Chapter 13 (Minho's POV)

The Librarian's Story

Hey guys~ I'm back!!

Sorry you guys had to wait for the next chapter for so long so I hope you enjoy this!

This chapter focuses on Minho after Krystal went home.

My sister thought that Minho in here was kind of a .. Do you think so?

Cause I'm starting to feel she's right..

OMG, I have failed you guys..





I'm left alone in the house again. Mom is out playing mahjong with her friends and I didn't go out with Yoona today because she said she wants to spend time with the girls this time. These few days, I felt so alone. Mom is always busy. If it's not related to keeping the library together then it's always something else. Things between mom and I have never been the same since Krystal's departure. It was like she was punishing me by not caring about me for letting Krystal leave.  I can't even be alone with Yoona anymore. There will always be a third person following us. Amber or Luna would always insist to come with us and Yoona is too nice to say no. And then they declared Wednesday night as girl's night out which left me alone and bored at home.

I keep finding myself wishing Krystal hadn't left me. Wishing Yoona didn't find the missing poster and Krystal would never remember her past. Then maybe, I won't be so alone like now. But I did it for the best. Krystal must have missed her family so much and it is selfish of me to keep her here, working for my mom when it is clear that her background and ours a re so different from each other.

At times, I regret spending so much time with Yoona when Krystal was still here. If only I knew Krystal was destined to be sent home earlier than I had expected. I would have spend more time with her. We could watch football games together and play basketball in the evenings at the nearby park. I can' t do all that with Yoona the way I did with Krystal. The feeling was not the same with both of them. When I want to watch a game and Yoona was beside me, she would complain about how there's no point of watching it and instead you should play it rather than sitting around to watch some stupid game. I tried to reason with her but before I could, she already changed the channel. Another time when I ask her to join me in basketball, she would decline and ask me to accompany her shopping instead in which she reasoned also a form of exercise.

I wish Krystal was here. My bedroom felt so empty the day she left. I wished she would have said no when I asked her if she wanted to go back home. My heart feels hollow. None of the time I spent with Yoon could be compared to the time with her, now that I think about it. I used to feel content when I'm with Yoona but ever since Krystal went home, nothing was the same. I keep wondering why I feel like that but I found no answer. Lately, I have been eating less because I keep thinking of her and my appetite just went away. I have trouble sleeping too because I keep having nightmares which mostly involved Krystal getting hurt and I couldn't do anything to help her. I have been restless these few days and everything I see, everywhere I go, reminds me of her.

The sudden knock on the door disrupted my brooding thoughts on Krystal. I switched off the tv that I was barely paying attention to. There was nothing good on anyway. Who could it be at times like this? Is it mom, back from playing mahjong and gloating about how much she won over her friends? Or is it Yoona, Amber and Luna, already back from their outing? They would always come here after going out for reasons I don't know. Maybe mom told them to treat this house like their own or maybe they are only dropping stuff they bought for mom.


When I opened the door, what lies behind it shocked me. Krystal stood in front of me with a tear-stained face and disheveled hair. Tears pooled in her eyes but before they could fall, Krystal clears and pulled herself together.

"Krys? I mean Soojung? What are you doing here?"

"Umm… can I come in?" When she spoke, her voice trembles, probably trying to hold herself from crying.

"Sure, of course. Come in." I led her to the couch. She sat there looking haggard and very miserable. I felt sorry for her. Maybe I should offer her a drink?

"Hey, do you want something to drink?"

"No, thanks." Well, that failed. I took my place beside her and turn the tv back on. I keep flipping over channels, changing from one to another to avoid the awkward situation between us.


Why is it so awkward now? Just a while ago, I had wish she was here an now that she is here, I'm doing something else and not paying any attention to her. She fixed her gaze on the floor. My guess is she's trying hard not to break down. She'S strong like that. I quietly observe her from where I am siting. She wasn't looking her best at all. Her face was tear-stained and her eyes were swollen, probably from too much crying. I wonder why she would cry. She's home now right? Her past has been discovered so she should be living happily, right? So why does this girl with disheveled hair looks so miserable?


But still, even in her state, miserable and messy-looking, she was still a beauty. She even looks prettier than Yoona right now. Why didn't I realize this before?


"Minho?" Her trembling voice startled me.

