So... what you’re saying is... Teac is being a meat-head?

So... What Your Saying Is...




We walked into the club like a bunch of bad asses. It felt great, it is like a breath of fresh air. Watching grown men bow to people half their age and cower in fear. Oh, how I love the smell of fear at 7pm!


“2pm, what brings us this pleasure?” a man dressed in a fancy suit asked. His black hair spiked a little, a handsome face, tall and ripped. Nice looking guy, I can’t help but to stare.


“Hello Jake, we’re doing just fine. This is our new member Lex.” Taec told him in a manly voice. It makes me want to burst into laughter, seeing this side of him!


“O, is this why you came? To introduce you’re new lovely and beautiful member?” Jake asked, getting up from his seat and walking over to me. Grabbing my hand then kissing it softly, looking up at me.


Junho pushed Jake away as Wooyoung got in front of me. “Feel free to have whatever you like. Everything is on the house for my friends 2pm.” Jake stated raising a wine glass.


“That’s good! As long as our little chat goes well.” Junsu stated with a smile.


“Have somewhere we could talk in private?” Khun asked with a sly smile.


Jake looked nervous. “ This way.” he stuttered out. I had Wooyoung behind me while Junho was in front.


“Wooyoung, Lex stay out here.” Junsu whispered to us.


We stood at the door looking at all the drunk morons passing by. I finely broke the silence by saying something that should have never left my mouth.


“I heard you and Junho!” I blurted out! Wait that didn’t sound right. “I mean I know you two are fighting over me.”


“This isn’t the place. We’ll talk when we get back, Okay?” I just nodded my head knowing he was right this wasn’t the place to be talking about who likes who.


I hear crashing noise from the other side of the door. I looked up at Wooyoung, he smiled down at me. Making me have a butterfly tornado in my chest.


“It’s okay that’s Taec showing off.” Wooyoung said leaning over. Feeling his hot breath close to my neck gave me another tornado of butterflies.


“So... what you’re saying is... Teac is being a meat-head?” he just smiled at me.


They all soon made their exit, leaving a very scared Jake behind in the room. I wonder what they did?


“Lets go.” Taec said, walking out of the club, but he stopped.


‘Everyone put you’re hand up and get you’re drinks up!’


“Oh, That’s my jam!!! We’ll leave after this song!” Taec told us going crazy over the music.


I just laughed to myself looking at the big lug jump dancing all over the place. I feel someone grab my hand. 


“Come dance with me.” I hear Junho say leading me to the dance floor. I didn’t fight it I just went with it and followed his lead. Jump and danced crazy like. There was no hard moves to it, just sling you’re head side to side and jump.


I know this sounds weird but me and Junho danced with this guy that had a horse mask on. It was so funny! I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard. But the song ended and we all left breathless.


“Now that was fun!” Khun said, we all laughed in agreement.


We all soon made it home, we all went our separate ways besides me and Wooyoung.


“Lets go walk.” he suggested, I nodded my head and followed him.


We went and walked around the lake that was behind our house. A long walking bridge allows us to cut halfway through. It’s a nice night the moon is high up in the sky and the stars are twinkling.


“How did you find out?” Wooyoung asked, breaking the silence.


“I couldn’t sleep so I went to work out. When I was going back to my room is when I over heard you.”  I said looking straight forward, trying to remember what I was doing before.


“Which one of us do you like?” he asked bluntly.


Muhaaaa! What will she say? I know because I've already wrote it! Just to bad for all of you I'm going to be mean and not post it today!  Really I'm just trying to make sure I don't get writers block and not have anything for you. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it, please feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think! Thanks for reading soraskylovelife~

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Why does it have to be Junho??!! No!!! Wooyoung... T_T
Lilypad #2
:0 Noooooo Junho dies?! Great story even if his big isn't alive anymore.
hellopanda23 #3
I HATE YOU SO MUCH!! EWWWWWWWHHH... why did he die.. i dont care anymore about love... this story made it so sad... i want to kill you! why why!!!! ahhhhh i was such a faithful reader and then you killed junho.. i am crying tears of saddness... wahhhhhhhh...<br />
<br />
fine for the sake of the story i guess i will have to accept that junho died. it still makes me sad..its not fair!! i get it that the ending is powerfulll. but my friend next to me is very mad at you and me because i keep wailing and yelling no and thinking of their time together....
hellopanda23 #4
lol..junho as the damsel in distress.... <br />
that just made my day
hellopanda23 #5
wow...Junho knows what he wants and isnt afraid to try harder....<br />
So waht is her heart telling her to do? Go with the flow?<br />
IT seems that your story has been copy and pasted over and over at certain parts.<br />
It keeps repeating itself..just letting you know! STill love the story and glad you udpated!!<br />
hellopanda23 #6
hmm..which one does she want!! thanks for the update!!
hellopanda23 #7
ahhhhhhhhhhh...tell me whats going to happen next! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!<br />
hellopanda23 #8
ha ha... i really like her fierce!! you make me pick between the two that i like....gahhh....go with....Junho
Love it ^ ^ srsly 2PM fics don't get enough views/subs and idk why T_T urs is rly good!~
Soraskylovelife #10
Lol yep, thanks for the comment!