instead, I found myself dragged by her to anywhere she wanted to skate. I looked like a fool compared to her who was skating like a goddess. i tried my best to keep to her pace and to not trip over my own feet as she skates here and there with high velocity. But that failed. Eventually, i lost my balance and, unintentionally, brought Krystal down with me. I ended up landing on top of her and our face were only an inch apart from each other.

Without thinking, my lips landed on her forehead. My resistance to kiss her obviously failed. She giggled at my sudden action. From this point of view, Krystal had never looked so perfect. If I had to pick a background that would suit her the most, it would be ice. Ice suits her perfectly. At first, she may seem cold but when the ice slowly melts, she is the warmest person you'll ever known. Thinking that we've been stuck in this position for quite a long time and how she must be freezing lying down on ice, I quickly get up so that she can get up too.


"That was fun!" She exclaimed. "Where should we go next?"

"The beach?"I said on an impulse.

I have never really given any thought on where we should go next but it must be somewhere there won't be a lot of people to disturb us. Since summer is ending and autumn is quickly approaching, the beach sounds like it would be empty.

"I haven't go to the beach all summer so let's go!"






Just like I predicted, the beach was empty except for a few seagulls flying around and some sea critters scurrying around at the sight of humans. It was a cloudy day so it wasn't really that hot. Which is much better since we were not prepared to go to the beach anyway. As soon as Krystal climbed out of  the car, her face lights up like a kid who just entered the candy store. She ran to feel the sand on her feet and just running around like all her problems were all behind her. Not intending to miss the moment, I joined her and ran to catch up with her, thus beginning our cat and mouse chase.

After running around the beach with no real purpose, we plopped down on the sandy ground. Trying to catch our breath after our silly chase, we sat next to each other. I caught a glimpse of Krystal's face and I could see  serenity and contentment on her face with all this though it's not much. We sat in utter silence as we take in the beautiful scenery in front of us. It would have been more perfect if only it was sunset. But we don't have much time until that.

Suddenly Krystal got up and went nearer towards the sea. I got up and followed her. We walked hand in hand by the sea shore, sometimes playing with the uncertain tides. It was peaceful and everything seemed so perfect. I wished that this moment could go on forever. Then I got an idea. It came from an article that I once read a few years ago but never really got to try it.

I picked up a stick that was laying around the beach and leaned down to the wet sand. Krystal stood by me, staring confusingly at what I am doing. With the stick in my hand, I wrote my name and hers in a large heart that was pierced by an arrow. Right below it, I wrote the word 'Forever'. Finishing my artwork, I stood next to her and face my beloved's face. Tears were pooling in her eyes as she saw this.

In an instant, she crushed her lips to mine in a quite messy manner. I returned the kiss willingly as the waves crash into the beach, deleting any traces of what I had wrote on the the sand. But it didn't matter. Krystal saw it and that's what counts. She whispered 'I love you' in my ear as I hold her tightly in an embrace. I replied it with no hesitation. My feelings for her are clear. We continued our walk for another five more minutes when she halted abruptly.


"Minho, I'm hungry." I looked at my watch. No wonder she was feeling hungry. It's already time for lunch.

"Yeah, I'm hungry too. Let's go and have lunch!"







By the time we arrived at the restaurant, it was already full with people and we had to wait in line. Fortunately, there is only two couples in front of us so it won't be too long before we got in. I glanced at Krystal, worried that she might get impatient for waiting too long, but her face proved otherwise. She kept a smiling face as we queue. I started surveying the place without moving from my spot. The place was quite fancy, though the kind that was affordable to those of my class. And the staff seems pretty friendly too. Maybe that's why a lot of people come here. I returned my gaze to the line before me. Only one couple left. Shouldn't be long now.

My eyes feeling kind of restless, turned it's field of vision to the people passing by the restaurant. There weren't a lot of people on their shopping spree today. Probably because it is a weekday and pay day is still a long way to go. Then, my eyes caught sight of a familiar figure, carrying a shopping bag, walking past this restaurant. But she stopped for a few seconds and reversed her steps to look at the menu that was written on a blackboard outside the restaurant. It was Yoona. I hope she doesn't see me but it was too late.

She averted her gaze to the line of people waiting to enter the restaurant and she caught my eyes. saying what I thought to be my name and Krystal's in a shocked manner. I forgot to explain this situation to her and we've been quite close since she first came here.


"Minho! It's our turn."

"Um, you go ahead, Krys. I have some business to attend to. Be back in a few minutes okay?"

"Okay..." Krystal looked at me confusingly as I step out of the restaurant to approach Yoona. Thank goodness she followed my advice and went in first so I don't think she saw Yoona.

"Why are you here with Krystal?" She enquired when I stood before her.

"Yoona, I can explain."

"Explain then." Her tone sounded like she was hurt and getting a bit impatient. Her face matched her tone, anger mixed with confusion. I took a deep breath and started.