"Yes, Krys-I mean Soojung-ssi?"

"It's fine. Just call me Krystal." She tried to give me a smile but the most she could do was a tight one. She was hesitant for a while, as if editing her words before it escaped .

"Minho, would you mind…" She didn't finish her sentence.

"Mind what, Krys?"

"Would you mind if I stay here for a while?" Her word came out in a slur but I heard every word clearly. However, it was still surprising.

"Why would you want to stay here?" Realizing that came out quite harsh, I rephrased my question. "I mean, why would you want to stay here when you have a beautiful house with a loving family?"

"Please, Minho! I'm begging you! Please let me stay here for 3 to 4 days or so. I promise I won't be a nuisance." She plead again.

"Why do you want to stay here so much? Aren't your parents treating you well? What about your sister? Why don't you tell her your problems? She looked kind of hurt to hear my response.

"You don't understand, Minho."

"Then make me understand." She broke down in tears. I began wondering if her parents had abused her. But the last time I saw her with her parents, she was happy to see them again and they were happy to see her too. Or was it all an act?

"Are they abusing you?" She shook her head. Gosh! Tell me what happened Krys! You can't expect me to help you without knowing your problems!" Her tears turned into sobs when she finally look up and face me.

"Well, it started out like this...


She told me everything that had happen these few days. Her sister wasn’t there because she’s studying in LA so she can’t tell her problems. Her parents want her to marry someone she didn’t love. His name is Taemin. They want them to get married so both companies would form a merger and this would benefit both of them in the sense of profit. But she doesn’t want to and neither does he so her parents keep making them go on dates with each other. She said she didn’t mind at first because Taemin is her best friend but then both of the parents keep wanting them to do more.


She told me Taemin already has a girlfriend and he’s very loyal to her. His girlfriend became one of the reasons she didn’t want to marry him. She doesn’t want to interfere with her best friend’s love life so that’s why she ran away in the first place. Taemin refused to do more than hugging even as their parents pushed him. His parents had even banned him from seeing his girlfriend. She couldn’t stand seeing him always being miserable and out of focus. Even his grades are dropping and he is supposed to graduate next year. She couldn’t stand all the pressure and seeing her best friend in a state of depression, she ran away again.


She looked up to face me with her teary eyes after she had told me everything.  “What should I do, Minho?” I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to tell her to stay here for as long as she wants to but the house is not mine and that seems to be selfish. I had to tell her what I think is right.


“I think… I think you should go back to your parents.” The words felt bitter as it came out of my mouth. Krystal stopped crying immediately and stood up. Her face had anger and hurt written all over it.

“What are you talking about? Are you even listening?!” I stood up and took her hand. “Krys, it’s not that and you know it.” She snatched her hand away from mine before I can finish what I wanted to say.

“Shut up, Minho! You’re just like them. Nobody wants me to be happy, is that it?” Tears started to swell up at the corner of her eyes.


“If you don’t want me to be here, then I'll leave. Goodbye, Minho.” She stormed out of the door before I could catch her. I wanted to go and calm her down but something is telling me that she would want some time alone and sort things out for herself. So I let her be and went back to my position before she came, flipping through the channels on the television.


I didn’t know how much time had passed since Krystal’s surprise visit. Somewhere along the endless shows I watch for less than a minute, I fell asleep. The TV was still on when I woke up and I turned it off, not wanting to waste more energy. I am still alone. Mom still has not come back yet. She must have gone to lunch with her friends after playing Mahjong. I don’t think she’ll be back until much later today.


Since Krystal went back to her home, my mom has been avoiding me. She was furious when she knew that Krystal went home. She became angry when I told her that Krystal had recovered her memory. She was devastated and didn’t speak to me for two days. She went on like I wasn’t there. But then she started to accept the fact and started talking to me again only now she tries to avoid seeing me often. She would organize her meetings at the time I wasn’t working and at other times, she would just go out with her friends. I was hurt by this but I didn’t want to show it so I let her do anything she wants.


My stomach rumbled as I remember I didn’t have my lunch yet. I walked over to the kitchen and raid the cupboard for something good to eat. I found 3 packets of instant Ramyun and I figured this would do. I was too lazy to cook something that requires a lot of effort so the ramyun was perfect. After the ramyun was ready, I brought the ramyun to the coffee table in the living room. My only hope at that time was for mom not to come home. If she saw me eating at the living room and not on the dining table then she would freak.


When the ramyun was set on the coffee table, I ran to the kitchen for some chopsticks. I saw two bags laying beside the door. That must have been the things Amber, Luna and Yoona bought for mom. Yoona has a spare key so she had access to the house anytime she wants to. I didn’t want for the ramyun to cool down as I ate it ravenously. It felt like a year since I had my last meal and I was starving. In less than 5 minutes, the bowl was clean but I was still not satisfied. I figured I should just finish the other packets and write ramyun on the shopping list.


Before I could start working on my next meal, the doorbell rang. I panicked for awhile for I thought it could be mom. She would see that I ate on her precious coffee table and I’ll be doomed. I put the dirty bowl in the sink and wiped the coffee table though I didn’t really spill anything on it. That was just a precaution since mom has eyes like a hawk and nose like a dog. She would even notice the smallest detail. Then I ran to open the door but outside wasn’t mom standing. It was a boy, maybe a few years younger than I am, looking very worried.


“Are you Choi Minho?” he asked. I nodded, wondering how this boy knew my name.

“I‘m Lee Taemin.” Taemin? Ah, this boy whose parents wanted him to marry Krystal! “Would you like to come in?”

“No thanks, I’ll just be quick. Has Krystal come here this morning?”

“Yeah, she did. But I told her to go home and she left. Didn’t she come home?” the boy sighed and rubbed his temples slowly. Was Krystal missing again?

“No, she did not. Sorry for troubling you. I’ll go now.”

“Wait, I’ll help you find her. Just give me your number so I’ll tell you when I have found her.” We exchanged numbers and he bid goodbye as he left my doorstep.


My hunger left me as panic took over my head. Where could she be? Maybe she’s still around the neighborhood. I could catch her if I’m fast enough. I was all set to leave the house when I remembered something. Mom still hasn’t come home. She would be worried if she were to come home to an empty house. So I took out a piece of paper and wrote that I will be out for awhile and to not wait up for me. I put it on the coffee table and left hurriedly as I locked all the doors and windows.


The first place that came to my mind was Jinki-hyung’s bakery. She could have gone there to eat something and maybe chat with him or Victoria. They seemed close last time. I ran to his bakery only to find out that there was no one else there but Victoria. I asked her if she saw Krystal anywhere but all she said was no. So I left the bakery and continued to search around the neighborhood. After an hour or so, it was clear that all my efforts were in vain. I couldn’t find her anywhere and nobody saw her roaming around the streets. I was frustrated at the end of it all. Then my cellphone rang, signaling a new message just came by.


Have you found her yet?



It was from Taemin. I let out a sigh before replying.


I’m sorry, but I have not found her. I searched the whole neighborhood but nobody saw her.



A few seconds after I sent the message, I got a reply.


Does she has any special place that she would go to when she stayed there with you?



His message gave me an idea on how to find her.


I think I know where she is. I’ll text you when I find her.



I closed my phone and ran back to my house. I didn’t bother to wait for a reply from Taemin. I must hurry before she leave the place. I don’t even know if my guess is right but it’s worth a try. It was already twilight by the time I got home. My mom was already back from her numerous activities today and was sipping a cup of tea when I stepped into the house.


“Where did you go, Minho?”

“I can’t talk now, mom. I have to do something. Is the library upstairs locked?”

“No, I left it unlocked because Key said he wants to do a research on something.”

“Great, see you later mom!”


I left my mother confused in her seat. Knowing Key, he would forget to lock the doors and windows and run off in a hurry. I grabbed the keys just in case he suddenly had a whim and locked the doors. The lift ride up was really slow. Maybe it was me but I kept wishing it would go faster. When the elevator finally reached its destination, I didn’t waste time and get out as fast as I can.


I sighed in relief to find the doors are not locked. This means she must have gotten in there and Key must have forgotten to lock the doors as usual. I dashed into the floor’s entrance. I had a feeling she would be there. At the balcony, probably resting her mind. I  can’t remember exactly where it was so I searched through every door until one was left. This must be the right one. I took a deep breath and twisted the door knob open. Immediately, a cool breeze greeted me. And there she was. Just like the last time I saw her here, only with different clothing. She is still as breathtaking as ever. I approach her slowly as I call her name out.