"I'm with Krystal now. We have started dating so she's my girlfriend. We're on a date right now. So I hope you won;t interfere." I explained it all in one breath. It was obvious that she is shocked with it all which confused me since our relationship was platonic on her side.

"Oh..umm.. Alright then!" She said with a fake cheery tone. Her eyes glistened with tears. "I just want to say that I'm going back to the States in a few weeks time and I would spend some time with you before I go. Would that be alright?"

"Um.. sure.  I don't see a reason why not. Text me the details later!"

"Ok then. Have fun with Krystal!" And then she went off.

I entered the restaurant to find Krystal smiling at me and our food already served. Immediately, my stomach grumbled at the sight of food.

We spent our lunch time together like any couple would. We talked about our life before each other's presence  and what our school life is, or in my case was, like. We spent quite a time getting to know each other's past better. It was a good thing too since I knew almost nothing about her. The fact that she loves to eat mangoes were unknown to me. And that she hates pink is also a new fact to me too.


"Minho, let's spend some time here at the mall!" Krystal said after we finished our lunch.

"Sure, what do you want to buy?"

"No, I don't want to buy anything.


"It's just.. something I've always wanted to do with my boyfriend," she said shyly. I smiled.


We walked out of the restaurant and started wondering around the mall, occasionally went into stores that have their items on sale. We went to the bookstore to find a book that my mother has always been searching for. We stopped and rest for awhile at one of the food stands here. But then, we ran out of places to go. It seemed like we went to every part of the shopping mall. That is, until we found a jewelry shop at the most unexpected place.

The shop was quite deserted from other rows of shops here but it attracted us to go in so we did. Everything in the shop was attractive to our eyes. The simple carpeting, the way they display their merchandise, the friendly staff and of course, the merchandise itself. We started looking around the shop for anything affordable, considering the money I brought is depleting. And something did caught my eyes.

Krystal was at the other end of the shop, looking around at everything. I doubt that she noticed this part. It w as a pair of couple ring, made of stainless steel which meant it won't corrode easily. The shape was pretty and in a way kind of unique. And the best part was it didn't cost much as I originally thought it would. I didn't think twice and brought out my wallet. The staff helped with the rings, putting the ring for the girl in a pretty velvet box. I waited outside for Krystal and when she came out, she looked kind of disappointed. She said there were a lot of things she wanted to buy if only her parents didn't take her credit card away.

Without her expecting it, I knelt down on one knee in front of her and took out the velvet box containing the newly brought ring. She gasped, her face in utter shock and amazement. I asked her the words "Will you be my girlfriend?" and she nodded furiously. I put the ring on her finger and luckily it was a perfect fit. Everybody was staring at us and clapping their hands and I suddenly felt embarrassed. I forgot that we were in public but it didn't matter. I don't know why I did that. It was totally on impulse. All that I could think of was I need to confirm our status so that neither one of us will be puzzled with our current relationship and just to make it official.

But what I did not realize was that this action will only cost us more heartbreak. I looked at my watch and realize that time is almost up. I almost forgot that Taemin would come this evening. I have a bad premonition about his arrival. Something that said this maybe our last time spending time with each other. With a grim face, I said to Krystal that it's time for us to go home. She said nothing and followed me to the car. We drove in silence all the way home. The happy moment between us was immediately snatched away without us completely feeling the rest of it to our heart's content. I was screaming inside. Why did I only realize that I love her too much to let her go now?


"Krystal, whatever happen after this, I want you to keep the ring so that you know I will always love you." I said in a serious tone.

"Of course I would keep this forever. But why are you saying this all of a sudden? It's like we're not going to be together anymore." She asked a bit confused with my sudden statement. Not intending to tell her about Taemin's arrival, I tried my best to get rid of her confusion without revealing the whole truth.

"Just as a precaution. Our problems are not yet settled so we don't know what will happen after this. Do me a favour, and please remember this."



I turned my car at the corner of the street heading towards my home. Parking at our usual place, we got out of the car. I held Krystal's hand all the way to my apartment. It is finally time for her to leave and I may never see her again. I can't believe I'm doing this to myself. Letting my beloved one go once again just like i did with Yoona. But I have to no matter how much it would hurt. Only for her sake.

We finally stopped in front of my door. Krystal is still staring at me confusingly because I look worried. She still doesn't know what is happening right now. Taking a deep breath, I open the front of door. On the couch of our living room, I can see Taemin and two other person that I've met once before. My mother was busy entertaining our guests. Finally, Krystal looked at me with an expression that said she finally understood why I was so worried and doleful.

"Krystal!" Mrs Jung exclaimed at the instant she saw her. She took her away from my side. Krystal shot me a confusing look and mouthed the words 'Save me'. Her mother set her down between herself and her father. She was hugging and kissing Krystal like there's no tomorrow. Upon noticing my presence, my mother excused herself and dragged me to the kitchen.