She turned around, away from the balcony. Instantly, our eyes met and I saw all her sorrows and problems hidden in the orb of her eyes. She wanted to run away from me but I managed to catch her hands before she could. She didn’t look at me but I could hear her sobs as she begins to cry again. She didn’t release her hand from mine so I took it as a sign she needs company. I pulled her into a hug. We were in perfect position; my chin rests perfectly on her head and my arms wrapped around her waist as her arms hung loose at her side. Then she began to cry harder, gripping my shirt and going deeper into my chest. The only thing I could do was pat her back and bring ourselves to the bench. Her cries began to soften as I whisper soothing words to her. When she finally stops, she released herself from me.


“Are you okay?” she nodded.

“H-h-how did you know I was here?” she asked.

“Just a feeling, I guess. Besides the fact that tonight is cold and windy and this is the only place I figured you would be. Would you mind telling me why you didn’t go back home and came here instead?”


She took one deep breath and started her story. She fixed her gaze on the floor the whole time. Her story began from the time she left my house. She roamed the streets, thinking where should she go next. She had no intentions whatsoever to return home, where she would be eventually married to Lee Taemin, which she didn’t want. So, she decided to go to the library, her usual spot, to clear her mind. When she got there, the library was locked. Mom wanted to give us a break that day so the library was locked.


She waited at the place, hoping someone would come and open the library. She waited for quite a long time and she was at her wit’s end. Just when she decided to leave, the elevator mad ea sound. Out of it was Key. She was startled and so she hid herself behind a wall. She recalled her how grateful she was that Key didn’t notice her. When Key unlocked the door, she went in without waiting any longer. She was careful to not let him notice her. Then, she slowly mad her way to the balcony. Her tears stream out of her eyes again.


What happened next was something that neither of us predicted would happen. She kept on crying and the looks of her made me sad. I needed to make her happy again. I lifted her chin and made her stare at me. She stopped crying at once and here eyes told me that she was confused on what I was going to do. To be honest, I don’t even know. I leaned closer to her until our lips touched. It was a wonderful feeling when our lips met. I felt things I never felt before. It was amazing!


When we broke apart, she looked at me confusingly. I smiled and bring her to an embrace. She’s confused, it was clear on her face but she reciprocate my hug all the same. I now understand the feelings I have for her. It took a kiss to confirm all of it. I love this girl. I love her more than everything. More than Yoona. It wasn’t long before I hear her breathing turns into a slow and rhythmic pace. I’m glad to hear there were no more sobs. I called her name a few times but she didn’t answer. When I looked back on my shoulder, she was already asleep.


I smiled to myself. This reminds me a lot of our first time here. The conditions were the same too. Windy, cold and starry night. I laughed to myself as I thought of this. It takes this three factors to make an ice princess asleep. I tighten my embrace on her, loving every bit of this moment for ever. My phone ringed a few times but i ignored it. It must be Taemin but I'm too tired to answer. I started counting the stars, just like I did the last time and after I’d seen enough, I was asleep too.


But before I did, I remembered to do this one thing in the morning. Call Taemin.









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I can't believe this story already has 100 subscribers!

Thanks guys!!













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i totally forgot about this fic! i loved it so much <3 just came here to say that~
ikrystal #2
Chapter 17: Please update soon..
Don't leave this story..
Sumaiya_Sultana #3
Chapter 17: Just think of it as if you're writing a KaiStal story. Think of Minho as Kai. Hwaiting!
Chapter 17: I ship Kaistal too, but this story is just amazing! Probably one of the best I've ever read. And I hope you'll surprise your readers for the ending :) All the best! Hwaiting!
Chapter 16: Make minstal together please !!!!!
Chapter 16: i just finished reading the story from chap 1 until this chap.
its interesting :)
i hope minho will find the way~
and, someone who krystal called is it sulli?
Chapter 17: lol i get you xD dont worry i'll wait
Chapter 17: Glad u finally back author nim
Chapter 17: nooo taestal and kaistal ; n ; minstal asdfghjkl
koyang1234 #10
Chapter 16: Plz update