"Where have you been Minho?!" My mother half-whispered half-shouted in the kitchen.  It was clear that she was furious with me. "You disappeared for one day and now I see that you're back with Krystal?! And then her mother, her father and her fiance came here out of the blue and told me that they're waiting for you! Do you care to explain what is happening around here?"

"Mom calm down. I'll tell you everything." And so I did. I told her everything.

She finally calmed down and now we're sitting in the kitchen, observing what will happen to Krystal and her parents. I tried my best to peek and pry their conversation from the place where I am right now without my presence being noticed. The same goes to my mother. I hope they will settle everything between them fast enough.

"Krystal, I'm not going to tolerate this anymore!" Her father spoke with a lot of anger in his tone. "This isn't the first time you ran away from us! Your mother and i have reached a conclusion. You are not to leave the house until your wedding day comes."

"What?!" Krystal stood up, obviously furious. "Why are you still persisting with this? I don't want to get married with Taemin! And why can't I go out of the house until i graduate? I'll be stir-crazy if I have to be stuck in the house for the next 2 years!"

"Actually honey," Her mother spoke this time." We changed the date. Your wedding will be held next week. We've already settled everything. The invitations, your dress and the place is all set up, so you cannot get away from this."

"MOM! DAD! How could you?! Taemin!" She turned around and pointed at Taemin who has been quiet all this time. "What made you agree to this?! I thought you were against this from the start? What about Sulli?"

"I'm sorry Krys. I had to agree to this. They said if I didn't, Sulli would have to move far away from here and I can never see her again." I can hear the sorrowful tone in his voice.

"But-but-" Krystal stammered, still finding a perfect statement she can use to cancel the wedding.

"I don't want to hear anything else from you young lady! By hook or by crook , you're coming with us and there'll be no running away this time!"


Without a word, her father dragged her out of the house. Krystal struggled al the way out but her efforts were fruitless. Before everyone of them left the house, her mother turned and shouted towards the living room the words of gratitude to the empty living room for having them over. I could do nothing but watch as my beloved one go. My heart ached more as I see her begging for mercy though her father ignores her. How could they do this to her? Don't they care about their daughter's happiness?

My mother left me to be by myself after her efforts of coaxing me proved to be in vain. I didn't cry and I didn't smile either. I was silent the whole time after she left. Staring into empty spaces like my life has lost its meaning. I miss her so much. I cannot think of anything else. The scene in the living room keeps replaying in my head. Why did I love her too much? Why didn't I stopped her from going away? I cannot let this be. I let this happened once and I suffered for a long time. I must not let this one slips through my fingers again I must do something about this. I must get her back!

But the wedding is in a week's time.

Will there be enough time for me to devise a plan and stop the wedding?







Yeay! I finally updated this fic! Took me a really long time too!

Sorry everyone!!

So, the couple went on a date and went home only to be separated from each other.

I really want to know what do you think about this chapter since I wasn't on a stable emotional state when I was writing this.

Oh! And an important announcement!

I deleted the FB page for this story since I thought it was kinda stupid to have something like that.

Another thing is.. 

This fic is near its end. I've already planned out the ending so wait for it!!

For the 100th subscriber stuff, I just figured out that it is an uncertain kind of thing.


 I will change the chance to get the one-shot written from me contest to..

The one who will comment the most!

And their comments must be something interesting and NOT, I repeat NOT 'update soon'!

Looking forward to your comments!

And please tell other MinStal fans and ShinyEffects fans that you know about this fic!

It reached 100 subs so I hope it would reach until at least 150!

Please help me realize this dream guys!

After this, I will finish my short story Hidden Sorrows before writing the next chapter for this.

When that is done, then my full concentration will be on this fic and on finishing it.

Well that, and my sudies..

Wish me luck and please check out this two fic!

Hidden Sorrows

Our Fairytale

Shoutout for new subscribers!!















Thanks A LOT!!

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i totally forgot about this fic! i loved it so much <3 just came here to say that~
ikrystal #2
Chapter 17: Please update soon..
Don't leave this story..
Sumaiya_Sultana #3
Chapter 17: Just think of it as if you're writing a KaiStal story. Think of Minho as Kai. Hwaiting!
Chapter 17: I ship Kaistal too, but this story is just amazing! Probably one of the best I've ever read. And I hope you'll surprise your readers for the ending :) All the best! Hwaiting!
Chapter 16: Make minstal together please !!!!!
Chapter 16: i just finished reading the story from chap 1 until this chap.
its interesting :)
i hope minho will find the way~
and, someone who krystal called is it sulli?
Chapter 17: lol i get you xD dont worry i'll wait
Chapter 17: Glad u finally back author nim
Chapter 17: nooo taestal and kaistal ; n ; minstal asdfghjkl
koyang1234 #10
Chapter 16: Plz update